
Mibixbut i assume thats fine since its just cache00:00
Mibixthink that its fine though?00:00
tomreynIntelCore: not really. you said something about "Indicator-Applet-Complete" not working. you also said something about "bionic", which could mean some version of ubuntu 18.04 lts. it is still unclear which software seems to misbehave or how you installed it, how you installed ubuntu, when the issue first happened, what you might have changed to introduce the issue,etc. etc.00:01
IntelCoretomreyn - 16.04.5 upgraded to 18.04.1 and the applet is incorrectly showing the wrong panel for "system-Settings"00:02
gotttomreyn: It did. I'm using cpufreq-aperf to see. None of the cores are resting and they seem to boost wehan i'm playing TORCS at Hi-Res :) Thanks!00:03
tomreynrusty_: it does not seem to be part of the upstream (git-scm.org) source code releases.00:04
nacctomreyn: https://github.com/git/git/blob/master/contrib/completion/git-prompt.sh ; not sure what it gives you, though00:05
tomreynIntelCore: this upgrade path is not yet supported.00:06
tomreynthanks nacc. looks like i missed it, it's in the upstream tarballs in /git-2.9.5/contrib/completion/00:07
tomreynrusty_: there's the bash.completion package, maybe similar functionality is in there.00:08
tomreynIntelCore: maybe show a screen shot, too.00:08
IntelCoreyo tomreyn - still not listed here: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-applet/+question/14034400:09
tomreyngott: you're welcome. if this is a zen cpu architecture, you may want to use a newer kernel (4.17+) to get better frquency indicators.00:09
Mibixehh what is this format this default backup app backups in?00:10
IntelCoreyes I can shoot it00:10
Mibixhow do i get the files if my OS fails?00:10
tomreynIntelCore: what is not listed there?00:10
IntelCorethis problem tom00:10
IntelCoreLemme post pics brb00:11
tomreynMibix: you use duplicity.00:12
Mibixtomreyn i believe im using deja dup?00:12
tomreynMibix: this is a gzip compressed tar archive containing an incremental backup00:12
Mibixyeah i guess you have to use deja dup to retrieve the files?00:13
tomreynMibix: deja-dup is a graphical frontend to duplicity00:14
Mibixim testing a restore00:15
Mibixsee how it works00:15
gottIt's not Ryzen so I think I'll be fine with kernel 4.15 for now :)00:19
Mibixjeez this is taking forever just to prepare the restore :p00:20
gottI'm just very happy that it works Tom (y)00:20
tomreyngott: then i'm happy, too ;)00:22
tomreynMibix: if you're looking for other backup software: restic, boxbackup are also fine. but i dont know whether there are GUIs for those.00:23
ellyachtim somewhat new to the linux scene but can someone point me in the right direction of which ubuntu to get and how to get it00:28
kk4ewtellyacht,  well which one to get is really up to you but 18.04 seems be fine00:32
tomreynellyacht: here's some guidance on the flavors - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFlavors00:33
IntelCoretomreyn ?00:34
tomreynIntelCore !00:34
IntelCorethis the applet info page  https://i.imgur.com/r4Z7Z2D.png00:35
IntelCorethat the Settings panel00:35
tomreynIntelCore: this doesn't look like ubuntu 18.04 to me. is it xubuntu maybe?00:36
IntelCoreno 18.04.1 w. compiz00:36
IntelCorewhat? Flashback-Compiz00:37
tomreynIntelCore: so unity? this is not supported on 18.04 here.00:38
IntelCoretomreyn - the small tv top right is a pull-down menu.. can log-off. souns, other things00:38
IntelCoreno no unity00:39
IntelCoreGnome de flashback-compiz envoronment00:39
IntelCorethat doesnt m not pointing to system settings. atter. the Applet itself is00:40
IntelCoreer, the DE doesnt make it not point to right place00:40
IntelCoreThe Applet goes to get the 'about' panel, instead of 'settings'00:41
IntelCoretomreyn - you know settings is a panel in bionic.00:42
tomreynIntelCore: sorry, i dont think i know enough about compiz to help there. i see compiz is still available in 18.04 so i guess it's still supported, but i dont know wnough about it. i suggest you use apport to report a bug if there is one.00:42
IntelCoreOK, how to do that? appaport?00:43
tomreynrather 'ubuntu-bug compiz' than apport00:43
IntelCorecas it def wrong panels00:43
kk4ewtyou sure that panel is for gnome 3?00:44
IntelCore2010 applet00:44
kk4ewtrather that applett00:44
