
=== jbmorris289_ is now known as jbmorris289
qwefytuiitytyubuntu-mate (deb) the same, but no this in xubuntu, but xubuntu skype installed in snap. Lubuntu 18.04 64,  skype deb. https://screenshots.firefox.com/WoczsAN1iGiR8zr9/null10:25
qwefytuiitytyI see it long ago and after the skype updating10:29
Bobbye12I can't install Lubuntu on a drive with nothing on14:10
Bobbye12each time i got message spectre v2 mitigation lfence not serializing switching to generic retpoline14:11
Bobbye12or when it works after 20 minutes i got busybox terminated by initramfs14:12
Bobbye12after a lot of error messages14:13
JohnDoe_71RusBobbye12: check memory and temp14:37
Bobbye12my drive is free14:46
Bobbye12i got 50% time either eoor messages with print_req_error and buffer I/O error14:48
Bobbye12or the other time EDD : error 3200 reading sector 65,66,...14:48
geniiThat sounds like the drive is going kaput15:15
Bobbye12it seems to be of with windows installation15:17
Bobbye12perhaps it works with older version of lubuntu?15:18
geniiThe area of the drive Windows is installed upon parhaps has not developed physical problems yet15:18
genii..note the "yet"15:18
Bobbye12i got this kind of probleme with many of my old disks15:19
Bobbye12i cnage my hdd for another one to test15:24
Bobbye12memtest 1st15:24
geniiThat usually tends to happen, yes. Sections on the physical platters begin to fail. This is why it's usually good to have SMART ( Self Monitoring And Reporting Tool) enabled in BIOS and software in your operating system installed which takes advantage of this feature.15:25
Bobbye12question: if my hdd is ok, have i have to make partitions before installing linux distribution or it's proposed during linux install process?15:28
geniiThe installer will usually make a suggestion, if you choose that it will just auto-partition everything15:30
Bobbye12ok, thanks15:31
Bobbye12memtest is running15:31
Bobbye12memtest of15:50
Bobbye12edd : error 3200 reading sector 65,... messages15:51
Bobbye12with another drive15:51
Bobbye12las tests : install windows15:52
Bobbye12then try to launch lubuntu cd15:53
JohnDoe_71RusBobbye12: check hdd victoria hdd. read how to perform check and remap15:55
xubuntu56wWhen i try to install Lubuntu from an USB i get this message:  ACPI Error:Method parse/execution failed20:01
xubuntu56wAnd why, i have used the same distros before.20:02
lubot5<tsimonq2> Did you verify the checksum first?20:02
diogenes_or try acpi=off20:02
xubuntu56wI am not sure.. Sometimes i download the without use torrent.20:02
xubuntu56wI have try diferents iso files and get the same.20:03
xubuntu56wWhat is acpi ? Is it in bios ? I have never have to change it before.20:03
diogenes_quite possible that the newer kernels don't support your bios anymore20:04
diogenes_that's why try acpi=off20:04
xubuntu56wI will try.. But i have used 16.04 before without problems.. Except 16.04.1 it can be the problem.20:05
xubuntu56wDiogenes: where i turn off acpi ?20:08
xubuntu56wI dont find it in bios20:08
diogenes_xubuntu56w, you boot the iso and once you reach grub (install option) you hit letter 'e' find the linux line and add the acpi=off option and then hit ctrl+x20:09
xubuntu56wI am not sure there are any linux line. it is only menus.. I use the Universal usb installer.20:12
diogenes_what do the menus say?20:12
xubuntu56wIt is the regular installation program.20:13
diogenes_but what are the titles of the menus (it's been awhile since i last installed so i can't remember)20:14
xubuntu56wIs it new kernels from 16.04.3 to 16.0.4 so i can be affected with not suporting bios ?20:16
xubuntu56wI used 16.04.3 before.20:16
=== usuario is now known as razar4

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