[01:04] Howdy [01:04] Just got back to MI / home [01:09] welcome back [01:16] welcome back cmaloney [01:19] Thank you. :) [01:20] jrwren, in response to your comment from last night, I ended up adding darkstat for the time being to show the hosts, and using ntopng for the basic graphs, not that the free edition really shows a whole lot, I'll likely just end up purchasing an Enterprise license because I really enjoyed the ntopng enterprise edition features. I tried everything I could find yesterday and ended up removing everything I tried as I [01:20] couldn't find a solution that would offer what that 10 minute trial of ntopng showed me it was capable of doing lol [01:22] unfortunately living in a hotel I need something on the server that can catch intrusion attempts and monitoring the interface traffic just during that 10 min trial I found other machines in the building trying to access the server [01:35] The only thing I can think of is something like wireshark and fail2ban for stopping invalid attempts [01:40] cmaloney, I have Zentyal server running, I just setup the Intrusion Prevention rules which I had not had before. The only thing is I think my plex server may be showing up on the external nic and I'm not sure how to force bind it to a particular adapter, something I'm gonna have to fight with eventually tho [01:43] still a linux noob but I'm incorporating it more and more into everyday use, even started writing debian scripts for my buddy and his shoutcast stuff, jr helped with that too lol [01:44] the issue I had with wireshark was I couldn't leave it up 24/7 without getting the error drive is full message lol [01:47] Yeah, Wireshark is really verbose [01:49] everything I tried other than what I ultimately grabbed to fill in until I get the enterprise for ntopng was either stupidly overkill or cost thousands of dollars and wasn't worth it in my opinion [01:50] I haven't played with Wireshark in years, but I recall having it installed somewhere aroung ubuntu 12.04 lts and I recalled that drive is full error and I didn't feel like tearing my hair out [02:00] this IPS appears to be doing something good, loaded it up an hour ago and so far have 5 pages of blocked and logged messages lol so obviously it's doing it's job [12:42] mornning [12:43] party [12:45] no, I feel like Slurms McKenzie (sp?) [12:46] also the family dog got put down Saturday evening due to severe arthritis [12:47] so, not exactly in a party mood. hope you guys are doing better [12:47] than I am* [12:48] definitely :( on the pup for sure [12:49] well, it's not like it was the first dog we've ever had. I think he was the 6th, but it doesn't make it any easier. anyway thanks [13:22] morning [13:24] sorry to hear Scary_Guy. lost our dog in the spring, def :( [13:26] Morning [13:26] Scary_Guy: Sorry to hear that [13:26] cmaloney: morning, looks like PyOhio went awesome? [13:33] Even without rick_h_ [13:39] rick_h_: Yeah, it was really nice [13:39] really crowded in the rooms [13:39] had to nope out of a few rooms because of overcrowding [13:41] It seemed like less of a problem than previous years, to me [13:44] might be the topics you went to [13:44] but yeah, we missed you rick_h_ [13:44] how are you feeling? [13:48] I was session chair in half the talks I went to. We get a special seat up front [13:51] cmaloney: better on the dizzy front [13:51] cmaloney: I've done 3+hr of work today so yay [13:51] brousch: ooooh [13:52] seats up front ftw [13:52] I did manage to stress fracture my foot though so yay walking boots [14:01] yikes [14:02] rick_h_: Ugh [14:02] stop falling apart! [14:26] cmaloney: yea, I should try that heh [15:00] greg-g: you work with this guy? https://brionv.com/log/2016/06/14/exploring-vp9-as-a-progressive-still-image-codec/ This is great. Did it ever get rolled out? [15:01] Yeah, he was employee number 1 ;) [15:01] And I'm not sure... Looking