kk4ewtso most likely not00:44
kk4ewtuse the tweak-tool  and look at gnome-shell-extension00:44
IntelCorekk4ewt - the bionic have system settincs where you find 'devices'00:44
IntelCorethe xenial had a page of icons00:45
kk4ewt18.04 is using gnome3 now not untiy00:45
IntelCoreno that is fine. the applet got nothing to do wid the de00:46
IntelCorein other words, the applet is ontop of any de used00:46
IntelCorethe stuff under it is an info panel00:47
JoshuaDI'm trying to mount a second hard drive on boot by editing fstab. The drive is formatted in NTFS. I had used the follwoing fstab entry successfully on a previous install, but now it causes my system to hang on boot. Any idea what's wrong w/ it?  UUID=<accurate UUID> /d ntfs-3g uid=1000,gid=1000,fmask=0022,dmask=0022,nls=utf800:47
tomreynJoshuaD: i think it should be just 'ntfs' for the type00:48
tomreynwhat IS your system?00:48
JoshuaDUbuntu 18.0400:49
tomreyndoes /d exist by the time it tries to moun tit?00:49
IntelCorekk4ewt - yea, i go, this applet might be in the gnome extensions. but.. It's not00:49
JoshuaDi created an empty directory in /, so I believe so. / is mounted before /d in fstab00:49
tomreynJoshuaD: ok i guess this should wotrk then. try mounting it once you've booted fully, first as it is, then with 'ntfs' instead of 'ntfs-3g', see which one works00:50
IntelCorei like the applet, since the squirell distro.. two years.. no problems.00:51
JoshuaD@tomreyn: that makes sense, let me try it now. Thanks00:51
IntelCoreis -3g for gpt drives?00:52
JoshuaDah. i think i found my mistake. It looks like i forgot the -3g in fstab00:54
JoshuaD`sudo mount -t ntfs-3g -o nls-utf8,umask=0222 /dev/sdb2 /d` works00:54
JoshuaDgonna add the -3g and see if it was just my typo, brb00:54
sonicwindeither ntfs or ntfs-3g should work00:54
tomreynJoshuaD: so what you posted above is not actually what you have in fstab?00:55
JoshuaDYea, i had it saved to a text document for a flatten/reinstall, and I must have messed up the transcription to fstab somehow.00:55
IntelCoreuses the FUSE file system interface, so it can run unmodified on many different operating systems.00:56
IntelCoreso if you did not have vsfuse file system that might cause the hang00:56
tomreynJoshuaD: i see. well, in 18.04.1 mount(8)'s NTFS section does not discuss 'fmask' either (nor does the global / general section). there is 'umask', though.00:57
tomreyn(fmask exists for vfat)00:58
tomreyn<tomreyn> JoshuaD: i see. well, in 18.04.1 mount(8)'s NTFS section does not discuss 'fmask' either (nor does the global / general section). there is 'umask', though.00:58
JoshuaDYup. That was the mistake. Thanks for the help guys <300:58
tomreyn(fmask exists for vfat)00:58
gottRhythmbox is extremely slow, why is this?00:59
IntelCoreI went, tomreyn.. into developer mode on 16.04, and suddenly had mount trouble. As soon as I found the setting that got me out of systemd operating, the mount problem cleared up00:59
IntelCore(got out of advanced mode)01:00
JoshuaD@tomreyn: people here are saying ntfs uses all three: https://askubuntu.com/questions/113733/how-do-i-correctly-mount-a-ntfs-partition-in-etc-fstab01:00
JoshuaD"Permissions for ntfs and vfat file systems must be set with the dmask, fmask and umask options. dmask controls permissions for directories, fmask controls permissions for files, and umask controls both"01:00
Mibixtomreyn you cant just restore a few files in the gui it looks like01:01
Mibixyou have to restore all or nothing?01:01
tomreynJoshuaD: there's alöways a chance the man page got out of date. i was juts looking at --help, too, but its not very telling01:01
IntelCorei would use -3g if you had it before. hard to say01:02
JoshuaDYea, that was the mistake I made. It wanted -3g and I had forgotten it.01:03
tomreynMibix: https://askubuntu.com/questions/181272/is-it-possible-to-restore-only-one-directory-with-the-backup-utility01:04
hanasaki1Unable to init server: Broadway display type not supported <= what is this display?01:05
tomreynJoshuaD: the infodoc is identical to mount(8) for all i can tell, so... i guess as long as 'mount' does not complain, it'll be fine.01:06
Mibixtomreyn i dont see that option but im using nemo not nautilus :/01:06
IntelCoredisplay.. the monitor? or, the DE of the system using xorg, gnome, lightdm?01:06
