
nateTJ-: Yeah but those I pasted are the only ones currently installed on this fresh system00:00
IntelCorelatest ossl00:00
nateThe only two I'd say being of 'sounding' important to me being ubuntu-server and software-properties-common, but that could just be my unfamiliariety w/ ubuntu too, I didn't check out exactly what they are yet00:00
TJ-nate: why not use 18.04 LTS which has 1.1.10 ?00:00
TJ-!info openssl bionic | nate00:01
ubottunate: openssl (source: openssl): Secure Sockets Layer toolkit - cryptographic utility. In component main, is important. Version 1.1.0g-2ubuntu4.1 (bionic), package size 528 kB, installed size 1095 kB00:01
nateTJ-: Because it still won't have camellia :P00:01
nateAnd I wanted something a little more 'aged'/commonly deployed still00:01
TJ-nate: right, but if you base on 18.04, then your build should have the same ABI as the system libraries, thus avoiding breakages00:02
IntelCoreHello? So why my 16.10lts not grab the 18.10?00:03
nateBut would also be broken to my testing against a still-common ubuntu LTS.  I know usual reaction to questions like these are "Why?" and to suggest against it, but I do have some complex development/testing reasons lol.  I can go about playing with it myself, I just figured I'd ask in here to save some time lol00:03
hggdhIntelCore: becasue 16.10 will have to upgrade to 10.04, and *then* 18.10 (which is still in development)00:04
hggdhIntelCore: additionally 16.10 is no longer supported (since July 2017)00:04
IntelCoreok so 18.10 is not released yet. late00:04
hggdhIntelCore: no. 18.10 means year 2018, *month* 1000:05
IntelCoreI just want the 2nd in-release of 18.0400:05
hggdhIntelCore: then it is probablly easier to re-install. There is no direct path from 16.10 to 18.04.100:06
IntelCorethere is on internet tells how to upgrade00:07
hggdhgo for it, then00:07
hggdhkeep in mind -- not supported00:07
IntelCorethat is00:08
NekrosBurekI can't connect to my ftp00:08
hggdhIntelCore: you told us you are at 16.10. 16.10 is NOT Bionic00:08
TJ-nate: as far as I can see 18.04 has the Camellia algos, see http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8jWpGKbzRR/00:08
IntelCoreit says 16 or 17 to 1800:08
hggdhIntelCore: there is no Ubuntu 16, 17, or 1800:09
masterWas chatting with nacc here yesterday, my hp kabylake omen won't boot Ubuntu past kernel though I can get up to 17.04 but not 16.x nor 18.x ... (17.04 is
masterIs there a bugzilla or tracking system I can enter a bug and maybe work through resolution with devs? Or @ least check for existing similar issues?00:09
hggdhIntelCore: there are 16.04, 16.10, 17.04, 17.10, and 18.0400:09
IntelCorehggdh .. uhm you know what I meant, I hope00:09
hggdhIntelCore: sorry, no, I do not. You told us 16.10. 16.10 is not Bionic. You cannot (easily) upgrade from 16.10 to 18.04.100:10
nateHm interesting, a previous one I tested didn't.  That could work then o.O00:10
IntelCoreUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS 64-bit << I got this now00:10
NekrosBurekI've installed the vsftpd and how can i create a root user ? I mean when i try to connect with root it says it is incorrect password00:10
hggdhIntelCore: so you are 16.04. (1) make a backup of anything important to you; (2) run sudo do-release-upgrade00:11
IntelCoredo-release-upgrade -d said it's not there00:11
masterAh, Launchpad is a thing00:12
TJ-!bug | master00:12
ubottumaster: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.00:12
IntelCorewait ! let me re-save update-manager file00:12
masterdamn wrong nick00:13
=== master is now known as capella
capellasorry, default Chatzilla install00:13
capellaThanks TJ- ... signing up :)00:15
TJ-capella: sounds like you'll need to do "ubuntu-bug linux"00:15
capellaScanning the "OMEN" bugs from a generic search for patterns first00:16
capellaDon't want a dup00:16
IntelCoreChecking for a new Ubuntu release00:16
IntelCoreNo new release found.00:16
TJ-capella: once you've got a launchpad account, you can also use https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+filebug00:17
hggdhIntelCore: what is the output of lsb_release -r00:17
oerheksand lsb_release -a gives 16.04.5 ?00:19
IntelCoreDescription:Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS00:19
IntelCorein default DE00:19
guivercIntelCore, new release - are you looking for 18.04 upgrade?  it occurs "SOON" after the 18.04.1 release comes out (which it has), but I'd bet soon means monday (london biz hours)00:20
oerheks so check the update tool; "Notify me of a new Ubuntu version:" option is set to "For any new version", and change it if otherwise.00:21
IntelCoreit said 26th00:21
oerheksbut you could read that on that url00:21
guiverchttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-July/000234.html  are release notes; and quoting ""Users of Ubuntu 16.04 will soon be offered an automatic upgrade to 18.04.1 via Update Manager."00:23
IntelCore July 26th00:24
IntelCoreUbuntu Ubuntu 18.04.100:24
hggdhIntelCore: please read,again, the last message from guiverc above00:24
IntelCoreset update-manager from settings, to get ANY00:28
ragingpeanuthi everybody!00:28
IntelCorere-running About, check for updates00:28
IntelCoreSays up-to-date. So, it's not there00:29
IntelCoresoon be offered an automatic upgrade to 18.04.1 via Update Manager << yeah, so, I only tried to get upgrade after the release date, and it's not there?00:31
IntelCoreIs it there? If not pfft.. I can usb the part00:32
tonymkeahh is there a faster way to test xorg.conf config than "reboot and hope it works, if it doesn't, use a live cd to undo it"00:32
tonymkei am pretty miserable trying to get this multigpu/multidisplay setup working00:33
TJ-tonymke: shouldn't need to reboot, only switch to a tty console and do "sudo systemctl restart lightdm" (or "restart gdm")00:34
IntelCorexdiagnose is on your pc00:35
tonymkeAhh, I can't open a terminal without a screen.00:35
tonymkeUnless there's some keyboard shortcut I'm missing.00:35
tonymketo kill x00:35
TJ-tonymke: Ctrl+Alt+F2 will get you to tty200:36
TJ-tonymke: n00:36
tonymkeahh, that's it00:36
TJ-tonymke: and depending on which ubuntu release, either Alt+F7 or Alt+F1 to return to the GUI00:37
TJ-tonymke: although restarting the ?DM (display manager) will switch ttys correctly00:37
IntelCoreby the way, 18.04.5 is due aug 2nd00:40
IntelCorehmm. was set on hour at tha upgrade tonite. :(00:41
tonymkehmm, i can get to a tty, but not before x restarts in its neverending cycle of restarting00:54
tonymkethat is, x is just restarting over and over00:55
tonymkeafter `systemctl restart gdm`00:55
TJ-tonymke: Ahhh00:56
tonymkeI think i'm just going to give up on using the gaming pc with linux. multigpu is undecipherable00:57
TJ-tonymke: I run 3 GPUs and 6 monitors on a laptop so it is possible00:57
TJ-tonymke: and they're nvidia00:57
tonymkeIt's two titans, two displays each. nvidia's little gui tool claims mosaic wont run the fourth monitor00:58
tonymkeso tried doing... x something. some x feature00:58
tonymkemultiple x screens united as one logical one. i can't find the name in the nvidia docs i was literally just looking at because i'm irritated and done with this nonsense01:00
TJ-That can be due to the amount or GPU VRAM and the resolutions being used01:02
TJ-tonymke: did you check /var/log/Xorg.0.log for clues ?01:04
TJ-tonymke: also, are you sure it's using X, not Wayland ?01:04
tonymkei can look in a bit, in the live cd again01:05
TJ-you know you can boot to the console without the GUI starting?01:05
tonymkeahh, yet another thing i'd have to google and be stuck in configuration hell on for four hours01:06
tonymkeit does not appear in grub01:07
TJ-tonymke: hit the Esc key as the system boots to get the GRUB boot menu, highlight the entry, press 'e' to edit it, navigate down to the line starting "linux ..." then add to the end "systemd.unit=multi-user.target" then press Ctrl+X or F10 to boot with that change01:08
TJ-tonymke: have to repeatedly tap the Esc key, not just hold it down, as soon as the system firmware completes its POST and starts to load GRUB01:08
TJ-tonymke: you could also SSH into it from another PC, if it has openssh-server installed01:09
tonymkenot a bad idea, assuming i can restart x reliably01:10
TJ-tonymke: remote SSH is the best way to control/diagnose X issues since you don't get interrupted by the GUI01:10
TJ-tonymke: simply "sudo systemctl stop lightdm (or gdm)" and "start" once you've made changes to the /etc/X11/xorg.conf or whatever01:11
tonymkeclever :)01:11
TJ-tonymke: then you can watch the system logs in real-time too, with "tail -f /var/log/Xorg.?.log"01:11
TJ-tonymke: if I recall correctly there's also a command-line config tool for nvidia, "nvidia-settings"01:15
TJ-tonymke: but if you need to use commands that talk to the X server you'll have to set the DISPLAY= env-var or use the "-d" option to many x????? commands, e.g. "xrandr -d :0 -q"01:16
TJ-tonymke: or "export DISPLAY=:0" before doing e.g. "xrandr -q"01:18
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KDDLBInterested in reasonably priced GLOBAL IRC ADVERTISING? Contact me on twitter https://twitter.com/nenolod or linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/nenolod01:22
gogetaumm spam01:23
tonymkehmm, making more progress now01:31
tonymkeable to get one display from each card working in mosaic01:31
tonymketurning on a third display... killed the keyboard? lol01:31
papHey, I have an inquiry.... How do I post an article on  the Ubuntu site?01:58
guivercpap, what is the article about?02:02
papLol... just an idea I wanted to share.. so how do I get it done?02:03
ranjanHi all, I am currently building virtual appliances using Packer and distributing them to different teams. Is there a tool or framework that is already available which gives a console based self service (like initial network configurations etc) without giving access to user account/shell?02:04
guivercubuntu.com will be controlled by Canonical; so you'll have to contact them.  if it's community related, best to use an existing site such as the wiki (wiki editors), discourse or community.ubuntu.com (anyone can do it this last one, but it'll get dropped if not fitting guidelines - this may be best for you, but will depend what topic.. which is why i asked)02:05
papGreat! I will give it a try02:06
capellaS7\😊/ Launchpad clued me into nomodeset... up on the 16.04 currently jumping up as close to Nightly as I can next 18.04 ish02:20
capellaS7hp omen 4k back in the house!02:21
capellaS7nacc tj- thanks for clues02:23
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capellaS7And now I'm up on 18.04! Had to temporarily add nomodeset before install, during initial boot, and perm after that03:24
lapionis there any effort being done towards upgrade-ability from lts to lts03:24
Bashing-omlapion: The upgrade path is now open .. what is the issue that you see ?03:30
lapionBashing-om, it's only open if I set opgrade to any version , not upgrade only to lts03:52
Bashing-omlapion: And what release is presently installed ?03:55
Bashing-omlapion: What returns ' grep "Prompt=" /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades ' ?04:02
Bashing-omlapion: Should workie ... what results ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt full-upgrade ' .04:05
lapion0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:07
lapionBashing-om, It won't upgrade on a newer laptop neither04:08
Bashing-omlapion: How far behind is your mirror : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors ?04:15
Bashing-omlapion: release notes for 18.04 say the path will open "soon" : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2018-July/000234.html . Maybe try again Monday ?04:20
lapionwell the other laptop is upgrading right now but I had to set it to any-version..04:28
Bashing-omlapion: fingers crossed .. that the path is not through the EOL 17.10 !04:30
lapionthe upgrader explicitly named 18.04.104:32
lapionBashing-om, it worked04:48
Bashing-omlapion: Great ,, As I live and learn :)04:49
lapionwell the upgrade worked mostly... however the touchpad is not seen anymore04:52
lapionhmm that was a single boot problem..04:52
Muliganhey fellas05:00
Muligani'm running ubuntu 18.04, and wondering about NFS mounts05:00
Muliganis it possible to NFS mount a direcotry within /home/$USERNAME and programs running access it?05:01
lapion hm tilda got disabled.. why not ask during installation if one wants tilda removed or not..05:09
lapionhmm touch screen doe not work anymore..05:09
Neohey everyone if I'm a user (uid/gid 1000) and a member of a group (991) and a folder's permissions are (3775/drwxrwsr-t) - 991:991, why can't I (1000) add files/folders to said directory?05:10
Muligansnekmaster, thank you05:19
cbpyedoes the install media include some tools for repairing b0rked grub configs?05:21
Bashing-omcbpye: The install medium has the means to re-install grub .05:29
cbpyeBashing-om: Awesome!  I think it's hiding somewhere, though.  Can't seem to identify it.05:30
Bashing-omcbpye: What is the issue ? many times one can fix grub from that liveUSB.05:31
cbpyeIssue is that, after installation and upon reboot, I was presented with no prompt and could not press 'e' so that I could add the nomodeset option05:32
cbpyeso all I get upon booting is old-school scrambled naughty cable channels.05:33
cbpyebooted into the install medium, looking for tools to help fix the issue.05:33
snekmasterMuligan, I'm not sure entirely what you want, so I'll give you the gist: NFS mounts work the exact same as regular mounts, except you have to specify the type as NFS so something like 'mount -t NFS <server>:/NFS_directory /where_its_mounted'. For the location, either set that layout on your NFS server or do some kind of bash expansion with the mount command. Finally, once its mounted it would behave like any other filesystem.05:33
Bashing-omcbpye: EFI system ? then it is the escape key that grub looks for .05:34
cbpyeBashing-om: that right there is a level of inconsistency that is going to have me livid for days.05:36
cbpyegranted, it probably wouldn't have been so bad if I were presented with the same old prompts I had been getting through trials of various install media05:37
cbpyeor if the installation had taken note of my nonstandard boot line and thought to prompt me with changing the installed boot line05:38
cbpyeor if we could just banish the noveau driver to the seventh circle of hell where it belongs.05:38
cbpyeBashing-om: I don't know if it's because I was pressing ESC while booting, but I got the prompt this time and edited the boot line.05:46
cbpyeBashing-om: Thank you for your help!05:46
Bashing-omcbpye: cbpye Sometimes all it takes is someone to hold you hand :)05:51
lapioncbpye, nvidia drivers are closed source and prone to bugs nouveau has been really stable for me05:56
cbpyelapion: could it be something else then causing that issue?  All of these *buntu installation ISOs default nvidia card users to nouveau, correct?  what then could cause my display to not work in ever single instance, unless I add the nomodeset line?06:00
