
WoodpeckerUhhhh, my computer hiccuped, restarted it, and now a bunch of my default settings are gone, and an extremely important folder in my home directory has been completely removed.00:02
WoodpeckerWhat is the command for trying to recover a directory?00:02
Woodpeckerim on btrfs.00:02
IntelCoreYou can also use -D|--dry-run to verify exactly what will be restored.00:07
cbpyeSuccess at last!00:08
vultyreIn 17.10 and earlier, there was an option to enable the "shell user-theme" extension under the Extensions section of Gnome-Tweak-Tool. This is gone in 18.04. Does anyone know what I can do to get it back?00:09
vultyreHere is how it looks in 18.04: https://imgur.com/a/qaRPKqi00:10
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IntelCorevultyre - that extension might not be an ubuntu one.00:12
IntelCoreit might be gnome tho00:13
IntelCore18.04 gave us a new gnome. All gnome or lightDM00:14
IntelCoreOpen Gnome Tweak Tool . Click on the Extensions menu item, and move the User themes slider to On . Close Gnome Tweak Tool and open it again.00:16
IntelCore in the Extensions panel of GNOME Tweak Tool, you may need to install it from extensions.gnome.org. Restart the tweak tool after installing.00:18
jeffreygood night, how do i change my ip?00:20
IntelCoreyou not buy that ip?00:22
oerheksyour providers ip, or your router ip?00:22
vultyreIntelCore, thanks. I was able to install it by installing the package 'chrome-gnome-shell' and then activating the extension at https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/19/user-themes/.00:22
IntelCore10-4 vultyre00:22
IntelCorevultyre - you might get a residual if you tried to put a couple extensions, and one won't work, broken, go back to gnome to set00:24
IntelCoregone fer a cola00:24
jeffreyI have done it with a program in windows, I want to do it in Linux00:24
IntelCorerelease a net ip?00:25
jeffreyI change my ip for one of another country00:26
oerheksnetworkmanager can do... wait, another country?00:26
IntelCorespoofing? not here this ubuntu00:26
jeffreylike a masquerader00:26
oerheksif you want a cloak on #freenode, join that channel00:27
IntelCoreundernet does similar00:27
jeffreyI'm going to look networkmanager00:28
=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
ubuntu_wirelessHello i have a Hp laptop my wireless has very strong signal with windows but really low with ubuntu why is this00:33
vultyreubuntu_wireless, what's the model of your laptop?00:34
nugrohoHewlett Packard ZBOOK00:34
vultyreNot just the name, but the full model number00:34
vultyreOr the wireless adapter if you know that00:36
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: type this into a terminal : lspci|grep "Network controller"00:37
ubuntu_wirelesswireless      Realtek RTL8723BE00:39
terrapinhi, im on 18.04. I have a nvidia 940mx. I install nvidia-390 and the module fails to load. Plus nvidia-settings will not open. I know a lot of people are having issues with this. Is there a guided tour on how to fix this?00:39
terrapiniv google for a solution to no avail.00:42
leftyfbterrapin: try nvidia-38400:44
terrapin384 installs 390 actually. and 390 fails to load00:44
terrapini have tried that route00:44
leftyfbsorry, that's all I got. I don't have 18.04 running on anything with nvidia00:45
ubuntu_wirelessHP 14-am019la 14" Laptop PC Core i3-5005U 2.0GHz 8GB RAM00:45
terrapinoh, i see00:45
terrapinmy laptop is a hybrid, i have intel and nvidia graphic chips00:46
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: type this into a terminal : lspci|grep "Network controller"00:46
terrapinits one of those dels00:46
oerheksmight work for 18.04 too00:47
oerheks"It may help to substitute ant_sel=1 to ant_sel=2."00:47
ubuntu_wirelessis it a driver issue00:47
oerheksjups, a vendor that does not comply with opensource00:48
ubuntu_wirelesshmmm very unfortunate why would they do that00:49
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: type this into a terminal : lspci|grep "Network controller"00:49
terrapinNvidia driver installs but does not load on ubuntu 18.0400:49
IntelCoreintel 5500?00:50
ubuntu_wirelessleftyfb: i have already done it00:50
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: and what did it saY?00:50
IntelCoreu put the nvidia in tha laptop?00:50
terrapinno, my laptop is a hybrid, it comes with both an intel and nvidia chip00:51
terrapinso i can use bumblebee00:51
terrapinbut nvidia fails to load on boot00:51
IntelCorehp laptop?00:52
terrapinbumbleee allows kernel to offload to the intel graphic chip without rebooting to save battert00:52
IntelCoreget updates on hp website?00:52
terrapini have an HP envy00:52
ubuntu_wirelessi tried the command ant sel=2 and it worked wifi has strong signal00:53
IntelCorewull I envy you00:53
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: What does it say when you type this into a terminal? : lspci|grep "Network controller"00:53
terrapinbumblebee has not been updated in years, possibly abandoned.00:53
ubuntu_wirelesswith the quotations on network controller as well00:54
leftyfbubuntu_wireless: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1032099/how-do-i-get-realtek-rtl8723be-wireless-card-to-work-on-18-0400:55
ubuntu_wireless02:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8723BE PCIe Wireless Network Adapter00:55
leftyfbIntelCore: I didn't ask you00:55
ShmamAfter switching to the nvidia proprietary drivers on ubuntu 18.04, I cant get into the system. It boots up, shows the ubuntu loader and then goes black. I cant see it on my router so I dont think it was able to start up properly00:57
ubuntu_wirelessshmam: try this     https://askubuntu.com/questions/760374/ubuntu-16-04-nvidia-driver-blank-screen01:02
Guest82547hello peeps, anyone know how to generate htoprc file in my home folder01:06
IntelCoreRan a partial install, am i done?01:07
IntelCorehadda manually set sources to bionic01:11
IntelCore3k files later01:11
IntelCorethe new and old kernels on grub01:11
Guest82547even catfish can't find anything like htoprc01:12
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Shmam@ubuntu_wireless So I got back into the system and found out that dpkg encountered errors while processing libnvidia-gl-390:i38601:20
fred1807how do I upgrade pango on Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS01:20
lwkeyIs it possible to use multiple usb drives in a hub as a 1 drive to install and run ubuntu?01:22
oerheks!info pango1.0 trusty01:24
ubottupango1.0-tests (source: pango1.0): Layout and rendering of internationalized text - installed tests. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.36.3-1ubuntu1.1 (trusty), package size 65 kB, installed size 786 kB01:24
oerheksif you want newer, build it yourself? https://github.com/GNOME/pango01:25
lequestiondoes anybody know how to download logs from a specific moment of time to another?01:25
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k_sze[work]Has 18.04.1 been released?01:26
k_sze[work]odd. I see don't get it when I do `do-release-upgrade` in 16.0401:27
IntelCoreupgrade is like 3 k files01:27
IntelCoreforce it, or change repository to bionic01:27
=== MurrayMunster_ is now known as MurrayMunster
leftyfblequestion: https://superuser.com/questions/439688/how-to-grep-a-log-file-within-a-specific-time-period  # top google result when searching for "linux grep time range"01:27
leftyfbIntelCore: that's not the best advice01:28
k_sze[work]IntelCore: I thought `do-release-upgrade` is supposed to detect the availability of the new release without me forcing it.01:28
leftyfbk_sze[work]: tried "sudo apt update" ?01:28
IntelCoretrue ipossed tot is s01:28
k_sze[work]And without changing the repositories.01:28
k_sze[work]leftyfb: I did.01:28
leftyfbk_sze[work]: which mirror are you using?01:29
IntelCoreyes it spossed to01:29
leftyfbk_sze[work]: try using the official mirror01:29
leftyfbk_sze[work]: archive.ubuntu.com01:29
IntelCorebut i got bionic so, it's kool01:30
IntelCoredoes sysprof actually save the profile?01:32
IntelCoreno, you have to menu to save-as01:34
k_sze[work]Nope, still no new release found.01:35
lwkeyWhat is the minimum space requirements for 1604. Google says 25gb but i dont believe that to be true01:36
lwkeyHardrive space.. sorry01:37
k_sze[work]lwkey: it's not an absolute requirement. It's more like a recommendation01:38
k_sze[work]lwkey: for reference, I currently have an installation of 16.04 that uses less than 15 GiB, excluding /home/01:42
lwkeyIm assuming i cant use a single gb. I was originally trying to make a bootable raid.. or even use an old phone if either is possible?01:45
k_sze[work]lwkey: https://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2018/02/rfc-ubuntu-1804-lts-minimal-images.html01:47
leftyfblwkey: this is for a phone? If so, that's completely unsupported here01:47
lwkeyNo its for my laptop, but i was thinking i could use an old phone as a hardrive01:49
leftyfbfor what purpose?01:50
leftyfbStill unsupported, but I don't see the point01:50
lwkeyI only have a live cd and no hardrive or big enough pen drives01:51
leftyfblwkey: you have a computer with no hard drive? How are you online now? You can't buy a hard drive?01:53
causativeI'm having a weird issue with my top status bar in 18.04, looks like this:  https://i.imgur.com/EXIosQA.png  you can see there is a lot of blank space in the middle causing the time and date to be pushed off the screen01:54
causativehow can I investigate this?01:55
causativeit also gradually gets worse the longer the computer is running, initially it is displayed OK but after it's been running for a few days it is pushed off, eventually the other icons at top right will be pushed off too01:55
=== lwkey is now known as lowky
ShmamIs nvidia-driver-390 the updated version of nvidia-384? Why are the package name structures different?01:59
Lord-KaminaSo... just upgraded to Bionic...02:02
Lord-KaminaAnybody know how to fix "The key(s) in the keyring /etc/apt/trusted.gpg are ignored as the file has an unsupported filetype."?02:02
vultyreShmam, yes, it's the updated version. I can't find anything about why the name was changed, but just make sure you run 'ubuntu-drivers devices' and install the recommended driver for your device02:04
Bashing-om!info nvidia-390 bionic02:04
ubottuPackage nvidia-390 does not exist in bionic02:04
Shmamwait what does 'ubuntu-drivers devices' do?02:04
ShmamI just installed the nvidia drivers via apt then rebooted but it seems like it didn't work properly02:05
ShmamI'm getting insufficientcuda driver: 9010 with ethminer02:06
vultyreIt will list the available drivers for your devices. For example, running it on my computer gives the following output: https://pastebin.com/3iG7q9G802:06
Shmamwhich doesnt make sense if this is the newest driver version02:06
vultyreThe newest driver isn't always the correct one for your GPU02:06
vultyreSometimes you need an older one02:06
Shmamok my ubuntu-drivers devices shows this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rCtYJRhK5y/02:08
Shmamso should I apt purge nvidia* and then try one of the older ones maybe?02:08
Bashing-om!info nvidia-driver-390 bionic02:09
ubottunvidia-driver-390 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-390): NVIDIA driver metapackage. In component restricted, is optional. Version 390.48-0ubuntu3 (bionic), package size 368 kB, installed size 1066 kB02:09
vultyreI guess not. The 1070 definitely supports 39002:09
Shmamyeah I would think s02:09
Shmammaybe they restructured the drivers so it doesnt come with cuda? would that be possible?02:10
Shmambut I guess then I would be getting a different error02:10
vultyreTry running "nvidia-smi". What does it say is the driver version at the top?02:10
ShmamUnable to determine the device handle for GPU 0000:01:00.0: Unknown Error02:11
vultyreso the issue is not just affecting ethminer?02:12
vultyreI found this: https://github.com/ethereum-mining/ethminer/issues/113802:12
vultyreBut it seems like you don't have the same problem02:13
Shmamyeah his nvidia-smi seems to be workinng02:13
Shmamnvcc is also not installed02:13
vultyreI guess I would try purging, rebooting, reinstalling, and then rebooting again02:14
Guest82547run ubuntu-drivers devices02:15
vultyreGuest82547, Shman already did: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rCtYJRhK5y/02:15
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vultyrethis seems like a hard one to pin down. some people have solved it by installing the drivers directly from Nvidia instead, sometimes it's a motherboard BIOS issue, sometimes it's a GPU hardware issue, sometimes VMware or Virtualbox settings are messing with it02:20
Guest82547if you can purge it and run apt install linux-headers-$(uname -r|sed 's/[^-]*-[^-]*-//') nvidia-driver02:21
ShmamI'm not using a vm so maybe ill try installing the drivers from nvidia02:21
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Guest82547after this apt install nvidia-xconfig02:21
H1ddenDjinngood evening all02:21
Guest82547then run sudo nvidia-xconfig02:22
vultyreI'd try fixing it using the repo's packages like Guest82547 is suggesting first for stability purposes02:22
ShmamI still have some nvidia packages after 'apt remove --purge nvidia*02:22
IntelCorecompiz on bionic02:22
H1ddenDjinni'm having an issue...i installed ubuntu 18.04, but after reboot, guess what won't boot? i'm able to get into it by choosing an efi file, but i'd like it to boot on its own...what should i do?02:23
Shmamautoremove fixed it actually02:23
Shmamapt install linux-headers.......-nvidia-driver said that "e: package nvidia-driver has no installation candidate"02:24
IntelCoreso it came from.. ?02:25
IntelCorethe puter maker, or nvidia02:25
H1ddenDjinnis there something in the bios i need to fix?02:26
Shmamthe one that I just tried was from apt02:26
H1ddenDjinnis there something on the disk?02:26
Guest82547sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa02:26
IntelCorehidden.. might be efi boot problem02:26
Guest82547and again ubuntu-drivers devices02:27
IntelCoreuefi/gpt disk02:27
H1ddenDjinnIntelCore, such as? i hate to say it, but i've forgotten most of what i knew about linux02:29
H1ddenDjinnIntelCore, i can use a bios option to load an efi file from the front of the hard drive, by selecting the grub efi image02:29
H1ddenDjinnbut that's less than ideal02:29
IntelCorei did same with dual boot, until one helper fixed me up02:30
H1ddenDjinni'd much rather have the machine boot on its own02:30
H1ddenDjinnmaybe install grub to the beginning of hard disk?02:31
Shmamany ideas why `sudo reboot` would hang?02:33
Shmamidk whats going on02:33
lowkyI also have sudo reboot issues.. unity kill pid02:35
H1ddenDjinni'm going to try sudo grub-install and see what happens02:36
H1ddenDjinnthe primary hard disk is acting like grub isn't actually installed02:36
Lord-KaminaUgh... maybe I shouldn't have upgraded...02:40
Lord-KaminaSeems like half bionic is broken.02:40
Bashing-omH1ddenDjinn: anything positive ' sudo grub-probe -t device /boot/grub ' ?02:40
Lord-KaminaI cannot access the desktop sharing section in system settings.02:40
Lord-KaminaAnd if I open sharing from the terminal and try to turn on sharing, it doesn't save my changes.02:41
Shmamok somethings really borked02:41
IntelCoresystem settings top-right corner, displays 'About this Computer'02:41
ShmamI did `sudo shutdown` and it passed the time that shutdown was scheduled for02:42
Shmamshould I just kill the power?02:42
vultyreShmam, try 'sudo poweroff'02:43
Shmamseems to be hanging02:43
H1ddenDjinnBashing-om, i need to reboot to see02:44
H1ddenDjinnBashing-om, brb02:44
Bashing-omShmam: ' sudo systemctl poweroff ' ?02:44
vultyre'sudo systemctl poweroff'?02:44
Shmamalso hangs02:44
vultyre'sudo systemctl halt'02:45
vultyrePower it off by holding down the power button like a neanderthal then02:46
vultyretechnology has failed us02:46
IntelCoreWhen before, you chose 'system settings' it give you panel with battery, networking, and all settings.. display and all? now can't find it.02:49
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H1ddenDjinnok, well, progress02:50
sonicwindyou should try sysrq (REISUO) before holding down the power button, no?02:50
Shmamuhh ohhh02:51
H1ddenDjinnBashing-om, IntelCore, i got the thing to have ubuntu as an option, but i need to move it up to the top option02:51
sonicwinddepending on your version02:51
Shmamits not lookinng good02:51
H1ddenDjinnotherwise, it loops the post until i interrupt it02:51
vultyresame problem?02:52
Shmamwell now we cant get passed grub02:54
H1ddenDjinnIntelCore, i can't message you atm because i'm still synching my files including password manager...need password db to log into freenode02:55
IntelCorenp, Bashing-om sends out ubuntu mail02:55
IntelCoreshhh. :)02:56
vultyreShmam, was the computer working fine with nouveau before?02:57
HiddenDjinnwifi just dropped me02:59
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vultyrecan you get into recovery mode?02:59
HiddenDj1nnvultyre, i can boot into the system, but only after going into the bios to choose and efi file02:59
vultyreHiddenDj1nn, sorry, I was talking to Shmam03:00
HiddenDj1nnvultyre, sorry03:00
HiddenDj1nnIntelCore, why should i reinstall when the system works(kinda)03:00