IntelCoreit's not starting a display.. in any case01:07
Mibixahh i do see it in nautilus though01:08
tomreynMibix: hmm right, you'd need to use nautilus for this GUI integration to work, i guess01:08
IntelCorehanasaki1 ? like this? " Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:  "01:09
JoshuaD@tomreyn, thnx for the help, appreciate it01:10
tomreynwelcome, Josh01:10
IntelCorehanasaki1 - Maybe try passing the -vv option to ssh when you connect, this prints verbose debug messages, you should see several comments about X11 forwarding while connecting01:11
IntelCoreIf X11Forwarding is not specified, the default is no on the Debian machines01:12
Mibixso tomreyn if i lose my whole linux drive and i have all this backed up externally with deja vu I can restore it one i reinstall ubuntu on a new drive?01:13
Mibixits deja vu isnt tied to the OS/drive somehow?01:13
IntelCorelet me send these png pastes to show the applet bug01:15
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
tomreynMibix: It's "Déja Dup", to be precise. As long as you'll install a version of déja dup and duplicity (and their dependencies, i guess, but ignore this for now) which are the same or a newer version, i'd expect restoring your data to work on any linux distro.01:16
tomreynMibix: (there could be (much) newer duplicity + déja dup releases which drop support for old features, though)01:17
hanasaki1similar.. if my local display that works is "DISPLAY=:1"   what shold i set on the remot machine?01:17
tomreynMibix: you'll best consult their documentation sot know for sure. but i'd expect the same and newer ubuntu releases to support restoring your old backups, unless ubuntu release notes would say different.01:18
hanasaki1export DISPLAY=localhost:1   and xhost + fails..   this succeeds export DISPLAY=:101:21
IntelCoretedg ?01:26
smacktalknot sure why my dvd drive isn't working....it worked with kali and linux mint.01:27
IntelCoreahahah.. tedg wrote this indicator applet01:27
IntelCorehe's irc.freenode01:27
IntelCorehmm. now to see if he's online01:28
IntelCoreyes. he's away01:29
leftyfbIntelCore: lets do without the inner monologue01:30
guest101Hello im going to install ubuntu on my hp laptop its preinstalled with bloatware on windows 10 but has a hidden windows 10 key if i reinstall will this remove the key from the laptop01:30
IntelCoreoo. soz. Ted Gould?01:30
leftyfbIntelCore: please stop. As you've been told multiple times. This is a support channel. Please keep on topic or go to #ubuntu-offtopic01:31
leftyfbguest101: They "key" is just Microsoft registering your pc as having been installed with Windows 10. You should be fine. Or go ask in #microsoft for more details01:32
guest101its my understanding they either put in a the bios or a hidden partition on the hard drive but im not sure01:33
pragmaticenigmaAlso, newer machines have the Windows install key stored in a special area within the BIOS. There are ways to retrieve the key in case you need to refer to it later.01:34
leftyfbguest101: again, they don't put anything anywhere on your pc. Also again, your question has to do with Windows and not Ubuntu. Go to Microsoft for more details about Windows 10 registrations01:34
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: machines preinstalled with Windows 7 (after late 2012), Windows 8 and 8.1, Windows 10 have their product key stored in BIOS. Common instructions to retrive the key usually point to using a Linux based live CD like ubuntu01:37
pragmaticenigma"sudo cat /sys/firmware/acpi/tables/MSDM" will return a key if it is there01:37
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: First, I'm pretty sure what you're referring to is only a thing in Windows 10. Not 7 and I don't think 8. Second, he was asking if he installs Ubuntu will his "key" still be there. The answer is yes, if it was there to begin with.01:38
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I know it's a windows 7 thing, as the machine I'm using right now was a windows 7 machine prior to wiping and installing Ubuntu01:39
pragmaticenigmaI agree part of their questioning was ot... but felt the "they don't put anything on your pc" wasn't entirely true01:40
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: if it's an OEM, then the OEM cd will install without a problem. But I'm pretty sure that doesn't mean there's any sort of key stored in the BIOS. Not sure pre-Windows 10. I could be wrong, but I don't think so01:40
