
lotuspsychjeyes!! its raining01:53
lotuspsychjeand good mornin :p01:53
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: xenial received upgrade window yet?02:01
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: Heya02:25
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: https://lubuntu.me/taking-a-new-direction/02:25
lotuspsychjemorning tsimonq202:25
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: nice tsimonq202:26
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: no point supporting ancient boxes indeed02:27
lotuspsychjewith all those cpu exploits..02:28
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: if users need/want they can use minimal lubuntu install right02:29
lotuspsychjetune down their needs anyway02:29
lotuspsychjeand if the machine cant handle that anymore, its ready for the recycle02:30
tsimonq2lotuspsychje: Don't spread this too much but I have somethong else in mknd... https://phab.lubuntu.me/T3202:31
lotuspsychjenice plan02:32
lotuspsychjei always loved linux users choice02:32
tsimonq2Right :)02:33
lotuspsychjelike those early redhat install where we could choose kde or gnome and individual packages02:34
lotuspsychjetsimonq2: so, some new energy for UWN on lubuntu this week :p02:37
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Bashing-omtsimonq2: Ya want to leave the softpedia article as exclusive coverage in UWN or also include your blog in this issue ?03:29
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EriC^^morning all05:43
lotuspsychjehey morning EriC^^05:47
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje05:56
lotuspsychjeits raining EriC^^ :p05:57
lotuspsychjecool breeze tru the open doors :p05:57
Bashing-omHeber Springs, AR: Temp: 68°F (20°C) ~ Clear ~ Humidity: 94% ~ Wind: Calm ~ Observed: Sat 28, 00:5506:00
lotuspsychjefeels good now06:02
Bashing-omA very nice and welcome respite .06:03
lovepopsicklelotuspsychje, needs a new hobby06:06
lovepopsickleprobably get mad me talking in here06:06
mwsbCalm down.06:07
lotuspsychjeyeah talk here06:07
mwsbNo point in keeping a feud going.06:07
lovepopsicklelotuspsychje, maybe look at your logs about me trying to talk here and trying to stop that06:07
mwsbJust let it go and move on.06:07
Bashing-omexit - stage left \o06:12
guivercdanger will robinson:   that brought back old memories;  but what about the younger gen who never watched lost in space?  (the lucky ones??)06:18
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BluesKajHiyas all10:31
ducassehi BluesKaj10:32
EriC^^hi BluesKaj10:32
BluesKajHi ducasse, EriC^^ , how are you guys today?10:33
ducassefine, thanks - and you, BluesKaj?10:33
BluesKajdoing fine here , thanks, ducasse10:34
EriC^^BluesKaj: good thanks, you?10:34
ducassewe were promised rain today, but it keeps getting postponed :(10:34
BluesKajyup, fine EriC^^10:34
BluesKajducasse, yeah, we had the same problem for a few weeks here, now we multiple forest fires in the region, not threatneing us tho.10:37
BluesKajfirefighters from as far as Mexico have been brought in to help...serious stuff10:38
ducasselack of rain is a real issue here as well, yet we still send people and gear to sweden10:39
BluesKajseems to be happening everywhere10:40
ducassethis summer is pretty harsh10:42
BluesKajglobal warming seems to be a fact by now, not just speculation like some naysayers call it10:46
BluesKajwe had almost a monthe 30+ degrees C here, very unusual10:47
BluesKajwith very little rain, the forests are tinder dry10:48
lotuspsychjegood evening to all16:06
lotuspsychjeupgrade window noticed yet on xenial guys?16:11
tomreynwont happen until sarnold + co push some buttons16:17
lotuspsychjeah kk tnx tomreyn16:17
oerheksso bvargo is back to square 1, where we left of an hour ago16:24
tomreynand i think their 'malware' is a cover story.16:27
tomreynoh wait permissions were ret by itself?16:28
lotuspsychjeperhaps they scanned with outdated clamav :p16:28
tomreynor zfs ;)16:29
oerheksi was messing around with permissions the other day. i forget why, but can we track that down?  there i hooked off16:30
lotuspsychjecant recall here16:31
lotuspsychje!info apt19:26
ubot5apt (source: apt): commandline package manager. In component main, is important. Version 1.6.3 (bionic), package size 1164 kB, installed size 3850 kB19:26
lotuspsychjewb hggdh19:46
lotuspsychje!info nvidia39019:54
ubot5Package nvidia390 does not exist in bionic19:54
hggdhjust upgraded one cloud server to 18.04.1, uneventful19:57
hggdhstill nice. This instance runs my weechat and a few IRC bots (so a small server), and everything survived20:04
oerheks we are so happy with you, hggdh20:57
hggdhoerheks: so I upgraded two of my servers to 18.04*. One as soon as 18.04 was released -- barfed at the end of upgrade, but still rebooted in 18.04;21:09
hggdhand this one, with no issues at all21:09
hggdhnow I am starting to think of upgrading the others21:09
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: Howdy!22:17
TJ-pragmaticenigma: don't get me started!22:18
pragmaticenigmahaha... I see potential.. but you're right.. it's too much like the windows ecosystem... and devs do not understand the risk of packaging other libraries with their "snap"22:19
pragmaticenigmaI think right below "Do not roll your own encryption" will soon stand, "Do not bundle other people's apps with yours"22:19
pragmaticenigmaon a different note... it's possible with the latest kernels... my issue with those laptops and power saving the screen causing strange behavior might have gone away in 18.04 TJ-22:21
TJ-pragmaticenigma: that's good news!22:22
pragmaticenigmatime will tell of course... just spun up 18.04.1 on one of them today... further testing to commence22:22
TJ-I had a long time to wait trying to get the bluetooth-attached keyboard/touchpad dock to correctly use multi-touch instead of pretending to be just a mouse... I spent days trying to figure it out, gave up, then after one update it began to work as intended22:23
pragmaticenigmaThe frustration has been that it worked flawlessly for a number of years, then starting around Ubuntu 14, that screen issue started up22:23
pragmaticenigmaI tried a number of the suggestions you had. playing with setterm commands... thought I had it pinned down to which monitor power save state was causing it and which one was fine... and then it would randomly change things up on me22:24
TJ-yeah, I had something similar with a PCI sub-system breakage around 4.3 that still hasn't been fixed, devices that mapped under a PCI bridge previously no longer can, and therefore the devices don't work.22:24
pragmaticenigmaI know they dropped a whole lot of legacy architectures from the kernel, might have incidentally solved my issue22:26
pragmaticenigmaoff to neighbors open house... catch up later... good to see ya here again TJ- ... been awhile22:26
TJ-one of the problems of the kernel development process and distros is, for many people, the breakage takes a while to make it into the distro, but which time the change that caused it, and the developer(s) responsible, become very hard to pin down22:27
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ducassehi TJ- - all well at the farm?22:53
TJ-ducasse: yeah... wish I could say the same for software!22:54
ducasseit never all behaves at the same time, does it?22:56
TJ-No! I've been trying to get vagrant to fire up an ubuntu/bionic64 VM with libvirt today... breakage at every step, still not solved22:57
TJ-no-one responding in the #vagrant channel in 12 hours so far22:57
TJ-I've quickly learned to despise Ruby too :p22:58
ducasselol, add it to the list :)22:58
TJ-Annoying part is, even with debug level logging, nothing is revealed. Come back shell scripts, "set -x",all is forgiven23:01

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