SittingGnuhi worrying about unforseen going ons i backed up my ubuntu18.04 style server, now an unforseen has occured, so I restored the root-stye /-folder using rsync and then i reinstalled grub and edited etc/fstab, now it wont boot...what do?06:03
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noobiecanfuanyone onlibe?06:05
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qwebirc42457Screen goes blank. Unable to wakeup my laptop ..i need to restart it always (acpi INT3400:00: Unsupported event [0x86])06:15
=== test is now known as Guest23681
qwebirc42457please help me06:16
Guest23681LOL, what is the issue requiring help06:17
qwebirc42457Screen goes blank. Unable to wakeup my laptop ..i need to restart it always (acpi INT3400:00: Unsupported event [0x86])06:17
skullboxqwebirc42457, its prolly an issue with the latest kernel. just go to you power settings and turn hibernate off. for the time being just start and stop the OS fully06:18
Guest23681Really? What were you doing in terms of running apps prior to this happening?06:18
skullboxqwebirc42457, its been happening to me as well06:19
qwebirc42457i have tried all settings related to power...nothing is working06:19
Guest23681Wow.... I guess you might just need to throw it on the floor and get another one06:20
lotuspsychje!behelpful | Guest2368106:20
ubottuGuest23681: As our !guidelines say, "When helping, be helpful". If you're not familiar with the issue at hand, let someone else handle it instead of making !offtopic comments or jokes.06:20
skullboxqwebirc42457, but u stated that u were "waking up your laptop" to me that sounded like you were coming out of hibernation06:20
Guest23681Arent we all joking?  So why being so hard on yourself06:21
lotuspsychjeGuest23681: can you stop that please06:21
Guest23681can you stop that please06:21
* myself makes popcorn06:21
skullboxGuest23681, in main support channels the mods like things to stay professional06:21
lotuspsychjemyself: any progress on your bug?06:22
skullboxqwebirc42457, so this happens every time u just try to start the computer normally?06:22
myselflotuspsychje: nope. As predicted, wayland crashes with nonfree apps (slack), and xorg exhibits the mouse hang, so I can pick my poison, at least. :) I'll check the ticket for udpates in the coming days..06:23
lotuspsychjemyself: cool ;)06:23
Guest23681OK, I  guess that I have no choice to abide by  your comment but in the meantime I suppose a little joke can't really hurt06:23
lotuspsychjemyself: try that shotwell launch from terminal perhaps, if we lucky it might spit usefull errors?06:23
qwebirc42457no......when my laptop goes to sleep ......it cant wake up ......it shows (acpi INT3400:00: Unsupported event [0x86]) ....and i need to restart evrytime06:23
skullboxqwebirc42457, so then u havent turned hibernation off06:24
myselfqwebirc42457: Where are you seeing the "unsupported event" message, where and when is it displayed?06:24
qwebirc42457when i press some key on the keybord/when i open laptops lid/ anything which wakes up a laptop from sleep.........it shows unsupported event06:25
Guest23681Cant you boot to recovery mode and edit the event log to get some details which could perhaps give you some leads?06:26
skullboxqwebirc42457, like i said u need to turn hibernation off. you must have missed one of the setting for it, theres 2 usually06:26
skullboxno dont do that06:26
skullboxjust do what i said lol06:26
skullboxGuest23681, please dont put ask people to do stuff that might make their situation worse06:27
skullboxtheres no need to put it into recovery mode nor check the logs06:27
skullboxhibernation has always been finiky with linux. if it gives you issues just turn it off. simple06:27
qwebirc42457there are only three actions...sleep,power off,nothing.....in the power settings ...which one should i choose06:29
skullboxqwebirc42457, what desktop are u using? gnome or unity or somethign else06:29
Guest23681Well, as I said before.. considering the fact you have used various approaches, pardon my repetituous comment but you probably need it to throw it on the floor06:30
skullboxgo into settings then power and turn of automatic suspend06:30
skullboxalso change the one for pressing the power button so it doesnt suspend06:31
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
qwebirc42457ok...these might help.....but.....i can never put my laptop in sleep then?06:32
skullboxalso if ur the type of person who closes their laptop lid theres an option in the gome tweak tool that causes the computer to suspend when u close the lid. u can turn that one off there as well06:32
Guest23681The other alternative would be probably to use your Iphone06:32
myselfout of curiosity, qwebirc42457, is this you too? https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=239697106:32
skullboxqwebirc42457, you dont need to put it to sleep....ever06:32
myselfI thought we paid for better trolls around here, this one can't even capitalize iPhone properly. Weaksauce.06:33
skullboxmyself, lol agreed06:33
qwebirc42457thank you very much skullbox!.......i dunno why do uncivilised ppl like Guest23681 still exist.....thank you very much skull06:34
Guest23681Why not putting to sleep? just find a technique similar to coffee to deal with the sleep issue06:34
skullboxqwebirc42457, my pleasure06:34
skullboxGuest23681, ur input isnt needed06:35
skullboxand the tool ur referring to is called caffeine not coffee06:35
myselfdisabling suspend will at least help narrow down the issue. You might find that hibernate works and suspend doesn't, for instance, and be able to work around it that way.06:36
Guest23681No problem, thank you for omitting my opinion since I am black.. dont worry , I can probably find a way to bleach  my skin06:36
aloo_shuI think it would be worth asking which laptop - bios acpi or or acpi module can be buggy - and there's the noacpi boot option. But setting 'when the lid is closed' to nothing' or 'turn off display', 'when suspend button is pressed' to 'do nothing', and 'when power button is pressed' to 'ask' is often good enough, dto. for low/critical batt06:36
skullboxGuest23681, sorry SJW crybaby bullshit doesnt get any play here. you wont find any sympathy06:36
Guest23681Not looking for sympathy or even emphaty.. simply feeling disgusted to see that my sincere opinions are being rejected06:38
qwebirc42457and after installing ubunutu beaver.....my battery backup has beacome very low? is there any soln06:38
skullboxGuest23681, theres nothing sincere about you06:38
Guest23681Why do you say that?06:39
skullboxcuz i like to party06:39
Guest23681Ha ha.... you like to party and I like to feed my mind.. I guess we are both on the same side06:40
=== gms is now known as Guest2489
Guest23681Another issue which seems to be a lack of respect is that you are duplicating my username and to me it's like violating my personal right06:42
Sangeet i am going to install ubuntu but in video it is showing that i should shrink the disk volume,what does it mean?06:58
Sangeetwill it format my c drive data?06:58
guivercSangeet, Ubuntu needs space to install itself into, so the 'shrink' will mean reducing the space allocated to windows to create this space (assuming dual boot)07:00
ducasseSangeet: shrinking a drive will not delete anything, but you should always backup just in case something goes wrong07:00
Sangeetthanks both of you,,i have few small questions07:00
Sangeetyes i am going to install ubuntu in already installed windows for now i have 41/98 gb data already allocated for windows.07:01
Sangeet41/98 gb means 41 gb is already used ducasse guiverc07:04
ducasseSangeet: you don't install it in your windows partition, the installer creates a new one07:04
Sangeetducasse: so what should i do?should i directly go into installing mode without shrink or other things?07:06
lotuspsychjeSangeet: as ducasse suggests, setup will automaticly choose the layout on your free space07:07
Sangeetlotuspsychje: so i dont need to shrink space,right07:08
lotuspsychjeSangeet: its the users choice, what is it you actually want to do? just dualboot?07:08
ducasseshrink the windows partition from windows first, it's the safest way07:08
ducasseSangeet: ^^07:09
Sangeetlotuspsychje: yes i am want to install my ubuntu in already installed windows 1007:09
ducasse'alongside', not 'in'07:09
lotuspsychjeSangeet: so 41gig is for windows, means ubuntu will use 57gig for ubuntu, do you want this?07:09
Sangeetsorry ducasse you are right alongside windows07:10
Sangeetlotuspsychje: i installed windows in C: which has remaining 41 gb out of 98 gb07:11
lotuspsychjeSangeet: when i scroll up you say 41g was in use?07:12
ducasse41gb remaining or used? you've said both now :)07:12
Sangeetlotuspsychje: sorry,41 gb remaining07:13
lotuspsychjeSangeet: ..but that doesnt matter, do you want your free space to be used by ubuntu install?07:13
Sangeetprocess shows remining GBs07:13
Sangeetlotuspsychje: yes i am want to install ubuntu in that free space07:14
lotuspsychjeSangeet: good, then take ducasse's advice install alongside windows, let setup calculate the partition layout07:14
Sangeetbut i am not sure how much GBs will be left?what to enter into shrink options?07:14
Sangeethow much GBs ubuntu complete installation takes ?07:15
lotuspsychjeSangeet: i think you confuse things here... you think if ubuntu will install on free space, your hd will be full?07:15
SangeetSorry guys07:16
Sangeetbut i have to do simple thing here07:16
Sangeeti have to install Ubuntu along side windows 1007:16
ducasseSangeet: an ubuntu install will take about 10g, i guess, but you can easily use more07:17
lotuspsychjeSangeet: on both sides ubuntu & windows you still will have free space07:17
Sangeeti have 41 gb data free in the disk where i am want to install ubuntu &07:17
Sangeeti am confuse how much MBs i should enter in shrink menu?07:17
Sangeetcan i install windows & ubuntu in same disk?07:17
lotuspsychjeSangeet: why do you keep focussing on shrinking?07:17
ducasseenter how much you want ubuntu to have access to07:18
Sangeetlotuspsychje: in the video it is shown as a process to do before installing ubuntu,i dont know is it necessary or not?07:18
ducasseif you want to use 15gb for ubuntu, enter that07:18
lotuspsychjeSangeet: ^07:18
ducasseit is safer to do it from windows first07:18
Sangeetducasse: OK if i use 15 gb out of 41 then can i use remaining 26gbs from the same disk & other disk storage?07:20
ducassethe remaining space will be left for windows, as it is now07:20
Sangeetlotuspsychje: is shrink necessary?07:21
lotuspsychjeSangeet: already told you, its the users choice..what you want yourself07:21
Sangeetducasse: so i can only use 15 gb when i will use UBuntu,right?07:21
ducassei've answered that. yes, it is, and it's safer to do from windows.07:21
Sangeetgot it ducasse07:22
ducasseyou can use however much space you want, but i recommend at least 10-15gb07:22
ducasseit quickly fills up when you start installing things, and your homedir takes space too07:22
Sangeetducasse: i mean after installing ubuntu,can i use other disk storage too?07:23
ducasseubuntu can access your windows partitions, if that's what you mean07:24
SittingGnuSangeet: any disk storage can be used07:24
Sangeetgot it SittingGnu07:24
SittingGnuSangeet: just make sure to always unmount before you shut off07:25
Sangeetducasse: ok.that means i can use D:  & E: too07:25
Sangeetshut off?? mount? SittingGnu07:25
SittingGnu? Sangeet07:26
SangeetSittingGnu: shut off means shut down?what is unmount here?07:26
SittingGnuyes to use you mount07:26
SittingGnuyou click and it appears mounted like on a mac07:27
SittingGnuthe drive appears on your desktop07:27
SittingGnuthen you click unmount before you shut down07:27
Sangeetducasse: so i should first allow 15gb via shrink option  then restart computer & install ubuntu to get option of Dual boot after each start .right?07:27
ducasseSangeet: yes, more space if you think you need it - 15gb is not much07:28
Sangeetducasse: but you said i can use D: & E: too,then why should i allocate more GBs?07:29
ducasseyou can store files etc on windows drives, but you can't use them for installing programs, for example07:30
ducassethey don't support linux permissions07:30
Sangeetducasse: oops...then probably i have to allow 40 GB out of 41 as i can install programs in other directories while using windows07:31
Sangeetducasse: what is unmount thing SittingGnu said?07:32
lotuspsychje!mount | Sangeet07:32
ubottuSangeet: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount07:32
ducasseSangeet: as long as you shutdown properly, you don't need to worry about unmounting now07:33
Sangeetducasse: what will if i aam forget to shut down properly?07:34
lotuspsychjeSangeet: just install alongside windows...07:34
lotuspsychjeSangeet: we have giving you alot of information already, now time for action07:34
Sangeetlotuspsychje: i am asking this because i dont have back up of windows07:35
ducasseSangeet: you can read the link from ubottu to know all about mounting and unmounting07:35
lotuspsychjeSangeet: its not wise to install dualboot, without having a backup..07:35
lotuspsychjeSangeet: we stronly suggest you backup your needed data external07:36
Sangeetlotuspsychje: i did back up of needed data but not windows07:36
Sangeet& why external?i copied all imp data into other drives where windows is not installed07:37
lotuspsychjeSangeet: on the same harddisk?07:37
Sangeetlotuspsychje: yes,in my latops's harddisk ,i just copied data from C: (windows installed) to D: & :07:37
lotuspsychjeSangeet: from w10 you can make backup of your windows too07:38
lotuspsychjeSangeet: you sure its not 1 big harddisk divided in partitions?07:38
lotuspsychjeSangeet: not so much laptops have 2 harddisks by default07:39
* Sangeet sorry for my english but i am doing that deliberately07:39
Sangeeti mean am not07:39
ducassethat's ok, if we don't understand you we'll ask07:41
Sangeetthanks guys for understand the situation07:47
ducassei advise you to try out a live session first, to see if your hardware works07:49
lotuspsychjedenafig: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you?07:54
denafigI lost pannels in mate. bacouse of use TV as the monitor07:55
lotuspsychjedenafig: tryed a reboot yet?07:56
denafigyep, and I forget how to log out to use guest mod =D07:56
lotuspsychjedenafig: the button Fn+ F key for screen switch can do magic some times too07:56
denafigI have all pannels in guest07:57
denafigwhat is :Fn"?07:57
lotuspsychjedenafig: is this a laptop?07:57
denafigno. I use my pc but monitor in trash and I use now TV =D07:58
ducassedenafig: you can try asking in #ubuntu-mate where your mate config is stored, and wipe that07:59
lotuspsychjedenafig: on hdmi? wich ubuntu version is that of mate07:59
denafigducasse, did't know about mate channel08:00
denafiglotuspsychje, yes hdmi, how can I know wich ubuntu vers is of mate I have?08:00
lotuspsychjedenafig: lsb_release -a08:00
guivercdenafig, in my experience, some tvs don't show the full image (overscan I think it's called), where sides (top/bottom) of image can be invisible to hide any black 'box'.  changing resolutions can help, but tv specific..08:04
guiverc/ sorry ignore my last; if you have all panels in guest; it's unlikely what i was thinking08:05
