
tomreyncryptodan_mobile: your system boots, though, right?00:00
cryptodan_mobilemy system boots but once the drives have activity it hangs then filesystem is corrupt00:00
tomreynhmm ugly00:00
cryptodan_mobileand the flush journal systemd service fails00:01
cryptodan_mobilereboot and now no boot and the drives are offlined00:01
tomreyncan you try to get your firmware version for bios + controller + disks (also disk models)00:02
tomreynnot so much for me but for anyone who might be going to triage it00:03
tomreynhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1653162 looks related, too00:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1653162 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "System won't boot after upgrade to 16.04 with 4.4.0 kernel" [Critical,Incomplete]00:04
cryptodan_mobilefunny how 4.4 on 14.04 never had this00:04
tomreynthis was hwe?00:05
cryptodan_mobileand yeah ill get a pic of my bios and firmware and drive info00:05
cryptodan_mobileit didnt have hwe in the kernel file name00:05
tomreyn14.04 comes with linux 3.1300:05
tomreynlinux 4.4.0 is xenial's default kernel image00:06
tomreynso it's unclear how you had linux 4.4 on 15.0400:06
tomreynhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/linux-image-generic-lts-xenial would give you 4.4.0 on 14.04 though00:07
tomreynmaybe just add "cat /proc/version" and "cat /proc/cmdline"00:08
cryptodan_mobileit was available via apt-get00:08
oerheksvia HWE most likely?00:10
tomreynsure, the linux-image-generic-lts-xenial package would be available via apt00:11
ubottuThe Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack00:11
oerhekshwe-support-status --verbose00:11
cryptodan_mobilei cant even login to it via console00:12
oerheksboot a live iso and fix the partitions00:12
tomreynoerheks: i dont have this command on 16.04, is this something one has on 14.04?00:12
oerheksfrom https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#Check_your_support_status00:12
tomreyncryptodan_mobile: i guess it's best not to touch those disks too much for now if you intend to keep the data00:13
tomreynmust be 12.04, file does not exist on trusty https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=hwe-support-status&mode=exactfilename&suite=trusty&arch=any00:14
oerheksoh, i c00:15
tomreynthere is ubuntu-support-status, though00:15
oerheksi was hoping it was a smart check, silly me00:16
tomreyn...which gives correct output if you're on 14.04.500:16
cryptodanRAID Firmware: Controller BIOS V2.8-0 [build 6082] Raid BIOS Version: 25704 AIC-7890 Seagate ST3300007LC00:32
blackflowRoyK: can it be worse than PHP in production? :)01:15
null_r3fI am able to access the web server on an ubuntu server with an IPv4 address. When I look at netstat for listening sockets I see apache listening on “:::80” and the protocol is tcp6. Does that make sense?01:18
sarnoldnull_r3f: what addresses did you configure apache to listen to?01:22
cryptodanwouldnt that indicate its listening on all since 0's are removed in IPV6 addressing01:31
whislock[::]:80 is the typical binding notation for ss -l when a process is listening on all interfaces.02:00
whislockcryptodan: More to the point, :: is the "unspecified" address in IPv6, similar to in IPv4.02:04
cryptodanthe :: means there are 0's there instead of bits02:05
sarnoldbut does :: *also* mean
whislocksarnold: Technically, no.02:05
sarnoldI recall reading an openbsd rant about how stupid it was that linux did that02:05
sarnoldor did NOT that02:06
sarnoldI can't recall02:06
cryptodanit does02:06
sarnoldbut I've got a huge list of :::22 and and :::80 and and on and on on my lapto...02:06
whislocksarnold: Correctly speaking, a process bound to :: is not bound to an IPv4 address space. It may still receive IPv4 traffic due to IPv6-mapped IPv4 addresses.02:07
whislockThese will appear as ::ffff:x.x.x.x in logs.02:07
whislockFunctionally, it's a distinction without a difference.02:08
hashwagonHow much RAM would you suggest I give residential NFS/SMB fileserver for three intermittent users?02:20