ShmamI got in with this: https://askubuntu.com/questions/760374/ubuntu-16-04-nvidia-driver-blank-screen03:00
IntelCorelol, my super key does not pull out a panel on left of screen03:00
Shmamadding nomodeset to grub03:01
HiddenDj1nnIntelCore, it seems to be an ordering issue now03:01
IntelCoredont re-install HidenDijinn03:01
Shmamvultyre: I'm gonna apt purge all of the nvidia packages again and reboot03:01
Shmamwait theres no nvidia packages installed03:02
HiddenDj1nnok, pulled an update grub, going to go into bios...bbs03:05
Shmamand ubuntu-drivers devices lists them as using nvidia-driver-390. how do I update that?03:05
IntelCoreDevices connected over DisplayPort to an external screen may fail to boot on Nvidia hardware.03:07
vultyreubuntu-drivers devices justs lists drivers that your system can use, not necessarily which ones are currently in use.03:08
ShmamI'm connected via dvi03:08
Shmamoh how do I set it to use a certain one?03:08
vultyreIf you search /var/logs/Xorg.0.log for nvidia you shouldn't find anything03:09
vultyreVerify that that log file contains a line about loading nouveau and not one about loading nvidia03:09
Shmamgrep nvidia returns nothing while grep nouveau returns the following: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/qQQvRsrV5H/03:10
vultyrealright, so then we're back at square one03:10
vultyrewhich is at least better than a computer that won't boot03:11
Shmamlemme reboot just to make sure everything is working properly03:12
Shmamhuh it doesnt reboot properly unless I add that param to grub03:13
vultyreYou can modify it permanently with /etc/default/grub. I'm not sure why it booted fine without it before on nouveau but now requires it, though03:16
IntelCore\In comparison benchmarks, nouveau generally provides inferior performance to Nvidia's proprietary graphics device drivers.03:16
Shmamit looks like that param makes it use the intel integrated gpu as the resolution is capped really low03:16
vultyrehmm... that seems like an indirect effect that is bringing to light another problem. All nomodeset does is delay loading of nouveau/nvidia until X11 starts up03:18
IntelCoreCompiz recommends nouveau over the Nvidia proprietary driver03:18
Shmamright but I need the nvidia driver for mining03:18
IntelCorejust get it from nvidia then03:19
vultyreif not even nouveau is loading right now though, there's another problem03:19
Shmamright and I want to figure that out first03:19
vultyredoes 'lsmod | grep nouveau' return anything?03:20
Guest82547Shmam,  sudo add-apt-repository ppa:graphics-drivers/ppa03:22
IntelCoresudo lshw -C display  (Shows the info u may need to know on the driver)03:22
Guest82547sudo apt update03:22
ShmamWith nomodeset in grub: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mrpZznhgPz/03:22
vultyreIf it doesn't return anything, can you dump the contents of dmesg?03:22
vultyreso it is loaded03:23
vultyreBut you're limited to small resolutions?03:23
Shmamyeah my 1080p monitor is limited to 72003:23
IntelCoreAsus? get a driver off them?03:24
vultyreI'm reading through this right now: https://askubuntu.com/questions/106055/ubuntu-stuck-in-low-resolution-after-uninstalling-disabling-nvidia-drivers03:24
ShmamI would guess that its using the intel integrated graphics03:24
vultyreThey had a similar issue where nouveau was loaded but had a limited resolution03:24
vultyreTry this?03:25
ShmamI dont have a nvidia* file in modprobe03:25
Guest82547you need 381 driver03:25
vultyreGuest82547, why do you think that?03:26
ShmamI dont have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf file03:26
IntelCoreMay well be in a different file, so have a nosey around the modprobe.d folder03:27
vultyreIt's a 1070 in a desktop, so no03:29
vultyrePurging nvidia drivers gets rid of xorg.conf, so it makes sense that yours is gone03:30
vultyreBut then it makes it odd that your display settings did not get reverted to the previous state from before installing the nvidia drivers03:31
IntelCorelast thing posted on that page.03:31
IntelCoremaking sure I had xserver-xorg-video-nouveau installed03:32
IntelCorethat's not the nvidia. but the screen res might come back03:33
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vultyreIf you're using nomodeset in grub you might need to use some additional settings in grub as well: https://askubuntu.com/a/76118503:36
kernelmananyway to multi- select in gedit like in nautilus using ctrl+leftmouse click?03:37
Shmammaybe I should just fresh install03:38
Shmamstart from the beginning03:38
Shmamactually before I do that03:47
ShmamI now have the option to install nvidia-39003:47
Shmamafter installing that, nvidia-smi returns unable to determine the device handle03:54
=== aloo_shu2 is now known as aloo_shu
King_of_Irelandhey guys - is there a good top for your network activity? i'm blanking on the name. not htop or iotop04:00
guiverc_dKing_of_Ireland, iftop ?  (interface bandwidth usage..)04:02
guiverc_dyou're most welcome your majesty ;)04:03
King_of_Irelandwell played!04:04
sjv1709a12hello bro04:17
IntelCore /msg nickserv help set password04:26
Muliganwin10 updated to 1803 and b0rked the grub on this ssd04:35
hatesecMuligan: you there04:36
Muliganwhat's up?04:37
hateseci learned a trick where i physically unplug the HD from my motherboard, and install win10 first (since it doesn't play nice w/ other os). then i install whatever other OS second, with the windows hd unplugged04:38
hatesecthis requires using at least two hds04:38
Muliganthis is a laptop04:38
Muligani'm thinking imma have to reload this guy04:38
Muligannew laptop to me04:38
Muliganlatitude e724004:38
Muliganmsata drive in it04:38
guiverc_wMuligan, this may help with restoring grub - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows04:39
hatesecya dude im pretty sure that's a "bug" MS ain't interested in fixing, because to them it's a feature04:39
Muliganno doubt04:39
Muliganhonestly, I've been using ubuntu more and more at home than win1004:39
Muliganhonestly, I really don't need win10 at all04:39
hateseci need it for gaming and photoshop04:39
MuliganI've another laptop (latitude e6420) that I could easily use if I needed windows04:39
Muliganplus I've got my desktop still in the box in the basement04:40
Muligani game after work on my office machine anyhow04:40
Muliganbeen thinking about picking up a pair of rx580's for mining in this thing due to being in the field all day04:40
lotuspsychjeMuligan: keep it ontopic please04:40
Muliganmuh bad04:41
Muliganwhat would be my boot partition?04:42
Muliganpartition type: NTFS/exFAT/HPFS(Bootable)04:43
Muligan/dev/sda4 Partition Type: Extended04:43
=== test is now known as Guest29962
Guest29962Hello guys, what is the hottest topic tonight?04:45
Muliganoh hell, if I need windows on this laptop, I'll run it in a VM04:47
Muligannuke and repave04:47
smacktalkhow do I burn an iso image with ubuntu?  I have the newest version04:49
smacktalkthe dvd is greyed out04:49
smacktalklike it's not mounted?04:49
smacktalkwhat's the command to mount it?04:50
fradi cannot search and find text if I run the 'man' command04:57
fradis that normal?04:57
aloo_shufrad: / is the character for text search04:58
aloo_shun for next occurence04:59
Mystic_ReverieHow come my chat apps are connecting to the internet, but none of my browsers will?  Ubuntu 1804:59
fradaloo_shu, thanks!04:59
fradaloo_shu, then p is for the previous occurrence?04:59
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aloo_shuI think ? brings up help05:00
aloo_shup is probably ok05:00
Mystic_ReverieAnyone help ?05:00
cbpyelotuspsychje: hey, I finally got it working.05:00
lotuspsychjecbpye: how please?05:00
guivercsmacktalk, an easy to use iso burner is multiwriter (a gnome staple)05:00
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cbpyelotuspsychje: purged, removed, and autoremoved everything nvidia-*; made sure that I was not in SecureBoot mode; Blacklisted nouveau; re-installed dkms, linux-headers-general, gcc, and one other thing that I forgot.05:02
aloo_shuMystic_Reverie: what do the browsers say? could be your connection is very slow, good enough for a little text, but too lame to even complete tls handshake05:02
Mystic_Reverieallo, they just say the no internet error message05:02
lotuspsychjecbpye: but on wich driver are you now?05:02
cbpyelotuspsychje: then, I just used 390.77 from NVIDIA's website.  After rebooting and seeing it work, I removed ubuntus graphics driver PPA.  don't want it messing with anything.05:03
Mystic_ReverieI can connect to a few apps like tox chat.  bubt cant connect to browsers, or even hexchat.  the net seems to be 'half working'05:03
IntelCoresynaptics package manager has a 'Sections' and you will find "Libraries" (Restricted" with Nvidia in it.05:03
cbpyelotuspsychje: MORAL OF THE STORY -- just trust the hardware vendor.05:03
lotuspsychjecbpye: can you add your solution on: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers-390/+bug/1752053 please?05:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1752053 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-390 (Ubuntu) "nvidia-390 fails to boot graphical display" [Critical,Fix released]05:03
lotuspsychjecbpye: had a user here yesterday fixxing it with ubuntu graphics ppa aswell05:06
aloo_shuMystic_Reverie: netstat -atu (repeatedly) allows you to follow if apps try to open connections, and their status, but that apart, I'm out of ideas, somebody else please05:06
Mystic_Reveriehow to run netstat atu ?.  anyway.. it wont help me.  i dont understand that stuff.  i have internet connection but many thing swont connect ot the web, but some do05:07
IntelCorefirewalld that web browser you wont connect05:07
cbpyemaybe?  confession time: I'm running Kubuntu 18.01, and I'm almost certain that my issue was caused by software being installed/updated by the Discover application (which sucks, BTW) while simultaneously using the Driver Manager system setting widget.  They both crashed simultanously while one thing was in the middle of something.05:07
Mystic_Reverieive tried 3 web browsers, none connect. and hexchat also wont work05:08
IntelCoreon hex now05:08
cbpyethe other major thing that was different for me was that, repeatedly, my driver installs were failing while dkms was building a module.05:09
IntelCoreAssume this is not the pc that won't connect. try re-installing the wifi, and modem..05:09
guivercMystic_Reverie, I'd ping an address; say which will probably work; then try pinging a human address, say google.com - if that fails then it's likely DNS which could be side effect of a VPN etc mucking it up .. i'm only around rarely so can't help currently05:09
lotuspsychjecbpye: ok tnx for feedback mate05:09
Mystic_Reveriei dont have a vpn05:09
lotuspsychjecbpye: if you have time, help the community adding your story short to the bug url05:10
Mystic_Reverieand have no idea how or what to ping05:10
IntelCoreif it wont connect, he's not pinging no one05:10
Mystic_Reveriei am connected to the web.  i can use tox chat for example05:10
Mystic_Reveriebut not any browser05:11
aloo_shuok, Mystic_Reverie , you'll have to learn how to open a terminal and to type in a command05:11
IntelCoreoff, the modem, off the wifi.. disconnect an ethernet05:11
IntelCoreturn it all back on05:11
Mystic_Reveriei can type in the comman if you tell em what to type05:11
Mystic_Reveriesudo apt?05:12
Mystic_Reveriebash?  json?05:12
foureight84currently running 18.04 on hades canyon and i had a heck of a time building 4.18 kernel to support amd vega. does anyone here know if there are precompiled ubuntu 4.18rc6 kernels for amdgpu?05:12
Mystic_Reveriejust 'ping  ?05:12
lotuspsychje!who | aloo_shu Mystic_Reverie05:12
ubottualoo_shu Mystic_Reverie: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)05:12
Mystic_Reverieuse tab how ?05:12
lotuspsychjefoureight84: we dont reccomend compiling own kernels here, use !mainline instead05:12
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: welcome to ubuntu support, how can we help you?05:13
aloo_shuMystic_Reverie: ask lotuspsychje05:14
Mystic_Reveriei pinged,  gettign an average of about 5ms05:14
WoodpeckerI need help restoring a folder (my home folder) damaged by a rogue build system that was deleting all the files. Its a btrfs fs, and I am logged into a live usb.05:14
lotuspsychjeMystic_Reverie: when you press first lettre of a nickname, then press TAB it will autofill05:14
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds05:14
smacktalkguiverc  i tried to install mutiwriter and it's not in the repository...unable to locate package multiwriter05:14
WoodpeckerI dont quite understand how to complete this line...05:14
Woodpeckerubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo btrfs restore --path-regex '^/(|home(|/akiva(|/.*)))$' /dev/sda105:15
foureight84@lotuspsychje, yep i don't recommend it either because it works but now i need to reformat. so this is better05:15
Mystic_Reverieits says my device is 'wired, connected'  but there is also a question mark there.  soemthings not right05:15
WoodpeckerI need a <path> argument, but I am not sure what I can use.05:16
smacktalkoh, got it sudo apt-get install gnome-multi-writer05:16
Mystic_Reverieno arguements in her eplease wood05:16
foureight84@lotuspsychje, is there a log of what's included in the latest mainline? i tried this before and it didn't have amdgpu05:16
foureight84sorry i meant amd vega support05:16
IntelCoreneed to tweak compiz. No dock on left. no Super key05:18
IntelCoresystem settings is in that dock. And the menu at top right does not open settings, it shows 'About' the computer in two places05:20
IntelCoreindicator applet complete05:21
cbpyelotuspsychje: I'll take some notes and try to post it tomorrow.05:23
lotuspsychjecbpye: tnx05:25
IntelCorewell, they dont have an 18.04 version of that applet on launchpad. the 17.10 is there05:27
IntelCorefound it. got applet05:31
IntelCoregnomedm. so it should let the panel dock show. compiz won't let it. and the super key is not operational05:33
IntelCorebut compiz works05:33
IntelCoreAll-in-all on hp 15 i5, it's been rather slide upgrade. few tweaks. goodnight.05:35
lotuspsychjefoureight84: i would reccomend, like just testing one of the mainline kernels, if you find a new bug on it, file it06:11
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: can testdisk/photorec restore your lost data?06:12
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: ill try06:12
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: never tested myself on btrfs, perhaps in the future choose a more stable layout? btrfs still known for data loss06:13
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: better yet I should learn to do cloud backups. I just dont want my software to get stolen...06:14
Woodpeckerand unfortunately my usb backup faiiiiiiled !06:15
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: the cloud isnt really a standard for secure data neither :p06:15
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: well it has eaten most of my important data... thousands of hours of work.06:16
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: dont store sensitive data on btrfs mate.. and alway make a double back06:16
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: if I can find that code still as a string... that would be nice06:17
Woodpeckerits not a btrfs issue though... not really anyways.06:17
lotuspsychjeWoodpecker: try sudo photorec, then scan your partition for your lost data, perhaps add the right filetype you are lost for faster scan?06:18
lotuspsychjeaka: .jpg .mp4..06:18
Internet_guyhey is there any suggestion for a GUI download manager in Ubuntu ?06:19
lotuspsychjeInternet_guy: yes there are plenty, did you search apt-cache search keyword?06:21
Internet_guylotuspsychje, sorry i was not aware of that command06:22
lotuspsychjeInternet_guy: kget06:22
lotuspsychjeInternet_guy: uget06:23
Woodpeckerlotuspsychje: that is helpful. thanks!06:24
lotuspsychje!yay | Woodpecker :p06:24
ubottuWoodpecker :p: Glad you made it! :-)06:24
Internet_guyN: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.06:26
Internet_guyhow can i add such rep06:26
cpdhello, is there a way I can hide a folder in my home directory with the . and still let a program access it? The program doesn't find it when I hide it and created a new folder06:29
lotuspsychjeInternet_guy: be carefull with adding external ppa's to your system, they can scramble things up06:30
Internet_guylotuspsychje, yeah i know06:30
Internet_guyi want to take risk tell me how to enable that ?06:31
EriC^^cpd: let the program know the new dir06:31
EriC^^"." doesnt actually do anything to a dir, it just let's "ls" and the filemanager not show it without extra input, it's nothing special06:31
EriC^^Internet_guy: sudo apt-get -o Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories update06:32
EriC^^i think it's sudo apt-get -o=Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories update06:32
Internet_guyEriC^^, E: Option -o=Acquire::ppa:noobslab/apps: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>.06:35
EriC^^Internet_guy: it was very literal you dont need to replace anything06:36
cpdEriC^^: Its a .jar file that automatically creates a folder if it doesn't find it. When I use . to hide it every time the jar is run it recreates it, I was wondering if I can somehow link .folder to folder so it doesnt auto create it06:36
