
momkenI want to build an ubuntu server with this architecture01:13
momkenMy PC have an SSD for OS partitions (/ and /boot, etc.) and 2x2TB HDDs for Data partitions.01:14
momkenI already have many different ext4, NILFS and BTRFS partitions for different kinds of data (media, docs, projects, backups, etc)01:15
momkenNow I want my server to allow this features:01:15
momken1- Only does soft-raid1 (mdadm) for more important partitions (e.g. docs, projects but not media partition containing videos)01:17
momken2- Does a level of encryption so that if my HDDs are stolen my data won't be compromised. But obviously, I don't want to enter a passphrase after every boot, because it's a server (mostly headless and without a keyboard) and also may reboot many times due to powerloss01:19
momkenI don't know how to do the encryption part01:19
cryptodan_mobilehow would i upgrade php5 to php7 on server 14.04.2 as well as apace2 to the latest?01:22
cryptodan_mobilefor anyone interested ubuntu 14.04.2 doesnt produce the aacraid error . driver 1.20 of the adaptec raid controller is stable01:26
Kowalskican i create 2 pc with ubuntu server on each pc but count as 1 ubuntu server on network?01:56
cryptodan_mobilelike load balanced?02:05
Kowalskisomething like that02:07
Kowalskii already have 1 ubuntu server02:08
Kowalskiand this server almost full with database,02:08
Kowalskican i install a new pc with ubuntu server and expand the storage capacity?02:09
Kowalskioh sorry02:09
Kowalskican i run ubuntu server on 1 pc, where database server running, but store the database file on another ubuntu server pc02:10
whislockYou can, but for databases, that's not advisable.02:44
whislockKowalski: ^02:45
pheizaxWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/04:52
pheizaxMake sure to report this IP to any DNSBLs you might think of! That'll totally stop the flood. https://dronebl.org/ I also recommend installing https://github.com/kaniini/antissh04:52
cpaelzergood morning05:13
cpaelzerjamespage: does the UCA hold ppc64 binaries (even if they might not be supported) ?09:34
jamespagecpaelzer: it does and they are supported09:34
jamespagehmm now you make me ponder that last statement09:35
jamespageyes it has ppc64el binaries09:35
cpaelzerfine enough for me09:35
cpaelzerthanks jamespage09:35
=== TvL2386_ is now known as TvL2386
TJ-Is there a way to configure the qemu default device modes (e.g. SCSI controller using virtio as the default) ?10:38
cpaelzerTJ libvirt code has defaults per machine type11:46
cpaelzerTJ-:  to admit I never checked if those defaults can be modified as I always liked that it will fill in sane defaults (and learning with new versions)11:46
cpaelzerso I could keep my minimal xml and it would do the rest, I see the benefit of overriding defaults thou11:46
cpaelzerjust not sure if that is somewhere already as a feature11:47
TJ-yeah, I've hit a series of bugs in vagrant-libvirt where it doesn't expose a way to set the device mode and therefore generates a broken libvirt domain XML, which results in the disk image device not being visible to linux kernel, so it drops to the initramfs shell!11:48
TJ-I'm currently trying to script a workaround that puts "vagrant up" into the background, waits for the domain to start, then does "virsh dumpxml ... | awk 'clever code...' to extract and fix the device entry to add "mode='virtio-scsi' " then calls virsh update-device ... !11:50
cpaelzerso you'd want to switch the default device mode to get it working11:50
TJ-I was hoping to just set qemu to use something else as the default to avoid this but can't find a way11:50
cpaelzerI think the defaults for the modes are driver specific and come from the code - at least I would not rememver a config changing that11:52
cpaelzerit is like "get-config-from-xml, otherwise set foo"11:52
TJ-yeah, same here. I used to hack on qemu11:52
TJ-But a man can dream :)11:52
TJ-Spent the entire weekend hitting bugs in vagrant, vagrant-libvirt, qemu, ansible! An automation tool that should have taken 10 minutes to set up and save me time! Would have been better off doing it manually :D11:53
cpaelzerI was never too happy with vagrant11:54
cpaelzerbut others are, so I assume as usual it depends on expertise using it11:54
TJ-much of the problem is incorrect/missing/out-of-date documentation, changes in the way Ruby behaves (syntax)11:55
cpaelzerthat pretty much summarizes my pain with it11:55
TJ-It's hard to know how much pain to take before ditching it too11:56
TJ-Once it's working fine, I've got a very complex single-guest scenario to deploy using ansible, which will get iterated thousands of times so I *think* it's worth the pain so far :)11:57