leftyfbthey don't put anything on your pc. If anything, it's put there by the OEM during BIOS/firmware flashing. Not by Microsoft.01:40
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: You are right it is an OEM feature, Windows merely seeks out the key during install01:41
leftyfbI think the thing they were referring to was Windows 10 specific. If you had a PC with a retail license of Windows 7 (no key stored in acpi) and then upgraded to or fresh installed Windows 10, that pc is now registered and you will be able to always installed Windows 10 without a license key. Windows did not put a key anywhere, but they "registered" your pc. You'll need to activate while online or call Microsoft.01:42
willboa noite01:43
pragmaticenigmaleftyfb: I'm telling you, I have a OEM machine that came with Windows 7, it did not come with a product key sticker. The Product Key is retreivable from that command I just listed01:43
leftyfbwill: can we help you with something?01:44
leftyfbpragmaticenigma: you can get the key right now from it?01:44
leftyfbdidn't know OEM's worked that way01:45
leftyfbInteresting thing, I always just reinstalled with an OEM cd and never had a problem01:45
pragmaticenigmathat link is the documentation for it :-)01:45
pragmaticenigmaOEM isn't a requirement.. .I think the only requirement is the machine must be UEFI capable01:46
leftyfbOEM is a requirement for pre-windows 1001:46
leftyfbnon-OEM's will not store anything anywhere but online01:46
leftyfbanyway, off to bed. Rough day. Had a systemic reaction after getting my allergy shots. Boy that isn't pretty.01:47
pragmaticenigmatake care leftyfb ... i'm not far behind01:50
platzhow can i find what the version of a package is under a given distribution, say xenial  or bionic ?02:00
Bashing-omplatz: https://packages.ubuntu.com/ .02:03
=== emoshun is now known as strive
AciD`hey guys, I'm trying to setup NFS on my VPS (following https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-an-nfs-mount-on-ubuntu-16-04), but when I run `systemctl restart nfs-kernel-server` I get this error : ""Job for nfs-server.service failed because the control process exited with error code. See "systemctl status nfs-server.service" and "journalctl -xe" for details.02:14
AciD`and the details systemctl error message : http://paste.debian.net/1036497/02:16
AciD`nevermind, I had a superfluous ',' in the /etc/exports file..02:17
on3pkI'm trying to setup an ssh tunnel. I'm using the command: ssh -g -R<webportonyourserver>:localhost:<webportonyourpi> -p <yoursshserversport> <vpsuser>@<vpsip>  But using netstat shows that SSH is only ever listening on
on3pkso I can never access the tunneled server from the wider internet02:44
=== capella|away is now known as capella
someone_Hi, Is this command causes any problem?    echo 1 > /sys/devices/system/cpu/microcode/reload03:36
Viking667I'm scratching my head on this audio problem. 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04, motherboard audio device, USB headphones. When the OS starts up, it insists on using the USB headset as primary sound device and the user has to manually reset the default device to the motherboard device. The even weirder bit is that Google Chrome uses the motherboard soundcard. So, what do I need to look at?03:55
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
TJ-How the heck do we recover on a UEFI system when the locally-built GRUB core image (grubx64.efi) what includes the cryptodisk module, has been replaced by the prebuilt signed Canonical version (which ommits that module!) ? I've removed the signed packages twice now and still they come back on upgrades and break the system!04:25
swift110hey all04:38
lotuspsychjegood morning swift110 how can we help you?04:39
swift110how r u lotuspsychje04:39
lotuspsychjehey ErgoX__04:41
lotuspsychjeEriC^^: hey04:42
TJ-ahh, here we are  Bug #156595004:52
ubottubug 1565950 in grub2 (Ubuntu) "Grub 2 fails to boot a kernel on a luks encrypted volume with Secure Boot enabled" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/156595004:52
lotuspsychjenice find TJ-04:53
TJ-The double-pain is somehow the grub -signed- packages got reinstalled after I removed all traces... twice!04:54
