
Laneyjbicha: ah, how do you imagine us using that?02:13
dufluMorning Laney02:14
Laneyahoy there duflu02:14
jbichaLaney: it needs a LP account and I wouldn't want that LP account to be able to be used to upload to Ubuntu directly so I'm not sure if we'll be able to use the feature :|02:19
Laneyjbicha: indeed, but I'm wondering what we could use it for anyway02:20
jbichait would be nice to get the pristine-tar and upstream/* branches from Debian mirrored automatically to LP for the packages we maintain in LP02:22
Laneythose might not always be in sync with debian if we package an upstream release first02:23
Laneyalthough I have in the back of my head an idea for a script to automatically commit all upstream releases to upstream/ and pristine-tar on the salsa branches02:23
Laneythen we could have those in sync all the time02:24
* Laney syncs glib2.0 \o/02:26
LaneyI'm glad Simon did that one, there were a few tedious problems along the way02:27
Laneyhere goes Shell02:43
* Laney crosses fingers02:45
jbichaLaney: did you see the msg in #ubuntu-release that budgie-desktop will need work for the mutter transition?03:04
LaneyI thought I saw one in here03:25
Laneyoh right03:36
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers06:08
ricotzoSoMoN, hey06:11
ricotzoSoMoN, where are the libreoffice 6.0.6 tarballs coming from?06:12
ricotz(the git tag wasn)06:12
ricotz(the git tag wasn't bumped in debian/rules)06:12
oSoMoNgood morning ricotz06:15
oSoMoNricotz, I might have forgotten to commit the change to debian/rules06:16
oSoMoNlemme fix that06:16
ricotzoSoMoN, ok, the tarball content looks fine06:16
oSoMoNyeah, I have the change locally so the tarballs are built from the right tag06:16
oSoMoNfixed, thanks for catching this06:18
seb128hey again desktopers08:44
seb128being late online but I'm coworking with some GNOME people today :)08:45
TrevinhoCool seb128...08:53
TrevinhoWho's there? Hans and?08:53
=== seb128_ is now known as seb128
seb128hey Trevinho09:04
seb128Trevinho, hans & garnacho09:04
TrevinhoAh... Say them all Hi!09:07
Trevinhoseb128: ^09:07
seb128k :)09:07
ogradoes anyone know where the ttf-ubuntu-font-family content moved ?09:20
jibelogra, ttf-ubuntu-fonts-family has been renamed to fonts-ubuntu in bionic or your talking about another releasE?09:52
seb128ogra, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fonts-ubuntu09:52
ograjibel, no, bionic ... it finally found out myself though :)09:52
ograthanks !09:52
ogra(the french to the rescue !)09:52
seb128andyrock, I got a livepatch notification, seems the fix landed and is working :)09:56
seb128or maybe I had the chmod local hack, I don't remember now :/09:56
andyrockseb128: \o/09:57
andyrockseb128: still in edge09:57
seb128right, but seems to be working at least :)09:57
seb128they should move it to stable09:58
andyrockseb128: I tested the edge channel yeasterday and reported back to them that it's working09:58
Laneyhey seb128 Trevinho oSoMoN andyrock ogra10:01
* ogra waves to Laney 10:02
seb128Laney, ni hao10:02
seb128still having fun at debconf?10:02
Laneyjust been planning some things with doko10:03
seb128sounds scary :p10:05
Laneycorrect reaction10:06
Laneyhow's the eu?10:06
Laneyf-ing dbus-test-runner is broken https://bileto.ubuntu.com/excuses/3342/cosmic.html10:07
seb128eu is nice and warm but not humid!10:08
TrevinhoNot warm down here... Just lovely :)10:08
TrevinhoI wouldn't ever expected to have better weather in Andalucia que anywhere else.10:09
Trevinholike 28°, not humid a bit of wind but not too much...10:09
dufluMorning Trevinho, seb128, andyrock, jibel, oSoMoN, all10:16
seb128hey duflu , how are you?10:16
dufluI was a bit deep in code today to say hello10:16
seb128what are you hacking on?10:16
dufluseb128, going well and now it's Friday night. I should log off soon10:16
dufluseb128, https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/mutter/merge_requests/18910:17
oSoMoNhey all10:21
oSoMoN36.2°C and climbing, it's gonna be a hot day10:22
seb128hey oSoMoN, how are you?10:25
oSoMoNhey seb128, I'm good, how are you?10:28
GunnarHjHi seb128, just want to nudge you about those freshplayerplugin binaries...10:34
seb128oSoMoN, very good, coworking with some GNOME guys today10:34
seb128GunnarHj, let me have a look to that now10:34
GunnarHjseb128: Ok.10:35
seb128GunnarHj, done, let's see10:42
dokoseb128: now that you're aware of update_excuses, component:mismatches and ftbfs, do you know what to do about emacs? ;p10:47
seb128doko, remove it from the archive? :p10:47
seb128who needs emacs when you have gedit!10:47
GunnarHjseb128: Great, crossing my fingers. :)10:47
oSoMoNLaney, when you have a sec, please merge https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/britney/hints-ubuntu-libreoffice/+merge/35229310:48
GunnarHjseb128: There are a couple of pending SRUs too. Will those just work considering that there is nothing previously in -updates?10:49
seb128GunnarHj, SRU for what?10:54
GunnarHjseb128: Similar freshplayerplugin uploads with fewer binaries than in -release.10:55
