
jak2000hi all my Box always start in recovery mode..... need type Ctrl-d for maintentance, how to fix? i do an cat /etc/fstab i try "fcks /dev/pve/root" but say its mounted.... thanks01:24
jak2000hi all, how to fix: https://imgur.com/a/3DpEANH    any advice?  thanks01:27
cpaelzergood morning05:27
punkgeekwhy I get this error? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/5zNcjDbRJQ/06:25
jamespagecoreycb: http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server/cloud-archive/rocky_versions.html up and running08:53
tomreynhow do i get the currently in use nameservers on 18.04?09:39
tomreynthis is ubuntu server / systemd-networkd09:40
tomreyn"systemd-resolve --status" - got it.09:43
TvL2386just found that out :)09:43
TvL2386you won :)09:44
CheckmateHi is there any way to block brute forcing files on the server or website?09:53
eugenioHi in the 18.04 server installer I cannot find the RAID choice at the disk partition stage, am I wrong? I need to install a software raid, how can I solve11:11
rbasakeugenio: use 18.04.1, or see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes#Server_installer11:20
UssatHas the issue with the 18.04.1 not showing all repos been fixed ?11:24
rbasakUssat: do you have a bug reference?11:25
UssatI saw it here yesterday, but I dont, sorry :(11:26
UssatI mean, its not a huge deal for me, I can always continue to use the 18.04 iso and just update from that for my builds11:28
tomreynI'm trying to use a quem-KVM hosts' VG as a KVM pool as discussed here https://serverfault.com/questions/352641/how-can-i-use-the-hosts-lvm-vg-as-a-kvm-pool11:35
tomreynbut the existing volume group doesn't have a device node such as /dev/vg-main, so i don't know what to use as --target11:36
tomreynubuntu doesn't create device nodes for VGs, or does it?11:37
tomreynthis is an 18.04 host11:37
eugeniorbasak, I have already tried with the 18.04.1, but I had the same problem11:37
rbasaktomreyn: look in /dev/mapper/11:37
tomreynrbasak: no VGs there11:37
tomreynjust LVs11:38
rbasaktomreyn: oh, right11:38
rbasakYou want to know what VGs you have?11:38
tomreyni know which VGs i have11:39
tomreyni need to know what to provide to the --target parameter to the pool-define-as command to use the existing VG11:39
rbasakI'm not aware that VGs have ever had device nodes. That seems odd to me. All the commands I've ever used just take VG names.11:40
tomreynapparently, other systems (redhat'ish, i guess) do have device nodes for volume groups. i would not know how to create one using mknod, otherwise i'd just do that11:40
tomreynlook at the serverfault link i posted11:41
rbasakDoes it work if you give it the plain name without a path?11:41
tomreyni didnt try, but then i dont see how pool-define-as would know that this is an LVM2 VG11:42
tomreynon the serverfault.com post, the person asking has a VG named "vg_fluke", and needs to use --target /dev/vg-main11:43
tomreynon the serverfault.com post, the person asking has a VG named "vg_fluke", and needs to use --target /dev/vg_fluke11:43
rbasakI wonder if you can create the storage pool directly defining it by XML which might include the type.11:43
tomreynhmm maybe '--type logical' actually means 'LVM2 VG'11:44
tomreynediting the XML yould also work, maybe11:44
rbasakcpaelzer: I'll take ahasenack's bind9 review. I think you've taken the other two?11:48
tomreyngnah, ok, --type logical == LVM VG, and it was as simple as: virsh pool-define-as --name my_vg_name --type logical11:49
* tomreyn thinks too much11:50
cpaelzerrbasak: yes11:50
ahasenackrbasak: when you have a moment, could you please check the ndctl and pmdk import? It's behind in cosmic. I think you mentioned we would have to update the snap on the bastion host to have this automatically done, since these are universe packages12:16
rbasakSorry, you mentioned that already. I'll add a card to remind myself.12:17
rbasakahasenack: you need sponsorship for bind9 I think?12:32
ahasenackrbasak: correct, I do12:32
=== miguel is now known as Guest89283
rbasakahasenack: pmdk/ndctl should be up to date now and I think should stay up to date (whitelist has made it to the running importer service)12:43
ahasenackrbasak: just checked, they are, thanks12:43
ahasenackrbasak: nacc found an old MIR for protobuf for me the other day: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/protobuf-c/+bug/80173512:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 801735 in protobuf-c (Ubuntu) "[MIR] protobuf-c" [Undecided,Fix released]12:53