denafig<guiverc> it was ok, but I shot down my pc not carefully, and now it's no pannels I see, but mate think they are working good08:05
cbpyeso this is what happens when I try to boot without nomodeset: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1hen_MRfe3Vvh0207Sg-OJMxnaiItSSdH  (and this is after making sure that nouveau is blacklisted)08:11
=== mohammad is now known as linuxlove
linuxlove /msg NickServ identify mohammad1380*@08:24
linuxlovehello huys08:24
linuxlovehello guys08:25
guiverclinuxlove, looks like you need to change your password08:25
linuxloveit wasnt correct08:25
linuxlovedoesnt matter08:25
linuxloveInvalid password for linuxlove.08:25
linuxlovewho knows08:27
linuxlovewhat is the best diagram software that supports urf8 for windows08:27
=== Nik is now known as Guest39103
=== Tabmasher is now known as TabMasher
guiverc`dia` isn't bad linuxlove if you are using gnome or unity08:30
Guest39103What is dia08:31
linuxloveguiverc, i eant it for my friend08:31
linuxlovehe has windows 1008:31
linuxlovebut he wanted to know if it supports utf 808:31
Guest39103what is this08:33
guiverclinuxlove, we only support Ubuntu here08:34
lotuspsychjecbpye: your ubuntu version, graphics card chipset please?08:37
denafigany one can remind me how to login as guest, becouse my ubuntu login automatically. I can only use Termenal for that.08:43
denafigcant find it in gugle -_-08:44
cbpyelotuspsychje: Ubuntu 18.04, using an NVIDIA Corporation GM206 [GeForce GTX 960]08:46
cbpyelotuspsychje: also of note, lsmod shows that nouveau is still loaded08:46
lotuspsychjecbpye: perhaps try to install nvidia-390 from tty then?08:47
cbpyelotuspsychje: also, this behaviour was consistent throughout the day as I tried install media for Mint 19, KDE Neon, and finally Kubuntu.08:47
lotuspsychjecbpye: gtx cards have this issue alot, mostly we can bypass with nomodeset to get in the system, and install the nvidia driver08:47
lotuspsychjecbpye: to see wich drivers available for your system: ubuntu-drivers list08:48
cbpyelotuspsychje: trying to install nvidia-390, got a message about the package not being available but being referred to by another package.  Looks like I need a new repository.08:49
lotuspsychjecbpye: check first with ubuntu-drivers list, wich drivers are there for your card08:50
lotuspsychjecbpye: to install reccomended driver you can also try: ubuntu-drivers autoinstall08:51
cbpyelotuspsychje: nvidia-driver-390; the autoinstall returned "0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded."08:52
lotuspsychjecbpye: so that would mean 390 is already active then?08:53
lotuspsychjecbpye: did your list, gave you more driver versions?08:53
phaze75hi guys08:54
lotuspsychjewelcome phaze75 how can we help you today?08:56
phaze75lotuspsychje: I was trying to do a do-release-upgrade with my 16.05 LTS server. It keeps telling me there is no new release.08:57
lotuspsychjephaze75: 18.04.1 will come soon available, but not yet at this moment08:57
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | phaze7508:58
ubottuphaze75: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.08:58
denafighow can I run display settings window thru the terminal command?08:58
phaze75lotuspsychje: thanks but I read that. 18.04.1 has been released on the 25th. today is the 29th. how many days are considered to be "a few days"?09:00
lotuspsychjephaze75: yes 18.04.1 is out, but for the LTS upgrade path a few days are needed for the devs, please let them do their jobs for a good release experience09:01
cbpyelotuspsychje: nvidia-settings is installed, but running it is very very different than I've ever seen before.  Like, it's missing a lot of stuff that should be there.09:01
ducassephaze75: no way to know, you need to ask the devs. (or just wait for it to be ready)09:02
cbpyelotuspsychje: and lsmod shows nothing about the proper nvidia driver.  it's all nouveau there.09:02
lotuspsychjecbpye: sudo lshw -C video and check driver= at bottom09:02
cbpyelotuspsychje: there is no line there that says anything about a driver.09:03
lotuspsychjecbpye: your card shows 'unclaimed' at top then?09:04
phaze75lotuspsychje: ducasse: ok, thanks09:04
cbpyelotuspsychje: yep.09:04
lotuspsychjecbpye: yeah then nvidia driver didnt install well09:04
cbpyethink I read something about a purge command.  this is when I use that, right?09:05
lotuspsychjecbpye: how about you try again: sudp apt purge nvidia* to fall back to nouveau, get in your system and try again ubuntu-drivers autoinstall09:05
lotuspsychjecbpye: you havent yet told me wich drivers were in your list?09:05
lotuspsychjecbpye: is it only 390 or are there more available?09:06
cbpyeonly 390 were in that initial list.09:06
lotuspsychjecbpye: ok tnx, another option could be adding the ubuntu graphics drivers ppa and try with another later driver09:06
cbpyeguess I'll try rebooting now09:10
lotuspsychjecbpye: working?09:14
cbpyelotuspsychje: rebooted.  Nvidia settings is no longer available.  ubuntu-drivers list shows 390 available.  going to try the autoinstall now.09:14
lotuspsychjecbpye: if that does not work, try the ubuntu graphics ppa version 390.7709:15
lotuspsychjecbpye: here the bug about it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205309:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]09:15
cbpyelooks like it's doing something this time.09:15
lotuspsychjecbpye: your system is up to date to latest also?09:15
cbpyelotuspsychje: I think so?  I just installed today and immediately updated everything.09:16
lotuspsychjecbpye: allrighty, tnx09:16
cbpyealright, going to reboot again, without adding nomodeset this time.09:16
cbpyeit would appear to have not worked.  I seem to have forgotten something.09:19
lotuspsychjecbpye: if you cant get it right, try 390.77 from the ubuntu driver ppa09:20
cbpyeits still only loading nouveau09:21
lotuspsychjecbpye: check #61 from the bug url https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205309:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]09:22
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.09:52
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit09:52
=== martymcfly is now known as xyzabc
archandySo, I heard via podcast that there's a new minmal Ubuntu (not the one that's an install option on 18.04), anyone able to verify/comment on it? I couldn't find anything on the site.10:06
=== claudio is now known as Guest98048
GroarHi. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 and I'd like to upgrade it to 18.0410:36
Groarcan anybody tell me how to?10:36
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade10:37
EriC^^Groar: sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade && sudo do-release-upgrade10:38
EriC^^Groar: backup before running the command just in case it goes bad10:38
=== capella is now known as capella|away
mike_papaHello. Can you recommend any CLI user management tool? Something written in curses maybe.10:55
TJ-mike_papa: I've not seen an ncurses based tool for that11:11
gogetamike_papa: adding a user in cli is pretty darn straght foward11:12
HanHow can I make networkmanager available to gdm, so I can log into the network and start openvpn before logging in when I'm on vacation?11:24
=== test is now known as Guest41009
BluesKajhan install network-manager-openvpn  perhaps11:35
Asad2005I have noticed that dmesg is giving a lot of messages related to nvidia, the hard disk was moved to a new pc with AMD card and there seems to be a need to purge the old nvidia drivers so is it save to "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*"?11:36
Guest41009 Hey guys, what is the best way to bypass the tag option in the ubuntu community site in order to post a review11:36
BluesKajand go from there , set up a small login script11:36
Asad2005or do i have to "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" after that as suggested by an askubuntu answers11:37
Asad2005I am on 18.0411:38
TJ-Asad2005: purging sounds like a sane approach11:53
Asad2005TJ-: But do i have to install ubuntu-desktop afterward as suggested?11:59
Asad2005TJ-: nvidia-common is reported a dependency for ubuntu-desktop12:01
haysdoes SELinux run OK on Ubuntu?12:05
TJ-Asad2005: ubuntu-desktop is a virtual package that should be already installed - it just depends on all the required packages to make the GUI work12:07
luxioMy wifi was working last night, and I woke up and now it's not. How do I troubleshoot this?12:07
luxioIt's working on my phone.12:07
TJ-Asad2005: don't worry about that; nvidia-common is a transistional package for avoiding breakage when doing release upgrades (e.g. from 14.04 to 16.04). It contains nothing useful12:07
Asad2005TJ-: So no need to reinstall ubuntu-desktop afterward?12:08
TJ-Asad2005: what release are you on, 16.04? Here, on 18.04, nvidia-common is NOT a dependency of ubuntu-desktop, but of ubuntu-drivers-common12:09
Asad2005TJ-: on 18.0412:11
TJ-Asad2005: in which case you're fine to leave nvidia-common in place, it has nothing in it except copyright and changelog files!12:12
TJ-Asad2005: you can see that with "dpkg -L nvidia-common"12:12
Asad2005but purging nvidia drivers with "sudo apt-get remove --purge nvidia-*"? will also remove nvidia-common how to exclude it ?12:14
=== Dreaman is now known as Blade
TJ-Asad2005: Just  "apt purge nvidia-XXX" where XXX is the version, that will depend on everything else. Then, use "apt autoremove" which will remove all other package no longer required12:17
Asad2005TJ-: I have checked nvidia-common is already not installed only libnvidia-common-39012:18
Asad2005TJ-: Thanks a lot12:18
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
tomreynhays: since ubuntu kernels use apparmor by default, and i don't think you can have multiple of these acces control systems have next to another, you'd then need to build your own kernels. also a couple of ubuntu features depend on apparmor profiles (i think lxd does), so you'd need to rewrite those to ensure you don't create attack surfces you would not expect to have with apparmor wnabled.12:30
bodie_With the latest updates on 18.04, I am now getting the following errors when I run apt-get update: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XqFMVRTV5D/12:46
bodie_The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/<...>.gpg are ignored as the file has an unsupported filetype.12:47
TJ-bodie_: what does "sudo file /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/steam.gpg" report?12:50
bodie_ /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/steam.gpg: GPG keybox database version 1, created-at Sat Jul  7 12:13:31 2018, last-maintained Sat Jul  7 12:13:31 201812:51
bodie_TJ-, ^12:53
TJ-bodie_: compared with my 18.04 system, which reports: /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ubuntu-keyring-2012-archive.gpg: GPG key public ring, created Fri May 11 21:15:36 201212:54
TJ-bodie_: so mine doesn't mention a GPG version, which makes me think your issue might be it is a version 1 keybox, whereas we're now using GPG v2. I think there is a tool that is supposed to upgrade the keyrings but maybe it missed the apt rings from 3rd parties. I'm really not sure. Maybe someone in #ubuntu-hardened will know (the security team) although most are not at work presently12:55
bodie_Well, it worked yesterday.  :)12:55
bodie_Hm, ok12:55
qwebirc79043Ubunut user is there?12:56
bodie_I installed a bunch of updates yesterday, so odds are it had something to do with that12:56
bodie_Only perhaps 5-10 days since the last time I updated though12:56
TJ-bodie_: right. Might be worth checking which packages via /var/log/apt/history.log12:57
qwebirc79043I want to change the Dell logo at start up from my machine. Do anyone here know how to do this12:58
tomreynqwebirc79043: if this logo shows before boot / grub then this is not an ubuntu question.12:59
conallHi. I am seeing what I think is a bug in networkmanager, but I would just like to run it by ye first if thats ok. I disabled ipv6 via the sysctl.conf method, and then ran "sysctl -p" and "ip a" then showed no ipv6 address as expected. I then restarted the network-manger unit and "ip a" then showed an ipv6 address. This is defo a bug, yes?12:59
qwebirc79043Yes. It show before boot.12:59
brainwashqwebirc79043: did you look in the bios/uefi settings yet?12:59
conallUbuntu 18.04 also12:59
qwebirc79043Ok. Il give it a try. Thanks.13:00
tomreynqwebirc79043: you can try asking in äähardware, if anywhere, you'll probably be able to set this on your eufi/bios  using the "full screen / logo boot" option.13:00
tomreyni mean ##hardware13:00
=== iulian is now known as Guest9694
tomreynconall: what did you add to sysctl.conf ?13:03
conalltomreyn: net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6 = 1   ..... Did this four times replacing "all" with each of my if names13:05
conalland also for "default"13:05
tomreynconall: chances are (i.e. i have not verified this)  that network manager enables ipv6 for interfaces it manages by default, simply overriding your sysctl configuration.13:05
conalltomreyn: In the network manager gui pane, I have also set IPv6 to "disabled"13:06
tomreynYou can disable IPv6 on NetworkManager as follows: Open the wired connection on NetworkManager, click on "IPv6 Settings" tab, and choose "Ignore" in "Method" field. Save the change and exit.13:06
conalltomreyn: have done this already. The method for ipv6 is set to disable13:07
tomreyni don't see 'disabled' there, but then i'm on 16.0413:08
tomreyni'll check on a VM now13:08
conalltomreyn: cheers13:08
tomreyni see what you mean13:09
tomreynso, to me, on first sight, it looks like a bug then, too.13:10
conallCan you reproduce it? You are also getting an IPv6 address with it "disabled" in network manager?13:10
tomreynaside from that i'd like to recommend against disabling ipv613:10
tomreyni haven't tried this, yet, let's see13:10
conallWhen I use a vpn, it doesnt hide my ipv6 ip though. So that is not possible for me13:11
tomreynconall: i guess you could just diable ipv6 for the tun/tap device.13:15
conallDid that also, no effect13:15
tomreynand the vpn doesn't support ipv6?13:16
conallits PIA13:16
tomreynconall: so i have disabled ipv6 via sysctl, set the ipv6 connection to diabled in NM, then rebooted, and have no ipv6 address.13:17
TJ-conall: /var/log/syslog gets very verbose logging from NM, which may give a clue.13:17
TJ-conall: what type of IPv6 address(es) are being assigned to the interface? They could be local-net only13:18
=== davor_ is now known as davor
conallTJ-: They are not local-net. When I "whois" them, I get details for my ISP13:19
tomreynhere's what i added to /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CCQK2d6pVc/13:19
TJ-conall: ok, so that sounds like they're delegated prefix then?13:19
TJ-conall: Is it possible you have both systemd-networkd AND NetworkManager active? "systemctl status systemd-networkd"13:20
conallTJ-: Not quite sure what "delegated prefix" means, sorry13:21
conallTJ-: loaded & inactive13:21
tomreynconall: i manually restarted network-manager, still no ipv613:22