Internet_guyEriC^^, E: Option Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>.06:37
Internet_guy 06:37
Ben64cpd: yes but doing that would still show folder06:37
Internet_guyyet the same error06:37
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cpdBen64: so unless I get the jar to read it as .folder instead there is no workaround for me to hide a folder that doesnt have a . before it06:38
Ben64cpd: pretty much, why do you need it hidden though06:39
cpdBen64: don't need it hidden, I just like my folder nice and neat, this particular jar adds a folder and 2 files to my home directory so its just annoying to look at. Was hoping there was some sort of extension for my file manager that can hide a selected file and folder06:41
EriC^^cpd: yeah, you'd need to modify the jar file06:41
EriC^^Internet_guy: run the 2nd command i gave, with -o=Aq...06:41
EriC^^cpd: could you not extract the jar in a hidden dir? or it's hardcoded to extract to your $HOME ?06:41
EriC^^maybe modifying $HOME would help in that case?06:42
cpdEriC^^: Yeah it seems to be hardcoded, im digging around in the jar but cant find any reference to $HOME or anything resembling a user directory where it is creating the folder.06:42
Internet_guyabhi@internet-guy:~$ sudo apt-get -o=Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories update06:43
Internet_guy[sudo] password for abhi:06:43
Internet_guyE: Option -o=Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories: Configuration item specification must have an =<val>.06:43
Internet_guySame error bro06:43
cpdEriC^^ Ben64: found a fix, if I create a file called .hidden in my $HOME and inside that I put all the files and folders I want hidden it wont show in thunar or nautilus anymore without adding a .06:46
cpdthanks for your help06:48
harrymmdammit. i just unpacked bitcoin to a local dir, then did sudo mv /lib/* /usr/lib/ instead of sudo mv lib/* /usr/lib/. how in hell do i find the libs i've moved???06:53
geirhagrep ^/lib/ /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list06:56
atlas_0x01bloody good shi....stuff06:58
harrymmthx. looks like a mess :(06:59
geirhaharrymm: you also shouldn't have moved the actual libs to /usr/lib; you should leave that dir to the package manager. The better place to install it is /usr/local/lib/07:00
geirhaharrymm: well, it's mostly just a few dozen directories, so it's not really that messy after all07:01
harrymmwish i had. it looks like i've got hundreds of files from that grep07:01
geirhagrep -h '^/lib/[^/]*$' /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list | sort -u07:02
geirhaso you're down to that list07:02
harrymmahh. that's manageable at least. only a dozen or so. thx07:03
geirhaand there were probably some collisions, so not all of those were moved at all07:06
harrymmerr...those are directories. would they have been moved?07:08
geirhaonly if the destination did not contain those directories already07:08
harrymmok. i see...07:10
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geirhaon this ubuntu install here, there's only one regular file (/lib/klibc-*.so), two symlinks (/lib/ld-linux.so.2 and /lib/cpp) and the rest are directories07:13
harrymmohoh. what are the symlinks?07:19
harrymmi got one: ld-linux.so.207:19
harrymmoh. sry. didn't see in your reply.07:20
harrymmwhew. done. thx a lot :)07:22
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TaylorHereHey,Guys, Is therea way to create a image using my running OS? like dump a image at aws ec2?08:33
TaylorHereI've tried live-boot, that's not what I want.08:34
TaylorHeredoes there a link that I can found some more details?08:36
TaylorHeredo not konw what ole is.08:37
tom_tom_is there any software for ubuntu?08:38
muflihin_like a what?08:39
EriC^^TaylorHere: what do you mean by an image? are you asking how you can image the hard disk?08:40
TaylorHereI mean dump my system to an .iso file, so that I can use the file to install another computer.08:43
EriC^^!customlivecd | TaylorHere maybe this will help08:44
ubottuTaylorHere maybe this will help: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/08:44
TaylorHereI need install some base software on ubunutu, and dump it to iso file, so that I can share my iso to my customers08:44
TaylorHereEric^^, ne, ne, I tried live-boot before.08:46
guiverc_wTaylorHere, I can't speak from experience; but Makulu Linux is based on Ubuntu, and has an open-source script that creates the ISO of their distro from the tweaked system they run; I've only read about it in blogs (never used it)08:47
guiverc_wbuild constructor or something like that it was called (from memory) TaylorHere08:48
TaylorHeremaybe their scripts can helps me. :)08:48
phoceanI am trying to figure out how to configure systemd-resolve to use all the DNS in its list when the primary is not available08:49
phoceanhow to make it rotate with timeout, like in the old good resolv.conf ?08:49
=== guiverc_w is now known as guiverc
tom_tom_any body?08:57
tom_tom_i can not install the ubuntu 18.04 on my thinkpad x08:57
tom_tom_i can not install the ubuntu 18.04 on my thinkpad x08:58
tom_tom_i can not install the ubuntu 18.04 on my thinkpad x6008:58
tom_tom_i can not install the ubuntu 18.04 on my thinkpad x6008:58
guiverctom_tom_, have you created a bootable usb with ubuntu on it?  (please don't repeat or spam the channel)08:58
tom_tom_i have08:59
guivercdoes it boot, can you 'try ubuntu' & use it successfully on the x60 ?08:59
tom_tom_it's successful08:59
guivercwhy can't you install?  do you get an error or something?09:00
tom_tom_when finished the installed09:00
tom_tom_the system became restart09:00
tom_tom_and can not been restart09:01
tom_tom_the screen is black09:01
guivercdo you see a grub menu?  are you asked to login? (after grub menu)09:01
tom_tom_i think the cpu doesn't match the ubuntu 18.0409:02
phocean_I want to achieve that with systemd :09:03
phocean_options timeout:109:03
tom_tom_it's the only realy i have thinked;09:03
tom_tom_only reason09:03
guivercvery much doubt that; since you could try it successfully; cpu is fine.  i suspect it's possible you didn't install grub to the device (instead maybe to a partition) which means grub has can't boot & you get nothing. but usually its an error from your machine's bios or eufi...09:04
tom_tom_anyway  , i will try to insstall again tonight;09:04
guiverci'm looking for instructions on how to fix grub (which will help if my assumption is correct)09:05
tom_tom_can you sent the  instructions to my email;\09:06
guivercthis may be handy - https://www.howtogeek.com/114884/how-to-repair-grub2-when-ubuntu-wont-boot/  (it can be run from your install media)09:06
tom_tom_ok  thank you09:07
guivercnote: it may not be your problem, it's what I suspect your issue is...09:07
guivercyou're most welcome tom_tom_ :)09:08
phocean_seriously, systemd-resolv really sucks09:11
phocean_there is little documentation and it seems to lack many features09:12
strkI've just upgraded to 18.04 and X doesn't start anymore09:12
strkoh what fun it is to upgrade09:12
strk● lightdm.service - LSB: Start lightdm --    Active: active (exited) since Mon 2018-07-30 11:11:28 CEST; 1min 47s ago09:13
strkstill, no graphic login screen exists09:13
strkonly console logins09:13
luna_Time for the yearly apt talk in 2 minutes: https://debconf18.debconf.org/schedule/venue/2/09:27
BluesKaj'Morning all09:34
qwebirc41159I am facing problem when installing ubuntu, "wifi adapter not found"09:40
theWhiteMountain@qwebirc41159 what version?09:41
gracious1 /join #palemoon09:43
theWhiteMountainqwebirc41159 is it a fresh install?09:43
jwojrhey, what is the command to remove an account on Ubuntu 16.04?09:50
beaver!info linux-signed-generic09:52
ubottuPackage linux-signed-generic does not exist in bionic09:52
beaverhttps://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/linux-signed-generic (hm)09:52
theWhiteMountainjwojr: sudo deluser newuser09:52
jwojrthewhitemountain: thanks09:54
beaver!info linux-signed-image-generic09:54
ubottuPackage linux-signed-image-generic does not exist in bionic09:54
beaverthere is a problem with packageinfo09:54
jwojrI'm new to the irc world. What are some cool chats relates to linux09:55
Unk70wnhello, any software that can recover moved files?10:01
theWhiteMountainUnk70wn: https://ubuntu-mate.community/t/recovering-deleted-files-and-folders/221110:04
kanetooCan anyone tell how can I make Ubuntu see JBL GO bluetooth device?10:07
jwojris thewhitemountion an admin?10:08
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: is it showing up on your devices list but not playing?10:09
kanetooNo, it isn't visible on the list.10:09
jwojrasdfg: hey10:09
kanetootheWhiteMountain: N, it isn't visible on the list.10:10
Unk70wntheWhiteMountain what about ntfsundelete?10:18
Unk70wni can recover files but they are corrupt10:18
theWhiteMountainUnk70wn: No experience with it, sorry.10:19
silv3r_m00nhi there10:21
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: are you able to view others? It's just that single device that isn't showing up?10:21
silv3r_m00nis it okay to buy games on steam for ubuntu ? any likely problems ?10:21
silv3r_m00ni am just a beginner. and i want to play some multiplayer games10:22
theWhiteMountainsilv3r_m00n: it depends if the game has support for linux.10:23
silv3r_m00ni am thinking of buying this , https://store.steampowered.com/app/730/CounterStrike_Global_Offensive/10:23
silv3r_m00nread on some blog that is available for ubuntu10:23
kanetootheWhiteMountain: I am able to see my phone and send files to my phone. But it doesn't see the speaker.10:24
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: what is the device?10:25
kanetootheWhiteMountain: It's a Xiaomi Redmi Note 310:27
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: that won't connect?10:28
kanetootheWhiteMountain: The xiaomi phone connects with no problem. It's the JBL GO speaker that won't connect.10:29
theWhiteMountainNVM just saw its the JBL GO10:29
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: Did you read through this? http://www.pc-freak.net/blog/install-jbl-go-bluetooth-speak-debian-gnu-linux/10:30
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kanetootheWhiteMountain: yeah, as I recall it had problems installing few of the packages recommended in this article.10:33
fubI want to extract the default /etc/* files from a ubuntu 18.04 installation. How can I do this? Downloaded the .iso and mounted it, but I cant find a single .conf file in there.10:38
kanetootheWhiteMountain: I need to go. Thank you for your time :)10:38
TJ-fub: often they are copied in from default templates by the package .postinst scripts10:39
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: sudo apt-get install bluez-tools10:39
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: bt-device -l10:39
theWhiteMountainkanetoo: bt-audio -c "device mac address". Maybe that will work. Best of luck.10:39
fubTJ-: so this is also done when booting from a "live usb" ?10:40
fubwhere do I find this .postinst files? find . -name "*.postinst" is empty10:40
TJ-fub, no, liveISOs use a squashfs image of an installed system that runs out of RAM10:45
fubso then I could theoretically also mount that squashfs and copy the files from there, right?10:46
TJ-fub: when a package is installed by dpkg it extracts the files from the .deb and puts them in /var/lib/dpkg/info/10:46
TJ-fub: correct10:46
fubdo I have to start the liveiso for this? or do I find the squashfs somewhere10:46
TJ-fub: .preinst, .postinst, .prerm, .postrm shell scripts are in that directory along with the checksums and file lists10:46
fubI can find a ./casper/filesystem.squashfs10:47
TJ-fub: the squashfs is in /casper/10:47
fubTJ-: ok, thanks10:48
fubwhat I want to do is compare this files with a running system and then make a diff to see what was changed/differs from a default installation10:48
aleksanderso i  let myself (as user) to run processes with different nice than default10:58
TafThorneGood morning (just about for me),  Anyone here using Eclipse CDT on 18.04?10:58
aleksanderin /usr/share/applications/ i edited firefox.desktop and put in preferences, section  „command” nice -n -19 firefox %u10:58
aleksanderbut it doesn;t start with different nice. what am i doing wrong?10:59
TafThorne@aleksander you have an extra - infront of the numbner11:00
TafThorne„command” nice -n 19 firefox %u11:00
TafThorne might work for you unless that was a copy here error11:00
TafThorneFor me, with the -19 I get a permissions error as nice does not know if I am putting nice up or down and a normal user is not allowed to make things a higher priority (less nice)11:01
TafThorne$ nice -n -19 echo "hi"11:01
TafThornenice: cannot set niceness: Permission denied11:01
TafThorne$ nice -n 19 echo "hi"11:01
aleksanderTafThorne because i want priority to be higher (therefore -n -19). i can already differ nice parameter due to  adding user_name    -       nice            -20 in /etc/security/11:02
TafThorneops, upset the Drone. My bad.11:02
aleksanderwithout using sudo11:03
TafThorneI need to go for a bit but I'll be back in ~1 hour.  I'll try to remember my nice playing around issues.  It has been a few years.11:03
aleksandernow for some reason, the app still starts without respecting sudo. but i've just discovered that it is just a shortcut that doesn't work this way. if i  start firefox.desktop it goes with nice -19, but i i start firefox from panel (still has the righ parameter) it doesn't respect sudo11:04
aleksanderhas to be a bug11:04
FedoraUserhi friends11:09
FedoraUserhow can I see what happened to the package 'libnagios-plugin-perl' in bionic?11:09
FedoraUser(if it was renamed or removed, ...)11:09
TJ-!info libnagios-object-perl | FedoraUser11:15
ubottuFedoraUser: libnagios-object-perl (source: libnagios-object-perl): module to parse and represent Nagios configuration as objects. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.21.20-2 (bionic), package size 55 kB, installed size 209 kB11:16
FedoraUserTJ-,  thanks, how would one discover new name of the package?11:17
TJ-FedoraUser: in Debian/Ubuntu it's always been that name - since 200611:18
TJ-FedoraUser: maybe there's another similar package "plugin" as well that has since gone away?11:18
TJ-!info libnagios-plugin-perl trusty11:18
FedoraUserTJ-, are you sure? I'm looking for this package: https://packages.ubuntu.com/xenial/libnagios-plugin-perl11:18
ubottulibnagios-plugin-perl (source: libnagios-plugin-perl): family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-1 (trusty), package size 55 kB, installed size 150 kB11:18
TJ-!info libnagios-plugin-perl xenial11:19
ubottulibnagios-plugin-perl (source: libnagios-plugin-perl): family of perl modules to streamline writing Nagios. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.36-2 (xenial), package size 53 kB, installed size 151 kB11:19
TJ-FedoraUser: so, there was, and it doesnt seem to exist in 18.0411:19
TJ-!info libnagios-plugin-perl11:19
ubottuPackage libnagios-plugin-perl does not exist in bionic11:19
FedoraUserTJ-, ok, and if it was renamed, would there be a way of checking that?11:19
TJ-FedoraUser: yes, obsolete/deleted: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libnagios-plugin-perl/+publishinghistory11:21
FedoraUseroh cool, it's replaced by libmonitoring-plugin-perl11:21
FedoraUserTJ-, thank you, highly appreciated!11:22
TJ-FedoraUser: removed from Debian, so synced to Ubuntu at start of Zesty cycle I guess: https://tracker.debian.org/pkg/libnagios-plugin-perl11:23
TJ-FedoraUser: aha! if you read the REMOVED entries in tracker it tells us "ROM; superseeded by libmonitoring-plugin-perl"11:24
TJ-!info libmonitoring-plugin-perl11:24
ubottulibmonitoring-plugin-perl (source: libmonitoring-plugin-perl): family of perl modules to streamline writing Monitoring plugins. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.39-1 (bionic), package size 53 kB, installed size 131 kB11:24
FedoraUseryes, I've mentioned that11:24
TJ-FedoraUser: sorry, must have missed it in all the text11:24
FedoraUserthat page was super helpful and exactly what I was looking for11:24
FedoraUserthanks again ;)11:24
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bongo12345hi. I need help uninstalling Libre Office. I can't find it on Synaptic and Apt-get claims it's not there but I have it installed !11:35
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guivercbongo12345, how did you install libreoffice??; apt|apt-get|.. can only know about things that it installs; and thus are in its database...11:37
Tin^mancomes preinstalled with Kubuntu.11:38
Tin^manor most ubuntu's that I know of11:38
bongo12345guiverc, problem is...i cant remember ....must have been 2 years ago. Is there a way to find out?11:39
guivercit may be in your logs, /var/log/apt/  bongo12345 , or you could try `dpkg -l libreo* |grep ^ii` which should show what libreo* files dpkg/apt/aptitude/synaptic/.. know about...11:41
guivercps: if you installed from source, or not by dpkg/apt* tools, there will be no log in the directory i gave bongo12345 - try the command I gave to see what dpkg can see (if any)11:43
TJ-Tin^man: what does "apt list --installed libreoffice*" report ?11:44
