=== Spass_ is now known as Spass [02:14] Unit193: thanks. Could be something to consider if we wanted to link to package installs from the docs or something [02:17] Unit193: so, I'm working on making xubuntu-artwork work with elementary-xfce... I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ms9FC2DSFs/ and https://code.launchpad.net/~xubuntu-art/xubuntu-artwork/+git/xubuntu-artwork/+ref/elementary-xfce-transition ... but still running into some issues when installing (https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/r6YnGcDyWk/). Do you have any idea what I might be missing at this point? [02:18] been poking at it for a while now, so it might be just something dumb that I'm missing from looking at the same thing for a while [02:35] bluesabre: What happens if you leave the xubuntu-artwork depends as they are? [02:36] Ah. You depend on elementary-xfce-icon-theme (>= 0.12-2), so it wants to install that, but then elementary-xfce-icon-theme breaks/replaces xubuntu-icon-theme so it wants that to be updated. [02:36] If I am reading this right. [02:50] bluesabre: Perhaps you just want to 1ubuntu1 elementary? Also please poke ochosi before uploading, last I remember he didn't like my new creation! :( (Nah, just wanted pngs over svgs.) [02:50] I, of course, would think it'd be great if we used this, but either way I think it's good to be in Debian (so I can use it there. >_>) [03:43] Unit193: yeah, trying to figure out how to safely transition the package... remove the contents of xubuntu-icon-theme, install elementary-xfce-icon-theme, then patch the theme with update-alternatives [03:44] Not opposed to ubuntu-fying it [03:44] and then reducing the delta afterwards [03:44] but the transition seems weird [03:44] That is, s/conflicts/breaks+replaces/ part. [03:47] oh right [03:48] Did you read the rest of it? Drop the versioned dep in x-i-t and re-try? [03:48] I kind of recently did this very thing, actually. [03:49] Alrighty, will try that [03:49] Package a: [03:49] +Breaks: elementary-shimmer-icon-theme (<< 0.13) [03:49] +Replaces: elementary-shimmer-icon-theme (<< 0.13) [03:49] Package B: Depends: ${misc:Depends}, elementary-xfce-icon-theme [03:51] (Package C retained the elementary-shimmer-icon-theme dep/rec for the time being.) [03:55] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3VQHgMJHkf/ [04:14] * Unit193 tries [04:15] * bluesabre sleeps [04:15] long dayyyyyy [04:15] nighty Unit193 [04:17] bluesabre: http://paste.openstack.org/show/726793/ ? [04:18] huh [04:18] suppose I'll try that in a vm then [04:19] dev env is always a mess [04:20] http://paste.openstack.org/show/beT0sNzQtAc4e9CkT6P5 [04:20] http://paste.openstack.org/show/c6eUYvI2HXLDl72bwwTY [13:09] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfwm4 4.12.5 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfwm4-4-12-5-released-tp51453.html (by Olivier Fourdan) [13:24] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfwm4 4.13.1 released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfwm4-4-13-1-released-tp51456.html (by Olivier Fourdan) [16:55] Wow. [17:22] (: [19:31] so i stitched together an admin menu for all release-related stuff... [19:31] visible in staging if you are interested [19:31] showing the right parent menu isn't working yet, but that's coming too [19:32] just reusing the somewhat crappy admin pages (or just not the most appropriate really) for now [19:32] they work though, without any code... [19:45] ...and correct menu is now highlighted, woohoo [19:46] ..in most cases at least [19:48] and should now be in all cases