TJ-I'm currently investigating if I can bootstrap from a USB that has the modules on it, taken from my other encrypted laptops04:55
lotuspsychjeTJ-: is this what happens? https://askubuntu.com/questions/789998/16-04-new-installation-gives-grub-efi-amd64-signed-failed-installation-target04:55
TJ-no, that's related to installing the OS04:57
iDontKnowYHi there05:22
sam__can you help me05:35
=== shawn is now known as Guest15980
red-00120With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/06:28
war10ck--_Here we go again..06:28
=== capella is now known as capella|away
kunwon114With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/07:09
kunwon114I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/07:09
kunwon114Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate07:09
Lord_of_Life28With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/07:11
Lord_of_Life28I thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/07:11
Lord_of_Life28Read what IRC investigative journalists have uncovered on the freenode pedophilia scandal https://encyclopediadramatica.rs/Freenodegate07:11
=== amosbird_ is now known as amosbinrd
=== amosbinrd is now known as amosbird
qswzctrl+alt+t open a new terminal tab, is there a shortcut to open a new terminal window?07:24
qswzno one inspired I can see07:27
rud0lf21With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/07:28
qswzexcept spammers07:28
mceierqswz: ctrl+shift+n (it works in gnome-terminal)07:29
qswzyou win07:30
anumertasI have trouble. can somebody help me08:04
=== michele is now known as Guest69327
fath0mHello. Could somebody help me fix a problem I have with Xubuntu 18.04.1? My touchpad does not seem to have an option to disable it while typing, xfce settings seem to be crap and even if i check it, it does not work. Xinput does not have this option, only palm detection is available, I don't know why, but on Xubuntu my touchpad is using synaptic drivers and on Ubuntu 18.04.1 (gnome) it uses libinput, is there a08:14
fath0mpossibility to switch from synaptics to libinput?08:14
fath0mor maybe get disable while typing in any other way08:14
olisfath0m: have you tried using synclient to set options instead of any UI settings app?08:32
TJ-olis: fath0m left before your response. The solution is to add /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/99-touchpad.conf with Section "InputClass", MatchIsTouchpad "yes", Option "DisableWhileTyping" "yes", EndSection  (see 'man libinput' and 'man xorg')08:35
olisTJ-: well from their message I thought the problem was with the Xubuntu setup using synaptic, not with the libinput based setup. But I might have misunderstood that.08:39
TJ-Xorg uses libinput on Xubuntu too, but the XFCE control panel has no options to control the DisableWhileTyping function unfortunately08:44
TJ-If it is using synaptic then I suspect the user selected that. On all of my Xubuntu's it uses libinput08:44
DarthGandalf27With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/08:48
qwebirc98826How to install lame on the 18.4 live USB system?09:06
TJ-qwebirc98826: what is lame? a package? if so, "sudo apt install lame"09:06
qwebirc98826yes a package, but it cant be found09:07
=== ramon is now known as Guest92448
TJ-qwebirc98826: maybe you need to enable "universe" in Software Properties?09:09
TJ-!info lame | qwebirc9882609:09
ubottuqwebirc98826: lame (source: lame): MP3 encoding library (frontend). In component universe, is optional. Version 3.100-2 (bionic), package size 49 kB, installed size 129 kB09:09
qwebirc98826ok, i'll try to find this option09:11
qwebirc98826That worked. Thank you!09:18
robinkWith our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/09:19
robinkI thought you guys might be interested in this blog by freenode staff member Bryan 'kloeri' Ostergaard https://bryanostergaard.com/09:19
coolchrisi had a machine i used livepatch on but no more access to that machine how can i disable license09:42
coolchristo get my license back so i can stilll use 309:44
aibis it safe to delete broken symlinks in /etc/ssl/certs? is there a utility or package post-install trigger that would do it for me automatically? I'm trying to work around a dotnet core bug09:48
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:53
id3here is afternoon09:55
sfwe not survive09:57