ahasenackit was accepted, the package made it briefly into main, then back into universe12:53
ahasenackhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/protobuf-c/+publishinghistory very odd12:53
ahasenack(wrt to the new bind9 delta)12:53
=== med_ is now known as med
=== med is now known as med_
=== chuck_ is now known as zul
cryptodan_mobilehow would get an updated lamp stack on ubuntu server 14.04.2 i need php5.6 or newer15:00
whislockcryptodan_mobile: The general recommendation would be to update to a newer LTS release that includes 5.6 or newer by default.15:02
cryptodan_mobilei cant ubuntu server 14.04.2 is stable as all others produce the aacraid issue15:03
whislockAnd which issue is that?15:04
cryptodan_mobilethe raid controller dropping and being unable to boot15:05
whislockGiven that I've used aacraid extensively on Ubuntu of many versions, I would ask if you've opened a case with Microsemi.15:06
whislockBecause sticking with 14.04 isn't going to be viable for long. It only has about nine months of support left.15:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1777586 in linux (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu Server 18.04 LTS aacraid error" [High,Confirmed]15:06
cryptodan_mobilethat bug15:07
cryptodan_mobilegoes all the way back to 14.04.5 kernel 4.4 and newer15:07
whislockI assume you've tried updating the card's firmware, and setting the I/O scheduler to noop?15:10
cryptodan_mobileive tried the noop no impact, and still trying to find out how to do the upgrade via floppy or cd the card is on the dell pe4600 motherboard15:13
whislockBecause honestly, if you're specifically sitting on the 14.04.2 kernel, you're already out of security support for that kernel.15:14
whislockWhich I understand is less important than a running system, but still hardly ideal.15:14
cryptodan_mobilei know15:14
whislockIf it's an integrated storage controller, I think it's a BIOS update. Let me dig into the Dell docs.15:14
simion314hi all, is it ok if I ask a question about the mysql-server here even if I am having issues on a Kubuntu 18.04 dev machine?(not a server)15:14
whislockcryptodan_mobile: Perc 3/Di?15:15
cryptodan_mobileits funny the bug only presents when i start i/o on the system. installs nicely but as soon as i do updates the driver takes a dump15:16
whislockcryptodan_mobile: It's going to be floppy based. Does it have a removeable memory card on the controller?15:16
whislocksimion314: Can try to help, no promises. :)15:17
cryptodan_mobileit hs a floppy drive15:17
whislockcryptodan_mobile: Can you PM me the service tag for the system so I can pull the right docs?15:17
cryptodan_mobilewhislock: https://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/19/product-support/servicetag/8llqq41/drivers15:19
simion314whislock:  thank you, so the scheduled dist-upgrade hanged on the mysql-server package, now dpkg,apt and attempting to restart or start mysql will hang in the terminal, attempting to fix the dpkg error I get this  https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/wKNcb4HTXq/   but the dpkg does not exit15:19
whislocksimion314: I can't promise that anything I have you do won't eat your data.15:20
simion314whislock: I also noticed in some output that mysql package post install scripts are erroring are hanging15:21
whislockcryptodan_mobile: I think there's an option that doesn't require a floppy.15:21
whislockcryptodan_mobile: https://downloads.dell.com/scsi-raid/PE4600_RAID_FRMW_LX_R168389.BIN15:21
whislockcryptodan_mobile: That's a Linux-executable binary that should get the job done.15:21
whislocksimion314: Are you worried about retaining the data in the database?15:22
simion314whislock: a bit, I mean it may take me a while to restore it, are you thinking on attempting an apt purge ?15:23
whislocksimion314: No, I'm thinking of running a mysql_upgrade --force15:23
whislockBut I can't promise that that won't be destructive. :(15:23
simion314whislock: ok, it is test data so is not important to keep it15:24
whislockYou can give it a try.15:24
whislockAnd then try to restart the mysql service, and see if things go better.15:24
simion314whislock: the problem is dpkg is still running there in terminal, if I kill it then I get all those lock files15:24
whislockOh, nasty.15:25
whislockSo dpkg is just frozen, huh?15:25
rbasakIf it's hung please report the output of "ps axf" or similar.15:26
simion314whislock: I get Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (2) while connecting to the MySQL server15:26
simion314 same if I try to run mysql15:26