TJ-oops, wrong target!11:44
TJ-bongo12345: what does "apt list --installed libreoffice*" report ?11:44
TJ-bongo12345: also "which -a libreoffice" to check what path it is installed at11:45
user0someone know how to solve this error "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lopencv_imgcodecs"?11:46
user0I tried this command, but doesn't work 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'11:46
TJ-user0: in what context are you seeing that? Building some package?11:46
Amar_LXD containers are remaining in pending state for ever in juju 2.4 for trusty series11:47
user0TJ-: Yes, makefile11:47
TJ-user0: i would expect that ld wouldn't include the "-l" switch when reporting "cannot find" so it could be a simple syntax error11:48
user0TJ-: I tried to build this: https://github.com/tsdconseil/opencv-demonstrator11:49
user0TJ-: Okay, I will check it out.11:49
guivercuser0, are you trying to change the list_dirs (LD_) inside a shell script or other - it won't work; refer https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#A.2BAC8-etc.2BAC8-environment11:50
bongo12345TJ-, it shows libre office 5.1 and lbre office 4.311:51
guiverc(ie. interative shells have different rules for libraries than background(non-interactive) jobs - dash/bash... since 9.04)11:52
bongo12345guiverc, i get a very long output for dpkg -l libreo* |grep ^ii11:53
guivercbongo12345, which will have the package names that you can remove/purge...  those are the packages that no doubt make up libreoffice11:54
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bongo12345guiverc, https://pastebin.com/ZXumy8AP , can you give me an example of a command i need to run11:55
se-sm-cacan't you just "apt-get uninstall libreoffice"? I thought that was a meta package that would handle all of the other dependencies11:55
guivercbongo12345, the first line tells you have `libreoffice4.3` package installed; so a `sudo apt-get remove libreoffice4.3` will remove that package ; you could replace `remove` with `purge` to also delete configs etc. if you'll not install it again...11:57
bongo12345guiverc, thanks. I'll try that11:57
guivercbongo12345, what Ubuntu are you using?11:58
bongo12345guiverc, 14.0411:59
bongo12345guiverc, xfce12:00
sentimentI wanted to find specific files and move them to another directory. I used this command : find -depth -path *.mp3 -exec mv -v '{}' ~/Music/From_Downloads \;12:02
sentimentbut now all the found songs are merged into one weird file12:02
sentimentis it possible to reverse this action?!12:03
sentimentFrom_Downloads: MPEG ADTS, layer III, v1,  80 kbps, 44.1 kHz, JntStereo12:03
sentiment ^ that is the file's type12:03
guivercsentiment, merged into - wouldn't that contain only the last file moved (and not all)?12:04
TJ-sentiment: if you really did use "-path *.mp3" and not "-path '*.mp3' " then the shell will have expanded the "*.mp3" before executing 'find'12:05
sentimentguiverc: you seem to be right , though the files have been moved somewhere anyways12:05
sentimentthey are not in the original location anymore12:05
guivercif my guess is right; they were all moved to that file, overwriting the prior move; giving you more space as it proceeded (as prior one was in effect deleted...) - but refer TJ-12:06
TJ-sentiment: every file was written to a new file called From_Downloads, rather than into a directory called ./From_Downloads/ so that will only be last file moved, all others were overwritten12:07
sentimentok :-( I see12:07
TJ-sentiment: I'm guessing you didn't do "mkdir -p ~/Music/From_Downloads" first ?12:08
sentimentI thought it would create a directory12:08
TJ-sentiment: no12:08
guivercwhy would it - your command referred to a file, not a directory (no From_Downloads/ )12:08
sentimentso all is lost right ?12:08
guivercyou've always got your backups right ?12:09
TJ-sentiment: there's no way 'mv' could know that, because you were repeatedly calling it with single file arguments "mv ./path/to/file/1.mp3 ~/Music/From_Downloads"12:09
sentimentnope... I didn't imagine it would destroy things12:09
guiverccreate a copy of your data, and always test before you do anything... never 'test in production'12:10
sentimentoh ok of course. just didn't see a chance if would destroy data12:11
sentimentno big deal though I guess... thanks anyways12:11
sentimentis it possible to recover the lost files from that location ?12:14
sentimentbecause the sectors might not be overwritten yet12:15
guivercsentiment, this may contain something (testdisk), but i've little experience with it sorry https://askubuntu.com/questions/3883/how-to-recover-deleted-files12:15
TJ-sentiment: depends on the file-system12:15
sentimentTJ-: it's ext4...12:16
guivercactually forget my links sentiment - it was useless12:16
TJ-sentiment: if the files didn't cross a file-system boundary then 'mv' will only have changed the dirent pointers to the inodes and name, not move any data. The original mp3 data of all but the last file to be moved will be in unallocated blocks12:16
TJ-sentiment: try using extundelete12:17
guiverc(( https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery is a better link, but still not that helpful , listen to TJ- ))12:17
TJ-!info extundelete | sentiment12:18
ubottusentiment: extundelete (source: extundelete): utility to recover deleted files from ext3/ext4 partition. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.4-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 56 kB, installed size 154 kB12:18
sentimentok TJ- ... going to try that. thank you12:18
TJ-sentiment: and read the "man extundelete" thoroughly!12:19
sentimentI will. :-)12:19
TJ-sentiment: I suspect you'll need something like "sudo extundelete --restore-directory ~/Downloads /dev/sda3" or "sudo extundelete --restore-all /dev/sda3" (where /dev/sda3 is the partition containing the file-system)12:22
TJ-oh, gone! oh well, goodbye data!12:22
new_genwith latest update , I am getting a pop-up message asking which encoding to use on console.12:30
fred1807I need pango newr than 1.38 on Ubuntu 14.04  Is this possible? Is there some ppa I can get it?12:31
tarzeauprobably easier to get 16.04 or 18.0412:32
fred1807it is aws ubuntu 14.04... Can I upgrade to 16.04 from command line without losing it all ?12:32
chatkkHi. I'm trying to change the default scrollbar width, but ~/.config/gtk3.0/gtk.css is seemingly ignored. How can I tell if I'm really using gtk3?12:33
pragmaticenigmafred1807: You should contact AWS to verify12:33
pragmaticenigmachatkk: Depends on the program you are using and what libraries it is using to render the window12:33
chatkkpragmaticenigma: Know any way I can check? I've done * { background-color: red; } and it does nothing12:34
chatkkObviously I load a new terminal or whatever so that it draws something new12:35
pragmaticenigmachatkk: Providing the channel more information is a good place to start12:35
chatkkGladly, what do you need to know?12:36
pragmaticenigma!details | chatkk12:36
ubottuchatkk: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information; for example, we might need errors, steps, relevant configuration files, Ubuntu version, and hardware information. Use a !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel.12:36
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:37
pragmaticenigmachatkk: Also knowing what application you are trying to use12:37
fred1807should I run 'do-release-upgrade' inside a tmux session?12:37
cfhowlettdo-release-upgrade -s will simulate but not execute12:38
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pragmaticenigmafred1807: while I don't see it being a problem, I wouldn't recommend it12:38
TJ-fred1807: that's generally what I do, however d-r-u also starts uses screen/byobu and starts an additional sshd12:39
pragmaticenigmafred1807: I would recommend you read the documentation for AWS to find out the proper way to upgrade your AWS instance. They have documentation on it, and following it will reduce the chance your installation will break12:41
chatkkpragmaticenigma: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QC3PTCGWx7/12:41
pragmaticenigmachatkk: Cinnamon Desktop Environment uses GTK212:42
chatkkpragmaticenigma: aha, thanks :)12:42
chatkkpragmaticenigma: weird that all the themes look like gtk3 themes though12:44
pragmaticenigmachatkk: I believe GTK2 and 3 both use the same theming file formats, but they look in different places. GTK3 supports more features than GTK2 though12:45
chatkkpragmaticenigma: ah, no, I've found the gtk2 themes now12:45
SevioHi, I've got a problem where I'm trying to upgrade a 14.04 system by commandline with apt-get dist-upgrade, but it holds back chromium-browser, refusing to install the update. If I run apt-get dist-upgrade -s chromium-browser it shows that it will remove the old package chromium-codecs-ffmpeg (needed for old chromium) and install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra (needed for new chromium), so my question is why does dist-upgrade without arguments hold back12:53
SevioEverything I can find in the manual and online says that dist-upgrade will remove obsolete dependencies and install new ones as needed12:54
kongfjordhowdy, anyone know how to get package/compile source of xlock/xlockmore in artful?13:01
guiverc_dkongfjord, artful (17.10) is EOL, so I'd suggest you do-release-upgrade to 18.04 LTS; the repo's will soon be moved to old-releases....13:04
pragmaticenigmaSevio: It is true old dependencies will be removed, but only when no other package requires it. You may have another software package installed that requires the older codecs module13:09
SevioI checked that, only the current(old) chromium-browser depends on it so afaik that shouldn't prevent dist-upgrade from removing it13:10
SevioThanks for your reply, I'm out of time now though so I have to go13:10
pragmaticenigmaSevio: Something to try, removing or purging chromium and then installing though13:10
pragmaticenigmainstalling it again might clear out the sticking point13:11
SevioYeah I fixed it by dist-upgrading it explicitly with chromium-browser, but I was looking for a general solution13:11
pragmaticenigmaor will help identify if there are other issues13:11
pragmaticenigmaSevio: might have been something in the cache ... sometimes apt-get clean all, apt-get autoclean will help13:11
SevioThanks, will try next time13:12
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: Is there a way to determine if ACPI is enabled?13:13
TJ-pragmaticenigma: via dmesg, via /sys/firmware/acpi/13:14
pragmaticenigmaan absense means it isn't available?13:15
TJ-pragmaticenigma: generally yes, or maybe parts of it aren't enabled/available. ACPI is essential these days though13:16
pragmaticenigmaTJ-: True... if you remmeber my trusty laptop, it appears that the screen corrupt on power save was fixed by not letting the monitor go to sleep :-P13:17
pragmaticenigmaso Looking for some troubleshooting ideas. dmesg and deep kernel level stuff just hasn't been my wheelhouse yet13:17
leeyaadoes mailutils package have some weird dependancy ?13:29
leeyaatrying to install it gives me mailutils : Depends: libmailutils5 but it is not going to be installed13:29
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: Trying doing an update, then try installing. You might also need to clear apt cache13:29
pragmaticenigmatrying => try13:30
leeyaapragmaticenigma: already did that. im using a custom apt mirror. just not sure what am i missing13:30
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: custom apt mirror??13:30
leeyaayes, a local apt mirror13:30
mitsuhahey guys, any one knows how to add unity like menu bar in 18.04 ?13:30
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: It could be that the local apt mirror is missing that package?13:30
leeyaapragmaticenigma: not sure how to confirm that13:31
leeyaaive mirrored whole 64 bit and 32 bit repo13:32
pragmaticenigmamitsuha: You can search for themes for Gnome 3, you can take a look at this guide (though it's dated) https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2017/04/make-gnome-shell-look-feel-like-unity, or you can install unity desktop in 18.0413:32
leeyaahere is my mirror config https://bpaste.net/show/292cfa43665a13:32
leeyaamaybe i am missing something in my local repo13:32
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: I'm not very familiar with setting up apt mirrors unfortunately... I wish I could help more13:33
leeyaapragmaticenigma: do you know how to check which repo holds that package?13:34
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libmailutils513:35
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: Appears to be in universe13:35
leeyaawell i have universe for both 64 bit and 32 bit13:35
leeyaaill try a different source mirror ...13:36
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: it is possible the mirror you selected might not have it, but that would be really strange. You might want to try the main Ubuntu url's. They're setup to automatically send you to the nearest official repo13:37
leeyaapragmaticenigma: i know but that takes away control of packages for me13:39
leeyaaits either a local mirror or hardcoding packages versions13:40
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: I'm speaking on setting up your mirror to use the primary updates domain13:40
leeyaaapologise, i didnt understand you at first13:40
leeyaayes, this seems like a good approach13:40
leeyaapragmaticenigma: is it archive.ubuntu.com13:42
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: I think so... not 100% certain13:42
leeyaalet's give it a whirl. thanks for the suggestions13:44
leeyaait is not the first time i had issues with mirror.telepoint.bg mirror13:44
pragmaticenigmaleeyaa: I believe that is correct, also adding a country code to the front might narrow it geographically centered location13:44
pragmaticenigmaofficial mirrors are listed here, and give estimates on how far behind those mirrors are compared to the master https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors13:45
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skinuxI need some help figuring out why I have to use older kernel to boot or system freezes on boot14:00
skinuxI'm not sure what log to show.14:00
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compdocskinux, how was the newer kernel installed?14:02
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skinuxWIth the OS14:03
TJ-skinux: could it be an issue with the Intel spectre microcode updates? We were seeing a lot of that a few months ago14:05
skinuxI don't even know what that means14:05
skinuxI am using AMD I know that much14:05
TJ-skinux: the kernels contain code to avoid speculative execution data leaks. Some of those caused the same kind of symptoms. You could try adding to the kernel command line "nopti" - i think there's another option too but a long time since I needed to deal with that14:07
skinuxHow do I add it?14:07
TJ-its a kernel command-line option, so added via the GRUB boot menu14:10
tomreynskinux: before you do this, you should discuss which kernel version you have that works and which you have that doesn't work14:10
TJ-skinux: at what point does the freeze happen? have you tried booting in recovery mode first, and watched the kernel messages?14:10
skinuxWhere do I find the boot list? It's not in /boot/grub14:10
skinuxDepends on the Kernel version I select.14:11
skinuxLatest kernel freezes at loading initial ramdisk14:11
skinuxKernel I'm running now it two versions old14:11
TJ-"latest" doesn't help us, we need version numbers :)14:11
jnewtwhat is the proper way to start the standard ui from terminal after booting?   i login, then if i do startx, i get the ui, but without menus.   if i do lightdm, i get the login ui (even though i'm already logged int via cli), but then can't login.14:13
TJ-skinux: try this: "grep '^[[:space:]]*linux' /boot/grub/grub.cfg | cut -d\  -f 1 "14:13
skinuxHow can I look up what versions are installed?14:13
compdocjnewt, you installed Server and then a desktop?14:13
TJ-jnewt: "sudo systemctl start lightdm" ?14:14
jnewtcompdoc: no14:15
jnewtTJ-  and to get that to happen automatically?14:15
tomreynskinux: grep -oE "(menuentry '[^']*'|vmlinuz[^ ]*)" /boot/grub/grub.cfg | pastebinit14:17
TJ-jnewt: "sudo systemctl enable lightdm"14:17
jnewtTJ- The unit file s have no installation config...This means they are not meant to be ennabled using systemctl.14:20
TJ-jnewt: what Ubuntu release is this?14:20
TJ-jnewt: something screwy there then! this has been the standard way to control lightdm for years14:21
tomreynskinux: whopse kernels are vmlinuz-4.15.0-1011-kvm ?14:21
TJ-Are you sure it's using lightdm, and not gdm3?14:21
skinuxtomeryn: Do you use TeamViewer?14:21
tomreynskinux: how does it matter whether or not i do?14:22
=== jnewt_ is now known as jnewt
skinuxIf you do, I'll let you remote14:22
tomreynno, thanks14:22
leftyfbskinux: that's now how we do support here14:22
tomreynskinux: so which kernel works, which doesn't?14:23
skinuxHow do I get the current in use version?14:23
tomreynskinux: cat /proc/version14:23
jnewtTJ-I can't really answer that question, as i don't know what "it" is.    I can try to give some more info though.  I have both lightdm and gdm3 on my system.  I can start lightdm from the cli at boot.  I don't know if i can start gdm314:23
