[02:26] hey [02:26] is there a way to set a snap as not stable [02:27] from the dashboard ? [02:27] I was testing the build from github feature... [02:28] is there an unrealease command ? === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk === Galixte is now known as Guest87965 [05:02] morning [07:16] i must be going blind https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yvvV6dwk6D/ [07:30] mvo: hi, hopefully a simple one https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5587 [07:31] mvo: also if you could take a look at this bugfix https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5573 [07:31] mborzecki: this looks good, thank you. do we already block that at the model assertion level as well? [07:32] mborzecki: if not we probably should just to ensure people find out about htis early enough [07:32] mborzecki: aha, the weekday fix - yes, will also look this morning [07:34] mvo: i'll double check the model assertion [07:39] mvo: right, it's not blocked at model assertion yet, i've only added some code around this in image [07:44] mborzecki: hm, image is maybe/probably fine as well [07:44] mborzecki: as long as this is rejected early enough I'm good [07:44] mborzecki: probably makes sense not too have too much policy in the model assertion [07:45] mvo: yeah, so image is there already ;) [07:45] cool [07:45] mvo: came in with this one https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5417 [07:49] * mvo nods === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [08:14] a trivial cleanup https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5588 [08:44] mborzecki: any reason not to restart #5561 ("overlord/snapstate: parallel snap install")? [08:45] Chipaca: nope, restarted it just now [08:54] mborzecki: #5549 plz [08:55] hm i think i have it open already [08:56] nope, the wrappers thing [08:56] Chipaca: you mention ReplaceAllString in pr#5557, content is byte, do you think this is still preferable? or am I misreading your comment? [08:56] mvo: ignore me, i just saw the `[]byte` in the second argument and didn't look at what `content` was [08:57] mvo: I think the only core18 PR that I haven't reviewed is the one by zyga that's got a 'changes requested' from jdstrand [08:57] mvo: is that one a blocker? [08:59] mborzecki: i'm taking a break now, but i'll be going down the parallel instlal prs when i get back [09:00] Chipaca: great :) aside from snapstate the rest is labeled as simple [09:00] which they are [09:04] mborzecki: I tried tagging snapshotstate as simple but it didn't help [09:04] hehe [09:04] * Chipaca goes on that break [10:08] need to go to the car shop for a while, i'm taking my gear so i'll work from there if possible === chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun === chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk [11:01] mvo: regarding https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5589#discussion_r206824163 it's a bit confusing, the code used to use snapName everywhere, then we started uding instanceName wherever changes were introduced (and was applicable), but this place can take either [11:01] mvo: maybe simply using 'name' would be fine there [11:11] * Chipaca goes to see about lunch [11:21] mborzecki: yeah, maybe name is better [11:42] mvo: renamed [12:00] moving back home === Eleventh_Doctor is now known as Pharaoh_Atem [13:25] cachio: ok, so, bug [13:25] cachio: we need to translate -n=all to --no-tail [13:25] Chipaca, yes [13:25] because 14.04 does not support -n=all, but 16.04 does support --no-tail [13:26] i should shell into an 18.04 to check there [13:26] cachio: are you on 18? [13:26] Chipaca, no, but test is passing on 18.04 [13:26] Chipaca, I can start a sell [13:26] shell [13:27] hold on [13:27] cachio: my question was does 18.04's journalctl support --no-tail [13:27] Chipaca, not sure, let me check [13:27] otherwise we can do conditionals but, ew [13:28] Chipaca, 1 min, I am starting a machine [13:29] Chipaca, bionic supports --no-tail [13:29] ok [13:31] mvo, zyga https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/rfc-single-universal-raspberry-pi-gadget-and-image/6634 [13:31] comments appreciated [13:33] ogra: thanks === bads is now known as Guest64780 [13:43] ogra: nice [13:43] ogra: i see what you did there `git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware.git` :) [13:46] mborzecki, thats just what our default gadget does as well :) [13:47] mborzecki, the magic is in config.txt and in the fact that i use the linaro toolchain for the u-boot versions that require a newer gcc [13:47] ogra: wish they hadn't pushed the whole rootfs at one point, now it's there if you a full clone and bloats everyone's downloads [13:47] yeah [13:48] well, my git knowledge is only basic but i bet you can teach git to pull individual files from a tree [13:48] o it would likely be possible to just download one subdir [13:48] *so [13:53] cachio: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5591 (change journalctl -n=all to --no-tail) [13:54] I'd give it the 'easy' tag but of course i changed things around a little as well [13:54] Chipaca, nice, thanks [15:01] ppisati, is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-raspi2/+bug/1784025 actually for 4.4 ? [15:02] oh, it says so in the description ... [15:02] ... reading helps, sorry :P [15:11] jdstrand, hmm, should hardware-observe not allow me to read /proc/device-tree/model ? [15:11] $ cat /proc/device-tree/model [15:11] Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2 [15:12] i think that would be a valuable addition [15:16] ogra: yep, bionic supports it natively [16:15] Chipaca: did I mention yet how nice the small green tickmark looks === jkridner|pd is now known as jkridner [16:51] mvo: next step: make it strobe through a rainbow on May 17 [16:54] * mvo tries to remember what significance May 17 has [16:55] mvo: International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia [16:55] heh, nice! [17:15] Oooh! How can I see the green tick!? :) [17:15] popey: are you back from holidays? [17:15] I am [17:15] popey: snap refresh core --edge [17:16] any chance I can use beta? :) or is it really bleeding edge? [17:16] popey: really not in anything but edge yet [17:17] ok, I'll wait a bit :) [17:17] (i just tried beta to be sure) [17:17] Not ready for the firehose of core edge yet [17:17] popey: you can go and come back (right now it's safe) [17:20] popey: we should have it in beta early next week :) [17:20] Super. === alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD [17:51] ok, eod for me [17:51] ttfn etc [18:03] ogra: something should (but currently doesn't) allow you to read that. it seems hardware-observe would be that thing, unless perhaps system-observe is a better fit. it feels more 'hardware-y' though [22:38] how to remove a specific version of an installed snap? [22:40] FreeBDSM: did you try snap remove? [22:40] FreeBDSM: do it without options and it will tell you what the options are [22:41] one of them does what you want, it seems [22:45] FreeBDSM: by default snapd keeps the current and 2 previous versions of the snap in case it needs to roll back but these are simply cached in /var/lib/snapd/snaps/ and you can delete the .snap files if you want [22:45] (after doing snap remove, of course!) [22:46] good night FreeBDSM ! /me goes to sleep