
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
leftyfbwhat's the deal with 18.04 and nvidia drivers? This is very bad. It's just constant problems since it was released.00:58
leftyfb"nvidia" has been mentioned 1369 times since April01:00
ducasselotus posted this earlier - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/175205301:00
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]01:00
leftyfb"fix released"01:01
ducasseit's in proposed aiui01:01
leftyfbnvidia-driver-390 is at version 390.48-0ubuntu3 from restricted, nothing in proposed01:04
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lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:40
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lotuspsychjeso 2 feedbacks on GTX cards black boot screens: one fixxed with 390.77 from nvidia website, one fixxed with 396.45 from graphics ppa05:05
lotuspsychjeboth on 18.04.105:05
ducassegood morning06:24
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BluesKaj'Morning all09:34
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guiverc_dTJ-, hopefully the lesson of having backups, or test before you .. will be learnt :)12:31
pragmaticenigmafor why guiverc_d12:46
guiverc_dit was just a [belated] response to a comment made in #ubuntu (goodbye data)12:49
nicomachusstill not getting an available release from do-release-upgrade. :/15:01
oerheksoh, you should get a message with regular updates now .15:07
nicomachusthat's what I thought, but I got nothing.15:11
nicomachusbut, alas, nada: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gPW34XjSkk/15:16
BluesKajnicomachus, do you have LTS only enabled?15:17
BluesKajsome users have it turned off , and 16.10 is eol , hence no release found15:20
TJ-changelogs.ubuntu.com hasn't had the meta-release-lts updated as yet15:35
nicomachusBluesKaj: I have LTS only.16:00
BluesKajnicomachus, odd, maybe try sudo do-release-upgrade -d16:03
oerheksor change to main server?16:05
BluesKajor make sure your existing packages are updated and upgraded first16:05
oerhekshe has 0 updates waiting16:06
oerheksso i guess it is the mirror?16:06
BluesKajseems so16:06
oerheksahh, Drabber wants to cuddle with me on my lap, nice warm16:07
lotuspsychjegood evening to all guys16:27
lotuspsychjegot 2 feedbacks from black screen GTX on bionic up to date, one fixxed with nvidia website 390.77 driver, the other one ubuntu graphics ppa 396.4516:38
lotuspsychjejust let you guys know16:38
nicomachusI'll check the mirror16:47
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: waky waky16:52
EriC^^hey lotuspsychje17:01
lotuspsychjejoin the other chan EriC^^17:01
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-driver-390 bionic | Bashing-om17:56
ubot5Bashing-om: nvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.48-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 368 kB, installed size 1066 kB17:56
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Uh Huh .. Just wonder the difference with our PPA that has the 390.77 version nvidia driver.17:58
lotuspsychjedidnt find17:59
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 390.77-0ubuntu0~gpu16.04.1 .18:01
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: thats the on from graphics ppa?18:01
lotuspsychje!info nvidia-graphics-drivers-39018:02
ubot5Package nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 does not exist in bionic18:02
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Affirmed . What fixes it may have I do not know .18:02
lotuspsychjei hear good things bout that .7718:03
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: a pain to recall the chnage in name:18:03
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-39018:03
ubot5nvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.48-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 368 kB, installed size 1066 kB18:03
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: only seen GTX users go bad18:08
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: alot of work on UWN again?18:10
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: perhaps add in UWN you looking still for contributers?18:10
oerheks"i don't read the warnings, i just go to #ubuntu afterwards¨  ... bleachbit18:13
lotuspsychjei like bleachbit oerheks :p:p18:14
lotuspsychjealways 3gig space here18:14
ubot5handbrake is a an open-source, GPL-licensed, multiplatform, multithreaded video transcoder, available for MacOS X, Linux and Windows. - http://handbrake.fr18:14
lotuspsychje!info bleachbit18:17
ubot5bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (bionic), package size 316 kB, installed size 2003 kB18:17
lotuspsychjethe one i have yess18:17
oerheksjounald cleaner..18:17
lotuspsychjelemme test it only18:18
lotuspsychjejournalctl --vacuum-time=1 018:20
lotuspsychjeworked, non root bleachbit18:20
naccTJ-: it is worrisome that that was the response in #ubuntu-server; implies missing basic shell knoweldge18:22
TJ-nacc: that's devops for you :D18:23
TJ-I'm still fighting with vagrant cloud-image boxes not configuring their network on first boot. Wasted 3 days on this so far!18:26
TJ-No authoratitive docs on how it is supposed to work either18:26
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: UWN's week is closed this day .. What we have now if what will be .. the newsletter is still open ( 2 1.2 hours yet ) however for revisement on what will be released. At the bottom of the letter is direction for aid in help .18:28
pauljwhi everyone18:30
oerhekshi pauljw18:37
lotuspsychjepika the upgrade troll from bionic release party lol18:56
nacclotuspsychje: oh really?18:56
lotuspsychjenacc: yeah he was shouting loud at party day i recall18:56
hggdhI see we have to dig it out19:03
lotuspsychjenot sure what it was he shouted, but it was noisy lol19:04
lotuspsychjeisitoutyet kind of style..19:04
ubot5The Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone19:33
TJ-Anyone wanna give me a crash-course in Ruby !?20:05
hggdhRuby is a semi-precious stone. It is reddish. It is sort of an ugly colour.20:15
hggdhTJ-: done20:15
TJ-I thought Ruby was Wax :p20:50
* daftykins tries to think one of her classic lines20:52
daftykinsTJ-: \o20:52
daftykinsTJ-: the furthest north i've been has now been upgraded to Birmingham!20:52
TJ-daftykins: Almost the Artic!20:53
daftykinsalso rode one of those speedy virgin trains for the first time too, as that was heading to Worcester from London, my my20:53
daftykinsTJ-: all well with yourself i trust? :)20:53
TJ-or should it be Almost the Equator!?20:53
TJ-daftykins: matter of opinion ... I'm swearing at DevOps types, and the creators of vagrant and libvirt :p20:54
daftykinsuh oh, a freshly printed photo on your dartboard eh?20:55
TJ-I've spent the last 3 days just trying to get an ubuntu bionic64 vagrant box to start and configure its network!20:58
daftykinsi've discovered that i'll need to manually renew letsencrypt wildcard SSL certs every 60 days odd, including manual registrar DNS TXT record changes due to my chosen registrars not being supported21:03
daftykinsgonna be a bit frustrating21:03
TJ-Can't you use the file-in-the-web-server-docroot method instead of DNS?21:06
TJ-or is DNS required for wildcard certs?21:06
daftykinssounds like i've not read far enough :D21:08
daftykinsi did see the other methods than DNS-01, but haven't tried, hmmm - fun task for this week now i'm back from my England invasions21:08
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Bashing-omAnnddd .. isuue 538 of UWN is now out :)23:15
sonicwindnow if I could just find time to read it...23:18
Bashing-omsonicwind: Hey .. That ^ is one reason we do a "summary" of all that is found in our world last week :P guiverc does prompt me to lead off a summary such that the reader is prompted to open the article :)23:52
Bashing-omsonicwind: Now if you are so inclined ..please join the team .. we need all the help we can get !23:55

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