xnoxdpb1, hi!12:11
xnoxhave you seen https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman3/+bug/1775427 ?12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1775427 in zope.hookable (Ubuntu) "[MIR] mailman3 to replace mailman, or drop mailman to universe and off server iso" [Undecided,New]12:11
ahasenackxnox: dpb1 is on PTO this week12:22
xnoxahasenack, thanks13:01
ahasenackxnox: I added a card to our trello board and assigned it to him13:01
xnoxahasenack, tah. I'm ok with doing MIRs, but imho i need a product decision whether or not we want /any/ mailman in main; and on the old server iso.13:02
xnoxahasenack, i.e. drop mailman; or replace mailman with mailman3 in main.13:02
ahasenackand the latter needs mode deps13:02
Ussatsudo do-release-upgrade -d , so testing this now on a 16 --> 18 upgrade test system16:02
UssatI know the -d flag isnt going to be needed when the switch goes live, but wanted to give a prelim try16:03
ahasenackjust be careful you don't pick cosmic (it shouldn't)16:04
UssatOK, so upgrade test went fine but....I thought it would be useing netplan by default ? /etc/netplan is empty16:06
ahasenacknot for upgrades16:06
naccUssat: i think that would only be true on fresh installs16:06
naccmuch like most things, stuff doesn't convert (normally) in the first upgrade path16:07
naccit's better for it to work as-is :)16:07
UssatOK, thats fair16:07
UssatOH...I agree16:07
naccUssat: also, it's not ... 1:1 to convert from eni to netplan16:07
UssatI was just noticing it did not, might want to make that known in the docs so people dont freak16:07
Ussatis there a plan to eventually do a conversion ? I just think (IMHO anyway) having multiple 18.* systems, some with netplan some without would be confusing in the long run16:08
UssatI dont think I will convert my existing 16 systems rught away anyway, wil let it bake a while, just to be sure16:09
naccUssat: i don't know the answer to that, sorry16:10
UssatHad to ask :)16:11
cryptodan_mobileTJ-: ubuntu server 14.04.2 works flawlessly by the way16:12
cryptodan_mobileTJ-: any way to get the latest lamp stack on it?16:13
nacccryptodan_mobile: 14.04.2? that's eol. You should either be on 14.04.1's kernel (3.13) or 14.04.5's kernel (4.4)16:14
nacccryptodan_mobile: if you are fully up to date, both kernels will report 14.04.5, which is what your `lsb_release -sd` should say16:14
TJ-nacc: it's needed16:15
naccTJ-: buggy hardware?16:15
cryptodan_mobileCant as any newer ubuntu server causes my server to malfunction16:15
cryptodan_mobileaacraid bug16:15
TJ-nacc: the system, A Dell PowerEdge, loses its aacraid with current supported kernels, we needed an old ISO to boot from to do some fixing16:15
naccTJ-: even with the 3.13 kernel?16:16
TJ-nacc: there are a bunch of accraid changes that have broken older hardware16:16
cryptodan_mobilenacc: 3.13 works16:16
naccok, so use that? rather than an unsupported, unfixed kernel? :)16:16
TJ-nacc: this was to find out if .2 was also broken16:17
cryptodan_mobileI was letting TJ- know it is working16:17
naccah ok16:17
naccsorry for the noise then16:17
TJ-nacc: this isn't installed, it's a LiveISO to work from16:17
cryptodan_mobileNacc Nacc np and its installed TJ-16:18
TJ-there are some Fix Committed patches due, but they may not cover this specific issue16:18
nacchttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/1653162 ?16:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1653162 in linux (Ubuntu Xenial) "System won't boot after upgrade to 16.04 with 4.4.0 kernel" [Critical,Incomplete]16:18
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: to your question: you could pin the current working kernel before doing apt-get dist-upgrade so everything else upgrades16:18
cryptodan_mobileI'll post that and the driver for aacraid16:19
TJ-possibly Bug #177009516:20
ubottubug 1770095 in linux (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Need fix to aacraid driver to prevent panic" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177009516:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1777586 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS aacraid error" [High,Confirmed]16:20
TJ-possibly also Bug #177758616:21
cryptodan_mobileIts funny after 16.04 install its stable but when I add drive i/o it drops the raid controller16:21
cryptodan_mobile3 or 4 reboots and no more boot16:21
TJ-I know with a logn time ago with a PE 6400 the solution was firmware update of the controller16:22
cryptodan_mobileI maybe able to do that now via command line now that its stable16:25