skinux4.15.0-24 is the working one, later version don't.14:24
Katnipis the newest kernel for 18.04.1?14:24
TJ-jnewt: "it" is the installed OS? if you installed standard Ubuntu 18.04 it uses gdm not lightdm now as its DM14:24
tomreynskinux: and you're on 18.04.1 ? lsb_release -ds14:24
TJ-jnewt: which may be why you got the unusual message from lightdm14:24
skinux18.04.1 LTS14:25
TJ-!info linux-image-generic14:25
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB14:25
jnewtTJ-the installed OS is not using either automatically.   It will use whichever one I tell i too i guess.  I just verified it will use lightdm if I type sudo lightdm from cli.  i'll try gdm too for completeness14:25
tomreynskinux: what exactly happens when it doesn't work?14:26
tomreynKatnip: yes14:26
jnewtTJ-lightdm - gives login screen, won't login.   gdm - blank screen when started.14:26
skinuxIt freezes at loading initial ramfisk14:27
skinuxIt freezes at loading initial ramdisk14:27
Katniptomreyn, ty14:27
tomreynskinux: can you show dpkg -l amd64-microcode intel-microcode14:28
tomreynskinux: so the "Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-29-generic" and the "Ubuntu, with Linux 4.15.0-1011-kvm" grub entries both do make it freeze, right?14:31
tomreynskinux: try running this, then reboot into each of them, see if it's fixed: sudo update-initramfs -ck 4.15.0-1011-kvm; sudo update-initramfs -ck 4.15.0-29-generic14:34
TJ-jnewt: it's not entirely clear what is going on there, there should only be one DM - did you install multiple flavours/desktops such as Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu ?14:35
lowkeycoat1Can i boot from a raid?14:37
tomreynskinux: also show this, please: sudo dmidecode --type bios --type baseboard --type system | grep -iv serial | pastebinit14:37
TJ-lowkeycoat1: that depends on what type of RAID, if it's hardware, yes14:38
TJ-lowkeycoat1: for software RAID it depends if GRUB bootloader supports it, whether UEFI/SecureBoot is enabled, and so on14:39
tomreynlowkeycoat1: software raid, too, if some conditions are met.14:39
skinuxOutput of first set of commands https://gist.github.com/skinuxgeek/a8504215d7f51a8ee4d198da7be2b3d414:39
skinuxOutput of that last one http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QqnkgFRfpc/14:40
tomreynskinux: which brings us back to the question where you got this kernel image from14:40
skinuxIt installed when I installed the system14:40
skinux I didn't specifically install it.14:40
tomreynskinux: how did you install?14:41
skinuxFrom ISO14:41
TJ-skinux: is this on a 'cloud' VPS ?14:41
lowkeycoat1Is there a website you can direct me to.. to make a hardware raid?14:41
tomreynskinux: but it's a 'cloud' / 'oem' kernel14:41
skinuxNews to me14:41
skinuxDo I need to do a reinstall?14:42
tomreynskinux: cat /var/log/installer/media-info14:42
oerheksskinux, iirc, this is in virtualbox?14:42
skinuxIs there a way to remove this kernel and install a good one?14:43
skinuxOr do I need to do a fresh install?14:43
TJ-skinux: ahhh, I see now14:44
TJ-!info linux-image-4.15.0-1011-kvm14:44
ubottuPackage linux-image-4.15.0-1011-kvm does not exist in bionic14:44
skinuxSo, what do I need to do here?14:44
lowkeycoat1Full story: i have multiple usb sticks, none of which are big enough to install the os, i can boot a live session with the one i have but im looking for a full system and my only option is a hardware raid.... Is this idea possible?14:45
EriC^^lowkeycoat1: why? usb's suck for os14:46
tomreynskinux: you already have 'good' kernels installed, it's just not clear what type of ubuntu you're running there and thus its unclear which of these kernels you should be using.14:46
Pcost8300Hello and good morning, could you please help me. I have the following issue. We have a dedicated server on another part of the world with the service of server4you, i cant connect through ssh it keeps telling that the connection timed out... I read it could be an ufw modification or the ssh daemon not starting... but is there another possible solution? thak you in advance for your response. USING UBUNTU SERVER 1414:47
jnewtTJ-how do i figure out what is going on.   i don't want to rely on what I "think" I did over the past however long.14:47
tomreynskinux: this is a bios upgrade for your system, you should / need to install it. doing so should also fix this issue. https://support.hp.com/us-en/drivers/selfservice/swdetails/hp-15-f300-notebook-pc-series-touch/8961458/model/10098384/swItemId/ob-215144-1?sku=N5Y09UA14:47
TJ-!info linux-image-4.15.0-1011-kvm14:48
ubottuPackage linux-image-4.15.0-1011-kvm does not exist in bionic14:48
lowkeycoat1I agree but its better than nothing as my hardrive went kaput and i need something for work14:48
TJ-silly bot! It does exist! https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic-updates/linux-image-4.15.0-1011-kvm14:48
compdocPcost8300, have them reboot it, or have a look at it14:49
skinuxI guess I need to boot into Windows to install it?14:49
TJ-lowkeycoat1: maybe a "persistent Live" environment could work with the persistence storage spread over more than 1 device14:49
EriC^^lowkeycoat1: there's some guy on youtube who made a raided usb14:50
EriC^^lowkeycoat1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dougISKs2vQ14:50
lowkeycoat1Thanks Eric, tj can you clarify what you mean?14:50
TJ-jnewt: It's not clear what is going on, or how the system is configured the way it is. You're in the best position to know, not us :)14:51
compdocjnewt wasnt handing out much info14:51
TJ-lowkeycoat1: there's an option in one or more of some bootable USB creation tools that enable creating a persistent storage layer on the USB so although it boots the 'live' environment it has an overlay for additional programs, files, and data to be retained over a shutdown14:52
ubottuUpgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.14:52
Pcost8300We rebooted it already but nothing happened14:55
jnewtcompdoc: I'm not witholding on purpose.   I just don't know.   I'm more of an ubuntu user in the general sense, and don't know much about the inner workings or the underlying systems.   I just want my OS that stays out of the way and doesn't cause issues like this.  I don't really want to learn every little thing about it, but will get whatever you guys need to help me out, but I need to know what info is important before I start a dump14:55
jnewtof everything I know here.14:55
EriC^^!persistance | lowkeycoat114:55
EriC^^!persistant | lowkeycoat114:56
ubottulowkeycoat1: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:56
tomreynlowkeycoat1: is it a matter of time, availability or money which prevents you just replacing the failed disk by a new one?14:58
lowkeycoat1But doesn't persistence require me to use a usb creation tool?14:58
lowkeycoat1Tom : time14:58
geniitomreyn: If they can't afford an USB stick large enough to dd the install image onto, who knows14:59
lowkeycoat1Well currently money/time im getting a new drive later this week14:59
tomreynlowkeycoat1: i see. for the future, have one spare, or better a mirror raid, or even better both mirror raid and a space drive.15:00
tomreynlowkeycoat1: how large is your largest usb stick?15:01
SeTunTunHi. I am using Rhythmbox in ubuntu 14.04 nd installed the visualizations plugin to have some visual analyzers.15:02
tomreynlowkeycoat1: and to answer your question, yes, persistence requires using the usb-creator utility (to my knowledge)15:02
lowkeycoat12gb which is the one i have as bootable15:02
SeTunTunIf I right-clic on the visuala effects screen I can see a list of effects but they are all blocked. Could anybody help?15:02
lowkeycoat1The rest are 1gb or less, and i have no current os to use to, use a usb creation tool15:03
tomreynlowkeycoat1: https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/installation-guide/amd64/ch03s04.html15:04
tomreynlowkeycoat1: so if you dont want a desktop, it can be done15:05
geniiThe server image is small, and also allows to install / to a RAID, after that you can install <whatever-*buntu>-desktop15:05
tomreyngenii: and that's where lowkeycoat1 will run out of space15:06
tomreynlowkeycoat1: so i think you want to get a replacement disk asap.15:06
tomreynlowkeycoat1: do yourself a favor, get an ssd (or nvme, if your computer supports it)15:07
lowkeycoat1The plan is ssd. So here is ?. Can i change the write and read function in live mode to a different usb ( i understand i would have to do this every time i restart it)15:11
lowkeycoat1Or.. can i install desktop on an external hardrive without losing anything thats on it?15:13
tomreynlowkeycoat1: i would not know how. what you could do is boot off the live / installer image, and mount another usb drive at some directory, and store your files there.15:13
lowkeycoat1The external in question is used with Windows15:13
tomreynlowkeycoat1: when installing to any disk which already has data on it, this bears the potential of data loss (unless you have backups, of course, which you should have)15:14
tomreyngenerally, ubuntu is able to install to drives with existing data / partitions on it and retaining them.15:14
oerheksno OS guarantees "without losing anything thats on it"15:15
airkingHello!  We're having an issue with VNC.  I'm using the correct password, but it still refuses the VNC connection15:16
skinuxThat BIOS update fixed the latest non-KVM kernel15:16
airkingI even changed to password and tried again15:16
skinuxSO, I guess I can't use KVM15:16
skinuxWhat file to I edit to make th non-KVM kernel the default?15:17
tomreynskinux: why can you not use kvm with the 'non-kvm' kernel?15:17
skinuxI meant I cannot use the KVM kernel to boot.15:17
tomreynskinux: i would just uninstall the 'kvm' kernel image if you don't need it. but then i don't know which ubuntu you have there, and whether it should be using this kernel.15:18
skinuxUbuntu Bionic15:18
skinuxOh..I have Ubuntu Studio15:18
tomreynskinux: there are several variants. do you remember the name of the iso file you used to install?15:18
skinuxDo I just uninstal KVM using apt?15:19
JuJUBeeMy computer booted to grub> menu.  I booted from USB and can mount the bood HDD, can someone help me fix?15:19
skinuxNo I don't.15:19
skinuxAL I did was go to the website and clicked download15:20
EriC^^JuJUBee: try "configfile /boot/grub/grub.cfg"15:20
tomreynskinux: i'd say just uninstall the image which has 'kvm' in it then.15:20
compdocskinux, I use apt to install KVM, and it does not use a different kernel than normal15:21
skinuxI just want to make the system not use that kernel by default15:21
JuJUBeeEriC^^: command not found15:21
EriC^^JuJUBee: try "insmod normal"15:21
skinuxReinstalling takes time that I don't wan to spend right now15:21
EriC^^then "normal"15:21
JuJUBeeEriC^^: insmod: ERROR: could not load module normal: No such file or directory15:22
EriC^^JuJUBee: type "echo $prefix"15:22
skinuxWhere is the grub menu.lst stored now?15:22
JuJUBeeEriC^^: blank line15:22
EriC^^skinux: that's grub1, grub2 uses /boot/grub/grub.cfg15:22
tomreynskinux: https://askubuntu.com/questions/216398/set-older-kernel-as-default-grub-entry15:22
EriC^^JuJUBee: what does "ls -l" show?15:22
tomreynskinux: i haven't tried this guide, but guess it could work15:23
JuJUBeeEriC^^: the contents of current directory, do you want me to do that from / on the USB?15:23
EriC^^skinux: do "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg" and get the name and put it next to GRUB_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub then sudo update-grub15:23
EriC^^JuJUBee: huh? i thought you were in grub?15:24
JuJUBeeEriC^^:  no, booted from USB live15:24
EriC^^JuJUBee: type "sudo parted -l | nc termbin.com 9999"15:24
tomreynlowkeycoat1: in case your android phone is rooted and has sufficient space available, you could also boot off it.15:25
EriC^^JuJUBee: let me logout and back in, i have some xorg copy/paste issue15:26
lowkeycoat1I was kinda thinking that15:26
JuJUBeeEriC^^: this all started when my 2T drive /dev/sdd started acting up.15:29
EriC^^JuJUBee: aha, which disk has the install?15:29
EriC^^JuJUBee: ok, type "sudo mount /dev/sdc1 /mnt"15:30
EriC^^JuJUBee: acting up how?15:30
JuJUBeeEriC^^: already mounted on /media/xubuntu/f6f.....blah15:30
JuJUBeeshould I unmount it15:30
EriC^^JuJUBee: yeah it's easier that way15:31
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
JuJUBeeEriC^^: done15:32
EriC^^JuJUBee: type "for i in /dev /dev/pts /proc /sys /run; do sudo mount -B $i /mnt$i; done"15:32
JuJUBeewith or without sudo?15:33
EriC^^with sudo15:33
EriC^^before mount -B15:33
EriC^^JuJUBee: ok, "sudo chroot /mnt"15:34
EriC^^JuJUBee: grub-install --recheck /dev/sdc15:34
JuJUBeeEriC^^: done15:35
JuJUBeeNo error reported15:35
EriC^^JuJUBee: what's on /dev/sda1 ? the 20gb one15:35
JuJUBeePretty sure an old install 14.0415:35
EriC^^aha i see15:35
EriC^^JuJUBee: ok, type "update-grub"15:35
JuJUBeeEriC^^: done15:36
EriC^^JuJUBee: let's check sdc's health ok?15:37
=== Guest33016 is now known as matth1askrgr
EriC^^apt-get install smartmontools && smartctl -a /dev/sdc | nc termbin.com 999915:38
JuJUBeeworking now15:38
JuJUBeeI mean installing...15:39
EriC^^JuJUBee: it's on its way out, needs to be replaced15:40
JuJUBeeWhat part tells you that?15:41
EriC^^27 sectors are bad til now, with 17 uncorrectable15:41
EriC^^5 Reallocated_Sector_Ct   0x0033   100   100   036    Pre-fail  Always       -       1015:41
EriC^^198 Offline_Uncorrectable   0x0010   100   098   000    Old_age   Offline      -       1715:41
tomreynthis disk has been powered on for almost 9 years ;)15:42
JuJUBeeAny chance we can try to recover my 2TB drive?15:42
EriC^^JuJUBee: sure you can recover it and copy it over to a new drive15:43
EriC^^gddrescue is good at recovering from stubborn disks15:43
EriC^^JuJUBee: are you able to mount the filesystem?15:43
JuJUBeeEriC^^: I will have a look at it15:43
JuJUBeeEriC^^: no, mount: /dev/sdd is already mounted or /foo busy15:44
JuJUBeeI think it is shot... :(15:45
EriC^^JuJUBee: what does "mount | grep /dev/sdd" show?15:45
JuJUBeeim still in chroot15:45
JuJUBeedoes that matter?15:45
EriC^^JuJUBee: yeah15:46
JuJUBeeOK, just exited...15:46
EriC^^JuJUBee: try "lsblk" anything there?15:46
JuJUBeeTurns out /dev/sdd is my portable 2T hdd, think the internal is dead...15:46
JuJUBeeEriC^^: thanks for the help.15:48
JuJUBeeThink i will order new drives15:48
EriC^^JuJUBee: alright, when you restart the pc, enter the bios and make sure the right hdd is selected as first boot priority15:49
JuJUBeewill do, thanks again15:49
padarci need a hint please: Where can i look why my touchpad freezes ONLY after standby with SDDM enabled, but not with lightdm etc?15:50
EriC^^no problem15:50
JuJUBeeEriC^^: any idea how to tell tar to ignore files beginning with . ?  Want to backup what I can from /home but ignore all the config folders...15:57
EriC^^JuJUBee: "tar czvf backup.tar.gz /home/user/*" should do it i guess15:58
TJ-JuJUBee: tar --exclude=./.* ... I think is the syntax15:58
JuJUBeeEriC^^: not working, still getting .config15:59
JuJUBeeTJ If I put the exclude after the tar -czvf .... get error16:00
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest29685
EriC^^JuJUBee: try putting the --exclude at the very end16:00
JuJUBeethe command works now, but getting .cache16:01
JuJUBeeWonder if it is something like [^\.+] ?16:02
JuJUBeeGot it... --exclude=".*"16:03
skinuxThank you for the help earlier, tomreyn and others. I have have a working default boot16:04
JuJUBeeThanks to both for pointing me right direction...16:04
coz_hey all16:05
texlaUbuntu 16.04 System running in low graphics mode..error will not clear when pressing ok..now on live dvd how do i correct problem16:06
xjkxDo you recommend any firewall, like able to get in apt-get, with GUI, easy to use, coming like pre-configured with default stuff just for desktop use? I guess the system should be secure enough without, but I guess having is better than not having one16:06
hggdhxjkx: Ubuntu comes with ufw/gufw, which is simple enough16:07
oerheksinstall gufw, and the settings are available in systemsettings16:08
oerheks!info gufw16:08
ubottugufw (source: gui-ufw): graphical user interface for ufw. In component universe, is optional. Version 18.04.0-0ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 835 kB, installed size 3435 kB16:08
oerhekssudo ufw logging on # this helps enabling a log in /var/log/16:09
xjkxI stayed some time without linux, I used iptables back then, is it like ufw is more user-approachable, or iptables was like replaced already?16:11
oerheksufw is based on iptables16:11
xjkxOh, ok, thanks, I will install gufw now16:12
texlaUbuntu 16.04 System running in low graphics mode..error will not clear when pressing ok..now on live dvd how do i correct problem16:14
texlaIntel haswell mobile 64 bit..display builtin display 192x1080 (16.9}16:16
oerhekstexla, did it ever run properly?16:22
oerhekstry 18.04 with newer xorg/intel drivers16:22
texlaYes it has only after use this morning and reboot did  it start I can get to tty but do not  know which command to use16:24
oerheksi have this line stored: boot, hold shift, go into recovery (alt F1 make RW), and login, perform: sudo dpkg --configure -a ### run update -f16:25
