
xubuntu191I am in need of help connecting a Canon printer to my Xubuntu 14.04 Vostro 1000 laptop00:36
xubuntu191Would be grateful for any help.01:18
havenstancexubuntu191, I would try CUPS, I've not ever used it so I cannot really provide much more help than that01:38
havenstancehere is the link to the document that explains what it is and what it does.01:38
xubuntu191Thanks, havenstance. I am trying it now.01:39
havenstancenp, if you need you might google the printer model and CUPS Config and you might find a full guide there somewhere, otherwise this suggests it might be pretty straight forward but again, I've never used it so I cannot confirm that01:42
xubuntu191Thanks,  havenstance. I tried the CUPS guide from the website you mentioned, and I do not think it got far, but I will test it.01:48
xubuntu191I was getting some "command not found" when trying to restart the CUPS server.01:49
xubuntu191Then I will try google search you recommended.01:49
havenstanceokay, like I said I've never used it so I literally can't be of any help unfortunately01:50
xubuntu191FWIW, constant printing state is 'sending data to printer'01:52
xubuntu01wHow to factory reset my bionic-beaver02:57
xubuntu01wHow to factory reset my bionic-beaver02:58
Babloyino update to 18.04 yet from 16.04 :(05:33
cpdhello, when I switch from 60hz to 71.9hz in my display settings I get huge screen tearing issues. Any ideas?06:51
pmjdebruijncpd: uh?06:56
pmjdebruijncpd: do you have a CRT?06:56
pmjdebruijncpd: all regular LCDs are pretty much 60hz06:56
cpdnope its a lcd monitor, its refresh rate is 72hz but it shows at 71.9 in ubuntu for some reason06:56
cpdI never had this problem before when I was using 16.04 a couple years ago06:57
cpdsame monitor06:57
pmjdebruijnwhere/how do you experience tearing?06:57
pmjdebruijnas xubuntu's compositor doesn't force vsync at all06:57
pmjdebruijnso I'd expect some tearing with both 60 AND 72 hz06:58
pmjdebruijnthere's an option though to enable vsync06:58
cpdeverywhere I get massive screen tearing, the mouse plays up too. When I set it to 60hz it's completely fine07:00
cpdI can't see any option to enable vsync, where do you see that?07:05
pmjdebruijnin the window manager options or something07:15
pmjdebruijnnot sure how it's exactly called07:15
pmjdebruijnfor 18.04 righjt07:15
cpdyep, if you are talking about display settings I have looked everywhere cant see it07:15
pmjdebruijnwindow manager07:16
pmjdebruijnnot display07:16
pmjdebruijnthat's another option07:17
cpdpmjdebruijn: I have checked everywhere in window manager can't see anything about vsync.07:24
slickymasterWork!hi | xubuntu02w08:37
ubottuxubuntu02w: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!08:37
xubuntu02wis xubuntu dropping support for i386 cpu?08:40
xubuntu02wHi. is xubuntu dropping support for i386 cpu in the next releases?08:45
xubuntu412I need help configuring my computer to use a Canon printer. Any help would be greatly appreciated.16:10
flocculantxubuntu412: I assume your's is the thread on the mailing list?16:40
flocculantxubuntu412: do you still have the downloaded file?16:42
xubuntu412flocculant: Yes! I have both scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb folders which are alleged to have drivers, and cnijfilter2-5.00-1-deb which alleges the same. Clicking on resources leads to two folders, one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit (Debian packages). Double clicking on the 32 bit opens the Ubuntu Software Center (native to the system). After working a few minutes, it says "installed".16:55
flocculantare you 32 or 64 bit?16:55
alice_anyone here?16:57
xubuntu412Since it is such an old laptop, and someone graciously walked me through downgrading to 14.04 which was better suited to the laptops resources, I assume 32 bit. But I am happy to check (although I am not sure how at the exact moment).16:57
flocculant!ask | alice16:57
ubottualice: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:57
flocculantxubuntu412: open a terminal - run arch - what does it say16:58
alice_so first of all i'm noob who just installed debian 9 (nobody online on debian channels and ubuntu is based on debian so i thought i check here).. anyhow, my issue is that my network manager doesnt show any wireless networks. how to fix that?16:58