sfbecause of women09:57
id3single problem09:58
sfyou knowb better09:58
lotuspsychjesf: stop that please09:58
sfoh right09:59
lotuspsychjesf: only ubuntu support questions here09:59
sfi have ubuntu09:59
sflive cd09:59
war10ckww-Is there a way to resize a terminal despite the client running inside (i.e htop) ?09:59
sfi can use terminal09:59
war10ckww-What I mean, is resize the terminal only, to hide certain parts of the client09:59
war10ckww-Unless there is a way to do this in htop, I want expand the CPU Mem Swp bars to the right, to have actual space between 1234MemSwp and the bar, but I can't.10:02
war10ckww-I'm using the default terminal under 18.04, maybe I need to switch to a more flexible terminal ?10:04
lotuspsychjewar10ckww-: perhaps use terminator10:05
war10ckww-I will test it10:06
=== shannara_ is now known as shannara
=== shannara_ is now known as shannara
JensIs there a tracking bug for 16.04=>18.04 upgrades? Best I could find was searching for tag:xenial2bionic.10:19
JensAlso: In case I want to try my luck, can I force do-release-upgrade to install 18.04 at gunpoint?10:21
alex27hello guys, help me please troubleshoot the issue: I can't login to the system via normal graphical mode, only via tty or rescue mode. I've go my system hang and after reboot here I am. It was ubuntu 17.10, I've done dist-upgrade, now It's ubuntu 18 but still I'm not able to login. please advice10:30
guivercalex27, i can't help if its graphics related; but first I'd check you have some free disk space in $HOME (your user directory), ie. `df -h`  (disk free -human output (cause I prefer it)) ; if there is no free space for temporary work files, you get logged out (ie. login loop)10:32
alex27guiverc, thanks, yeah, I have plenty of free space.10:32
guivercJens yes you can (look up -d option); but you'll get offered it very soon...10:33
guivercalex27, if your user directory?   space in / won't help; temporary files are created in user home directory...  (just checking)10:34
alex27I thought that it's bug in systemd-login package with version 23410:36
alex27but update didn't help10:36
eugenio_how can I check in which disck grub is installed? consider I have a raid1 configured via sw10:36
guiverceugenio_, grub stage 1 is MBR of boot drive (defined by your bios/eufi), grub stages 1.5 & 2 are stored in /boot - both of which you control (/boot during install, mbr via bios) - otherwise I miss your questions purpose10:38
alex27guiverc I don't get even password box to enter password. only purple screen10:39
guivercokay alex27, yuk (I'm useless at graphics..), I'd switch to tty & login there, then scan `dmesg`, `journalctl -a` for clues... but I'm not good at guiding at that sorry...  if you have specific questions I may be better, but I just scan until i see the issue...10:42
alex27I've spend whole day yesterday but I'm not good at spotting graphics issues (Don't know Xserver internals nor Wayland architecture)10:43
alex27but still thanks for help10:44
alex27will wait for a while10:44
guiverc:) - sorry I couldn't help more...10:44
alex27maybe you know what's the difference between safe mode and normal one in terms of graphics?10:45
alex27I need any point to start digging from10:45
guivercalex27, sorry - I'd have to search online to find an answer ...10:47
alex27got it, thanks10:47
=== blade is now known as Guest7467
aloo_shualex27: could try to start graphical session from the safe mode, just to see the errors10:49
alex27> to see the errors <-- where can I look for them?10:49
aloo_shubut if you've spent a day on it, you've probably tried10:49
alex27there are tons of info (busctl monitor gives ~2mb text file)10:50
alex27I easily could miss something10:50
aloo_shusome of them with dmesg , then /var/log - but my idea was to see the output when you manually start a graphical session, best by calling the screenmanager aka login manager, alex2710:52
alex27oh, I see. I know that couple years ago it was enought to run xstart, but what about now?10:53
aloo_shuor, when you get your pink screen hang, you can try ctrl+alt+F1 and see if that still works10:54
BluesKajor F210:54
BluesKajF1 probly won't10:54
alex27right now my X server seems to be on F2, and that's strange for me. I've been expecting to see it on ctrl+alt+f710:55