simion314rbasak: I am not sure if is frozen or waiting for something15:27
simion314rbasak: here is the output you ask, thanks https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/K6qdyS6Zy2/15:29
whislockLooks like it's actively working with mysql.15:30
simion314whislock: it is waiting on the post install scripts15:31
rbasaksimion314: check /var/log/mysql/error.log, but my guess would be that your MySQL installation is broken somehow.15:32
simion314btw /var/lib/dpkg/info/mysql-server-5.7.postinst conf is empty, is this normal ?15:33
simion314rbasak:  I found this in the error.log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zN4rVsPvCr/ mayb ethat lock file is the problem, or just a sympthom, I do not know it's absolute path so  I will search for it15:36
cryptodan_mobilehow would i update the firmware i bashed it and extracted the files and ran the only file with setup in it and im getting typeset found errors15:38
whislockcryptodan_mobile: "bashed" it?15:41
cryptodan_mobilebash filename.bin15:41
whislockAnd what did it extract?15:42
cryptodan_mobilea bunch of files that should allow you to flash the firmware15:42
whislockPastebin a listing?15:42
cryptodan_mobileonce my ssh connects15:43
whislockAnd what error did it give you?15:45
simion314rbasak: I rebooted, then I go in mysql from CLI all works, then if I try to run apt it tells me to do the reconfigure -a thing ro fix the not closing properly issue, the reconfigure runs the mysql post install script and hangs there and mysql stops working, could it be a packaging issue?15:47
cryptodan_mobileit now updating15:50
cryptodan_mobilei assume its complete when it returns me to a prompt with no errors15:51
whislockOne assumes!15:52
cryptodan_mobilei have a newer hp proliant ml350 coming to replace it but one cpu and no drives will be awhile till i get drives and the cpu15:54
whislockWith the new firmware, I'd try a newer kernel. See what happens.15:55
cryptodan_mobileit booted up lol15:55
whislockIt's a start. :P15:55
cryptodan_mobilenow how to tell the firmware version from cli15:59
whislockarcconf GETCONFIG 1, iirc15:59
cryptodan_mobileive tried that but nothing prints16:03
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: it might be reported in dmesg when the driver loads16:05
cryptodan_mobilelooks like it didnt update16:08
whislockWhat's the reported version?16:14
cryptodan_mobilePackage version: Installed version:
whislockHuh. Weird.16:18
biberao5<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:18
biberao5With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:18
biberao5I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:18
biberao5or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:18
* whislock facepalm16:19
obserd282<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:19
obserd282With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:19
obserd282I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:19
obserd282or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:19
whislockcryptodan_mobile: Did the firmware update error out at all? Is there a verbose option?16:19
cryptodan_mobileno errors and i didnt see a verbose option16:20
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: what command did you use to update ?16:24
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: I recall the one I used wwas very verbose16:24
cryptodan_mobile bash spsetup.sh16:24
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: did you read the spUtilityHelp.txt ?16:26
cryptodan_mobileyeah im not running openmanage16:28
tewardrbasak: this was a while back we discussed this, but did we want to switch the non-LTS interim releases so that when we have NGINX in them we track Mainline, or do we want me to stick to stable branch?16:29
tewardI think we had Mainline because it allowed 'newer features' and such to be available for testing in those 9-month releases16:29
luisoliv<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:31
luisolivWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:31
luisolivI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:31
luisolivor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:31
cryptodan_mobilewhat is the systemid for the -i option for the sputility.bin16:32
cryptodan_mobileTJ-: http://dpaste.com/098PXRK that is what i get the -n is to skip security validation16:36
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: looks like the script has some syntax problems with bash16:39
