
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> @Ivoriesablaze - bad news. The price of that USB Battery went up, I did not realize it was on sale when I purchased it03:39
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B072BD98CM/ref=as_li_ss_tl?ie=UTF8&psc=1&linkCode=ll1&tag=usbbatterypacks-20&linkId=6056b1d16f9d2629dbe9d88e35798d03&language=en_US03:39
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> https://kmyers.me/blog/tech/review-zmi-20000-mah-usb-battery-pack-usb-hub-with-power-delivery-my-new-favorite-usb-battery-bank/04:45
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> is the link in that article?05:01
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Yes05:02
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> $70? i can't do that right now05:02
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Over 3.3 TB done, another 6 TB05:02
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Unfortunately it went up, I got it on a Prime Day sale for $30 off05:03
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> ah, gotcha05:03
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I did not remember the Prime Day sale when I told you the price, I just said what I paid05:03
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Going to bed, tired05:03
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> I did it.  I now have a machine that can launch an Android x86 virtual machine, start an app, navigate it, and shut down the machine.05:03
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> okay, night05:04
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Jenkins on Ubuntu.   I was talking about this during dinner and it's done.  So happy about that.05:04
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Past 5 TB!16:30
floridagram-bot1<Ivoriesablaze> And they said you don't use more than a TB, hehe, how adorable16:31
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I may hit the 10 TB mark this month 👹16:36
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @k17:43
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @KMyers I put up a Zero Server at adamoutler.com:10000   you can use "telnet adamoutler.com 10000" to get some zeros generated on my server.17:44
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> Now at  5.67 TB20:38
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> My zeros are limited edition zeros.  Each zero is individually crafted at the time you request it.20:48
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> Also, for reasons of keeping each zero unique, only one person may obtain zeros from the adamoutler.com zero server.20:53
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> @KMyers I used this bot to get a upgrade from 50mbps provided by my HOA to 150mbps for $10/month. https://www.asktrim.com20:57
floridagram-bot1<AdamOutler> You sign in and it will use your Comcast account to talk to a rep and then it tells you when it needs your help.20:57
floridagram-bot1<KMyers> I have used Trim for a while now and like it - it does indeed work22:23

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