texlaOk thanks will use that then 18.04 later16:27
TJ-texla: in place of "hold shift" "repeatedly tap Esc" - GRUB uses the Esc key now because holding shift won't work on UEFI16:28
oerheksoh uefi, missed that part, haswell + uefi is logical16:29
texlaNot uefi16:29
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
lotuspsychjeliyingzhe: can we help you?16:32
liyingzheThere is no robot here?16:33
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot. You can search my brain at https://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | General info and channels at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots | Make a clone of me, see !botclone16:35
naccliyingzhe: what is your ubuntu support question?16:35
Pcost8300Hello, how do i disable silent parameters on ubuntu server 14? I have a problem and my provider tells that the server boots and when it tries to go to the Os it goes back to PXE.16:42
lotuspsychjePcost8300: checkout the #ubuntu-server channel, they might know that one16:43
Pcost8300lotuspsychje thank you16:44
leftyfbPcost8300: edit /etc/default/grub and remove quiet from the boot parameters. Then run sudo update-grub16:45
johan_johan welkom0116:56
lotuspsychjejohan_: can we help you?16:56
naccmrmoonz: do you have an ubuntu support question?17:03
neurreso I tried to upgrade from 17.10 to 18.0417:04
lotuspsychjeneurre: 17.10 is end of life17:04
neurreupgrading has stuck in cleaning up phase17:04
lotuspsychje!eolupgrade | neurre17:04
ubottuneurre: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:04
neurreyeah i know that17:05
neurreso i tried upgrade17:05
neurreand it is stuck17:05
neurreevery time i try upgrade it fails17:05
neurreso that sucks17:05
neurreis there something i can do?17:05
neurreperhaps now since it is cleaning up phase, maybe it will boot?17:05
lotuspsychjeneurre: did you do it the eol upgrade way?17:05
neurrewell a dialog sayd 17.10 is eol, you should upgrade, so i said go ahead17:06
neurreand now it is stuck17:06
neurre"Searching for obsolete software"17:06
neurreterminal says processing triggers for libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:amd64 (2.36.11-2)17:06
neurreshould I try to reboot or what?17:07
neurreI can still do stuff in shell17:07
lotuspsychjeneurre: did you have external ppa's added before your upgrade?17:08
neurregoogle chrome, visual studio code, i think those use ppa17:08
neurreanyway dialog said external sources have been disabled17:08
neurreand I could re-enable after upgrade17:08
causativeI'm having a weird issue with my top status bar in 18.04, looks like this:  https://i.imgur.com/EXIosQA.png  you can see there is a lot of blank space in the middle causing the time and date to be pushed off the screen17:09
causativeit also gradually gets worse the longer the computer is running, initially it is displayed OK but after it's been running for a few days it is pushed off, eventually the other icons at top right will be pushed off too17:09
lotuspsychjecausative: what was the last indicator you installed?17:13
lotuspsychjeneurre: did you make a backup before upgrade?17:16
neurreno space for that17:16
lotuspsychjeneurre: or wait till upgrade finish, or abort at own risk and try a reboot?17:16
neurreit was stuck17:16
neurrenot making any progress17:16
neurrebut I rebooted it17:16
neurreseems to be usable17:16
lotuspsychjeneurre: try again sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade now17:17
neurrelsb_release -a says i already have 18.0417:17
neurredoing apt update now17:17
lotuspsychjeneurre: 18.04.1? and kernel .29?17:18
neurredoessnt show kernel17:18
lotuspsychjeneurre: uname -a17:18
lotuspsychjeneurre: looks good mate17:18
lezsakdomiHow is Ubuntu and Debian related?17:24
lezsakdomiIs it possible to "upgrade" from debian to ubuntu in a safe way?17:25
petroneed to change the name to what is more appropriate....crashbuntu17:25
Slartlezsakdomi: Ubuntu is based on debian afaik.. and I would say that no.. upgrading from one to the other is probably not a good idea17:25
lezsakdomiI've read on multiple forums, that rewriting the sources.list should work. Is it true, or is it the newbies' trap?17:25
ryuolezsakdomi: it's not recommended. while changes are shared in source packages, it's not guaranteed to work.17:26
Slartlezsakdomi: I'm not saying that there aren't ways of making it work but reinstalling is highly recommended.. unless you really really know what you're doing ie in a position where you could answer these questions yourself17:26
lotuspsychje!debian | lezsakdomi17:27
ubottulezsakdomi: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See https://www.ubuntu.com/about/about-ubuntu/ubuntu-and-debian - !Repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!17:27
eelstreborhmm, what happened to /etc/default/grub? it's nowhere on my system - ubuntu 16.04.4 64 bit kernel 4.17.11-041711-generic17:28
Slarteelstrebor:  isn't there a grub.d folder now?17:28
nacceelstrebor: why are you running the mainline kernel, btw?17:28
nacceelstrebor: hard for us to know what happend to a file on your system. it should be there, yes.17:29
Slarteelstrebor: the file is there on my system.. don't know why it isn't on yours17:30
eelstreborsomehow it disappeared - i have no idea when it went bye-bye17:31
confusedaboutswaHi all17:31
lezsakdomiSlart, ryuo: Thanks for the info. Specially my VPN provider supports only installing debian based systems but not ubuntu based. And it starts to be irritating. Did you mean that is it possible by replacing sources.list and then fixing things up?17:31
confusedaboutswaI am having some issues with swap17:31
confusedaboutswagetting two swap listed17:31
confusedaboutswaand boot issues with cryptswap setup17:32
confusedaboutswaeven though it resolves by itself after booting17:32
confusedaboutswahere's the logs17:32
confusedaboutswaI have spend many hours trying to debug this to no avail17:32
Slartlezsakdomi: it might work.. but you're on your own if you run into problems.. and you most probably will.. I would actually recommend going with debian.. it's not that different17:33
lezsakdomiSlart: I would try in docker first :)17:33
eelstreborhmm, i just checked another computer and the file is missing there also17:33
Slartlezsakdomi: good idea17:34
confusedaboutswaso I have two swap right now17:39
confusedaboutswaloop0 and /dev/mapper/cryptsetup17:39
confusedaboutswaI am pretty sure they are pointing to the same physical block of space17:39
confusedaboutswahow do I reconcile the two?17:39
confusedaboutswaloop0 according to disks is /swapfile17:39
hiyais it safe to upgrade to 18.04.1 from 16.04?17:40
confusedaboutswabut all my cryptswap is configured using /swapfile17:40
confusedaboutswaso I don't know why is there two swaps17:40
confusedaboutswathis issue appeared after I upgraded from ubuntu 17 to ubuntu 1817:40
Slarthiya: most probably yes.. backups are always good though17:42
lotuspsychjehiya: lts upgrade path has yet to come, will come soon17:42
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions are supported for 5 years on the desktop and server. The latest LTS version of Ubuntu is !Bionic (Bionic Beaver 18.04). Ubuntu !flavors may have different support durations, check their release notes for information.17:43
hiyalotuspsychje, in days?17:43
lotuspsychje!ltsupgrade | hiya17:43
ubottuhiya: Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.17:43
hiyalotuspsychje, but 18.04.1 is out there17:43
compdocthe ubuntu flavors like Ubuntu-Mate havent released 18.04.1  :(17:44
hiyait is not late but last day of july, i believe?17:44
lotuspsychjehiya: .1 is out yes, but for lts upgrade from xenial, things still need to be done17:44
lotuspsychjehiya: let the devs do their jobs, for a good release experience17:44
lotuspsychjehiya: your on desktop?17:45
hiyalotuspsychje, how to downgrade server to 16.04?17:45
lotuspsychjehiya: ubuntu doesnt do downgrades17:45
hiyaok, so reinstall?17:45
lotuspsychjehiya: yes17:45
MarcGuayHi folks.   I have Ubuntu 14.04 installed alongside WIndows 7, they each have their own partition (actually Windows has 2), and I'm given the choice between them when I boot up.  I would like to delete Windows as I no longer use it, and give the HD space back to another partition.  Here's a screenshot from Disks: https://ibb.co/jQxMw8.17:46
MarcGuayAny help to accomplish this would be appreciated.  I *believe* that Grub is installed on the same partition as Ubuntu (#5).17:47
MarcGuaySince when I'm booted into Ubuntu there is a /boot/grub directory - perhaps there's a better way to verify this.17:47
confusedaboutswaany suggestions for reconcilling the swap?17:48
sentimenthello guys. I want to mv files from a directory to another using find -exec command. here is the command : find source "*.txt" -depth -exec mv "{}" target \;17:48
sentimentbut that doesn't work .17:48
sentimentdoesn't work as intended.17:48
sentimentfirst it generates an error : find: ‘*.txt’: No such file or directory17:49
lotuspsychje!chroot | MarcGuay from a liveusb to resize17:50
ubottuMarcGuay from a liveusb to resize: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot17:50
sentimentsecond, it moves everything in source directory to the target directory which is fine. BUT it also moves the source directory itself without its content.17:50
lotuspsychje!swap | confusedaboutswa17:50
ubottuconfusedaboutswa: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info17:50
lotuspsychjesentiment: perhaps more a question for #bash17:50
sentimentlotuspsychje: oh OK. thanks :-)17:51
lotuspsychjealskgdjlkj: can we help you?17:51
confusedaboutswaubottu: i know what it is17:52
ubottuconfusedaboutswa: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:52
confusedaboutswalotuspsychje: the issue is there's two after upgrade17:52
MarcGuaylotuspsychje: How can I be sure that the Windows partitions can safely be deleted?  Is the presence of /boot/grub enough to guarantee that the grub bootloader is on the partition?17:53
confusedaboutswaa swapfile and a cryptswap partition17:53
confusedaboutswaI configured the cryptswap to use the swapfile17:53
confusedaboutswabut disks keep showing two separate devices17:53
confusedaboutswalotuspsychje: https://www.pastery.net/qthsjk/17:55
confusedaboutswa(ignore the squashfs those are just docker containers)17:56
causativelotuspsychje, last thing I added was the system-monitor shell extension that adds resource usage graphs to the top bar17:58
lotuspsychjecausative: could that be the one that making space?17:58
causativeidk I'll have to reboot to find out17:58
causativedisabling it didn't free up any space17:59
lotuspsychjecausative: try as a test perhaps17:59
lotuspsychjecausative: i had some bug on indicator-multiload18:00
lotuspsychjeon bionic18:00
causativehwo can I get software updater to stop asking me "Please enter passphrase for disk ubuntu--vg-swap_1 (cryptswap1) on none!" 20 times when I go to update software?18:00
causativeit doesn't even seem to matter if I give a wrong password, it gives no errors if I just enter nothing but I have to press enter18:01
confusedaboutswalotuspsychje: any advice?18:02
lotuspsychjeconfusedaboutswa: sorry never messed with cryptswap18:03
Ben64confusedaboutswa: i'm sure it's normal18:03
n89084i’m looking for an explanation on what « journald » is and what that changes with bleachbit.18:04
=== n89084 is now known as Sbur3
confusedaboutswaBen64: so nothing to worry about?18:04
Ben64confusedaboutswa: if the system is working then it seems like there is nothing to worry about18:05
Sbur3Anyone wanna explain what « journald » is and why, when I start bleachbit, it tells me that it can’t clean journald18:06
oerhekscryptswap, swapfile, "I configured the cryptswap to use the swapfile" .. really?18:06
Sbur3I am using Ubuntu 18.0418:06
lotuspsychjeSbur3: if bleachbit says it cant delete...18:06
cyberspectreOn ubuntu server, the default web directory accessible by http is /var/www/html. I need to be able to scp upload files to that directory with one command, which isn't possible because root. Can this directory be changed to somewhere in the home directory?18:07
Sbur3lotuspsychje Why can’t it delete or clean out journald?18:07
lotuspsychjecyberspectre: checkout the #ubuntu-server channel mate18:07
cyberspectrelotuspsychje, thank you18:07
oerhekscyberspectre, tons of pages abou tthat issue, add your user to www-data18:07
Ben64cyberspectre: you can add configs to apache to put different sites in different spots, like home directories18:08
Sbur3lotuspsychje Where do you think I can find the answer?18:08
Ben64Sbur3: you'd probably have to run it as root to delete that, but i wouldn't recommend doing so18:09
lotuspsychjeSbur3: systemd-journald is a system service that collects and stores logging data18:09
oerheksSbur3, tell bleachbit not to clean journald log, nor clean /dev/random/18:09
Sbur3lotuspsychje Ben64 oerheks What I don’t understand is that it seems to want to clean it. There might be a reason to do so.18:11
Sbur3Ben64 would it crash the system?18:11
lotuspsychjeSbur3: with bleachbit, you always have to scan carefull...dont just scan away18:12
oerheksSbur3, such actions need suo right, and bleachbit advises not to use that if you are unfamiliair with linux18:12
lotuspsychjeSbur3: if you dont know what option to enable, dont enable it18:12
oerheksbut ignore the warnings and go for it, reinstall takes just 30 minutes :-D18:12
Sbur3Ben64 That would be a reason to not delete it. This said, the fact that bleachbit « Wants » to clean it ... Strange18:13
Ben64it doesn't want anything18:13
Sbur3Ben64 What I mean is that it seems in the program ... in the code of the program.18:14
Ben64it has a list of things and lets you choose what to delete18:15
lotuspsychjeSbur3: bleachbit likes cleaning logs, journald has logs..18:15
lotuspsychjeSbur3: if you enabled everything, it will scan everything18:15
Sbur3lotuspsychje ok. not a problem. thx for the feedback18:15
oerheksSbur3, good news, version 1.12 Add journald cleaner (thanks to tstenner). https://www.bleachbit.org/news/bleachbit-2018:16
raynoldahh it's a wonderful day18:26
iNz3ohi all - I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04.1 and am having a problem getting autofs working correctly... the mounts are created successfully without an error, but when attempting to browse the share, nothing is listed... any ideas?18:50
pikapikaFrom past experiences, how likely do you think it is that an 'do-release-upgrade' simply corrupts the whole system or even causes any problems?18:53
naccpikapika: from what to what?18:53
pikapikalts to lts18:53
pikapikaI'd want to go from 16.04 to 18.04 whenever its "officially" possible18:54
pikapikavia do-release-upgrade18:54
pikapikaBut just wondering if this process causes problems vs fresh install18:54
naccpikapika: not typically; it depends oftne on your use of third party repositories, binary applications, etc.18:54
naccpikapika: presuming you have a relatively stock configuration, it hsould be fine18:55
pikapikaIs there any list compiled of "problem" apps, ppas, etc for this specific path?18:55
naccpikapika: no, i mean, it depends, generally18:56
pikapikanacc, also will it reset the desktop to gnome? Which settings are reset?18:56
naccpikapika: i believe it will in this case (but i'm not sure, i'd read the release notes)18:56
pikapikaSo is there any official source on which programs/settings etc are reset and which stay as it is?18:57
oerhekswhy would programs reset on upgrade??18:57
ubottuUbuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) release notes can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes18:57
oerheksthis is all the valuable info18:58
pikapikaidk, I am thinking it will try to install everything old stock release had plus new, for example I removed gnome...maybe it will reinstall it?18:58
hggdhpikapika: it will install the Ubuntu desktop, which depends on gnome everywhere18:59
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pikapikaWhich also means it will reset a lot of things in /etc folder among other places right?19:00
pikapikaBecause afaik the display manager is set somewhere in /etc19:00
oerheksyou can always reinstall ubuntu-unity-desktop afterwards19:00
oerheks!info ubuntu-unity-desktop19:00
ubottuubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)19:00
hggdhin general, any changes to configuration files in /etc will be shown to you for acceptance19:00
pikapikawill it delete the existing xfce?19:00
naccit's the per-user settings that are not controlled19:00
oerheksohh you run xubuntu, no, xfce will not be removed19:01
oerheksnor you will get gnome19:01
pikapikaIt was a standard ubuntu, I didnt like the default so I installed the 'xubuntu-desktop'19:02
hggdhif xubuntu-desktop is installed, then it will be upgraded19:02
pikapikaoh so in that case it will not try to install the gnome or whatever right?19:02
pikapikaor it will and I'll have the option to choose from display manager?19:03
pikapikaBecause if it changes this thing, god knows what else it will change19:04
oerheksmultiple desktops, yes you might run into displaymanager choices19:05
oerheksbut i think you already seen that19:05
pikapikaI hope gnome is compatible, some desktops/wms dont seem to like to coexist19:06
lotuspsychjepikapika: didnt you install ubuntu 18.04 when it was released??19:06