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: what is the file's shebang line (it's first line) ?16:39
cryptodan_mobileits !#/bin/sh and running it with sh just errors out16:40
whislockYou should just be setting its executable bit and running it as a binary.16:41
whislockWhen you say it "errors out," what is the error?16:41
TJ-all the problems seem to be in ./AdaptecPIE.sh16:42
letty121019<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:44
letty121019With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:44
letty121019I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:44
sawdey21<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:45
sawdey21With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:45
sawdey21I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:45
sawdey21or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:45
18VAESHKI<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth16:53
18VAESHKIWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/16:54
18VAESHKII thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/16:54
18VAESHKIor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/16:54
cryptodan_mobileTJ-: and whislock http://dpaste.com/0S07CS6 errors when running it as a binary17:11
whislockI've seen that before when running shell scripts in Ubuntu. Bash is your only option. :/17:13
whislock(That I know of.)17:13
naccyes, typeset is not POSIX17:15
naccit's a bash-ism17:15
ahasenackhow can I make this badtest apply to 1.8.5 entirely?17:20
ahasenackforce-badtest ocfs2-tools/1.8.5-3ubuntu1/s390x17:20
ahasenackjust remove -3ubuntu1?17:20
iw00t20<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth17:29
Steinsplitter128<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth17:39
Steinsplitter128With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/17:39
ahasenackrbasak: around? The changelog at https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bind9/1:9.11.4+dfsg-3ubuntu1 looks wrong, it's the whole hsitory of the package, was the wrong -v used when preparing this upload?17:47
iw00t1017<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth17:50
cryptodan_mobilewhislock: nacc how do i run it?17:52
nacccryptodan_mobile: /bin/bash /path/to/script or modify it to use a !#/bin/bash shebang17:53
cryptodan_mobileim not a scripter17:55
whislockFirst line. Change /bin/sh to /bin/bash.17:56
whislockThe first line should look like: #!/bin/bash17:56
cryptodan_mobilechanged an ran no errors18:07
cryptodan_mobileyeah i think i need to find away to update via cd18:21
RussellB280203<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth18:24
RussellB280203With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/18:24
rbasakahasenack: yeah I noticed that. I think the -v must have been wrong. I thought I'd copied and pasted it. If it wrong then IIRC it ends up taking the whole lot or something.18:42
ahasenackrbasak: was that with g-u build-source?18:45
steev11<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:14
jak2000hi all my Box always start in recovery mode..... need type Ctrl-d for maintentance, how to fix? i do an cat /etc/fstab i try "fcks /dev/pve/root" but say its mounted.... thankshow to get macadress ?19:19
jak2000how to get macadress ?19:19
TJ-jak2000: "ip link show"19:22
mcspud10<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:33
mcspud10With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:33
cryptodan_mobileTJ-: changing shebang didnt work19:35
nacccryptodan_mobile: what? You said earlier that you changed the shebang and it worked, no errors19:36
cryptodan_mobileit ran no errors but no firmware update19:37
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: I think the script, or the tool, is silently terminating early19:48
naccbash -x may help19:51
ululate21<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:53
ululate21With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:53
ululate21I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:53
ululate21or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:53
m712255<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:54
m712255With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:54
m7121529<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:54
18WAA44ZW<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:58
18WAA44ZWWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:58
rikai2510<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth19:58
18WAA44ZWI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:59
rikai2510With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/19:59