xubuntu412flocculant: i186 which I assume means 3216:59
flocculantalice_: ubuntu might be based on debian, and xubuntu might have bits of ubuntu as well - but you need to wait in the debian channels for help there - we don't have the same stuff exactly17:00
flocculantxubuntu412: ok - so the package is installed ok I assume?17:00
flocculantxubuntu412: if it has installed - and the printer is on - does Printer from the menu not show it?17:01
xubuntu412flocculant: I assume also, but spot me the command to investigae and we shall see.  ||BTW, should I finish my reply to Fred on the email list (answering his questions), or wait (I assume wait)?17:02
flocculantxubuntu412: try dpkg -l cnijfilter*17:03
flocculanthard to know what it calls itself withhout getting it mysefl17:03
xubuntu412flocculant: Settings>Printer >  shows the printer name.17:04
flocculantok good - that's positive :p17:04
flocculantso try test print17:04
* flocculant stopped fighting printers a long time ago and just buys hp ones that are known to work ...17:06
xubuntu412Have done so many times through trouble shooting. Under Printers > Help> "Troubleshoot", it lists status message as "sending data to printer".  Trying to print a test page does not work, status instantly shows "completed". I have enabled debugging, and a log is created. At the end there is a diagnostic output which can be saves (and sent via paste-bin or similar.17:06
flocculantoh right17:06
flocculantwell I can have a quikc look at the debug log - pastebin it17:07
xubuntu412flocculant: I understand why. I shudder to think about connecting to my wifi or scanning or getting the fax to work otherwise. Pastebin at the debug log is in the works.17:07
flocculantnot something I've had much to do with tbh - just wanted to make sure you'd got further than on the mailing list17:07
flocculantwhich you have :p17:08
xubuntu412flocculant: Thanks for going the mile extra than the mailing list. Paste from    xubuntu412 at Mon, 30 Jul 2018 17:10:01 +0000 on paste.ubuntu.com17:11
flocculantxubuntu412: need the url of it :D17:12
Axzercionand not the URL to just paste ;)17:12
flocculantindeed :D17:12
Axzercionerr oookaayy17:14
flocculantthey'll be back I guess - same person on the user list17:15
xubuntu335flocculant: I got disconnected, and now I am back as xubuntu335. Sorry!17:15
flocculantnp :)17:15
flocculantwe need the url of the paste17:15
xubuntu335flocculant: Sorry, I forgot how to do that :   https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CZSyqwThJ4/17:16
Axzercionfound the first 1: D [30/Jul/2018:12:09:05 -0500] Print-Job client-error-document-format-not-supported: Unsupported format "application/vnd.cups-pdf-banner".17:17
flocculantxubuntu335: did you installl the other file as well? the scangear one?17:20
xubuntu335diogenes: Hello! You were very helpful to me in the past, you 'helped' me downgrade to 14.04 which was better suited to my elderly laptop.17:20
xubuntu335flocculant: No.17:20
diogenes_xubuntu335, i'm happy if you are happy :)17:21
flocculantxubuntu335: can you try printing something that isn't a pdf?17:22
flocculantnot sure how to help here tbh17:22
xubuntu335diogenes: I have been ecstatically happy with my laptop, till trying to get a Canon printer to work. flocculant is gracefully helping.17:22
xubuntu335flocculant: will print an rtf right now.17:23
Axzercioncould you just start with a normal text file? :)17:24
xubuntu335flocculant: Error: Could not start printer. Please check your printer configuration. I can tell by my extraordinary powers of observation that that is not much help.17:25
flocculantlet Axzercion help you - they appear to have more insight than me17:27
AxzercionI don't have that much experience with canon printers :)17:28
flocculantsame ...17:28
flocculantwell - the experience I had led to me getting an HP one ;)17:28
Axzercionhahaha same :D17:29
xubuntu335Too bad. diogenes seemed to know all when he helped me last. So, do I go back to the mailing list and Fred Roller? I fear I am tryin to make a silk purse out of a windows sow's ear.17:30