pikapikaBut anyways, the bigger question is, if it installs and adds settings for a gnome, then what else does it modify/install in the system that isnt merely an upgrade?19:06
pikapikalotuspsychje, no when I installed 16.04 was the newest lts19:07
pikapikaabout an year ago I think?19:07
lotuspsychjepikapika: ive seen you in releaseparty of 18.0419:07
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pikapikaMost probably you'd have seen me asking very similar questions back then, as I had the same thing in mind, how exactly to upgrade and what it entails19:08
oerheksyou would not have much infuence on that, except removing/reversing ppa's and manually installed packages19:10
oerheksbefore upgrading*19:10
pikapikamuch influence on what? are you talking about problem apps or update's tendency to touch random stuff?19:11
pikapikaBecause as I said earlier, if it changes wm god knows what else it silently modifies19:12
oerheks.. there is only one way to find out.19:13
pikapikaI think the upgrade is going to be officially available in a few days so I guess the only thing I can do is copy the paritions image, upgrade and see what happens19:14
pikapikaI'll try to report back the findings here as well as I can afterwards19:16
leonarduswhy do I need an account to livepatch?19:20
pikapikaI think I have an idea19:20
TJ-leonardus: because Live Patch is a paid-for Canonical service, but has a limited 'free' option for up to 3 devices per ubuntu-one account19:28
lotuspsychjeleonardus: if you dont like setting up an account, you can also update/upgrade your system and then reboot after19:30
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memo1hi, im using systemd to start scripts automatically.  But i want that the service restart everytime it failed forever.  How i set up?19:40
lotuspsychje!systemd | memo1 start here19:40
ubottumemo1 start here: systemd is the default init system for Ubuntu 15.04 onwards. For information on transitioning from upstart to systemd, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SystemdForUpstartUsers For a guide to basic service management with systemd, see https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-systemctl-to-manage-systemd-services-and-units19:40
memo1im using StartLimitIntervalSec=0 and RestartSec=1, but it dont try forever.  Always say service hold-off time over19:46
brainwashmemo1: did you set Restart= ?19:52
memo1brainwash: yes, to RestartSec=119:55
memo1brainwash: type: simple19:55
naccmemo1: pastebin your service file19:56
memo1nacc: https://pasteboard.co/HwTINOz.png20:01
memo1nacc: https://pasteboard.co/HwTJvpZ.png20:02
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danieru98nacc, a developer seem to have found a fix for that bug about one of my HDDs not working with linux 4.15, the problem now is that i was also having a issue with ubuntu freezing when trying to reboot, and that fix for the WD HDD did not fix the freezing issue20:06
danieru98nacc, so i was wondering if you knew how i could get any logs, info or dmesg when the computer freeze20:07
memo1brainwash: nacc any ideas?20:07
vyWhat is the right way to install git in 18.04.1? There is no package called "git" and installing "git-all" costs 521 MB!20:16
IT_RandoSo you're saying `sudo apt -y install git` isn't working?20:17
genii!info git20:19
ubottugit (source: git): fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.17.1-1ubuntu0.1 (bionic), package size 4133 kB, installed size 36272 kB20:19
IaMnEwHeReHello there, I have a general question regarding bionic beaver: Are you guys using netplay as a default when it comes to managing links after an installation, my provider provides installation-dvds and at the end of the installation-process the default-link ens3 is configured by netplay20:19
vyIT_Rando: No, I am saying that I am stupid enough to not check if it is installed. :P Nevermind...20:20
geniiIt's in main, so it should be showing up if you've updated your repository lists20:20
IaMnEwHeReputting it under management from sytemd-networked, enabling LLMNR and setting DNS-resolution and search-paths20:20
IT_RandoSo I'm having an absolute hell of a time trying to get Landscape to work with 18.04. Where should I go to ask questions about it?20:21
IaMnEwHeResry netplan not netplay20:21
geniivy: Since the package called git is in the main repository, either you haven't done sudo apt-get update, or else you offline-installed and the sources.list only has the CD/USB from which you installed as a possible place to install things from20:22
IT_RandoSomething similar happened to me when I tried out CentOS the other day. Apparently RPM doesn't list packages you already have installed.20:24
IT_RandoFor a minute I was BAFFLED that I couldn't install additional GNOME stuff20:24
brainwashmemo1: did you link your service file?20:25
lovepopsickleyou guys got a pretty serious but with gnome20:27
hiyalovepopsickle, what do you mean?20:28
lovepopsickleits slow20:28
IT_RandoThat... is a supremely unhelpful statement.20:29
lovepopsickleIT_Rando, https://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/8fks5c/ubuntu_1804_slower_than_1710/20:30
lovepopsicklemaybe that is better ...read the comments and cry20:30
rory_hi, for ubuntu 16.04 is there a way to specify additional config options to the reoslvconf interface config ie `options timeout:1`. looking at the docs the only options seem to be dns-nameservers and dns-search.20:31
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lovepopsickleI switched to unity and it seems to okay on 18.0420:32
lovepopsickleIT_Rando, here some more reading for you buddy. https://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-shell/+bug/167229720:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1672297 in gjs (Ubuntu Bionic) "gnome-shell uses lots of memory, and grows over time" [Critical,In progress]20:33
IT_RandoYou know, I'm not actually a Canonical employee, so I'm not the one you should be tagging with all this info.20:33
lovepopsickleIT_Rando, maybe keeping your mouth shut would have been a good idea then huh20:34
leftyfblovepopsickle: please keep with the channel guidelines. No need for the hostility.20:34
lovepopsickleit seemed unconvinced so i gave you some reading and i guess that shut you up real nice20:34
lovepopsicklei understand leftyfb20:35
JackalopeHey, new Ubuntu user here. I just finished doing a completely fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04.1 and installed a NextCloud server. I had to do the reinstall multiple times to get the nextcloud server working but finally was able to troubleshoot the process. But I noticed that when I load up the computer each time the canoniical live patch thing comes up. I authorrize it and then I I try to sign in to my ubuntuOne account, but it it h20:35
IT_RandoI'm really confused as to what's going on.20:35
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JackalopeI think the problem started when I remade my Ubuntu installer, and used 18.04.1 instead of the installer I think I had before which was 18.0420:35
JackalopeAnybody have an idea what could be causing this? Should I file a bug report? or what?20:36
leftyfbJackalope: I would try an untouched installer installation and see if the issue still exists. My guess is it might be something to do with your customized installer20:38
JackalopeIt's not a custom installer. The ISO is from the Ubuntu download page20:39
JackalopeI added nextcloud after the fact and the issue preexisted it. I included the fact that I was doing nextcloud to explain why I had installed multiple times over the course of a couple of days.20:39
leftyfbJackalope: maybe I misinterpreted "<Jackalope> I think the problem started when I remade my Ubuntu installer, and used 18.04.1 instead of the installer I think I had before which was 18.04"20:40
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Blakes5hey all. I've got two wireless nics in my system and whether they're wlan0 or wlan1 is changing on different boots. Is there anyway to make sure the driver for one nic gets loaded before the other?20:41
JackalopeYeah I made the original one a couple of weeks ago, and decided to redownload the ISO and make it again, so it would be completely clean and I could be sure up to date. I don't remember seeing the 18.04.1 before that so I think in between making the first and second Ubuntu put out an update. Not sure about that. But I def notice this thing with a completely fresh install.20:41
leftyfbBlakes5: https://askubuntu.com/questions/771910/how-to-force-old-wlan-naming-16-0420:41
IT_RandoSo I installed Landscape on an AWS instance running Ubuntu 16.04 and the problems have never seemed to end. The server sets up fine with landscape-quickstart and a little bit of configuration file editing, but then what really screws me over is that package updating for client laptops fails half the time, and that's after opening ports 80 and 443 to my IP. I keep getting the same error message and the listed20:42
IT_Randobug is a broken link. I posted on askubuntu about it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1050482/landscape-package-changer-keeps-crashing20:42
IT_RandoClient laptops are running 18.0420:42
leftyfbIT_Rando: you should try #ubuntu-server20:43
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IT_RandoAH. Thanks.20:44
boboysdaddaGood afternoon. With netplan how do I set eth0: dhcp eth0:0 ??20:44
leftyfbboboysdadda: https://netplan.io/examples  first result on google for "netplan examples"20:46
lovepopsickleanother buy im seeing on my usb even with sudo rm -rf folder/ its popping back up on 18.0420:47
leftyfblovepopsickle: huh?20:47
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IaMnEwHeReboboysdadda, https://netplan.io/reference20:47
IaMnEwHeRethere should be a default-configuration in /etc/netplan/*.yaml you can work off from20:48
lovepopsickleleftyfb, its showing back the file after its deleted20:48
IaMnEwHeRebut personally if you can avoid it I get more and more the feeling that netplan is not quite read for production, e.g. it cannot use static defined DNS when DHCP is enabled20:49
leftyfblovepopsickle: This is a usb attached storage device? You rm -rf /path/to/usb/mount/files , you get no errors and then when you ls you still see the files?20:49
boboysdaddaleftyfb, IaMnEwHeRe I did not see an example of dhcp and ip address. just two static ips.20:49
lovepopsickleit disappears for a while and while I am wiping it securely it shows back up later20:50
lovepopsickleI am trying to delete it now using the gui method20:50
leftyfblovepopsickle: that's not how things work. You're leaving out some key piece of information20:50
lovepopsicklei think i know how to delete a file from the terminal it it just started doing it on 18.0420:51
leftyfblovepopsickle: 18.04 didn't change the fundamentals of the linux filesystem20:52
leftyfblovepopsickle: Can you pastebin the act of ls -l the files, deleting them, ls'ing the same location showing they're deleted , waiting for X amount of minutes and an ls of the magically reappearing?20:53
Jackalope@leftyfb I found the answer: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1047839/signing-into-ubuntu-one-for-livepatch#1047947  Thanks though!20:54
lovepopsickleleftyfb, look ive used ubuntu for a while its done this like twice the first time I thought i made a mistake but the second no it was not my mistake its popping back up20:55
IaMnEwHeReboboysdadda, look in your /etc/netplan/-directory20:55
leftyfblovepopsickle: If you'd like help, you need to follow through with the troubelshooting steps. Step 1 is to reliably reproduce the issue. The steps I mentioned above will do that. We cannot help you diagnose and issue that unless you can reproduce, does not exist.20:56
TJ-lovepopsickle: are you working with a USB flash device by any chance?20:57
lovepopsickleTJ i dont think its a flash its a large backup usb.20:58
lovepopsicklei dont think its flash20:58
lovepopsickleHDD i think20:58
TJ-lovepopsickle: OK... it's external to the PC behind a USB<>SATA bridge chip?20:59
TJ-lovepopsickle: I've seen that happen several times where the bridge chip fails to do the actual writes to the device20:59
lovepopsickleno connected to usb 3,021:00
TJ-lovepopsickle: I suspect the bridge chip may have/be overheating21:00
TJ-lovepopsickle: right, so if its21:00
TJ-lovepopsickle: so USB<>SATA then internally usuall anyhow21:00
lovepopsickleTJ did this quite a few times on 16.04 wirth not probs21:00
TJ-lovepopsickle: when was that? at the same time as 18.04 failed?21:01
TJ-lovepopsickle: because I'd suspect the bridge-chip is damaged due to overheating and thats why it's started doing this.21:01
lovepopsickleTJ-, this happened after doing it with the 18.04 upgrade21:02
TJ-lovepopsickle: easy way to prove it - remove the HDD from the external chassis and directly connect it to a/the PC using SATA21:02
leftyfbTJ-: you're basing this off of zero data/proof21:02
TJ-leftyfb: I'm basing this off a LOT of experience of the issue and the symptoms21:02
TJ-lovepopsickle: I've had about 6 of those things die this way on me, usually after I've been doing sustained data writes to them (like dd copies of partitions)21:03
lovepopsickleTJ-, could be about to die hopefully not lol21:03
TJ-lovepopsickle: you may find clues in the kernel log about I/O faults21:03
lovepopsickleits not that old relatively new21:03
IT_RandoSo I installed Landscape on an AWS instance running Ubuntu 16.04 and the problems have never seemed to end. The server sets up fine with landscape-quickstart and a little bit of configuration file editing, but then what really screws me over is that package updating for client laptops fails half the time, and that's after opening ports 80 and 443 to my IP. I keep getting the same error message and the listed21:04
IT_Randobug is a broken link. I posted on askubuntu about it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1050482/landscape-package-changer-keeps-crashing21:04
TJ-lovepopsickle: as I said, if you connect the HDD directly to a PC using SATA I'd bet it'd be fine21:04
lovepopsicklehow you do that though I plug it in the usb 3.0?21:04
TJ-lovepopsickle: remove drive from the chassis it's in21:04
TR1950XI have a depency problem with xserver-xorg. here is the log https://pastebin.com/6dg5CsRj21:05
TR1950Xcan some one help me?21:05
TJ-lovepopsickle: I'd suggest disconnecting it, let it cool down for an hour, then reconnect and retry the operation. I'd bet it'll work when it's cooler21:05
TJ-lovepopsickle: if it still fails, then I'd definitely suspect the bridge chip21:05
lovepopsickleTJ-, could be kind of doubt it ..this is like the first time since the update to 18.0421:06
leftyfbTR1950X: apt-cache policy xserver-xorg-core-hwe-16.0 ; apt-cache policy xserver-org21:06
leftyfbTR1950X: please pastebin the output of those commands21:06
TJ-lovepopsickle: well, see if there's any hints in the kernel log. Either "dmesg" or "less /var/log/kern.log"21:07
TR1950Xleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/rZC8gpVE21:07
anybody_guy I accidetly enter a malicious bit coin minig sit  with     JS/Miner.bj21:08
leftyfbTR1950X: I would suggest changing your main mirror to archive.ubuntu.com as opposed to nl21:08
TJ-lovepopsickle: what you describe is classic symptoms though... the file is deleted in the local RAM-cached blocks then thhe kernel tries to write that change to the device about 5 seconds later, fails, and the changes are discarded so when you refresh your view the file is still there21:08
TR1950Xleftyfb: apt-cache policy xserver-org <-- do you have that package?21:08
lovepopsicklei understand TJ- thanks21:08
leftyfbTR1950X: no, it's not a package in ubuntu 16.0421:09
keepguessingI tried running do-release-upgrade on ubuntu 16.04 to upgrade to 18.04 and it says no new release upgrade.21:12
keepguessingSearching online it mentioned that sometimes it might take a month for the upgrade21:13
leftyfbkeepguessing: what ubuntu mirror are you using?21:13
keepguessingbut its been a long time now. 18.04 should be available for upgrade right? . Any one knowns?21:13
keepguessingleftyfb: let me check and confirm21:13
keepguessingleftyfb: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial InRelease21:15
keepguessingI ran apt-get update, apt-get upgrade, apt-get dist-upgrade21:16
keepguessingouch my fault leftyfb I did not use the "-d" option21:17
keepguessingleftyfb: ^^^^21:17
TJ-keepguessing: d-r-u won't do it until changelogs.ubuntu.com/metadata-release-lts is updated21:17
leftyfbkeepguessing: do not use the -d option21:17
TJ-keepguessing: typo, http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts21:18
keepguessingTJ-: yeah I found it still. thanks.21:19
keepguessingTJ-: why is it not updated there? is the 18.04 not stable yet?21:19
leftyfbkeepguessing: I thought 16.04.1 was released for upgrades from LTS last week?21:19
TJ-keepguessing: It's up to the ubuntu-release team I think21:19
leftyfbTJ-: ^21:19
lovepopsicklekeepguessing, if you switch in the gui from lts to any updates you should get the prompt..21:19
lovepopsickledon't know why they don't just tell you that instead of saying how to do it21:20
keepguessinglovepopsickle: I want to be really sure that its worth it, before doing it.21:20