TJ-I think I still have floppy disks here with the bootable firmware update on :)16:27
RoyKTJ-: dd a copy of them - floppies don't last that long ;)16:31
TJ-RoyK: They've lasted 15 years so far :)16:31
RoyKthat doesn't mean they'll last another 1516:32
TJ-RoyK: still got some 360K/720K 5.25" floppies here that are readable16:32
RoyKjust use ddrescue to get some copies16:32
TJ-lastest longer than almost all the HDDs :)16:32
RoyKTJ-: someone at work had thrown away a 360kB 5,25" floppy drive (DS/DD) - I had to rescue it16:33
RoyKTJ-: probably because those HDDs were spinning and the floppy wasn't16:33
TJ-RoyK: I'm on about in storage. Electronics on the HDDs tends to deteriorate16:34
RoyKwhen under use, yes, usually not when not in use16:34
RoyKand mostly, it's a head failure that kills drives16:35
RoyKnot the controller16:35
RoyKand I know that from an old friend that once started https://www.ibas.no/, who once upon a time was world leading in data recovery16:36
Pcost8300Hello, how do i disable silent parameters on ubuntu server 14? I have a problem and my provider tells that the server boots and when it tries to go to the Os it goes back to PXE16:44
JanCI'm pretty sure any 5.25" floppies are > 15yo...  :)16:44
Pcost8300thank you in advance.16:45
compdocPcost8300, it was booting before?16:45
Pcost8300yes it was16:45
compdocsounds like it cant find the OS16:46
Pcost8300this problem came recently after years of work16:46
Pcost8300this has something to do with grub16:46
JanCPcost8300: can you select the rescue boot option in GRUB?16:46
JanCor do anything in GRUB really16:47
Pcost8300yes i can enter recovery mode16:47
Pcost8300well i cant see grub because the provider just gave us a powerpanel16:47
JanCthat should not be silent16:47
Pcost8300im using server4you16:47
JanCor you can edit the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT parameter in /etc/default/grub16:47
Pcost8300ok ill give it a look16:48
JanCthen run update-grub afterward (if possible...)16:48
JanCif you can't, then you might have to edit grub.cfg directly (but it will be overwritten on the next update-grub run, e.g. when upgrading kernels or such)16:49
Pcost8300ok thank you JanC i will follow your advice16:50
tomreyndocumentation on this providers' PXE boot recovery system, in case you'll need it https://www.server4you.com/community/article/operating-systems/152-about-linux-recovery16:57
TJ-Hmmm, package virtinst claims to contain virt-image, but doesn't16:58
Pcost8300thank you tomreyn17:00
naccTJ-: no longer mentioned on the upstream virt-manager page, fwiw17:01
naccTJ-: removed in 1.1.0 (9/7/14)17:01
naccannounced in 1.0.0 (2/14/14)17:02
TJ-nacc: right. I've created a bug17:04
TJ-Bug #178442417:05
ubottubug 1784424 in virtinst (Ubuntu) "18.04: virt-image no longer included" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178442417:05
naccTJ-: ack, probably easiest to fix in debian, tbh; i don't think we'd normally add delta for that17:05
Pcost8300some of the stepts i think cannot be applied to my problem17:08
Pcost8300using fdisk -l command theres is no * boot flag in any drive17:08
Pcost8300by the way there are two drives sda and sdb with the same sice en each partition17:09
Pcost83001mb BIOS BOOT  466m linux raid  7.6g linux raid 2.7T linux raid17:09
TJ-nacc: right... shame we don't have a switch in launchpad to automatically forward the bug report to debian17:10
TJ-Ahhh coreutils how I love thee! Giving me "timeout" when vagrant provides no way to create a new VM but not start it17:12
TJ-"timeout 5 vagrant up" :)17:12
cyberspectreOn ubuntu server, the default web directory accessible by http is /var/www/html. I need to be able to scp upload files to that directory with one command, which isn't possible because root. Can this directory be changed to somewhere in the home directory?18:07
nacccyberspectre: what is your need to do that?18:08
nacccyberspectre: it's not typical to need to be able to scp to your web root18:08
cyberspectreautomated file updates18:08
naccyou could also consider using userdir or whatever and ~/public-html18:08
nacc~/public_html, rather18:08
nacccyberspectre: that's so vague as to not be a reasonable response :)18:08
cyberspectreif I use ~/public_html, will that automatically be available via http?18:10
TJ-cyberspectre: you could use ACLs to allow a non-root user to traverse/write there18:10
cyberspectrethanks TJ- ; would it be a better idea (more secure) to use the public_html directory?18:11
TJ-cyberspectre: well, not if you want to update the server root, but if it's acceptable to use the userdir module and access via http://server/~$USER/18:12