xubuntu335Axzercion: I assume you are gently offering to help someone else with something else.17:32
AxzercionI'm using my excellent googling skills to find something about the errors I saw in your pastebin :)17:32
xubuntu09ihow are you17:33
knomegood. do you have a support question?17:33
xubuntu335Axzercion: Thank you. I am sure S. Brin is tingling as we speak.17:33
xubuntu09ihow to fix tearing with intel hd? window manager vsync enabled + xorg tear free config17:34
Axzercionthe last line in your pastebin results in this thread on the ubuntu forums: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2054048, but yours being the canon and not the epson17:35
Axzercionhis solution was just to simply reinstall cups :)17:35
flocculantI did see a few like that - from *buntu, fedora, centos to name some17:36
xubuntu335Axzercion: I believe you, not having read past the first 200 lines.17:36
flocculantalso some mention of reconfiguring cups17:36
knomexubuntu09i, which intel HD?17:37
xubuntu335Axzercion: Fine with me. Unfortunately, I need you to lead the way.17:37
xubuntu09i2nd gen intel hd 3000 (yup pretty old)17:37
Axzercionsudo apt-get --reinstall install cups17:38
Axzercionthat should reinstall cups :)17:39
xubuntu335Axzercion: working . . .17:40
knomexubuntu09i, tearfree works with my newer intel HD, no idea if the older hardware is the issue or sth else...17:40
xubuntu335Axzercion: Done. Should I try to print an .rtf file? Restart the printer?17:41
Axzercionplease restart the printer and just open mousepad, type some text and just print that :)17:41
xubuntu335Axzercion: On it. BTW, says 1 reinstalled.17:42
Axzercionyep :)17:42
Axzercionso any luck xubuntu335 ?17:46
xubuntu335Axzercion: Nothing happens. Get printer dialog, and print preview. But no printer action. Mebbe something wrong with my printer? One never knows.17:46
diogenes_xubuntu335, installed the appropriate driver for it?17:47
xubuntu335Axzercion: Print queue shows most icons greyed out, nothing in list, only refresh and cancel.17:48
Axzerciondiogenes_, maybe you can make something out of this pastebin: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CZSyqwThJ4/ it's from a previous printjob17:48
xubuntu335Axzercion: I got a folder downloaded from Canon (if I remember), after unpacking the archive is:  scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb. Within, it has two folders, "Resources", "Packages" and the "install.sh". Clicking on resources leads to two folders, one for 64 bit and one for 32 bit (Debian packages). Double clicking on the 32 bit opens the Ubuntu Software Center (native to the system). After working a few minutes, it says "installed".17:50
Axzercionit's better to use the install.sh script to install everything for you17:51
xubuntu335Axzzercion: Lend me a command and maybe I can check?17:51
flocculantxubuntu335: do this > open a terminal where the install script is and run sudo ./install.sh17:51
flocculantAxzercion: :)17:51
Axzercionwhat flocculant says :D17:51
xubuntu335Axzercion: AFK for ten minutes. Be back.17:52
xubuntu335Axzercion: I am back, but please forgive the ignorance. How do I open a terminal emulator "where the install script is"? I can locate the Install shell.sh, right click? Sorry!18:03
Axzercionright-click somewhere in the file manager, there should be a Open in Terminal18:04
Axzercionor rather open terminal here18:04
Axzercionand that will open a terminal with the path already set to the current directory :)18:05
Axzercionafter that it's just sudo ./install.sh18:06
Axzercionsoo... is it running?18:14
xubuntu335Axzercion: Sorry for the delay, one of the files was "in the wrong place". Running now.18:16
xubuntu335Axzercion: Still problems "An error occurred. A necessary package could not be found in the proper location" . Opened terminal at: scangearmp2-source-3.00-1/scripts/install_deb --it says "install.sh" shell script.18:22
xubuntu335Axzercion: Should I try to find another version of the scangear linux driver for my printer?18:23
Axzercionactually the folder you should be in is where the install.sh file is located18:25
Axzercionso most likely something like ~/Downloads/scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb/18:25