18WAA44ZWor maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:59
rikai2510I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/19:59
rikai2510or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/19:59
cryptodan_mobile it failed20:01
cryptodan_mobileit doesnt say why either20:04
mort2<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth20:08
mort2With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/20:08
mort2I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/20:08
mort2or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/20:08
Schroeder1222<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth20:25
Schroeder1222With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/20:25
Waldo20<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth20:34
Waldo20With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/20:34
Waldo20I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/20:34
Waldo20or maybe this blog by freenode staff member Matthew 'mst' Trout https://MattSTrout.com/20:35
cryptodan_mobileim going to have to try from a live ubuntu session from a usb drive20:38
SlowJimmydear freinds, hello! I have reinstalled ubuntu18.04 on my server style home pc... and i kept every partition intact aside from root style folder which i formated and then installed the new installation on...now i want to remount my old partitions and the flders on them like home and /tmp and the like... do i just use rsync to overwrite everything from my backup? do i just use etc/fstab and be done with it? if i do so /fstab editing ...then do i20:45
SlowJimmyneed to remove the pre-existing folders that came with installation? do i just empty them out?20:45
cryptodan_mobileSlowJimmy: reinstall and on the partitioning side select use as ext4 but dont format and select the mount points that will do it for you20:48
SlowJimmytoo late i already overinstalled20:53
SlowJimmywhat about all the stuff in / that has changed?20:53
SlowJimmycan i just overwrite with my rsync-style backup?20:53
SlowJimmycryptodan_mobile: would an etc/fstab-style manual edit work?20:54
aroonihow can i keep my DISPLAY variable set correctly (needed for x11 forwarding) when i use tmux?  it seems when using tmux from different machines or ssh sessions display variable is different each time20:54
cryptodan_mobileSlowJimmy: youd need the guiids20:58
SlowJimmyi got those20:58
SlowJimmythey show up whenever i boot up from my live-usb20:59
SlowJimmyit's part of the path name20:59
SlowJimmythey also come out with bulkid command20:59
cryptodan_mobileitll be far easier to just reinstall and do the above20:59
SlowJimmyok but what does the etc fstab need to find in root for all the mounted folders that are other partitions?21:01
SlowJimmylike say /home do i need to create such a folder?21:01
SlowJimmylike an empty folder? hardlink? symlink? no folder? leave the folder that the installer put there?21:01
cryptodan_mobileSlowJimmy: those would be crested at partition time21:29
Venusaur15<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth21:39
naccSlowJimmy: how many partitions do you have? i'd assume only a few21:41
planetmaker25<+SP9002_@efnet> so, he wants the win. so we're just gonna get lunch or something, then hes gonna push me to the ground and tap my ass with his foot so he can claim he "kicked my ass" tbh im going along with it becase I dont wanna lose any teeth21:48
planetmaker25With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/21:48
SlowJimmycryptodan_mobile:  so best to remove all yet to be mounted partions and the according folders?22:34
cryptodan_mobileSlowJimmy: so what is mounted currently22:43
cryptodan_mobilei asked on dell for my firmware upgrade they said install centos or red hat then update22:59
TJ-cryptodan_mobile: that's crazy!23:02
cryptodan_mobileso i will once they reply with any version23:06
tomreynthere are centos live cd images, e.g. CentOS-7-x86_64-LiveGNOME-1804.iso23:14
cryptodan_mobileyup but its 32bit23:15
cryptodan_mobilenot 6423:16
tomreyn32-bit server?23:16
tomreyndell actually provides apt repositories for ubuntu to install firmware updates to (some but probably not all moderls of their) servers23:17
cryptodan_mobiledell pe460023:17
tomreynthis seems to be EOL from dell's perspective23:21
cryptodan_mobileit is trying to update firmware to see if it mitigates aacraid going offline in newer distros23:23
cryptodan_mobileis there one for the raid controller.  i dont have sasdupie23:40

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