
BlunderButtHowdy.  New to IRC.  Just upgraded to UbuntuStudio 18.04 from 17.10.  Under both, my integrated MB Networking chip is not found, RealTEK RTL8111E.  Any thoughts?04:47
studio-user295is it possible to change from kubuntu 14.04 to ubuntu studio?15:26
Eickmeyerstudio-user295: Yes, but I wouldn't recommend staying on 14.04 since it has passed end-of-life. I'd recommend upgrading incrementally to 16.04 then 18.04.15:28
studio-user295thank you15:29
BlunderButtHowdy.  New to IRC.  Just upgraded to UbuntuStudio 18.04 from 17.10.  Under both, my integrated MB Networking chip is not found, RealTEK RTL8111E.  Any thoughts?16:31
EickmeyerHi BlunderButt, I saw you were in here about 12 hours ago as well. Since Ubuntu is simply a customized Ubuntu, I'd recommend the #ubuntu IRC channel for this. That said, it looks like it's a proprietary driver and that you might have to google for it.16:44
EickmeyerI found something here: http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=13&PFid=5&Level=5&Conn=4&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false#216:44
BlunderButtThx for the feedback, Eickmeyer.  I've done considerable generic Google on this already.  I had run across that item, and also found subsequent material indicating it was only good to kernel 4.7.  I'm not sure if that refers to the R8168 driver, but I tried that with no improvement.  I'll try the vanilla IRC.  Thx again.16:50
BlunderButtAnd I thought I'd throw a hail Mary just before turning in for the night, 12ish hours ago.  I only gave it a few minutes before I pooped-out.16:51
EickmeyerBlunderButt: No worries. But, yeah, I've never had a RealTek driver problem. Some systems are more Linux friendly than others.16:54
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=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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