[00:06] "Het National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) van de Britse overheid heeft een beveiligingsgids voor Ubuntu 18.04 LTS gepubliceerd" or in english: https://www.ncsc.gov.uk/guidance/eud-security-guidance-ubuntu-1804-lts [00:06] with preseed and post install scripts [00:07] Bashing-om, just added it to my list of Ubuntu/Linux news bookmarks that I try to get through at least once a week or so [00:09] sonicwind: I tell you the truth . A rss reader will get 90% of what is in the newsletter. [05:00] good morning to all [06:17] good morning [11:05] Howdy folks [11:05] heya \o how do? [11:11] Hey daftykins, fine here and you? [11:12] BluesKaj: yep thanks, finally made it back to the island yesterday afternoon - so catching up with work now :) [11:12] feels good to stop moving :D [11:13] heh, so you had a good trip? [11:15] I have to get this house cleaned up. My daughter is coming to visit on Fri...been backsliding some [11:17] ah-ha :) [11:18] yeah was great fun thanks, caught up with a friend from University time who i haven't seen for 10 years, then met up an IRC friend whom i bounce ideas for work things off, but have never met in the 16 years i've known him [11:18] as they live nearby to one another we all had a nice pub meal on Saturday night :D [11:20] nice to finally meet an IRC friend. [11:21] indeed :D [11:26] before I got into linux I used to be on an audio chat a lot and I met one the members, unfortunately it was a typical pissing contest about audio equipment on his part...and was disappointing to say the least. I couldn't wait to leave . [11:26] oh dear, that's a shame [11:29] one of those guys with 10 kilobucks of equipment and owned less than 50 record albums ...these types don't listen to music, they listen to sound [11:30] anyway I'm sure we'll have lots to discuss when we meet up [11:30] indeed! carrying on my role as IRC ambassador ;) [11:31] hehe, I'll represent the "older generation" [11:32] we look quite similar so i'll call genii 'dad' ;D [11:33] don't think I've seen a picture of you, but I have seen genii's [11:35] ah ha, hmm not sure i have any around at present [11:36] this is me , https://postimg.cc/image/orgym019d/65c23624/ [11:36] cool :) [11:37] just so you 'll recognize me [11:38] *nod* [11:40] looks like i do have a little bad snap of me and the cat - https://dafty.rocks/nextcloud/s/TbriJtjnaSQyefZ [11:41] hehe, you and genii do have a resemblance :-) [11:41] :D [11:48] hmm, that Nextcloud server looks interesting ...maybe it's what I'm looking for [11:51] or maybe not ...looks cool tho [11:52] i quite like it for taking snaps on my phones and sharing them synced up with my PCs [11:52] along with other files for convenient access [11:53] right [11:56] time to nip out for a nice coffee and lunch from a place nearby :D [11:57] catch you later! [11:57] ok [15:33] evening pragmaticenigma [15:33] hey BluesKaj [15:34] howdy [15:38] hey lotuspsychje [16:45] is it time to +r #ubuntu again? [16:45] hggdh: ^ [16:45] :p [16:46] looking [16:46] the spam rate for the similar spamming last week is much higher [16:46] and happening in #ubuntu-server at the same time [16:48] Sigyn is taking care of it [16:49] ok tnx hggdh [16:56] evening all [17:07] https://www.zdnet.com/article/how-to-upgrade-from-ubuntu-linux-16-04-to-18-04/ [17:07] seen this passby [17:15] hggdh: sigyn grabbed checking11 indeed [17:15] ZDNET usually knows their stuff... that article is terrible [17:15] or is there something preventing LTS releases from upgrading without changing to the "normal" stream instead of keeping the LTS stream [17:16] or maybe I need to more carefully read [17:16] didnt test update-manager -c yet [17:17] and all my boxes are on bionic now [17:17] pragmaticenigma: changelogs.u.c meta-release-lts hasn't been updated yet [17:17] ah tnx 4 feedback TJ- [17:17] how come? TJ- [17:17] because the release team aren't ready I presume [17:17] maybe there are bugs still making their way from -proposed to main [17:19] But the ISOs were released? [17:19] yeah .1 is out [17:20] its just lts to lts comming behind [17:20] it's not got anything to do with the ISOs, this is the {14,16}.04 > 18.04 upgrader issues that can hold it back [17:20] yeah, that's the part that I don't understand, unless the upgrade tool is having issues with package substitutions [17:20] installing from ISO doesn't have to deal with release upgrades [18:09] https://blog.ubuntu.com/2018/07/26/first-point-release-of-18-04-lts-available-today [18:09] smart move they keep unity installed, choosable at gdm [18:18] evening oerheks [18:18] heya lotus [20:35] the good thing about the new spam is you can easily spot that it is (this) spam. [20:36] with the previous one, i repeatedly fall for it, since it just started like a common support chat. [21:01] hggdh: gwen is also a troll from previous times [21:01] 2018 Jun 21 02:41:49 ducasse: no problem racism is everywhere… white don’t support blacks - humans, ubuntu don’t support centos - OSes, God don’t support Devil - Supernatural… Live is doomed! [21:01] I know... :-( [21:27] [22:21] tomreyn: i'm giving up on being able to help this person [22:21] i read the backlog and i doubt i'd be able to put more energy into them than you already did [22:23] nacc: now you're going to have to explain how to create wbackups, and why. :-P [22:24] lol [22:24] well, honestly, i can't see this perosn having useful data on their system; but i have very specific definitions of useful!