
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
BlackDexHello, i need to use an external dhcp to relay to maas.07:39
BlackDexfor pxe07:39
BlackDexI thought it was documented somewhere, but i can't find it07:39
robottalkBlackDex: Have you seen the docs here? https://docs.maas.io/2.4/en/installconfig-network-dhcp07:59
BlackDexrobottalk: Thats not it08:00
BlackDexi have an external dhcp provider which manages the dhcp08:01
BlackDexmaas is on the same network08:01
BlackDexbut it can't provide dhcp here08:01
BlackDexit needs to only provide pxe08:01
robottalkBlackDex: I had a similar issue before. I had to have MAAS run DHCP on a different VLAN for PXE and then after deployment nodes would pick up DHCP from the primary subnet08:03
BlackDexin this case i don't have any vlan's08:07
BlackDexi just have one subnet08:07
BlackDexand maas is not allowed to do any dhcp08:07
BlackDexjust pxe08:07
BlackDexfor just bios boot adding next-server seems to work08:14
BlackDexin ics dhcp08:14
ssddhello. We try to use MAAS. Node connect successfully, but storage test not work. Test run, but not stop. Already 3 days hardware test working, but it isn't gather storage information. I try to use Supermicro Server with RAID1 and HP Moonshot 1500 with SSD, but it cant't gather storage.08:25
ssdd_Hello. How I can write email to support team&09:12
bjarne_lHi, i got the new 2.5.0~alpha1-7104-g18ae9e407-0ubuntu1~18.04.1 when i updated today, but I don't understand which commit it's based on? the tag 2.5.0-alpha1 is from a65328f744d16e840074633a980239d250d2c90a on 2018-05-24, which cant be the one, can it?09:14
fallenourAlright, so Ive rolled back to Xenial for maas, now before i install it via packages, is the snap, or the packages install of maas more stable? I absolutely need it to be 100% reliable 100% of the time. Updating it to Bionic hosed my entire Juju environment,a nd forced me to wipe out months of work.11:55
kurtisIs is possible to have MaaS manage unattended installs without DHCP?15:55
roaksoaxkurtis: no15:56
mupBug #1784415 opened: XFS for CENTOS  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1784415>16:17
mupBug #1784415 changed: XFS for CENTOS  <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1784415>16:26
xygnalroaksoax:  no movement on the commission bug? :/16:55
xygnalroaksoax: 178389216:55
roaksoaxxygnal: hey, sorry, was on pto friday, just slowly getting back at it17:18
roaksoaxxygnal: can you attache the node event log ?17:18
roaksoaxxygnal: e.g. maas <user> events query hostname=XYZ level=debug # IIRC - the level part17:18
roaksoaxxygnal: attach that from around the time you started the machines17:19
roaksoaxxygnal: also, what I would suggest is that you tail rackd.log and regiond.log to see if there are any errors17:19
roaksoaxxygnal: and check if the hostmap is written in the dhcpd server on the given rack17:20
roaksoaxxygnal: also, can you confirm how this is configured17:25
roaksoaxxygnal: e.g. the logs you attached are from a region, and you have 2 remote racks in HA mode ?17:25
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
xygnal2 in HA mode, per DC, I believe.  so there should only be two applicable rack servers.17:30
roaksoaxxygnal: right, so i would tail both rack controllers in that DC where that machine is, and tail regiond.log too and scan dhcp traffic17:32
roaksoaxxygnal: the only thing that would lead me to believe that is happening, is there could be a rogue dhcp server or a problem with the HA in the dhcp server17:33
xygnali somehow doubt its setting up dhcp at all, will dig into that17:35
roaksoaxxygnal: if the machine is commissioning, the VM should be getting DHCP from the "dynamic" range17:35
roaksoaxxygnal: but the wierd thing is that it gets it once, and another time doesn't17:36
roaksoaxso that is telling me iether there's an issue with the DHCP server, or there's a rogue DHCP server17:36
xygnalit gets dhcp, it just doesn't get instructions to pxe boot17:38
roaksoaxxygnal: yes, and that could mean a rogue dhcp server17:39
roaksoaxxygnal: seen that enough times :)17:39
mupBug #1784464 opened: Not all uploaded DD images deployable <MAAS:In Progress by ltrager> <MAAS 2.4:Triaged by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1784464>18:26

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