
bazhang!find r8168-dkms00:38
ubottuFound: r8168-dkms, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 231 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=r8168-dkms&searchon=names&suite=bionic&section=all00:38
Unit193!find r8168-dkms00:38
ubottuFound: r8168-dkms00:38
xubuntu18041Anyone getting the wrong checksum for http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/releases/18.04.1/release/xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso02:10
xubuntu18041I zsync the 2018-07-25 daily with the 18.04.1 release, zsync reports checksum ok!02:14
xubuntu18041sha256sum ./xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso 7c24318d3b1de1efd584b5aea034ce1aafd2d0f06c59812d989a5fc95bf947e3  ./xubuntu-18.04-desktop-amd64.iso02:14
xubuntu18041Google "7c24318d3b1de1efd584b5aea034ce1aafd2d0f06c59812d989a5fc95bf947e3" , says old ISO ??02:15
xubuntu18041Am I doing something wrong ??02:17
xubuntu18041Or wrong ISO hosted on cdimage.ubuntu.com02:18
xubuntu18041OPSS! My mistake02:23
xubuntu18041OFT at this end please disregard my above posts02:24
Babloyi04.1 still not available to upgrade to automatically :(06:16
NerdTheThirdno special dist upgrade thing to do, just update & upgrade and that's it06:21
NerdTheThirddo neofetch after that and you should be on 18.04.106:21
Babloyineofetch? What is that?06:22
NerdTheThirdit shows basic information about your PC. bling bling inxi basically06:22
Babloyi"Checking for a new Ubuntu release. No new release found."06:25
BabloyiI've still got some time, I guess06:25
BabloyiI'm only on LTS upgrades06:25
NerdTheThirdinxi -b06:26
NerdTheThirdtype that in terminal06:26
Babloyicool info06:27
* Babloyi notes that down06:27
NerdTheThirdwell, neofetch is like that but more "eye candy"06:28
Babloyihow do I neofetch? "neofetch" is not a command06:29
NerdTheThirdyou need to install it06:29
NerdTheThirdsudo apt install neofetch06:29
Babloyiare you dylanaraps? :P06:29
NerdTheThirdi'm Linus Torvalds06:30
Babloyiunable to locate package06:30
NerdTheThirdneofetch/bionic,bionic,now 3.4.0-1 all [installed]06:30
NerdTheThird  Shows Linux System Information with Distribution Logo06:30
NerdTheThirdit's there06:30
BabloyiI'm not ON bionic06:31
Babloyithat was kinda the point :D06:31
NerdTheThirdyou have screenfetch, kinda meh but it works06:32
Babloyidon't have that either. Would have to install it :D06:33
NerdTheThirdyes, you do have to install it. it doesn't come with the distro06:33
NerdTheThirdi was saying you have screenfetch in repos06:33
Babloyithat looks like less info than inxi -b06:34
NerdTheThirdhence the "eye candy"06:35
=== The_Milkman_ is now known as The_Milkman
flocculantBabloyi: you could see what update-manager -d gives you as you're not on 18.04 (if you were it would give you 18.10) as -d is the devel release flag usually12:50
flocculantyou could also see what dist-upgrade does12:51
flocculantread what update-manager tells you though - and abort if necessary12:52
flocculantcould actually be because 18.04 isn't listed on the meta-release-lts12:53
Babloyiflocculant, weird13:36
Babloyi"The software on this computer is up to date. However, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is available (you have 16.04)13:37
Babloyidist-upgrade does nothing13:38
flocculantok - didn't know if it would prompt - but update-manager -d does - then go for that14:44
flocculantbearing in mind things like ppa's, graphics drivers14:45
sadsagfjgWhen  i want install virtualbox i faced this error : : Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?16:11
diogenes_sadsagfjg: reboot, try again16:13
sadsagfjgdiogenes_:  Are you sure? :|16:14
geniiThat message usually just shows that unattended upgrades are going on in the background. If you wait a while until it gets done you can install things again16:14
sadsagfjgyeah now i can install :)16:17
xubuntu75dhot hot hot16:41
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193
NerdTheThirdthose messages usually show if you a) have 2 terminals open, 1 is updating and in other you want to install something b) you have synaptic installing something but you want to update system with terminal19:50
=== TheMaster is now known as Unit193

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