sarnolddepends what those users are doing.. video editing would probably benefit from a lot more than just streaming videos would02:21
hashwagonsaving text files, documents, lite picture storage.02:22
sarnoldif that's al lthis machine does I'd wild-guess two to four gigs would suffice02:23
* cryptodan thinks his server is needing a new motherboard03:16
cryptodanthank you all for helping me, but I think my servers motherboard is dead / dying.  It is now doing it in Ubuntu 14.0405:40
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest86113
johnlage7Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/12:48
X-Setispambots... grrr13:27
X-SetiI have a number of server related questions. as I have followed a tutorial on how to install the perfect server for 18.04, mysql doesnt stop and apache doesn't even error on .php, not sure what the problem is..13:29
compdocthe tutorial was based on 18.04?13:39
tomreyn'perfect server' sounds like a falko timme tutorial13:44
tomreynX-Seti: you should probably discuss which tutorial you're using13:46
TJ-Do we have any vagrant ERB template experts about?13:51
compdocyou really want to insult them first?13:55
tomreynthe vagrant ERB template experts?14:05
TJ-There aren't many about; been in the #vagrant channel for hours there's not even a mouse in there!14:12
tomreynmaybe they prefer trackballs14:16
whislockOr trackpoints, if they're deviants.14:17
compdocmy bad, I guess 'vagrant' means something other than a homeless person - lol14:17
TJ-compdoc: LoL! just seen how you could misinterpret what I typed14:20
tomreyndoh, i didnt get this either14:22
tomreynhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vagrant_(software) is what i was thinking of, and apparently TJ-, too.14:24
TJ-I've got a weird issue where the resulting Vagrantfile doesn't expand the template @box_name variable14:27
TJ-seems to be no documentation on templating, only a blog article announcing templates for 2.0214:27
tomreynin case it's an ERB temlplate syntax issue, this should be the same as for puppet: https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_template_erb.html14:29
TJ-it doesn't seem to be, it just doesn't expand the <%= @box_name %> - just gives an empty string14:35
TJ-I stuck a debiug print in there and it reports the value correctly14:35
tomreynthat's weird, after all it's a language  (ruby), not application, specific parser, which should handle these templates.14:46
TJ-yeah, I've /finally/ solved it. The blog example shows using " config.vm.box = "<%= @box_name %>" " which fails, but removing the @ prefix works. My first dive into Ruby and specifically ERB (Embedded RuBy) and the obtuse cryptic syntax is ridiculous14:59
TJ-The template was also failing to 'see' shell env-vars but that seems to be solved now as well... only taken 5 hours  :)15:02
tomreyn:-/ not a fun task15:04
TJ-no, and it's one of those things where it hits a major issue at every step. Now the network config doesn't appear to be read correctly!15:22
Tux|Hey, I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/15:56
Tux|or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/15:56
Tux|Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate15:56
DWSRAnyone know if you can use MaaS to deploy VMs to the same machine as is running the rackd?17:45
=== mdunn is now known as michaelsdunn1
DWSRHey all, I'm trying to get the Ubuntu cloud images via uvtool on 18.04 as described in the Wiki, but `uvt-simplestreams-libvirt sync` is hanging indefinitely and `uvt-simplestreams-libvirt query arch=amd64` returns nothing. Is this broken on 18.04 or did I miss something?18:53
cryptodan_mobileRegarding my server issue. I think I found the culprit a drive that had older firmware then the others21:10
=== mdunn is now known as michaelsdunn1
SlowJimmyrsync -avcr --filter='- /media/hddrand/backup/home/' /media/hddrand/backup/ /media/targethdd22:26
SlowJimmythis is my restoration commmand to bring back my ubuntu server....running ubuntu18.04 is this filter for somereason not working?22:27
SlowJimmybecause it always copies over all files and folders i exclude with filters22:27

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