[12:49] @aaron [12:49] What's the plan for tomorrow? [12:49] @ahoneybun will pop os get 18.04.1? [13:22] @Ivoriesablaze, I am up for Lunch or Dinner. Remember the buffet closes between Lunch and Dinner so that rules out a late lunch [13:25] @govatent, Pretty sure it'll get a new image. [15:48] What time does lunch close? [15:50] @AdamOutler, I am wanting to say around 3 PM [16:44] Hrm. We could do 1pm, or dinner? [16:44] What's better for you? [16:44] You guys*? [16:45] It does not matter for me - @Ivoriesablaze ? [17:37] Dinner would be better for me, I think [17:39] I am cool with Dinner [18:11] @AdamOutler - https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfJATOJad867SOkbslTf4C_RQsD9zYc_7l9ziEw8knt_d33EQ/viewform?usp=sf_link [18:11] I am working on a small project, would like your feedback if possible [18:43] Dun [18:43] Thanks [18:43] 5pm dinner? [18:44] I m good with that [18:48] I responded 4 years but it's actually 5 years. [18:50] If you would, please rate my performance in taking your survey at customer.adamoutler.com. this will provide valuable feedback for me while taking surveys in the future. [18:50] @AdamOutler, I rated you 3 pickles out of 4 stars