[04:14] OvenWerks, eylul: Just caught up. In my company, we have all of the passwords on a Google Drive account with a password we all share, but that's less than ideal for our situation. So, whatever solution you found using LP, you might have to explain it to me. [04:15] Unfortunately, I'm probably not going to get the meeting notes out until tomorrow since my brain doesn't seem to want to really function properly, and I have to get up early tomorrow anyways, so it's probably for the best that I'm tired.. [04:16] Eickmeyer: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-core/+junk/ubuntustudio-core [04:16] just a test. but anyone who is a part of ubuntustudio-core should be able to read it. [04:16] Yeah, I see that. Looks like it has to be done in bzr? [04:17] I don't know I didn't even try git yet :) [04:17] Oh, haha! [04:18] for just a few plain files... idon't see what difference it makes really. [04:19] I don't either. I'm okay using bzr, git, mercurial, or whatever. Actually, no. No mercurial. I'm not a masochist. XD [04:21] Either way, that seems to be a decent solution so long as nobody outside of core can see it. [04:22] https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-core/+git/ubuntustudio-core [04:23] Eickmeyer: git works too [04:23] \o/ [04:24] Only thing I can see there is that bzr and git don't mix, so we should settle on one or the other, and my vote would be for git since it seems to be, for lack of a better term, "the way of the future." [04:24] I don't know if you want to make it a "project" or not [04:24] Nah, doesn't need to be a project. [04:24] not may be more secure... [04:24] Exactly. [04:25] bzr has vanished [04:26] err, the bzr branch above has vanished :P [04:27] Oh! Well, then that solves that! [04:27] * Eickmeyer needs to send eylul instructions on git on LP [04:28] Eickmeyer: I don't know if we should have all in one file or one file for each... "whatever" [04:28] I don't see any reason not to have it all in one file. Git is smart enough to figure out differences. [04:29] I was thinking about being able to send one file to someone who only needs one. [04:29] That is not having to change all the info if someone goes away who can't be trusted. [04:31] Ohhh... right. [04:32] Multiple files wouldn't be that much work either. [04:33] Anyway, the repo is there do whatever :) [04:33] * OvenWerks figures he has done his part :) [04:38] Thanks! That was something eylul was wondering last week, and it's nice to see the solution was under our noses. [04:38] Now we just need to figure out the dang web hosting issue. [09:54] Eickmeyer: OvenWerks i just said git over bzr for long term planning as we are transitioning to git overall it seems, and it is one less tool to keep track of/learn. In short term I don't care either. :)