TJ-conall: your ISP is likely delegating a /64 prefix to your home gateway router, which then hands out addresses in that range using either DHCPv6 and/or RA (router advertisement)13:22
routermaterHi um13:23
routermaterI need a little help with installing some packages13:23
tomreyn!details | Hi routermater.13:24
ubottuHi routermater.: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.13:24
YesManFor some reason my browser swont connect to the internet in ubuntu.  or my hexchat.  yet other apps like qtox chat will connect.   how to fix this issue?  thanks13:26
tomreynconall: so this is actually about wireless?13:26
conalltomreyn: yes13:26
conallIs that different somehow?13:26
routermatertomreyn: SORRY I am trying to figure out how to upload a screenshot in ubuntu....13:27
tomreynconall: i guess not really, i just focussed on testing with the wired connection and didnt think about how wireless might be different13:27
conallYeah I would imagine its the same tbh13:28
routermatertomreyn: Right, back to the issue, I am trying to install mongodb on my laptop and it has been showing this error where it says I have broken packages https://0x0.st/sWoG.png13:28
tomreynroutermater: you can save it to a file or copy it to the clipboard, then paste / upload on imgur.com13:28
edarfocdo you guys experience this bug? If so, could you please help give it some fire to attract the developers' attention?  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gtk+3.0/+bug/159217713:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1592177 in gtk+3.0 (Ubuntu) "Built-in search almost impossible to use in GTK file chooser" [Undecided,New]13:28
routermaterroutermater: Im trying to not use the normal method :D and learn cli stuff :313:28
routermater^ yikes13:29
conalltomreyn: Are you 18.04.01 or 18.04? I am
fastputysomeone help me out with something, my load is around 2.5 2.5 and 2.513:29
fastputybut i cannot identify the source of the problem13:29
tomreynconall: can you show the exact lines you have on sysctl? and where on sysctl did you configure it exactly?13:29
fastputymy top show almost nothing in cpu consumption13:29
YesMananyone know why my browsers wont connect to internet? but my internet is connected13:29
conalltomreyn: Its shown in the console logs after I did a sysctl -p13:29
tomreynconall: 18.04.113:30
routermaterCan someone please help? :O13:30
fastputysomeone help me out with something, my load is around 2.5 2.5 and 2.5, but top show no heavy consumption.13:30
TJ-conall: try this: "find /proc/sys/net/ -name '*_ra' -exec sudo sh -c 'echo 0 > {}' \;" ... if it works, use your sysctl nobs to turn RA off13:30
TJ-conall: the "accept_ra" nob is probably set to 113:30
routermaterum :313:31
conallTJ-: This would probably work, but I would rather find out why this is not working for me but working for tomreyn13:31
tomreynconall: sysctl -p only loads configuration that are placed in /etc/sysctl.conf , none of those in /etc/sysctl.d/, at least that's according to its man page.13:31
tomreynconall: which means that during a standard boot, different configuration may be applied, and in different order13:32
conallyep its in sysctl.conf. I am sure that it has an effect as it changes the values in /proc/sys/net/...13:32
tomreynroutermater: looking now13:32
routermaterclear :313:32
TJ-conall: does syslog reveal anything about what is assigning the IPv6 ?13:33
tomreynroutermater: don't mix apt repositories made for different ubuntu releases, unless it's explicitly stated that it's safe to do so.13:34
fastputysomeone help me out with something, my load is around 2.5 2.5 and 2.5, but cpu show no heavy consumption and iotop neither.13:34
tomreynroutermater: you have a repo.mongodb.org repository configured for 'xenial' (ubuntu 16.04)13:35
routermatertomreyn: Im using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and I dont find any documentation on mongodb's website for this release :/ and they only have 14 and 16 listed13:35
conallTJ-: Just looking at that now. The first IPv6 related entry is regarding avahi-daemon. But even when I disabled avahi-daemon,, the problem still arises13:36
routermatertomreyn: Soo what can I do?13:36
TJ-avahi is a zero-conf/bonjour daemon, it uses multicast to advertise names and services on interfaces/IP addresses, as they appear13:36
conallTJ-: yes I know. I dont think this would be the cause13:37
TJ-conall: if you can share the syslog I might be able to identify something13:38
tomreynroutermater: you can use the packages ubuntu provides.13:38
tomreyn!info mongodb bionic13:39
ubottuPackage mongodb does not exist in bionic13:39
tomreyn^ thats a lie13:39
TJ-!info mongodb-server13:40
ubottumongodb-server (source: mongodb): object/document-oriented database (managed server package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:3.6.3-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 12 kB, installed size 74 kB13:40
TJ-ubottu doesn't do source package names :)13:40
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
TJ-ubottu: we know, we know!13:40
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:40
tomreynTJ-: but should it not have done this? https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/mongodb13:40
routermaterHmm oaky let me try this13:40
conallTJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/C9gj7d4mXt/13:41
conallTJ-: Thanks13:41
TJ-tomreyn: I've always wished the bot would do source13:41
tomreynthis is a binary metapackage in universe13:41
tomreynbut source would be nice, too13:41
tomreynhi shananigans13:43
TJ-conall: ouch! it's full of gnome shell stacktraces - something wrong there you need to fix!13:43
TJ-tomreyn: :p13:43
conallTJ-: Yeah I noticed that, Any idea what might be causing that?13:44
routermatertomreyn: Cool Thanks!!13:44
tomreynroutermater: you're welcome13:44
tomreynfastputy: can you show "vmstat"13:47
tomreynfastputy: also tell us about your ubuntu version and hardware13:48
TJ-conall: From what I can tell, NM is not responsible for the IPv6 addresses being added, so I'm suspecting it's a router advertisement, or some other dameon on that PC. if it isn't RA it could be something like13:48
TJ-!info dhcpcd5 | conall13:48
ubottuconall: dhcpcd5 (source: dhcpcd5): DHCPv4, IPv6RA and DHCPv6 client with IPv4LL support. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.11.5-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 162 kB, installed size 397 kB13:48
conallTJ-: so what can I do to make sure IPv6 stays disabled. Interestingly enough, the bools in /proc/sys/net/.../disable_ipv6 go from 1 to 013:52
TJ-conall: at what point do they change? when NM is bringing up the wifi i/f ?13:53
conallTJ-: yes, when I restart network-manager13:54
routermatertomreyn: Is it common for mongod-server to be initialized as a service?13:55
tomreynwhen i remove the sysctl configurations to disable ipv6 and restart NM, i see that /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/enp0s3/disable_ipv6 changes form 1 to 013:55
tomreynroutermater: yes, i would think so. a systemd service.13:55
routermatertomreyn: If I stop the service, it doesnt start up again the next time i restart my laptop huh?13:56
TJ-conall: to save messing about how about simply "sudo ip6tables -P OUTPUT DROP; sudo ip6tables -P FORWARD DROP" ?"13:57
TJ-conall: you could use UFW or something else to save/restore rules on shutdown/boot13:57
TJ-conall: oh and of course "sudo iptables -P INPUT DROP"13:58
tomreynroutermater: how did you stop it?13:59
TJ-conall: you could use 'tcpdump' to check it is RAs causing the address assignment, and if so, block those ICMPv6 packets13:59
routermatertomreyn: sudo service mongodb stop13:59
georgeYou have problems with the PulseAudio thing13:59
georgeEvery time  I start Linux14:00
georgeMicrophone problems14:00
georgeHow do you fix this ?14:00
tomreynroutermater: hmm i would stioll expect it to start up again after reboot. you should use systemctl on ubuntu 18.04 rather than 'service', though.14:00
routermatertomreyn: Okay, thanks.14:00
conallTJ-: Grand, thanks. I think I will just add those commands to network-managers if-up.d and if-down.d scripts. Still not sure why this doesnt work for me but works for tomreyn14:00
tomreynroutermater: can you show systemctl status mongodb14:01
tomreyn!paste | routermater14:01
ubotturoutermater: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:01
tomreynconall: i (atill) assume you may be configuring it in the wrong place for sysctl. try adding it to the end of /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf14:03
conalltomreyn: That file is a symlink to /etc/sysctl.conf14:04
conallThe reason for that is so that it takes precedence over other /etc/sysctl.d/*.conf scripts14:04
routermatertomreyn: Um ok14:09
routermatertomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ncvZHqxMCj/14:10
routermaterIts running..14:10
routermaterI've also installed elastic search and installing kibana :D14:10
=== matthiaskrgr is now known as Guest20612
=== konimex_ is now known as konimex
ReaperHackhey whats up, i'm really like ubuntu 18.04 i have one problem, my computer using RX 580, i have install the amdgpu-pro drivers, but the only way i can load up ubuntu and seeing the graphics in nomodeset, since i'm in nomodeset, i can not install the drivers, any idea what i should do. the system is running very sluggish14:35
tomreyn^ gone14:37
TJ-He was reaped14:39
tomreyn!humorcookie | TJ-14:41
tmuwasorry forgot / :-D14:45
=== Madness is now known as Tun3x
kessiuspeople chat irc ubuntu, I get error with instruction -->  youtube-dl -f 137  <video_url> | ffmpeg -i *.mp4 1.avi  <--  how to convert after download to .avi14:55
aloo_shudo it in 2 steps14:57
aloo_shunot sure the pipe will pass the arg correctly14:58
aloo_shukessius: ^14:58
kessiusPlease, what instruction should I use after  | "or"14:58
aloo_shudo it in 2 steps14:59
aloo_shuinstead of |14:59
kessiuspeople aloo_shu,  pipe not pass arguments15:02
EriC^^kessius: youtube-dl --recode-video avi ....15:03
EriC^^no need for ffmpeg15:03
aloo_shuand -i *.mp4 *is* an argument, no?15:03
aloo_shuah, even better15:04
aloo_shualways read man page first :)15:04
kessiusEriC, how to I use loop for and variable15:06
kessiusaloo_shu, the  right -i *.mp4 *is* an argument, it is not arguments15:10
EriC^^kessius: where are you getting the loop info from?15:11
EriC^^what exactly are you doing?15:11
kessiusEriC, I want to create a routine, with "loop for"15:16
EriC^^kessius: more context is needed15:17
aloo_shuthere are a few good books like bash & shell scripting bible, but are there good free ones?15:18
EriC^^what are trying to do, in plain english15:18
=== abhi_ is now known as Internet_guy
EriC^^aloo_shu: #bash has some good stuff in their wiki about good books on bash15:20
kessiusEriC,  what command do I write go make loop for ... e variable count "it is context"15:20
kessiusEriC, ok  #bash15:21
EriC^^kessius: im not understanding anything you're saying, something like 'i have a list of websites in a file and i want to loop over them and download and convert each' for instance15:21
EriC^^kessius: that was for aloo_shu not you15:21
aloo_shuthis, but not sure how much is there https://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/15:22
Internet_guyhey guys i am currently on Ubuntu 18.04, i use to have my whole harddisk as root partition then i have changed the partition table and have created sdb2 and sdb315:23
lotuspsychje_Nbte: can we help you?15:24
Internet_guynow i am not able to create folders or copy paste data on new partition without root15:25
EriC^^Internet_guy: can you pastebin the output of "mount" ?15:25
Internet_guyEriC^^:  yeah sure15:25
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeNbte: please stop that15:26
lotuspsychjeNbte: this channel is for ubuntu support only, no chat here15:30
lotuspsychje!ops | Nbte15:31
ubottuNbte: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:31
Internet_guyEriC^^:  https://pastebin.com/YPBBMJs915:31
Internet_guyyou can ignore sda415:32
EriC^^Internet_guy: how are you mounting said partitions?15:33
NbteI you no15:33
Internet_guyEriC^^: Sorry i am new to linux :(15:34
EriC^^Internet_guy: no problem, are you using the filemanager to mount them?15:34
Internet_guyEriC^^: yeah it's automatic15:35
Internet_guyi have filemanager15:35
Internet_guythe default one15:35
EriC^^Internet_guy: is this one of them /dev/sda2 on /media/abhi/The_Tech type fuseblk ?15:37
Internet_guycan you please elaborate fuseblk15:38
EriC^^fuseblk doesnt really matter here15:38
EriC^^is it the partition though?15:39
EriC^^Internet_guy: what does "ls -ld /media/abhi/The_Tech" give? as well as the output of "id"15:39
Internet_guyActually english is not my native language so i have a bit difficulty i am working on it to improve15:40
Internet_guyEriC^^: yeah wait15:40
EriC^^Internet_guy: it's pretty good15:40
Internet_guycan i send the ouputs here they are pretty short ?15:42
EriC^^Internet_guy: sure15:44
Internet_guydrwxrwxrwx 1 abhi abhi 8192 Jul 29 09:55 /media/abhi/The_Tech15:45
Internet_guyuid=1000(abhi) gid=1000(abhi) groups=1000(abhi),4(adm),24(cdrom),27(sudo),30(dip),46(plugdev),116(lpadmin),126(sambashare)15:45
aloo_shucan it be the way the *filrsystems* on the partitions were created?15:46
CountryfiedLinuxI noticed that Kdenlive has no audio. Any suggestions?15:46
EriC^^Internet_guy: aha, what does "ls -ld /media/abhi" give?15:46
EriC^^aloo_shu: no, it looks all fine til now, i speculate the /media/user dir doesnt have the needed extra acl's15:47
Internet_guyEriC^^: drwxr-x---+ 5 root root 4096 Jul 29 18:30 /media/abhi15:47
EriC^^hmm the + there are the acls15:47
Internet_guyby the ways my nick name is abhi :) "hello guys"15:48
EriC^^Internet_guy: what happens if you try "touch /media/abhi/The_Tech/blablabla"15:48
Internet_guyEriC^^: ohk so how can i solve it15:48
Internet_guyEriC^^:  OOoops sorry15:50
EriC^^it works?15:50
aloo_shuCountryfiedLinux: preferences/settings and see that audio is set to the correct one out of alsa, oss, pulse, jack... should be pulse on stock ubunto, and alsa may work, too, but disconnect all other audio15:50
Internet_guythat's of my external hard drive :( i didn't noticed15:50
EriC^^Internet_guy: which one is the partition? i have to brb for a call, 10mins probably brb15:51
Internet_guyi will wait15:51
Internet_guyokay here's the output bro15:56
lotuspsychjecbpye: did you get it working mate?16:01
aloo_shuCountryfiedLinux: preferences/settings and see that audio is set to the correct one out of alsa, oss, pulse, jack... should be pulse on stock ubunto, and alsa may work, too, but disconnect all other audio16:02
CountryfiedLinuxaloo_shu, Audio works with everything else, I just don't hear it with Kdenlive.16:03
aloo_shukdenlive preferences16:03
aloo_shuor settings, whatever kdenliva calls it16:04
aloo_shuwhich ubuntu, CountryfiedLinux ?16:04
CountryfiedLinuxaloo_shu, 18.0416:05
aloo_shuthere are probably many settings in kdenlive, find the audio section16:05
CountryfiedLinuxPreview volume is set to 100%16:06
CountryfiedLinuxAnd audio driver is set to automatic.16:06
aloo_shutry pulse instead of auto16:06
CountryfiedLinuxOh I did have the wrong audio device selected for the system somehow. :P haha sorry16:07