xubuntu335Axzercion: install.sh is the only file visible.18:26
Axzercionand then you have 2 folders as well correct?18:26
Axzercionso the contents would be: a folder named packages, a folder named resources and a file named install.sh18:28
xubuntu335Axzercion: Three folders: Install_Deb Install_rpm and resources. I can delete the install_rpm.18:28
xubuntu335Axzercion: Install.sh is in Deb_Install .18:28
Axzercionok what other folders are there in the Deb_Install folder?18:29
xubuntu335Axzercion: None showing.18:29
Axzercionthen there's the problem :) no install files to use for the script haha18:29
Axzercionthat should list you a whole bunch of files. the ones you're interested in are postfixed with (debian Packagearchive)18:30
Axzercionboth the IJ Printer Driver and ScanGear MP for Linux packages18:31
xubuntu335Axzercion: downloading "IJ Printer Driver for Linux (debian Packagearchive)"18:32
Axzercioni'd start with the IJ Printer Driver yeah :)18:32
Axzercionbrb, going to get something to eat. i'll be back in 10. Try to install these using their install.sh files if you can18:32
xubuntu335Axzercion: Trying to install via terminal, two folders + install.sh18:34
xubuntu335Axzercion: *&^% thing wants me to register the printer.18:36
xubuntu335Axzercion: Wants me to register via the terminal.18:37
Axzercionshould be okay18:41
xubuntu335Axzercion: I was confused. I thought it was registering with Canon. I went through the process and selected the printer as default. Says  "nstallation has been completed". Time to print form mousepad?18:41
Axzercionno, you still need to install the other package too :)18:41
xubuntu335Axzercion: other package? rpm? Please advise.18:43
Axzercionthe scangear package18:43
AxzercionScanGear MP for Linux (debian Packagearchive)18:43
xubuntu335Axzercion: open terminal where I have "scangearmp2-source-3.00-1", five folders and rpm spec file?18:45
Axzercionthats not the package I see before me18:46
AxzercionI only see 2 folders in that archive and a install.sh script18:46
Axzercionalso you downloaded the source package18:46
Axzercionnot the debian archive one18:47
xubuntu335Axzercion: I got too many folders, let me find the one you indicate.18:48
xubuntu335Axzercion: cnijfilter2-5.00-1-deb/  two folders.18:48
Axzercionnot that one :)18:48
xubuntu335Axzercion: scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb? Two folders and install.sh18:49
Axzercionthats the one18:49
xubuntu335Axzercion: sudo ./install.sh ?18:51
xubuntu335Axzercion: An error occurred. A necessary package could not be found in the proper location. I am gonna try to dowload from your link again.18:54
Axzercionsounds like a plan (y)18:55
xubuntu335Axzercioin: scanGear MP for Linux (debian Packagearchive)  or  IJ Printer Driver for Linux (debian Packagearchive) ?18:57
Axzercionthe first18:57
Axzercionyou already installed the second18:57
xubuntu335Axzercion: Unpacked, it looks like a single file. scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb.tar-119:00
Axzercionhasn't unpacked properly then. It's still in the archive19:01
Axzerciondid you download it to your machine?19:01
Axzercionor did you just open it immediately from your browser?19:01
xubuntu335Axzercion: I think I extracted it first. I will try to download as an archive and NOT unpack.19:02
xubuntu36wI'm having trouble keeping a network share permanently mounted.  I can remount it in Thunar using a shortcut I created, but I MUST do that everytime I come out of standby19:04
xubuntu36wSay I'm watching a movie using the network share.  I pause, put laptop in standby.  When I return, I want to be able to resume the movie.19:06
xubuntu335Axzercion: Sorry for the confusion. Downloaded "ScanGear MP for Linux (debian Packagearchive)". Appears to be a TAR archive.19:06
xubuntu36wI must first open Thunar and then browse to the drive.  Only then can I resume the movie.19:06
Axzercionxubuntu335, either way, it should unpack to 2 folders and a install.sh file like it does on my machine :)19:07
xubuntu335Azxercion: named scangearmp2-3.00-1-deb.tar-1 . I am gonna unpack now.19:07
Axzercionokay :)19:10
xubuntu335Axzercion: "Archive type not supported"19:10