nacccyberspectre: which is why i said it was vague; i (still) don't know what you're actually trying to do18:13
cyberspectreOh, right, so you'd need to access via that url structure18:15
TJ-cyberspectre: what I usually do is "sudo chmod -R g+w /var/www/html" and then "adduser $USER www-data" - this allows the www-data group write access to /var/www/html and then adds $USER to www-data group18:15
cyberspectrenacc, my company has a web server for media files located at company.info18:15
cyberspectreand I need to set up automated synchronization with a local machine that produces the assets18:16
TJ-cyberspectre: oh, and "sudo chown -R :www-data /var/www/html18:16
TJ-depends on which release it is as to whether the directory is owned by www-data or root18:17
cyberspectreTJ-, in the commands you provided, would you do "adduser $USER" verbatim? Or do you replace with your username18:18
nacccyberspectre: just for one local machine?18:19
cyberspectrenacc, yes18:19
nacccyberspectre: then it'd be whatever user is on that machine that can scp to the web server18:20
nacccyberspectre: the user it authenticates as on the webe server, that is18:20
TJ-cyberspectre: well, I'd use $USER if I want to add the user I'm currently using; else I'd specify another username that is valid18:20
cyberspectreRight, so if that user is "Jeff" then "adduser $Jeff www-data" ?18:20
TJ-cyberspectre: no... if you're logged in as "ubuntu" then "adduser $USER www-data" will add user "ubuntu" to group "www-data". If you want to add "jeff" you'd do "adduser jeff www-data"18:21
TJ-"$USER" is an environment variable set when you log in so it is always your current username18:22
TJ-in the same way that "$HOME" is that user's home directory (same as ~)18:23
cyberspectrenacc, TJ- thank you guys18:25
cyberspectreI added the user to that group and now scp works as intended18:25
cyberspectreMuch appreciated!18:25
ahasenackrbasak: if you are still around, could you please import/refresh ndctl and pmdk?18:52
ahasenackrbasak: also for tomorrow, I'm starting an apache2 merge, and finding out that all my previous uploads (with the git workflow) do not have rich history, and I'm having to do the reconstruct again19:04
naccahasenack: you don't have to do it again even in that case, you just need to use git-fu19:12
ahasenackstill, I'd like to know if it's something wrong I did on my side, or a bug19:13
ahasenackas far as I know, I dput'ed only after the upload tag was pushed by someone else19:13
nacci'm looing purely from the git side19:13
naccwhich was the last merge? 2.4.33-3ubuntu1 ?19:14
ahasenackmerge? yes. Upload? 2.4.33-3ubuntu319:14
naccwhich is the one not matching? all of them?19:15
ahasenackpick 65084dea Import patches-unapplied version 2.4.33-3ubuntu1 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed19:15
ahasenackpick bc275a7e Import patches-unapplied version 2.4.33-3ubuntu2 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed19:15
ahasenackpick fad2aea4 Import patches-unapplied version 2.4.33-3ubuntu3 to ubuntu/cosmic-proposed19:15
ahasenackall these 319:15
naccthe importer ran on may 15 for 2.4.33-3ubuntu119:16
naccbut the upload tag is dated july 9 ?19:16
naccoh wait19:17
nacclet me re-read the metadat to make sure i'm right :)19:17
ahasenackchangelog date is indeed may 15th19:17
naccand publishing history says may 2319:17
ahasenackthat's ok, takes a while to review19:18
ahasenackand migrate19:18
ahasenacktrying to find the mp19:18
naccoh wait, it says the tag is may 1519:18
ahasenackcpaelzer said he pushed the tag on may 15th on a594162919:20
ahasenackthis is one of those mps where the lp diff is wrong, I wonder if that's related19:20
naccshouldn't be19:20
naccalthough i see a commeent of cpaelzer tagging19:21
naccand then commits being added?19:21
ahasenackthat last commit is odd, that's from 2.4.33-3ubuntu2 apparently19:21
ahasenackthat would be https://code.launchpad.net/~ahasenack/ubuntu/+source/apache2/+git/apache2/+merge/34579619:22
naccahasenack: sorry, not able to debug it further right now19:35
ahasenacksure, np :)19:35
ahasenackhm, an orig tarball that has debian/ already, and it's not a native package20:15
ahasenackthat's a wrinkle20:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1734657 in usd-importer "collision with debian dir on build-source - FileExistsError: [Errno 17] File exists: 'debian'" [High,In progress]20:17
IT_RandoSo I installed Landscape on an AWS instance running Ubuntu 16.04 and the problems have never seemed to end. The server sets up fine with landscape-quickstart and a little bit of configuration file editing, but then what really screws me over is that package updating for client laptops fails half the time, and that's after opening ports 80 and 443 to my IP. I keep getting the same error message and the21:04