BluesKajpulse is a soundserver that rides on top of alsa16:08
CountryfiedLinuxI don't know how it reset itself like that.16:08
CountryfiedLinuxI didn't change it.16:08
lotuspsychjecbpye: did you fix your driver issue mate?16:08
aloo_shuif you have several soundcards, it enumeration can be random16:09
BluesKajpavucontrol can help set your audio out options16:09
aloo_shuhw1 can become hw2, and viceversa16:10
cbpyelotuspsychje: nope.  I'm reading that SecureBoot might be giving me my problems now.16:13
lotuspsychjecbpye: are you dualbooting?16:14
aloo_shuyou'd have to read up on alsa's config if you can go by a more unique id to set default card, maybe name works, CountryfiedLinux16:14
blspiderhello, is there a channel to answer questions about installing .net core on 18.0416:14
lotuspsychjeblspider: are you on server or desktop?16:15
cbpyelotuspsychje: negative.  been doing the whole Native Gaming thing for about two years now.16:15
blspiderlotuspsychje, desktop16:15
lotuspsychjecbpye: if you singleboot, try disable secureboot & fastboot16:15
lotuspsychjeblspider: can this help? https://dev.to/carlos487/installing-dotnet-core-in-ubuntu-1804-7lp16:17
Internet_guyEriC^^:  ping me once you will be back16:17
EriC^^Internet_guy: hey16:17
EriC^^Internet_guy: type "sudo mount /dev/sdb3 /mnt"16:18
EriC^^Internet_guy: /media/abhi/cda7f022-3f0f-4dff-9ab0-e1df33406626 is one of the partitions right?16:20
cbpyelotuspsychje: still no success.16:21
Internet_guymount: /mnt: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdb3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.16:21
lotuspsychjecbpye: hmm ok, did you try that graphics ppa yet?16:21
EriC^^Internet_guy: aha, seems like its not formatted yet16:21
cbpyelotuspsychje: have been since 5:30am EST.16:22
EriC^^Internet_guy: /media/abhi/cda7f022-3f0f-4dff-9ab0-e1df33406626 is one of the partitions right?16:22
lotuspsychjecbpye: no luck with 390.77?16:22
Internet_guywait yeah let me do it16:22
cbpyelotuspsychje: ubuntu-devices now showss 396 recommended.  still no luck.16:22
cbpyelotuspsychje: and autoinstall is still doing nothing.16:22
EriC^^Internet_guy: ok, type "sudo chown -R $USER: /media/abhi/cda7f022-3f0f-4dff-9ab0-e1df33406626" to fix the permissions16:23
lotuspsychjecbpye: did you try 390.77 specificly?16:23
Internet_guyshould i format the partion in ext4 ?16:23
blspider:/ internet connection lost16:23
EriC^^Internet_guy: if you want only linux support yeah16:24
EriC^^Internet_guy: ntfs would work for windows & linux16:24
EriC^^Internet_guy: the reason the permissions didnt work was that ext4 has root permissions by default, and they're saved to the filesystem, ntfs doesnt use linux permissions so it gets 'fake permissions' assigned when you mount it each time (just a fyi)16:25
cbpyelotuspsychje: purging again, then rebooting.  I'll see if I can specifically get 390.77 after that.16:26
tonymkeHello friends. I've been struggling a bit to get a dual-gpu multimonitor setup working. I've managed to create a xinerama-based xorg.conf where all the screens are on and i can move the mouse cursor between them properly, but the screens are black sans the mouse cursor on boot. Is there something I need to do to inform gnome of what the X screen to render on is or something?16:26
EriC^^Internet_guy: so basically, if you make a ext4, you'll need to manually set the permissions once using chown, whereas with ntfs the filemanager will take care of setting the fake permissions when you mount it from there so your user is the owner16:27
cbpyelotuspsychje: rebooted post-purge.  running sudo lshw -numeric -C display still shows that the card is UNCLAIMED.16:29
EriC^^cbpye: lotuspsychje has quit16:30
Internet_guyEriC^^: yeah thanks16:31
Internet_guyit's working well now :)16:31
aloo_shuEriC^^: Internet_guy and iirc, ext4 can be tuned in that regard16:31
EriC^^cbpye: can you pastebin your /var/log/Xorg.0.log ?16:31
EriC^^Internet_guy: awesome :)16:31
=== aviram is now known as Aviram2
Aviram2Hi, I just installed Ubuntu 12.02 because I need to use very old toolchain. for some reason apt-get install gcc doesn't work for me. Are the repos of 12.02 down because it's not longer supported?16:32
EriC^^Aviram2: yup16:32
Aviram2Is there any mirror/backup/archive anywhere?16:32
Aviram2I don't want to compile my way to stable toolchain Ubuntu 12.02 :(16:33
EriC^^assuming you know what you're getting into, the old repos can be found at old-releases.ubuntu.com , switching that in your sources.list should make apt work again16:33
Aviram2Ah, great. Exactly what I was looking for.16:33
Aviram2Thank you very much/16:33
EriC^^Aviram2: running an eol release is prone to security issues, no problem16:33
Aviram2@EriC^^: I am well aware of that. It's running on a local VM just for compilation :)16:34
EriC^^Aviram2: alright :)16:34
cbpyeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/Mv7veVQm16:35
EriC^^cbpye: did you try without using "nomodeset" ?16:36
cbpyeEriC^^:  I can try that again, but it hasn't been going well.  Presently I have no driver except the nouveau driver installed.16:38
EriC^^cbpye: aha, try to change the secureboot and reinstall the recommended nvidia driver from the repos16:39
EriC^^cbpye: sudo ubuntu-drivers devices should show the driver with a recommended next to it or just a *16:40
=== phoenix_firebrd is now known as phoenix_firebrd_
cbpyeEriC^^: are secureboot and efi mutually inclusive?  because I did the whole "make a modest EFI partition" thing when installing.16:42
EriC^^cbpye: yeah they are, the efi partition size isnt an issue though16:43
EriC^^how large did you make it?16:43
cbpyeEriC^^: 256 MB.  If booting this way prevents me from disabling SecureBoot, what are my options?16:45
capellaTJ- Solved my dual boot HP Omen issue yesterday w/o openning up that LaunchPad bug \o/ ... proper use of |nomodeset| during/after grub/kernel install, etc then install NVIDIA, remove the nomodeset option, and I'm good to go!16:49
=== abhi_ is now known as Internet_guy
EriC^^cbpye: oh, you can disable secureboot, i thought you meant if they're related to eachother, sorry english isnt my native language16:50
=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
TJ-cbpye: SecureBoot is a part of the UEFI specification. The problem with nvidia proprietary drives is they are not signed so cannot be loaded by the Linux kernel when in SecureBoot mode16:52
TJ-cbpye: it is possible to use the UEFI MOK (Machine Owner's Key) and sign things yourself, but that is quite involved16:52
CommonCentsI actually do sign kernel modules (for VirtualBox) with a MOK.    It's a bit to set up.   Not terribly difficult.16:54
CommonCentsYou just have to remember to sign things with the MOK after any upgrades to the modules involved.16:54
Lord-KaminaIs the awesome bash auto-completion extension thing a bash4 feature or specific to ubuntu?16:54
Lord-KaminaGotta say, I kinda really miss that in mac.16:54
CommonCents@Lord-Kamina,  I think it's a feature of bash,16:55
esroany1 know addon for clipboarding ?16:55
Internet_guyhey i have got an issue again EriC^^16:55
esroi want to store some stuff and be able to pick what i am pasting16:55
CommonCents@Lord-Kamina,  the auto-completion seems to work on other distros for me.16:55
Lord-KaminaCommonCents I see, nice.16:56
Internet_guymount: /dev/sda3: can't find in /etc/fstab.16:56
Internet_guy i have restarted the system and now it's not auto mounting16:56
Lord-KaminaActually, a quick look into macports says there's bash-completion port but I'm not sure if it's the same or an alternative implementation of the feature.16:57
EriC^^Internet_guy: pastebin /etc/fstab16:57
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
Lord-KaminaUgh, biggest problem is I'd have to migrate my macports install to my internal disk.16:59
CommonCentsI have a question for the room.   I just got a new (to me, used/refurb) laptop after dumping a cup of coffee in my last one.   I have the drive from the previous laptop.  It was Xubuntu 16.04.   The new laptop came with a 1TB internal drive.  I've set it up using the "full system encryption manual setup"   at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption.  I need to duplicate the software package settings from m16:59
CommonCentsy old drive and copy my /home/*  data from the old drive.16:59
EriC^^Internet_guy: how are you trying to mount /dev/sda4 ?17:01
Internet_guyEriC^^, it didn't took place automatically this time as i restart17:01
Internet_guysudo mount /dev/sda317:01
EriC^^Internet_guy: is it not in the filemanager?17:02
zWI'm looking for other sysadmins using 10G nics in DELL PE630 Ubuntu (16.04.4) running servers.17:02
EriC^^CommonCents: this command gives a close list of the manually installed packages17:02
alcaneI have a 3.3GB mp4 that won't open in vlc or mpv. Ideas on how I should go about cutting this down? How can I find how long the video is?17:03
Internet_guyEriC^^, no17:03
CommonCentsIs the best way to get the software packages right to chroot into the old system and do a sudo dpkg -l | grep ^ii | awk '{print $2}' and pipe that to a file, then on the new system do a sudo apt install `cat packagelist` on the new system?17:03
EriC^^CommonCents: you'd want to do "command here > /path/to/packageslist" then copy the file to the new pc and run "sudo xargs -a /path/to/packageslist apt-get -y install"17:03
EriC^^CommonCents: that would work, although it would install the main packages and their dependencies as separately installed packages17:04
EriC^^Internet_guy: try "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt"17:05
CommonCentsSo it wouldn't keep dependencies?17:05
EriC^^CommonCents: if you ever remove a package, autoremove wouldnt remove the dependencies17:06
CommonCentsOK, but your "showmanual" way would?17:06
mojtabaHello, do you know any app like top, which tracks network bandwidth and activity?17:06
EriC^^CommonCents: yeah, that list is closer to the actual package list than packages+deps17:06
EriC^^mojtaba: nethogs iftop17:07
mojtabaEriC^^: What is iftop?17:08
EriC^^mojtaba: i think you want iftop, nethogs is more program oriented17:08
tonymkeAlright, I've poked in the syslog RE: x running but no actual logon screen. gnome seems upset that xrandr is disabled (disabled automatically when xinerama is enabled)17:08
EriC^^mojtaba: it shows network activity on an interface17:08
mojtabaEriC^^: thanks17:08
TJ-CommonCents: mount the old root file-system, chroot into it, install package "debfoster", initialise its cache "sudo debfoster -q" then get a list of the packages with "debfoster --show-keepers"17:09
tonymkeIs there a way to make gnome-shell chill with not having xrandr?17:10
TJ-CommonCents: then feed that list to the new system's apt install as EriC^^ suggested via xargs17:10
CommonCents@TJ-   I'm really trying to preserve the old drive,  will probably mount it ro.17:10
Internet_guyEriC^^, https://transfer.sh/12h0DN/img.png17:10
CommonCentsAnd it looks like apt-mark showmanual is the list I need.   Run on both systems, then diff, and apt install  the ones that are only on the old system17:11
Internet_guy<EriC^^> Internet_guy: try "sudo mount /dev/sda4 /mnt" Not yet17:13
Internet_guyit's mounted but not displaying on filemanager17:13
CommonCentsSecond question for the room. I want to restore my users (a few people in the household use this machine, and I have two separate accounts, one for personal stuff, one for business files and stuff).    Which /etc/* files have all the user and group info from the old system?   /etc/passwd is obvious.  I know others are involved too.17:13
CommonCentsI'll need the users to have same UIDs and GIDs for their home directories to have proper permissions, right?17:14
EriC^^CommonCents: the command already does a diff with the initial package status17:15
EriC^^(a comm actually)17:16
EriC^^CommonCents: yeah, same uid and gid17:17
=== EriC^^ is now known as greentea
=== greentea is now known as EriC^^
CommonCentsSo which files from etc have to be copied to get the same users, UIDs and GIDs from the old system drive onto the new one?17:19
CommonCentsfrom /etc17:19
EriC^^CommonCents: if you're the only user it's usually "1000" so the new system should have it already, grep <your user> /etc/passwd should show the uid17:20
CommonCentsI'm not the only user.17:20
CommonCentsI'm sure I have mine correct now.    Although new password.  I need to get the others (there are 4 others that are important) and I don't remember specifically what order they were added.17:21
EriC^^CommonCents: ok, get the uid from the grep command, and once you copy everything over run "sudo chown -R $USER: ~/"  and you should be good17:22
CommonCentsThat's why I'd rather just copy the files from the old system.   Some of the packages installed also added groups, and permissions for that stuff needs to be right.   I really, really need to copy the full config files from the old drive.17:22
EriC^^CommonCents: why not just copy the stuff over and chown the stuff as per user and let the programs do their thing, apt will add the groups and stuff17:24
CommonCentsInstalling the package won't add users to groups that I had to add manually.     I guess I need to google which files PAM uses for users and groups, and how to transfer from old drive to new.17:25
TJ-CommonCents: /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow17:26
TJ-CommonCents: if you copy those in first before installing packages, then the packages won't try to create new users17:26
TJ-CommonCents: or... they ought not to17:27
TJ-Snow-Man: thanks, yeah... CommonCents /etc/gshadow too (group shadow - although rarely is there a group password set)17:27
CommonCents@TJ- so you'd copy those four files before installing the packages?  /etc/passwd, /etc/group, /etc/shadow and /etc/gshadow17:32
TJ-CommonCents: not as simple I'm afraid, you'd need to intelligently sync them with what is already installed!17:33
TJ-I'd only want to copy from those entries that don't already exist in the running system otherwise you'll mess it up badly17:34
CommonCentsI'll keep a backup of what's already installed.   I'm hoping since this is just a fresh install, it should be the same base I started with.17:34
TJ-Depending on the order packages get installed the usernames and UID numbers may vary17:34
CommonCentsI may diff or compare the two passwd and group files to make sure they only have additions17:34
CommonCentsRight, and I want them to be exactly as they were on the old system, so the data copied will have the correct permissions17:35
TJ-CommonCents: there are lots of system service accounts below UID 1000 to deal with17:35
Mark______can someone help with a Ubuntu install17:35
CommonCentsI understand. I need to see how the files compare.17:35
TJ-CommonCents: you've got to ensure the file-system owner:group match the passwd/group file entries on the target :)17:35
Bashing-om!ask | Mark______17:36
ubottuMark______: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:36
TJ-CommonCents: as in, the UID numbers, not the names you see. use "stat /path/to/dir" or "ls -nl /path/to/dir" to check17:36
TJ-CommonCents: are source and target using the same Ubuntu release?17:37