Axzercionoh great. can you rename the file to end with .tar?19:10
xubuntu36wi know how to permanently mount a drive using fstab but I don't think the network is up when fstab gets loaded so I don't think that's the way to do it19:12
Axzercionxubuntu36w, why not use gigolo?19:12
xubuntu335Axzercion: OK! Two folders and install.sh. Trying to open terminal in same file manager "place" as the two folders + shows with the install command you sent.19:13
xubuntu36wis that what gigolo does?  I did some googling and most of the tutorials are pretty old.  I figured things would be simpler since I can get to the drive in Thunnar19:13
Axzercionxubuntu36w, gigolo just mounts whatever you tell it to mount, but in this case it's the auto-connect that might be interesting to you19:14
xubuntu36wI'll check it out.  Thanks!19:14
AxzercionI'm not 100% sure how it handles the stand-by when running a movie, but it should at least re-mount the share after a standby19:15
xubuntu335Axzercion: Installation completed. That seems easy now!19:15
Axzercionok, then now it's time to turn the printer off and on again and THEN try to print something from mousepad :)19:15
xubuntu335Axzercion: You read my mind.19:16
flocculantxubuntu36w: I use nfs19:16
flocculantxubuntu36w: if I have a vid playing and suspend - then wake up - I just hit play, and it plays19:16
xubuntu36wflocculant:  that's exactly what I want.  nfs easily configured?19:17
flocculantcan't remember tbh - I did it about 5 years ago and just copy what I need :p19:18
flocculantwasn't hard iirc19:18
Axzercionserver just needs to support it :)19:18
flocculantxubuntu36w: but - it's a Linux thing - not sure it works if ntfs etc19:18
xubuntu36whmmm.  mint 17.319:19
xubuntu36wshould be good.19:19
flocculantthe partitions are all linux type?19:19
flocculantand mint support should be a deal for mint ;)19:19
flocculantoh boo - I suspended in the middle of an installation test ... sigh19:20
xubuntu36wyup.  It's just the 2nd drive on my mint PC.  I store all my media on it and want to have simple access from my laptop19:20
flocculanttoo many windows hidden lol19:20
flocculantxubuntu36w: well as long as it's ok with nfs then should be fine19:21
xubuntu36wthanks, got some thngs to try after lunch.19:21
flocculanthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo - I don't portmap19:21
xubuntu335Axzercion: Printer is obviously trying to print (mechanical sounds, printer door opens, appears not to be grabbing paper). Needs restart (according to screen on printer). Will investigate and get back right now.19:23
Axzercionalright man :)19:23
Axzercionat least it's doing something now hahaha19:23
Axzercionomnomnom paper :)19:23
flocculantxubuntu335: assuming all goes ok - please return to the mailing list to sya what you did to fix it - doesn't leave people wondering and also leaves the fix behind19:24
Axzercioni've got to get some sleep, but let me know if it all works xubuntu335. I'll be back tomorrow around the same time if it didn't :)19:31
xubuntu335Axzercion: Now says it is out of ink, which is possible, but I doubt it. Thanks for everything. Now I gotta eat and do all the things I was putting off while working with you. When I get some ink, I will be back to try the other printer functions, connecting to wi-fi and getting fax to work is a fools errand. Thanks once more.19:32
xubuntu56wWhere is the irc support for Lubuntu ? Is it removed ?19:58
knomein #lubuntu19:58
* genii wonders if it's currently +r19:59
xubuntu56wHow can i get there from here ?19:59
genii/join #lubuntu20:00
xubuntu56wThank you.20:00
diogenes_or teleport like in quake 3 :)20:01
daffy1234Hi. I want to convert my ext4 to btrfs, but btrfs-convert says "Command not found". apt says btrfs-progs and btrfs-tools are at their newest versions.20:52
daffy1234I'm on 18.0420:52
daffy1234Oh I should mention I ran this on a live usb20:53
knomedaffy1234, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=854489 =20:56
ubottuDebian bug 854489 in btrfs-progs "btrfs-progs: please stop shipping btrfs-convert" [Important,Fixed]20:56
knomethat looks like the source reason why it's missing20:56

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