IT_Randolisted bug is a broken link. I posted on askubuntu about it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1050482/landscape-package-changer-keeps-crashing21:04
IT_RandoDoes anyone happen to know why my LDS issue, mentioned in https://askubuntu.com/questions/1050482/landscape-package-changer-keeps-crashing, is happening? Or why the link listed in the error report is dead?21:15
xnoxIT_Rando, i think it's best to contact your landscape support team about that? i thought there should be a way to open a support ticket from the landscape UI, no?21:16
xnoxIT_Rando, this time of day is quite here, and i'm not sure you can get paid/SLA support here.21:16
xnoxIT_Rando, ditto askubuntu.com -> is community support / public forum, not landscape support.21:17
IT_Randoxnox Gotcha. Unfortunately, I have a standalone license for testing purposes for my company, and I'm not gonna have access to the paid support unless I can convince the brass to use it21:17
xnoxIT_Rando, sad =/ maybe you can get in touch with landscape sales people about this, or better open an actual bug report -> $ ubuntu-bug landscape-package-changer21:18
xnoxIT_Rando, and maybe give the bug # to me?21:18
xnoxi see that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/landscape-client/+bug/1758529 is private21:19
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1758529 not found21:19
xnoxbut it is fix committed and will be released soon21:19
xnoxdetails are at https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/landscape-client/pull/4521:19
xnoxwhich are public21:19
xnox(the bug report, has but reporter's private data in the logs, hence only available to developers to view)21:19
IT_RandoOh man, thanks a ton. I was tearing my hair out over here.21:20
xnoxIT_Rando, so i guess you can patch that bit in locally no? https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/landscape-client/pull/45/files21:20
xnoxit's just a few lines to copy & paste =)))))21:20
xnoxIT_Rando, yeah, i'm nobody really. just can view bug triange.21:21
IT_RandoThanks! For reference, how'd you find this? Was it in the private bug report?21:21
xnoxIT_Rando, yeah21:22
xnoxIT_Rando, ladscape support would have been able to view that too.21:22
IT_RandoAll right. In the future, if I can't see a bug report, I'll know what that means. And provided this fixes the problem (which it likely will) I'll probably have access to the paid support soon. Thanks again.21:23
xnoxIT_Rando, i can check with landscape devs tomorrow to see if they can scrape private data and make that bug report public, such that it would be visible when the client is fixed in bionic.21:23
IT_RandoThat would be great21:23
xnoxIT_Rando, no problem21:23
naccahasenack: the tress don't match22:35
naccahasenack: for the upload and import tag22:36
ahasenackcould this be a case of problems because of the empty directories?22:36
naccis it docs/ ?22:37
ahasenackthat's the other thing that came to mind22:37
naccif so, yes :)22:37
ahasenackyeah, iirc22:37
naccnow, in theory, we could detect these kinds of cases, i think22:37
naccif the only difference between an upload tag and import tag is the empty directories22:37
naccrbasak: --^ ?22:38
rbasakWe could, but is it worth it?22:39
naccjust a thought, as right now, we're discarding relatively valid upload tag data22:39
nacc(from rich history)22:40
rbasakI'd like to spend the effort fixing empty directories properly by adding support for them to git, but admittedly that's considerably harder.22:40
naccyeah :)22:40
rbasakIn any case, I think improving empty directory handling is quite far down my priority list at the moment.22:40
rbasakI spent the effort on the workaround on the hope that I'd be able to put it away for a while.22:40
ahasenackwhich workaround?22:42
ahasenackthe commit guard?22:42
rbasakYes, but also that the importer does actually import the empty directories.22:43
ahasenackbtw, apache has these 2 empty dirs:22:43
ahasenackso, it's a given the rich history will always be discarded in such cases?22:43
rbasakAt the moment, yes. Unless you restore the empty directories in your own commits.22:44
rbasak(which there isn't tooling to do)22:44
rbasakIt's not discarded, btw, just not incorporated.22:44
rbasakThe upload tag will still be present and you can still rebase from it.22:44
naccyeah, sorry, 'discard' was the wrong word22:45
nacc'not used' :)22:45

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