Mark______after I have booted up the install version of Ubuntu and did a restart then unplugged the USB drive with the Ubuntu iso, it won't restart again17:37
CommonCentsthey are on the same release, yes.    I think the source was installed 14.04LTS and upgraded to 16.04LTS a couple years ago.  I installed 16.04LTS from the ISO on the new drive.17:38
TJ-CommonCents: OK, that's removing some very large challenges :)17:38
CommonCentsJust checked,  except for one user, there are only additions in the /etc/passwd on the old system.17:38
TJ-CommonCents: that's a promising start then17:39
CommonCentsuser "whoopsie" has a different GID.17:39
CommonCentsand /etc/group files look like the same thing.  Only whoopsie group has different GID17:40
Bashing-omMark______: Sounds like grub did not install to the hard drive . Is this an EFI system ?17:40
EriC^^Mark______: you installed ubuntu from the live usb, unplugged it and restart but it doesnt boot the install?17:40
TJ-CommonCents: personally I'd do it the other way around! I'd use LVM, create LVs same size as the source file-systems, copy in the original root-fs and /home/ and so forth, then change the GRUB config to boot the new (old) LV file-systems :)17:40
CommonCentsI'll see if there are any files or directories with the GID for "whoopsie"17:41
Mark______yes I get Ubuntu to work and looks like it's installing on the hard drive but it won't boot from the hard drive17:41
TJ-CommonCents: once it's booting correctly I'd then "lvextend -L + ???G VG-LV" and "resize2fs /dev/mapper/VG-LV" to increase the size of those17:41
Mark______Eric that is exactly it17:41
CommonCentsThe big issue with that is the old drive wasn't configured with LVM, and my new installation is using LVM and encryption for the full system.17:41
TJ-CommonCents: so bascially clone and then grow the file-systems17:42
Bashing-omMark______: If this is a EFI system I can not help as I have not the experience .17:42
Mark______sorry for my ignorance Bashing-om I don't know if it's a EFI system, it's on a Dell Inspiron laptop17:43
TJ-CommonCents: it's not though, you can ignore that - all you have to do is copy over the file-system(s) - if you've got disk > partition (LUKS) -> LVM(PV) > LVM(VG) >LVM(LVs) you can clone the file-systems from source into new LVs, then switch the GRUB config to use those LVs17:43
Mark______I can run Ubuntu from the USB and it works which is like half-way there but I want it to be the operating system on the computer17:44
TJ-CommonCents: if you've got FDE I assume there's a separate /boot/ file-system on target ?17:44
CommonCentsI tried that and I couldn't figure out all the stuff to allow grub to boot the encrypted LV's.17:44
TJ-CommonCents: GRUB shouldn't need to know about the LUKS encryption; that is done by the Linux initrd.img code17:45
Bashing-omMark______: Boot the installer and pastebin ' sudo parted -l ' for EriC^^'s perusal . The partitioning will tell .17:45
CommonCentsI used the instructions here:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ManualFullSystemEncryption   There are two partitions on the disk now. The EFI system partition  and the encrypted LVM partition17:45
TJ-CommonCents: if you've encrypted GRUB too, then you just set "GRUB_ENABLE_CRYPTODISK=y" in /etc/default/grub17:46
Mark______thanks Bashing17:46
CommonCentsYeah,  I've done that.17:46
EriC^^Mark______: which pc model is it?17:46
gambl0recan i use my second laptop to extend my monitor screen?17:47
EriC^^gambl0re: no, there's not video-in on laptops17:47
gambl0rewhat do you mean video-in?17:47
CommonCentsI'm going forward with booting live USB image, copying the four files (/etc/passwd, /etc/shadow, /etc/group, and /etc/gshadow)17:47
gambl0remy laptop has one17:47
CommonCentsand checking that the changed GID for "whoopsie" isn't used anywhere17:48
EriC^^gambl0re: i guess you could do something with ssh or something else, nevermind17:48
TJ-CommonCents: Crikey oh Riley! Talk about making a simple setup complicated!!!! That tutorial is horrendous!17:48
EriC^^gambl0re: it does? cool17:48
CommonCentsWell, I won't disagree.  I got through it and I have a working system, though.17:48
TJ-CommonCents: I've been running with encrypted GRUB and setting it up with about 15 CLI commands (actually a shell script!) for the last decade :)17:49
Mark______Eric: It's a Dell Inspiron 1417:49
CommonCentsAre those scripts really needed?  and the "/usr/local/sbin/refreshgrub" one?17:50
TJ-CommonCents: I think I need to publish my script if that's the kind of stuff being given to new users!17:50
EriC^^Mark______: are you booted into the live usb currently?17:51
TJ-CommonCents: as far as I've read that is /not/ a good way to go about it, there is no need for custom scripts17:51
CommonCentsI'd like to see what you have there, @TJ-17:51
CommonCentsNo, I'm booted on the "new" hard drive.17:51
TJ-CommonCents: GRUB, cryptsetup, LVM, initramfs-tools;  all the standard packages work nicely with FDE17:51
Mark______Eric: I will come do that again and get back here thanks17:51
EriC^^Mark______: ok17:51
TJ-CommonCents: I won't confuse you now since you've already done it, but gosh! You're had some unnecessary complexity to deal with there!17:52
CommonCentsYeah,  I'm not sure how you would deal with getting a functional key into initramfs without some of that stuff.17:53
CommonCentsIf it's not in there, you get prompted once for a passphrase, but when the thing tries to remount the file systems in the initramfs scripts, it needs a keyfile for that.17:53
gambl0reanyone know if i can connect my 2 laptop screens together?17:54
CommonCentsOne of my "learning experiences" was misspelling the filename, so it couldn't find the key.   It was failing to boot from that, in an annoying way, without any messages until I turned on debugging, turned of "quiet" and saw the errors for the missing/bad key17:55
CommonCentsAnyway, I'm going to give this a shot with what I have. I'll be back later.17:55
gambl0recool. thanks18:00
tonymkethere a way to get gnome-shell running with xrandr disabled? seems quite upset. https://gist.githubusercontent.com/tonylechner-mitel/bb0bdfc6c23572b8277d2c7d0b75ff44/raw/2cfff8739e0ee4030b3ec576a37a0301fd8879b7/syslog18:01
lotuspsychjecbpye: any progress?18:12
Nathuram!dragnbreaker Matthew Woodring Stover - Overworld 01 - Heroes Die (v5.0).epub18:12
ubottuNathuram: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:12
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Mark______Eric: I am at the point where it says "Please remove the installation medium, then reboot." if I do this it won't reboot if I leave the USB in it does reboot, what should I do? I could try to do it again but I know it won't reboot without the USB in the drive.18:21
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lotuspsychjeMark______: did you sucessfully installed ubuntu from usb?18:28
Mark______lotuspychje yes it installed and came to a point where it said "Please remove the installation medium and reboot" I just did that and it won't reboot18:29
lotuspsychjeMark______: you can force it if it hangs, by pressing your reset/power button18:30
oerhekstime to change your bios boot to hdd18:30
lotuspsychjeMark______: also make sure you set to boot your HD as first boot as oerheks suggests18:31
Mark______lotuspychje the message now says "no bootable devices -- strike F1 to retry reboot, F2 for setup utility, press F5 to run onboard diagnostics18:31
lotuspsychjeMark______: F2 to enter bios, and read what i just said ^18:32
Mark______lotuspychje I am doing that now thanks18:32
Mark______keeping my fingers crossed18:32
Mark______lotuspychje even with the [Hard Drive] as the first priority in the boot order I get the "no bootable devices" message18:33
lotuspsychjeMark______: do you singleboot ubuntu or dualboot with windows?18:35
Mark______lotuspsychje I think I single booted the reason I am putting Ubuntu on my computer is that my Windows won't boot either18:36
Mark______lotuspsychje so I thought I would just start from scratch18:36
lotuspsychjeMark______: ok, did you disabled fastboot & secureboot before you installed ubuntu?18:36
Mark______lotuspsychje both are disabled in the BIOS I am looking at that now18:37
Mark______lotuspsychje if I leave the USB in the port at reboot I do get to run Ubuntu so I know it's installed18:38
lotuspsychjeMark______: you sure you installed ubuntu on your harddisk right?18:38
Mark______lotuspychje I am not like absolutely sure when I put the USB in and start it it says install or try18:38
Mark______lotuspychje I will do this again for the 5th time18:39
lotuspsychjeMark______: thats the liveusb booting..18:39
lotuspsychjeMark______: wait, doublecheck all bios settings first to make sure your HD is set as first18:39
Mark______lotuspsychje it was absolutely so I just rebooted and it's doing something18:40
lotuspsychjeMark______: also check sata options, some bios need it also changed18:40
Mark______lotuspsychje what is sata option?18:40
Mark______lotuspsychje I am starting over at the BISO with nothing in the USB18:41
lotuspsychjeMark______: i mean doublecheck every category in your bios, perhaps also try to F12 at boot, see if your hd(ubuntu) is listed18:41
Mark______lotuspsychje I found SATA operations but eat only option is AHCI18:42
lotuspsychjeMark______: ok, thats good18:43
lotuspsychjeMark______: can you remember how you installed at partitioning screen? erase disk and install ubuntu on whole harddisk?18:44
Bashing-omMark______: Will be good to know where grub is instaled to ' sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub ; sudo parted -l ' .18:44
Mark______lotuspychje my Boot Options are : Fast Boot   disabled             Boot List Option       Legacy                Secure Boot        Disabled         Load Legacy Option Rom Enabled and boot order is not Hard Drive - USB Storage Device, Diskette Drive, CD, Network18:45
lotuspsychjeMark______: not harddrive?18:45
Mark______lotuspychje the 1st boot option is Hard drive18:46
Mark______it was USB when I was installing it18:46
lotuspsychjeok thats good18:46
Mark______I am going to reinstall it again18:46
Mark______be back in a few minutes it takes a bit18:47
lotuspsychjeMark______: but you already succesfully installed you said..18:47
Mark______5 times I have installed it18:47
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lotuspsychjeMark______: we need to find your fault first, before you try the 6th time18:48
lotuspsychjeMark______: can you tell us what you did at partitioning screen in setup?18:48
Mark______not off hand I can tell you this time18:49
Bashing-omMark______: Happens that the installer installs to the 1st drive it recognizes .. here sda ? and sda is the USB device ??18:49
Mark______I am at the screen that says "Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu" I have been hitting the "Install Options"18:49
lotuspsychjeMark______: yes proceed18:50
Mark______Bashing-om how do I change that18:50
Bashing-omMark______: Grub I mean .. the installer installs grub to the 1st device .18:50
Mark______lotuspsychje so I should install again ?18:50
Mark______language option18:51
Mark______keyboard options18:51
lotuspsychjeMark______: well we need to investigate what happened18:51
Mark______internet option18:51
Mark______normal installation choose and download updates while installing Ubuntu18:51
lotuspsychjeMark______: meanwhile, wich computer brand/type is this?18:52
Mark______Inspiron 14 - 345218:52
Mark______Installation type18:52
Mark______maybe I am doing this wrong  "Erase and install Ubuntu18:52
Mark______I don't care about anything on this computer so I was hitting this option18:53
Mark______I don't know about the "something else option"18:53
lotuspsychjeMark______: what did you choose last time?18:53
Mark______the default which is "Erase and Install Ubuntu"  plus the encrypted options below it18:54
lotuspsychjeMark______: try without encryption18:54
Bashing-omMark______: "something else" is if you manually created the partition(S) .18:54
Mark______Bashing-om I didn't used that option ever18:55
lotuspsychjeMark______: but most important, can you check with sda, sdb,...your installing on?18:55
Mark______okay now I have a message that says -------18:55
Mark______Write the changes to disk?18:55
lotuspsychjeMark______: what does it say about SDA sdb?18:56
lotuspsychjeMark______: how big is your harddisk?18:56
Mark______If you continue, the changes listed below will be written to the disks, Otherwise, you willl be able to make further changes manually.18:56
Mark______Warning: this will destroy all data on any partitions you have removed as well as on partitions that are going to be formatted.18:57
oerhekswhy do we care to read that?18:57
Bashing-omMark______: And I keep telling you to see where grub installed to . If the USB is identified as sda, is a good chance that grub did infact install to the USB rather than to the hard drive .18:57
Mark______This partition tables of the following devices are changed:  MMC/SD card#1 (mmcblk0)18:58
oerheksso you copy paste, is this in a virtualbox?18:58
Mark______The following partitions are going to be formatted: partition #1 MMC/SD card (mmcblk0) as ext418:58
Mark______sorry I just don't know what all that means18:59
Mark______I have just been hitting continue at this point18:59
lotuspsychjeMark______: are you installing ubuntu on your sd card?18:59
Mark______no I want to install it on my laptop18:59
Mark______should I hit go back and do something manually?19:00
lotuspsychjeMark______: if ubuntu partitioning did not see your harddisk, it means your bios is not correctly set19:00
ioriaMark______, what laptot is it ?19:00
Mark______Inspiron 14 - 345219:00
Mark______should I go back and try the manual "something else" option?19:01
Mark______okay I tried the something else option19:02
Mark______I think this might have been the problem19:02
lotuspsychjeMark______: no mate..19:02
lotuspsychjeMark______: at the top of partitioning setup, you should be able to see your harddisks,usb,sd cards...there you need to see your laptops harddisk to choose first19:03
lotuspsychjeMark______: 'if' you dont see your harddisk listed, somethings wrongly set19:03
oerheksas you copy pasted, paste a screenshot?19:04
ioriaMark______, why don't you boot the livecd - try mode- and paste sudo parted -l ?19:05
Mark______I am going to try that Ioria I will leave the USB in and at least get to Ubuntu19:05
lotuspsychjehis dell manual doesnt show specific bios settings19:06
ioriaMark______, possibly you have a 32GB eMMC Flash Drive as storage (not classic hd)19:07
EriC^^Mark______: is uefi enabled in the bios?19:08
Mark______I am going to shut down and go back to the BIOS19:09
Mark______sorry for all the problems19:09
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: he disabled fastboot & secureboot19:09
Mark______Correct Fast Boot      Disabled19:10
EriC^^Mark______: take note of uefi and csm legacy19:10
Mark______Boot List Option           Legacy19:10
EriC^^Mark______: aha19:10
Mark______the other option there is UEFI19:10
Mark______Secure Boot           Disabled19:10