seb128I don't know if you can delete architectures in a SRU, that's to talk to the SRU team about10:56
GunnarHjseb128: Ok. They are still in the upload queues. Thanks!10:57
seb128doko, do you know why emacs is in main? I wonder why we maintain that at all...11:00
doko$ fgrep -r emacs .11:02
doko./platform.bionic/supported-development-desktop: * emacs11:02
doko./platform.bionic/supported-development-desktop: * emacs2511:02
doko./platform.bionic/supported-development-desktop: * emacs25-el11:02
doko./platform.bionic/supported-development-desktop: * emacs25-nox11:02
doko./platform.bionic/supported-development-desktop: * emacs-goodies-el11:02
dokowant to drop vim too?11:02
dokoyou can do with ed for sure11:02
xnoxseb128, imho, we can't really have "emacs and vim broken on ubuntu" or unsupported, cause it looks awkward.11:03
seb128xnox, I disagree it's a desktop component though11:03
xnoxat one point there were packages building elisp bindings, but with archive reorg, we don't need emacs in main for that.11:04
seb128Laney, Trevinho, that looks buggy11:04
seb128chrome-gnome-shell: chrome-gnome-shell11:04
seb128[Reverse-Recommends: gnome-shell (Uploader: laney) (MAIN)]11:04
xnoxseb128, do you actually mean you disagree that ~desktop-packages is the main subscriber to it?11:04
seb128Laney, Trevinho, chrome-gnome-shell isn't in main for Ubuntu and security nacked that, so it should be downgraded to suggests11:05
xnox(cause it is a graphical editor by default, and many do use it as a graphical x/gtk IDE)11:05
seb128xnox, yes, I think us claiming we support it is a best misleading, in practice we do 0 work and have no knowledge about it11:06
seb128it would be more honest to have it in universe11:06
xnoxseb128, we just had main-subscribers review in portland (?!) maybe you need to re-raise this again up your management chain if you want emacs to be punted on another team.11:08
xnoxseb128, in practice it is well maintained, and we do notice and fix issues if and when they arise (e.g. emacs transitions) yes mostly by working with debian maintainers and via syncs, rather than ubuntu delta, but still.11:08
seb128xnox, right, I'm going to have a look to supported-development-desktop11:09
seb128xnox, I don't know who "we" is but it's not us in desktop11:09
seb128well, the other way is to just ignore that problem and list of packates11:09
seb128since in practice it doesn't mean much anyway11:09
xnoxseb128, the quality expectations there is that it must build; be usable; and have no critical usability bugs in sort of core modes. Nothing too fancy, nor there is need to maintain and support all the little sub modes. Thus it totally makes sense to stay in a "development" seed and in "main"11:12
xnoxseb128, and the people who jump at fixing it, are obviously those that rely on it and happen to be in ~ubuntu-dev with or without ~canonical too.11:12
seb128right, it's good to have emacs in shape and working11:13
seb128I'm not sure having supported-development-desktop makes sense nowadays though11:13
xnoxseb128, why is src:hud and src:unity still in the archive is beyond me =) because imho that is really not maintained anymore =)11:13
seb128I especially don't see vim and emacs as desktop components11:13
seb128but let me put on the list for the next catchup meeting between patricia/steve/willcooke11:14
xnoxwhen i see "development-desktop" i tend to mean "interactive terminal where a person pretends to call themselves a developer uses it"11:14
seb128xnox, there is a bunch of community members that took over unity11:14
xnoxhence i would expect things like: ed, vim, emacs, VSCode, Eclipse -> all in a pile =)11:14
dokosorry, we don't have archive-nannies team yet, so you have to bear with some stuff ...11:15
seb128you mean snaps? :)11:15
seb128doko, emacs doesn't need to be in main though11:15
xnoxseb128, emacs -> only after there is emacs.el "interface" in snapd =)11:16
seb128doko, anyway what's the issue with emacs? it's not ftbfsing nor on update_excuses, it's on component mismatch but our team got subscribed so it basically just need to be promoted?11:16
Laneyseb128: yeh I noticed that too, thx for pointing11:17
Laneyit won't migrate anyway until budgie thing is fixed11:17
xnoxseb128, this is just a package rename, no? emacs25 -> emacs11:17
xnoxbefore that emacs24 was in main11:17
LaneyoSoMoN: not right now, maybe later or someone else can help you (#ubuntu-release), sorry11:17
xnoxand before that 23...11:18
oSoMoNLaney, no worries11:18
TrevinhoLaney: remember this for laters ™️ https://code.launchpad.net/~3v1n0/ubuntu/+source/gnome-shell/+git/gnome-shell/+merge/35144511:36
seb128doko, oh, thanks for the yaru theme MIR review btw!13:24
seb128have a nice w.e desktopers16:49
oSoMoNtime to wrap up, have a good week-end!16:53
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raidensnakesorry to ask but someone needs to build a fix for the intel cherry trail audio for bionic20:43
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