lovepopsicklekeepguessing, i dont much will change before the update comes through21:21
lovepopsicklei guess tomorrow21:21
keepguessinglovepopsickle: they may not tell us why the upgrade is not available yet but there mmight be a reason.21:21
keepguessinglovepopsickle: tomorrow?21:21
lovepopsicklekeepguessing, could be maybe that giant gnome bug21:21
lovepopsicklethey said late july keepguessing21:21
gdibassHi there… For Gnome (18.04 desktop default install) is there an easy way to get workspaces on multiple monitors to behave more like OSX, with individual scrolling per screen.21:22
gdibassI.E. They each have an individual workspace you can drag things to/from… you can change workspaces for one monitor individually?21:23
keepguessinglovepopsickle: ah okies htanks. I will wait. I dont want to suffer.21:23
keepguessinggdibass: have you tried the gnome-tweak-tool ?21:25
gdibassYeah I have21:25
gdibassthat enables you to have workspaces on multiple monitors, but the workspace is shared21:25
gdibassso you can have spaces: 1-2-3-4 and when you change it changes it for all the monitors21:26
TJ-gdibass: that sounds like the X server "session" facility, where 1 or more monitors can share a session, and sessions are separate from each other21:28
keepguessinggdibass: I see two option here. "Workspaces on primary......" and "Workspaces span displays". I think you wanted one.21:30
keepguessingoption 1.21:31
gdibassTJ-:  looking into it… maybe21:31
gdibasskeepguessing:  Naw option 1 keeps a static workspace on all monitors that aren't primary21:32
gdibassso that doesn't quite do it21:32
keepguessinggdibass: interesting. It says here that additional workspaces are treated as independent workspaces21:34
gdibasson my install (fresh 18.04) it was changing workspaces for all of them at once21:34
gdibasshonestly if that's the behavior I'll get then nbd...21:35
gdibassjust something to get used to21:35
gdibassthat might work21:37
gdibass> It is one of the best extensions ive ever used. but unfortunately in ubuntu 18.04 ( gnome 3.22 ) it freezes genome if initial login or unlock is done with external monitor plugged in. hopefully spin83 fixes this soon!21:37
gdibassAhh bummer21:37
someoneneoifjoiI am getting this while trying to connect using my IRC client hexchat https://pastebin.com/aQZNwkh8. How do I know if my ip is black listed or something???? Right now I am using webchat using my browser21:38
xamithanI'd have to assume you need to turn on SASL to use that as it says at the bottom of your log21:39
xamithanWhatever IP address you are connecting from is blacklisted to only connect via SASL.  I know AWS IPs require this on freenode21:41
someoneneoifjoixamithan : today I accidently opened a bitcoin mining malicious sit with .    JS/Miner.bj ... I am getting kicked out of site after entering this particular site21:41
xamithanYeah sounds like that IP got put on a list somewhere21:42
someoneneoifjoixamithan: how do I fix this issue???21:43
someoneneoifjoiwhats a solution for this ???21:44
xamithanEnable SASL in your client or don't use that IP anymore21:44
xamithanor connect via a vpn|proxy21:44
someoneneoifjoixamithan : alright , I don't have a static IP. How let me try restarting modem and see if that helps21:45
xamithanEasier to just enable SASL but you do you =)21:46
leftyfbsomeoneneoifjoi: your issue has nothing to do with ubuntu21:46
leftyfbsomeoneneoifjoi: your error paste above has nothing about being "kicked out". Only that the freenode server you're trying to connect to requires SASL. Again, nothing to do with you going to malicious sites21:47
dedzeHello, I can't find redshift in my software center anymore and I can't figure why. Also I can't browse softwares by categories anymore for some reason, can someone help me?22:03
dedzeAlso, when I open software & update and go to the 'other software' tab, I think I'm lacking something there22:05
platzi upgraded to cosmic, and now when i try to start neovim i get /usr/bin/nvim: symbol lookup error: /usr/bin/nvim: undefined symbol: uv_print_all_handles22:15
naccplatz: apt-cache policy neovim ?22:16
nacc(in a pastebin)22:16
naccplatz: oh wait, cosmic, sorry -- you want #ubuntu+122:17
naccplatz: and presuambly you understood the risk of installing pre-alpha software22:18
platzi guess i'm finding out now :)22:18
platzi'm guessing there's no downgrade option, just in case?22:19
naccplatz: right22:22
genii!info redshift22:24
ubotturedshift (source: redshift): Adjusts the color temperature of your screen. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.11-1ubuntu1 (bionic), package size 77 kB, installed size 419 kB22:24
geniidedze: You might want to enable the "universe" repository22:25
dedzegenii: Hey, thanks for your answer. How can I enable it?22:25
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dedzegenii: If it's about ticking the box in Software & update, tab Ubuntu software, it's ticked already22:29
oerhekssystemsettings > devices > displays: it is called nightlight22:32
jayjoi switched my system to the dock on the bottom of my screen and now my dock appears but my launcher does not. any ideas on what that could be?22:33
genii!info neovim22:41
ubottuneovim (source: neovim): heavily refactored vim fork. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.2.2-3 (bionic), package size 1091 kB, installed size 3068 kB22:41
genii!info neovim cosmic22:41
ubottuneovim (source: neovim): heavily refactored vim fork. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3.0-3 (cosmic), package size 1141 kB, installed size 3256 kB22:41
m15kHi strang question: Can I boot another ubuntu instance from a running one?23:01
IeuanHi, is there anything to be mindful of when upgrading 16.10->18.04, or should the official update process work successfully?23:02
Ieuan16.10 and 17.04 both being EOL and all23:03
dedzeHello, how can I reinstall the unbuntu software center from the terminal?23:05
saturnaHi. With encryption on a single user machine, would you use both disk and user home encrpytion?23:06
xamithanNo,  just disk.  Unless you want to be redundant23:07
guivercsaturna, i'm no expert on encryption, but seems like a huge waste of resources to do it twice..23:08
geniidedze: The default in 18.04 is called gnome-software, you can reinstall it by: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install --reinstall gnome-software23:10
dedzegenii: Oh I have 16.04, is my version outdated?23:11
endojellyis upgrade from 16.04LTS enabled yet? Didn't check23:12
geniidedze: For 16.04, use the package name software-center instead of gnome-software23:12
dedzeThank you very much genii , is 16.04 still safe to use BTW23:13
geniiSince I'm not sure what BTW is, I'll have to reserve judgement on using whatever it is23:14
guivercendojelly, 16.04 LTS has five years of supported life, so 2016.April + 5 years = 2021.April23:14
geniiendojelly: Not the last that I checked23:14
dedzegenii: Oh BTW it means 'by the way', it's not something offensive23:15
endojellyguiverc, yeah, but I'd still like to upgrade to 18.04 LTS if possible23:15
endojellygenii, thanks23:15
endojellyguiverc, ah, you were possibly replying to dedze?23:15
guivercthe upgrade path opens SOON after 18.04.1 is released (last thurs london time), so the gates to 18.04 will open anytime now23:16
geniidedze: Yes, Xenial is still safe to continue using as your main operating system, assuming you have security updates enabled23:16
guivercyeah endojelly; my 16.04 LTS is safe was to you dedze23:16
guivercsorry endojelly23:16
dedzegenii: They are! Thank you23:16
dedzeguiverc: Thank you for your answer as well23:16
geniidedze: Glad to assist23:17
johnnyfiveLooking at either a Packages.gz or Sources.gz, is there an indicator that a package is a 'transitional' package?23:21
dedzegenii: Omg I have 2 different ubuntu software center install, could one of it be an illigitimate software?23:21
dedzegenii: I just noticed that when I open it from the terminal, it opens a very different version of it23:22
johnnyfiveOr in other words, how does apt determine if a package is transitional or not? For example in xenial, 'apt search myspell-ca' indicates it is transitional. Anyone know how apt determines this, based on a Packages.gz/Sources.gz pair?23:23
geniidedze: There are numerous graphical software installers available, the default in Xenial is the regular software-center which came with previous versions since Unity. But you may also have another installed, like Synaptic or whichever one the gnome-software packages pulls up23:23
naccjohnnyfive: it's not from the source23:24
naccjohnnyfive: err, from the packages list23:24
naccjohnnyfive: it's *from* the source itself23:24
naccjohnnyfive: that's the short description from the package23:25
dedzegenii: Woah I see, I found redshift in the new version of the software center that you helped me reinstall (or install for the first time?). Also it's not bugged anymore so thank you very much and I wish you a very good evening/morning/night!23:25
retentionhi, Im having some network issues, intermittently my network looses connection for a minute23:26
retentionI have no big issue with that except, keeping an ssh connection and remote term session running23:26
johnnyfiveHey nacc, thanks for the response. You are saying that within a Sources.gz, the short description should indicate it's transitional?23:26
retentionanyone know if there is a way to increase, whatever timeout or other is going wrong here?23:26
naccjohnnyfive: no, it's the pacakge's source23:27
naccjohnnyfive: it's not astate, it's the textual description of the package23:27
argusbr18.04 LTS what is interface official?23:27
naccjohnnyfive: it's just the Description field from Packages, afaict23:27
naccargusbr: gnome, in stock ubuntu23:28
saturnaWhat I have noticed is that some software breaks if you use encrypted home because it cant read the home, so I'm guessing there must be some security benefit of it, that FDE doesnt offer? So using both must be better?23:28
IeuanOh actually, updater won't let me 16.10->18.04 - what's the recommended way of updating between those released?23:28
IeuanThe EoL wiki page hasn't been updated since 201523:28
naccIeuan: 16.10?23:28
Ieuannacc, kinda why I want to upgrade23:28
johnnyfivenacc, completely missed that, that's exactly what I was looking for. ty23:28
naccIeuan: you will need to do 16.10 -> 17.04 -> 17.10 -> 18.04. all via EOL upgrades23:29
naccIeuan: i would suggest reinstalling23:29
naccjohnnyfive: yw23:29
geniiIeuan: Alternately you could try sudo do-release-upgrade -d    but it may crash and burn horribly23:29
Ieuannacc, the wiki page EoL is still up to date, then?23:29
naccIeuan: the process has not changed anytime recently23:29
IeuanEven with the change to gnome?23:30
naccIeuan: ... not sure why that's relevant?23:30
naccIeuan: as I said, you're better off reinstalling. You can't have cared about this system23:30
geniiIeuan: The support cycle of *buntu remains the same, no matter what Desktop Environment23:31
IeuanI was just more interested using it than updating until now23:31
naccIeuan: well, you were using outdated, insecure software for a year23:31
oerheks!info ubuntu-unity-desktop23:31
Ieuangenii, just wanted to make sure it wouldn't throw up any weird configuration issues or whatever23:31
ubottuubuntu-unity-desktop (source: ubuntu-unity-meta): The Ubuntu Unity desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1 (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 8 kB (Only available for amd64; arm64; armhf; i386; ppc64el)23:31
naccIeuan: so I would even argue that :)23:31
naccgenii: not entirely true23:31
IeuanWell, that's true :P23:31
naccgenii: the flavors ahve different' support cycles23:31
IeuanI did think non LTS had 18 month support cycles23:31
naccIeuan: only 9 months23:31
oerheks50% off23:32
* genii slaps oerheks for therapeutic reasons23:32
IeuanIt used to be 18 months, no?23:33
OtterCoderHi all! I was wondering, I haven't been able to figure out how to set up mac-style modifier keys since the switch to gnome. Any help for ubuntu 18?23:33
naccIeuan: not any time recently, no23:33
OtterCoderI just want my greek letters back.  ;_;23:33
Ieuannacc, just checked, it was for most of Ubuntu's history ;)23:34
IeuanJust managed to neglect realising it was cut 50% :(23:34
naccIeuan: which doesn't reflect anything current in and of itself23:34
oerheksenough overlapse to test quality23:35
dunnousernamefnI have this problem where qemu uses the wrong libusb-1.0, and so it can't find the symbols. I read on the debian mailing list the exact situation I have, where another version of libusb is installed with this third-party application they use (I use it too). They fixed it by uninstalling it, but I can't do that. I just need to tell qemu to look for libusb-1.0 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu instead of /usr/local/lib23:36
dunnousernamefndoes anyone know if there is a way to do that without breaking the other application?23:36
naccdunnousernamefn: set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?23:37
dunnousernamefnI tried setting it, but it still fails23:37
naccdunnousernamefn: how did you set it?23:37
dunnousernamefnLD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib qemu-system-i386 [...]23:37
dunnousernamefnoh wait, I'm a total idiot23:37
naccdunnousernamefn: well, that's clearly wrong23:37
naccdunnousernamefn: :)23:37
dunnousernamefnI thought I set it the other way23:37
dunnousernamefnoh, but it still fails23:38
dunnousernamefnif I do `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ qemu-system-i386` I get the same error23:38
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OtterCoderI see a space.23:39
OtterCoderIn the second path you posted.23:39
OtterCoder/ qemu23:40
dunnousernamefnyes, qemu is the application23:40
OtterCoderThere's a space in the path right there.23:40
dunnousernamefnqemu-system-i386 is the application, and I want it to search for applications in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/23:40
retentionhi anyone suggest a solution to my ssh issues?23:40
naccdunnousernamefn: do this:23:41
OtterCoderAh, sorry.23:41
naccdunnousernamefn: `LD_LIBRARY_PATH=... ldd qemu-system-i386`23:41
naccdunnousernamefn: pastebin the results, if you can23:41
retentionscreen is not going to make it much simpler, dont get why SSH and term dont recover after 60s down?23:42
retentionperhaps this is a gnu question though23:42
OtterCoderSo, no ideas for enabling a mac modifier key in ubuntu 18?23:42
OtterCoderretention: What are you trying to do?23:43
naccdunnousernamefn: `file qemu-system-i386` ?23:43
naccdunnousernamefn: err nm23:43
retentionOtterCoder, I have an intermittent network connection23:43
dunnousernamefnnm: /usr/bin/qemu-system-i386: no symbols23:44
naccdunnousernamefn: `ls -ahl /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu | grep libusb`23:44
retentionwhich keeps stalling my ssh shell session23:44
naccdunnousernamefn: sorry nm = nevermind :)23:44
dunnousernamefnI wasn't sure lol23:44
retentionI think it must be some kind of timeout somewhere, but I really dont want to keep reconnecting, rather just wait it out,23:44
OtterCoderretention: I've been in that situation before, and screen was the only consistent solution I found.23:45
retentionits been a problem on linuxes since I remember, but this time its getting on my nerves, because I have a few tasks open and bged.23:45
retentionOtterCoder, ohh, ok was hoping there was something better than screen23:45
retentionbut sure thats partially better23:45
dunnousernamefnwoah hold on23:45
retentionperhaps I should ask on openssh forum though23:45
retentionmight be configurable23:46
OtterCoderretention: Here's an idea I see floating around: you can use the -o ConnectTimeout option23:46
dunnousernamefnthat seems really weird23:46
dunnousernamefnthat may be why23:46
naccdunnousernamefn: there is no libusb-1.0.so.0 in the path you are using23:46
retentionOtterCoder, hm. is the default silly small?23:46
OtterCoderretention: I think the default is infinite.23:46
OtterCoderretention: Which is why it hangs.23:47
naccdunnousernamefn: so maybe try with /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ in LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?23:47
dunnousernamefnthat works23:47
retentionOtterCoder, ok, hm ok may study that then... a bit counterintuitive23:48
OtterCoderretention: There's a bunch of options for ssh. I don't understand all of them. Mostly I just rely on screen to save my work through drops.23:48
dunnousernamefnso should I just prepend that to everything? I don't use qemu a lot23:48
dunnousernamefnI don't know if that would break other apps23:48
naccdunnousernamefn: no, only to qemu23:49
dunnousernamefnthat's what I meant23:49
dunnousernamefnevery call of qemu23:49
naccdunnousernamefn: yes, i would make a wrapper script or alias23:49
dunnousernamefnbut don't export it or anything23:49
OtterCoderdunnousernamefn: Make yourself a bash alias!23:49
dunnousernamefnwow, that works great23:50
dunnousernamefnthanks everyone23:50
naccdunnousernamefn: yw :)23:51
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OtterCoderSo, the option English (Macintosh) doesn't exist in my input sources list. Where should I get it from?23:56

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