EriC^^Mark______: when you're installing ubuntu, do you get a black and white screen with try ubuntu?19:10
Mark______it's not black and white it's a colorful screen that says Try or Install19:11
Mark______I have been hitting the install19:11
lotuspsychjeioria: hmm you could be right, specs pdf mention: or HD or emmc depending on purchase19:11
ioriaMark______,  you need to boot in efi mode19:11
EriC^^aha, in the bios select Legacy19:11
ioriaMark______,  and enabling Firmware TPM BEFORE installation19:11
EriC^^Mark______: in the bios select legacy mode and disable uefi, also make sure the right hdd is selected first in the boot order19:12
lotuspsychjeThe eMMC is integrated on the system board and is not available on computers shipped with19:12
lotuspsychjeWindows 7 operating system.19:12
lotuspsychje: Depending on the configuration you ordered, your computer supports either hard drive or eMMC19:12
lotuspsychjeso perhaps he needs to set boot order to emmc?19:13
Mark______EMMC is not an option in the boot priority19:13
plasmidGM. .. trying to install opus on Ubuntu, but PKG_Config is probably not recognizing where the deps are. Please assist: https://paste.linux.community/view/2e05117e19:14
Mark______It's Hard Drive, USB Storage Device, Diskette Drive, CD/DVD/CD, Network19:14
ioriaMark______,  sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 999919:14
Mark______let me reinstall it and get to Ubuntu with the USB in the drive19:15
EriC^^Mark______: did you disable uefi in the bios and select csm legacy?19:15
Mark______EriC^^ I did19:15
EriC^^Mark______: do you have multiple hdd in the system?19:15
Mark______EriC^^ I didn't add any hardware to the computer when I bought it so it's just has one hard drive19:18
ioriaand mmcblk0 where it comes from ?19:18
Mark______I am going to try minimal installation this time instead of normal19:18
EriC^^Mark______: can you boot the live usb and only click on try ubuntu and come back here to troubleshoot?19:18
Mark______that is what I am doing19:18
EriC^^don't install.. are you in the live usb now?19:18
Mark______I just hit Try Ubuntu19:19
EriC^^ok, type "sudo parted -ls | nc termbin.com 9999"19:19
EriC^^paste the link it gives you here19:19
Mark______you mean in the terminal window?19:19
cbpyeEriC^^, lotuspsychje: I found new error output last time I tried to build 390.77.  segfault when trying to build the module.19:20
lotuspsychjecbpye: did you built or install?19:20
EriC^^cbpye: you're trying the nvidia release or ubuntu repo nvidia?19:20
cbpyeEriC^^, lotuspsychje: ubuntu repo.19:21
EriC^^cbpye: can you pastebin the segfault traceback?19:21
Mark______EriC^^ :Warning: The driver descriptor says the physical block size is 2048 bytes, but linux says it is 512 bytes.   Error: /dev/mmclk0boot: unrecognized disk label     Error: /dev/mmcblk0Boot1: unrecognized disk label http:/termbin.com/34r319:22
ioriaMark______, i think you have an sd card as storage19:23
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EriC^^Mark______: everything looks normal there, my advice would be to install in uefi mode and see if the bios boots it19:24
Mark______I don't have an Sweet dreams!  card in the computer19:24
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cbpyeEriC^^, lotuspsychje: https://pastebin.com/bEiNsM1C19:24
EriC^^Mark______: do you know how to boot the live usb in uefi mode?19:24
Mark______I can change the bios to UEFI mode19:24
Mark______would that help?19:24
Mark______and try the install that way?19:25
ioriaMark______, yes, and enable Firmware TPM BEFORE installation19:25
Mark______okay thanks again19:25
Mark______be back in a second19:25
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ioriacbpye, looks horrible19:27
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ioriacbpye, what's are you installing  nvidia-driver-390 ?19:28
lotuspsychjeioria: he tested nouveau, and 390 both not booting well19:28
cbpyeioria: I know.  I've been looking at 1024x768 on a 27" 1440p monitor for far too long.  and yes, that's what I'm trying to do.19:29
iorialotuspsychje, you mean nouveau not working ?19:29
lotuspsychjeioria: related bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205319:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]19:29
ioriafix released19:29
lotuspsychjeioria: yeah but he cant get 390 working19:29
EriC^^Mark______: when the live usb boots, type "ls /sys/firmware/efi" if it gives some dirs then it's in uefi mode19:29
cbpyeioria: I'm having to boot with nomodeset in order to do anything.19:29
ioriacbpye, and nouveau not working ?19:30
cbpyeioria: indeed.  No matter what I do my graphics card remains UNCLAIMED.19:30
ioriacbpye, sudo lshw -c Video19:30
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cbpyeioria, lotuspsychje, EriC^^: https://pastebin.com/eYyiusqX19:31
ioriacbpye, cat /proc/cmdline    (you can paste here)19:32
lotuspsychjeioria: his ubuntu-drivers list showed 390.48 by default for his card, adding graphics ppa gave him 396 reccomended19:34
ioriacbpye, cat /proc/cmdline    (you can paste here)19:34
cbpyeBOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-29-generic root=UUID=15789cb8-5365-42b9-ac38-b4e9999da94e ro quiet nomodeset splash vt.handoff=119:34
ioriacbpye, where did you set nomodeset in grub or in /etc/default/grub ?19:35
ioriacbpye, grep nomodeset  /etc/default/grub19:36
ioriaand why  vt.handoff=1 should be 719:37
cbpyeioria: that grep command returned nothing, I have to manually add it everytime I boot.  I haven't really acclimated very well to Linux after Slackware 13.37 (I'm still more comfortable with LILO even though I haven't used it in 5 years)19:39
ioriacbpye, secure boot disabled ?19:40
cbpyeioria: don't think I can.  I installed with a UEFI partition.19:40
ioriacbpye, so ?19:40
ioriacbpye, you can19:40
ioriacbpye, you have a maxwell chip19:41
madmangunusing nvidia 396.45 with ppa Ubuntu 18,04 - No vt.handoff showin in /proc/cmdline19:41
madmangunNo vt.handoff manually added to /etc/default/grub19:42
lotuspsychjemadmangun: on wich chipset?19:42
madmangunGTX 1070m intel/nvidia laptop19:42
lotuspsychjemadmangun: nice man, tnx for confirming19:42
cbpyeioria: are you asking whether or not I do, or stating that I do?19:42
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lotuspsychjemadmangun: can you add this here plz: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205319:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]19:43
ioriacbpye, sudo apt purge nvidia*   (note the *); reboot ; access bios, disable secure boot ; if it does not boot, add again in grub nomodeset19:43
lotuspsychjemadmangun: can you recall wich driver version ubuntu suggested for you by default?19:44
ioriacbpye, what release ? 18.04 ?19:44
lotuspsychjeioria: yeah hes on bionic19:44
cbpyepurged again, rebooting.19:45
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madmangun@cbpye What ultiately worked for me was rm -rf /var/lib/dkms/nvidia folder (just the nvidia folder).  Re-installed nvidia-drivers-396 and it rebuit that nvidia folder and video card worked.  ODDEST thing ever!19:51
madmangunRunning WINE with Windows version of Steam and 90% of my Windows games run just fine under Ubuntu 18.0419:52
cbpyeioria: looks like I can't disable secure boot.  ASUS motherboard, Secure Boot state is set to "enabled", PK status is set to "unloaded" and OS Type is set to "other os"19:52
cbpyebut I managed to boot in WITHOUT using nomodeset this time.19:52
ioriacbpye, sudo lshw -c Video19:53
cbpyecbpye@monolith:~$ cat /proc/cmdline; BOOT_IMAGE=/boot/vmlinuz-4.15.0-29-generic root=UUID=15789cb8-5365-42b9-ac38-b4e9999da94e ro quiet splash vt.handoff=119:53
ioriacbpye, sudo lshw -c Video19:53
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cbpyeioria: Still UNCLAIMED19:54
ioriacbpye, ok, can i see it ?19:55
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cbpyeioria: https://pastebin.com/RpfELgsA19:56
ioriacbpye, ubuntu-drivers list19:56
cbpyeioria: nvidia-driver-390; nvidia-driver-39619:57
ioriacbpye, mokutil --sb-state19:57
cbpyeioria: SecureBoot disabled.19:58
madmangunIf cbpye is using opensource drivers (PPA) secure boot shouldn't matter.  I have secure boot enabled!19:58
ioriacbpye, lsmod | grep -i nouveau19:58
CountryfiedLinuxMy default audio output keeps changing when I turn on my laptop. Is there a way to fix this?19:58
ioriamadhe is not19:59
ioriamadmangun, he is not19:59
madmangunI see that.  I'm letting others know.19:59
madmangunwhat worked for me was purging nvidia.  He has.  And then removing the nvidia folder from /var/lib/dkms.  Then reinstalling the 396 drivers.20:00
cbpyeioria, madmangun: looks like I'm not running nouveau either.  Weird.20:00
ioriacbpye, no output from lsmod20:00
cbpyeioria: correct20:00
madmangunI am not sure why it left that folder after the purge.  I stumbled onto the fix on a ask ubuntu forum a while back.20:00
cbpyemadmangun: what directory was that again?  /var/dkms/nvidia?20:01
ioriacbpye, do yoou have it ?20:01
madmangun.. /var/lib/dkms/nvidia20:01
cbpyeioria, madmangun: I DID have it, but not anymore.  Not even a /var/lib/dkms anymore.20:02
ioriacbpye, btw, what is a laptop with dual graphics ?20:02
alousyheroHey everyone. I'm having some issues with Plex. I've installed and it isn't showing in installed apps. I've uninstalled and purged everything and reinstalled and it's still not showing, even though it's there. Any ways I can get it to show up?20:03
ioriacbpye, i think not20:03
madmangunok good.  I would do a simple sudo apt install nvidia-drivers-396 in terminal.  Nothing more.  Watch for any errors during the install20:03
cbpyeioria: that would sound like an Optimus chipset?  I think...20:03
ioriacbpye, yes, and it's not, right ?20:04
ioriacbpye, if so, see madmangun ^ suggestion and paste errors you got20:04
cbpyeioria: no, this is a desktop PC.  I don't think that the motherboard has a built-in GPU of any sort.20:05
cbpyeand I concur, that sounds like a good idea.20:05
ioriacbpye, let's do it20:05
fred1807how can I get a newer version of pango?20:06
cbpyeError (dkms apport) there was a segmentation fault when trying to build the module.20:08
cbpyeError!  Bad return status for module build on kernel: 4.15.0-29-generic (x86_64)20:09
cbpyegoing to paste the make.log on pastebin now.20:09
ioriacbpye, not sure i can help you , probably a bug with some workarounds20:09
cbpyebut it does look like the rest of the process finished.   says it generated the new initrd.img and all that.20:10
ioriacbpye, well, it's easy nto test reboot20:10
madmangunnot the /var/lib/dkms issue.  the other note I have is module related.  This worked for me when upgrading kernels and having the module problem.  This is the last trick I have.   go to /lib/modules/<your kernel> and rename or remove updates folder20:11
madmangunFirst purgenvidia*20:11
madmangunreboot then remove that updates folder and reinstall nvidia 39620:11
cbpyeioria, madmangun: https://pastebin.com/Kqaadzug20:11
ahi2cbpye: may have a problem with build-essential or gcc20:12
cbpyemadman: that's exactly what we just did, though.20:12
ahi2may need to reinstall those20:12
ioriacbpye, yeah, it failed20:12
madmangunthat was /var/lib/dkms/nvidia20:12
madmangunI'm talking about /lib/modules/<kernel version>/updates20:13
ioriaa bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bcmwl/+bug/175311420:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1760876 in linux-azure-edge (Ubuntu) "duplicate for #1753114 DKMS driver builds fail with: Cannot use CONFIG_STACK_VALIDATION=y, please install libelf-dev, libelf-devel or elfutils-libelf-devel" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:13
madmangunAlso what ahi2 said couldn't hurt.  sudo apt install gcc build-essential --reinstall20:15
ahi2i believe build-essential is not even installed by default20:15
ioriacbpye, i can only suggest this : manually blacklisting nouveau, updating initramfs, and rebooting20:16
ioriacbpye, gl20:16
cbpyenouveau has already been blacklisted.  I just hope it sticks.20:17
cbpyealso, can confirm for madmangun and ahi2 that gcc and build-essential were already installed.  re-installed.20:17
cbpyeI'm going to purge nvidia* and reboot again.20:18
madmangungood idea cbpye.  Also make sure that  /var/lib/dkms/nvidia folder is gone after you do the sudo apt purge nvidia* and then remove /lib/modules/<your kernel version>/updates folder.  THEN reinstall nvidia-drivers-39620:19
madmangunThat's what I have stored in my notes that definately worked for my gtx1070m/intel laptop on 18.04 using the PPA (open source 396 drivers)20:19
cbpyemadmangun: That folder didn't exist (lib/modules/<version>/updates/)20:20
madmangunEX: /lib/modules/4.15.0-29-generic/updates ?20:21
cbpyedoes not exist.20:21
madmangunvery interesting.20:21
cbpyealright, rebooting.20:22
cbpyeon the bright side, I'm not having to manually add nomodeset anymore20:24
cbpyeon the downside, still stuck in 1024x76820:24
madmangungah!  **scratching head..  What happens when you type the following20:26
madmangunsudo apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r)20:26
cbpyemadmangun: no changes made.  They're already present.20:27
ahi2see if that compiling error goes away20:28
cbpyeyeah about that20:28
cbpyeI was about to try apt install nvidia-driver-390, but I thought that the amount of disk space looked low20:29
cbpyeso I did an apt autoremove20:29
cbpyeand it removed about 300-something MB of nvidia-related packages.20:29
madmangunI usually do sudo apt remove nvidia* --purge and a sudo apt autoremove && sudo apt autoclean :)20:30
Mark______if I want to install Ubuntu how do I decide which ISO to download20:30
kernelmananyone use gnome builder on ubuntu 16.04? Im on the lastest builder but seem to be missing many features20:30
Mark______I am on a Dell Laptop and no operating system on it the moment20:30
jinkMark______: 32/64 ?20:31
cbpyerebootin' again.  going to make sure things are clean before i give this another pass.20:31
madmangun18.04 https://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop20:31
jinkMark______: server/desktop?20:31
jinkMark______: Likely what madmangun said.20:31
Mark______jink it's a inspiron 14-345220:31
madmangunI'm not sure cbpye.  I hae a Alienware m17r4 with the GTX1070/intel drivers.  With the PPA and secure boot installed.  Try the 390 drivers.20:31
Mark______desktop also20:32
Mark______I am starting from scratch with a new ISO I will download20:32
jinkMark______: I have no idea what the specs of that are, but there's a good chance that madmangun's link just works.20:32
madmangun*typo's sorry.  *have and secure boot enabled.    Doing to many things at once :)20:32
Mark______thank you20:33
jinkmadmangun: "too* many things" :P20:33
madmangunsigh.. *face palm*20:33
Mark______so have secure boot Enable?20:33
madmangunI'd leave it disabled Mark.  Fewer complications.20:34
Mark______after I download the ISO just boot from USB correct?20:34
jinkMark______: https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-install-ubuntu-desktop#020:35
Mark______thank you Jink and madman20:35
madmangunMake sure the bios is set to boot to your harddrive.   Use F8 F11 F12 during boot (depends on your computer) to select what device you wish to boot from.  Then select your usb.20:36
madmangunMy Alienware is F12 and my HP is F920:37
Muliganlovin my latitude e7240 w/ubuntu & win10 dual20:38
madmangun:) Manjaro, Ubuntu, and Windows 10 on SSD with my home folder encrypted and shared with both Manjaro and Ubuntu20:39
madmangunCrazy setup.20:39
madmangunHome folders on the 1TB regular harddrive20:40
cbpyemadmangun: still having DKMS error when building the module.20:42
madmangunI'm sorry, I'm at a loss on this one cbpye.  If you can find a way to disable secure boot I would suggest purging the PPA, rebooting, and selecting the proprietary 390 drivers.20:44
cbpyemadmangun: secure boot is disabled, and these are the proprietary drivers from the ubuntu repo.20:45
madmangunsecure boot will need to be disabled for proprietary drivers to work.  I wish I could be more help.  This has me at a total loss at this point.  Someone else may have another way to correct this.  I would keep trying and ask again in an hour or so again here in this channel.20:45
madmangunAhh.  Same problem with the PPA (open source) drivers?20:46
madmangunI've got to head out cbpye.  I'll be back on later.  Try installing the ppa and then sudo apt update && sudo apt dist-upgrade.  Reboot and see if the updated opensource drivers make a difference.20:51
madmangunsudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa20:51
texlaUbuntu 16.04 How to delete partition labeled extinction from gparted20:53
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psykatogHey, anyone have advice on choosing between two versions of Ubuntu?  I'm torn between the newest LTS Kubuntu (KDE) and the last editino of linux Mint with KDE (18.3, based on ubuntu 16.04).  Any opinions?21:08
oerheksmint is no choice here, do KDE it is.21:08
psykatogoerheks, what do you mean 'mint is no choice'?  Mint is based on ubuntu again (I know they were on debian for a few releases back)21:09
oerhekspsykatog,read the topic, we do not support forks21:09
oerheksmint has ts own issues21:10
oerheksyou might want to check out the #kubuntu channel too21:11
pc_repondez oech21:11
psykatogoerheks, just curious, what are your criticisms of mint, generally?21:13
oerhekspsykatog, we just don't support it, and generally offtopic here :-)21:14
texlaUbuntu 16.04 How to delete extended partition using gparted21:15
qwebirc1021706can anyone help me with a ubuntu 18.04.1 crash. I am not able to see the display manager and VT switching doesn't work21:16
oerhekstexla, unmount it in disks, that can only be done when not in use by ubuntu. then you can change partitions, else boot a live iso to start the disks utility21:16
Tecanif i try preview with       mate-notification-properties   i see no popups21:16
qwebirc1021706[urgent]can anyone help me with a ubuntu 18.04.1 crash. I am not able to see the display manager and VT switching doesn't work.I have tried booting it via this way, https://paste.opensuse.org/79432333, but nothing happened.21:18
qwebirc1021706smallville7123: Can you help me with a ubuntu 18.04.1 crash. I am not able to see the display manager and VT switching doesn't work.I have tried booting it via this way, https://paste.opensuse.org/79432333, but nothing happened.21:20
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Tecanhttps://github.com/tecan/SmokingTimer was going to use notify-send for a new app i was working on21:56
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Mark______I am trying to install Ubuntu on my Dell Inspiron 14 3452 I get a message saying Bootloader Install Failed, There is an option to continue without a boot loader !you will need to manually install a boot loader in order to start Ubuntu can someone tell me how to do this?22:09
FlannelMark______: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub should be the "quick/easy" way, but if you're having trouble with that, there's a more detailed/options version here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing22:22
TabMasherI'm using ubuntu and I've made a partition and formatted it as Btrfs.  Under ubuntu, how can I make that partition automatically compress files stored on it?  I know there is a mount option from reading the btrfs wiki, I just don't know how to implement it.  Does anyone know how I can do this?22:22
tomreynMark______: once the installation completes, you open a temrinal window and run grub-install against the hard disk you want to install it on. what the exact target needs to be depends on how you booted (uefi vs (legacy) bios) and how / where from plan to boot.22:23
tomreynMark______: did the installer ask you whether you would like grub installed on the disk itself / boot sector or to a partition? and if so, which one did you choose?22:25
tomreynalso, what exactly are you installing? (ubuntu release? system role (desktop, server)?)22:26
TabMasherI mean, how do I set Ubuntu to auto mount a btrfs file system with compression enabled?22:27
tomreynTabMasher: https://btrfs.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Compression#How_do_I_enable_compression.3F22:28
tomreynoptions (the arguments to the -o command line option) can be provided in /etc/fstab, in the 'options' columns, separated by comma22:29
Mark______thanks tomreyn and Flannel am working on it now22:30
TabMashertomreyn: Thank you for the link but I've seen that.  "Mount with -o compress or -o compress-force"  Let's say my Btrfs filesystem is my /home directory and I want it to mount automatically with the compression option on.  How do I do that?22:30
TabMasherIs there a config file I need to edit that mounts the drives on startup, or something?22:31
tomreynTabMasher: yes, that's /etc/fstab22:32
tomreyn!fstab | TabMasher22:32
ubottuTabMasher: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.pclosmag.com/html/Issues/200709/page07.html and !Partitions22:32
TabMashertomreyn: Thank you.22:33
tomreynyou're both welcome.22:33
IntelCoreHi, I got apt to , do-release and upgrade. but the download suggest I do a Partial-upgrade.. only option.22:46
IntelCoreSo I have 18.04 screen22:46
IntelCoreVut what to do now?22:46
cbpyeMy situation gets stranger.22:47
Mark______I am still trying to get my Dell Inspiron 14 -3452 model laptop to install Ubuntu . I can get into live mode but it will not boot from the hard drive after numerous attempts22:47
IntelCoreEverything works. It traded some 3k files22:47
IntelCoreMark do you have windows?22:48
Mark______for some reason Windows won't boot that is why I was trying to install Linux22:48
IntelCoreMark, do you have a gpt drive, use uefi, or efi?22:48
IntelCoreoh. uhm windows? get that fixed first22:49
Mark______it's UEFI I think that is an option in the BIOs22:49
Mark______Can't I just install Linux over the Windows OS22:49
Mark______I don't care to have Windows on the computer22:49
IntelCorewell, if you install ubuntu onto the windows partition, you are bound for trouble22:51
Mark______there is no way to like start from scratch22:51
IntelCorebest format the drive to ext4 then press button on live cd22:51
Mark______get rid of the Windows partitions22:51
IntelCoreif you got win10 on it, you wont get that back22:52
Mark______the only operating system I want on the computer is Ubuntu22:52
IntelCoreand the disk works?22:53
Mark______how can I tell if they work22:53
Mark______I can run Ubuntu in test mode22:53
IntelCorethe image you should have of Live ubuntu dvd22:54
Mark______live mode and I see the hard drive22:54
Mark______I have on a USB22:54
IntelCorepress top left icon22:54
Mark______hold on let me get back into the live mode again am in my BIOS22:54
IntelCorechange no bios setting22:55
IntelCoreexcept boot from usb, or dvd first22:55
Mark______it's booting22:55
IntelCorelive is running? If so you have an OS22:56
IntelCorethe disk can install itself onto your h.drive22:56
Mark______yeah and I can use Ubuntu but isn't it running off the USB drive and not the hard drive22:56
IntelCoreright. It won't store22:57
Mark______so how can I get it to run off my hard drive22:57
IntelCoreopen files22:57
IntelCoresee what is there22:57
Mark______hold on it's still opening up in LIVE mode22:57
Mark______okay I am in files22:57
IntelCoreshould show windows22:58
Mark______there is a 31GB and a Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and64 drive22:59
IntelCoreyou get a program called disks, and another called gparted22:59
IntelCoregparted will wreck the drive. partition it22:59
Mark______are they applications I can open in the live mode?23:00
IntelCorepress the icon to install ubuntu top left23:00
Mark______I did that before a few times23:00
Mark______it installs23:00
IntelCorek it takes time23:00
IntelCoreit will ask u stuff23:00
Mark______and when I go to restart and take out the USB it won't reboot without it in the USB23:00
Mark______there is an Icon that says Install Ubuntu 18.04 LTS23:01
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Mark______I have done that part a few times now and it seems like it is installing it23:01
IntelCoreat the end of the process, yes, it will tell you it is time to remove the usb23:01
Mark______yep I get to that part23:02
Mark______I remove the USB and restart23:02
IntelCorethen? black screen?23:02
Mark______and it says "no bootable drive found Press F1 to retry , F2 for setup, and F5 for I forget what it says23:02
Mark______it won't boot without the USB in the drive23:03
kernelmanMark______: try a full shutdown then23:03
IntelCoreok, perhaps you have a windows10 and it's not catching grub23:03
kernelmanwith the usb still in23:03
Mark______I will try the installation again for the 5th time23:04
Mark______be back in a few minutes23:04
IntelCorectrl+T is terminal23:05
Mark______you want me to to to the terminal window?23:05
Mark______I am there23:05
IntelCoresee if you can see directories, dir23:06
Mark______it says ubuntu@ubuuntu:~$23:06
qwebirc59025I am having trouble with setting up Ubuntu Server 18.04 as a router. I'm not familiar with netplan, if you can help, personal message me.23:06
Mark______yep they are Desktop Downloads Music Public Videos Documents examples.desktop Pictures Templates23:07
IntelCoreHey Mark? If you can find application called Disks, run it and write down the partions, and the sda# order23:07
Mark______hold on will do23:08
Mark______16 GB Drive PNY USB 2.0FD23:10
Mark______4.2 MB Block Device /dev/mmcblk0boot023:10
Mark______4.2 MB Block Device /dev/mmcblk0boot123:10
Mark______1.8GB Loop Device /cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs23:11
IntelCoreok, well you can try gparted to format C: make it ext4, the bootable drive. Check bios to be sure the hard drive is set to boot first23:11
IntelCorethe 31 gb will be overwritten23:12
Mark______so I have to restart now or use Gparted?23:12
Mark______I don't care I want Linux on it23:12
IntelCoreopen gparted. A tool icon shows under the names of partion23:13
IntelCoreright click the cog23:13
Mark______hold on23:13
Mark______I am in GParted23:13
IntelCoretha live disk will partition your hard disk.23:14
Mark______I see /dev/mmcblk0p1 29.12GB23:14
Mark______I highlighted that device23:14
IntelCorewhat you are going to try is to live usb install onto all the drive, the partition needs to be set to 'bootable'23:16
Mark______I think I am following you23:16
IntelCorethen run the live icon, wait.. and see if it tells you it installed23:16
IntelCoreIf not, you have a bad boot sector config23:17
Mark______I am still just in GParted23:18
Mark______I don't know what to do there23:18
IntelCorethe cog, icon23:18
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Mark______there is only a menu on the top no cog, icon23:18
IntelCorehang on.23:19
IntelCoreefi system partition?23:19
IntelCoreMicrosoft reserved?23:20
IntelCoreany of that?23:20
Mark______the top says /dev/mmcblk0p1    29.12GiB23:20
Mark______the menu up top says Gparted Edit View Device Partition Help23:21
Mark______that is my usb23:22
Mark______I can go back and forth between the two of them23:22
IntelCoremove up down click the partition that is 31gb23:22
IntelCoreright ckick for  other things23:23
IntelCoreyou need a partition with ext4 /23:23
IntelCoreif you have no fat32 /boot/efi then the windows wont boot23:24
Mark______I am on the device and the device information says Model: MMC DS2032      Serial: none        Size: 29.12GB      Path: /dev/mmcblk0      Partion Table: msdos     Heads: 255     Sectors/track: 63      Total sectors: 6108136023:25
IntelCorethat is hadr disk, and I will leave it to you to wipe the drive23:25
Mark______just tell me how to wipe it23:26
Mark______if I can23:26
IntelCoreext4 bootable23:26
Mark______there is nothing o it I want23:26
Mark______I want this laptop to run Linux only23:26
IntelCoreok. go to applications > preferenves>Disks23:27
IntelCoreunder system tools23:28
IntelCoreshows volumes23:29
IntelCoreshows the same partitions you just saw in gparted23:29
Mark______okay Intelcore I found the cog sorry23:31
Mark______it says Format Partition Edit Partition Edit Filesystem Resize Check Filesystem Repair Filesystem23:32
IntelCoreyou can check the file system - try restore, or wipe it making a bootable ext4 of all drive23:32
Mark______you mean Restore Partition Image?23:33
Mark______I don't see just a restore23:34
IntelCoreyea but you may need the image23:34
Mark______what about just format23:35
IntelCorethas a wipe23:35
Mark______so I have nothing on the computer I want23:35
IntelCoreyou decide23:35
Mark______I am formatting it23:35
Mark______what type?       Internal disk for use with Linux systems only (Ext4)    For use with Windows (NFTS)   or For use with all systems and devices (FAT)23:36
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Mark______the default was the last23:36
IntelCoreMark? you know you will have to re-install win10 if you ever want it on that drive23:38
Mark______I don't want Windows on this computer I want Linux only23:38
Mark______I bought it to play with Linux and learn about ti23:38
Mark______it's a cheap laptop only for Linux education23:38
IntelCoreI have an older pc to put Willy on it23:39
Mark______I have this computer I am on that is my other computer I use it's my Mac23:39
Mark______I wouldn't dare try this on it23:39
Mark______by the way thanks Intelcore23:39
Mark______it's reformatting the drive23:40
IntelCoreWell most info is at Ubuntu. this room have website. omgubuntu and googles23:40
IntelCorelots to learn23:40
Mark______I have a linux for dummies book23:41
IntelCoregood start23:41
Mark______as you can see I am a dummy23:41
Mark______I can't get it to boot even23:41
Mark______the commands are different for sure23:41
IntelCoreI got an i5 with 10 on it, and found I could not dual boot it with ubuntu, but help here got me set23:42
IntelCoreresearch two weeks before doing it23:43
IntelCorenow Grub starts and I choose win10 or ubuntu23:43
IntelCoreonce you see Ext4 /  (partition) and it's done.. bootable. then live install23:44
IntelCorewhell, I'll be back.23:50
Mark______thanks Intelcore23:50
IntelCoreSo a partial install by the apy .. do-release command, has actually installed All of 18.04?23:55
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