aloo_shualex27: startx, xstart are both worth a try, but in my experience you -either get problems for starting a session as root, - or if you change user, X won't start because you aren't root10:56
alex27systems so complicated right now, that we have to know a bunch of different things just to be able to launch Xserver, lol10:57
aloo_shubut if you have tty while graphical login hangs, you can get brighter with dmesg now10:58
aloo_shuI used to start an Xserver with just an xterm on it as root, and then su to my user and start session from that xterm10:59
alex27ok, going to try something. will be back in a few minutes (hopefully)11:01
aloo_shuprobably one could also use systemd start and stop this or that now - but who has really learned it?11:03
gsvtesthas anyone else had issues installing acpid on 18.04? it seems that on first install it cannot connect to acpid.socket even if the acpid.socket is up and running. This breaks apt as part of the postinstall is starting the service :(11:06
gsvtestspecifically, syslog/journald just say "acpid.service: Got no socket."11:06
gsvtest it seems like it does a daemon-reload of systemd which then says socket unit config has changed and socket is not function until restarted11:13
gsvtest* during install/purge11:14
Platonides23With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/11:15
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
brainwashgsvtest: could be bug 176039111:20
ubottubug 1760391 in acpid (Ubuntu) "package acpid 1:2.0.28-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176039111:20
eugenio_guiverc, actually I would like to know in which device grup is installed. That's why I have just concluded the ubuntu 18.08 installation where I set my two disks in raid1. During the partition stage I created: bootgrub partition (150Mb) and raid partition of the rest of the disk. I did it the same for the second disk. Then I set the raid md0 as /. During the installation I saw a message pointing at the installation of grub in /dev/s11:22
eugenio_da /dev/sdb, so my question. I want to be sure I have grub installed in both the dedicated partitions (bootgrub).11:22
qwebirc16410syslog size is 585 MB and still increasing11:23
brainwashqwebirc16410: what lines does it add?11:23
qwebirc16410wait a minutes it loading...11:25
alex27no luck guys. now I even can't to login to tty from my local machine, only via ssh from another one11:25
qwebirc16410it occures PCIe bus error11:26
BazmanFilled my 20GB root partition after 2 days! Was trying to free more space but something has gone wrong and now system won't boot!11:28
Bazman I put installation CD in to sort out the partitions and reinstall but every time it takes me to the try ubuntu option?11:28
gigirockBazman, from try ubuntu you can install and repartition stuff11:30
brainwashqwebirc16410: maybe you can resolve this error, so that it stops flooding your log11:31
Bazmangigirock: can you please run me through it11:31
leftyfbqwebirc16410: tail -f /var/log/syslog >> /tmp/syslog.log11:32
leftyfbqwebirc16410: run that for a moment then paste the /tmp/syslog.log to pastebin11:32
gigirockBazman, the 'try ubuntu' option gives you a complete ubuntu desktop where you can work smoothly11:32
leftyfbBazman: in "try ubuntu" there should be an icon on the desktop that lets you install ubuntu11:33
BazmanOK but I'm not 100% sure what I am doing with the partitioning (I tried doing it myself but clearly screwed things up)11:33
Bazmanleftyfb: OK one sec11:34
gigirockBazman, errors are learning moments11:34
leftyfbBazman: If you've filled up your 20G root, then it sounds like you also have /home on the same partition. Are you trying to repartition so you have /home on another partition separate from root?11:34
hoodedicerunescape is a trash program that depends on libcurl3 and that refuses to install because I have libcurl4 on my system like a sane person11:37
hoodedicebut my friends play runescape so I need to get it running because social pressures11:37
hoodediceI grabbed libcurl3 from ubuntu packages but it conflicts with libcurl4 if I try to install it. So how should I proceed from here?11:38
nerdydevI use wine for runescape11:38
nerdydevgrab the windows client11:39
lotuspsychjehoodedice: check playonlinux, wine11:39
gigirockBazman, are you talking from the ubuntu system ?11:39
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Bazmanleftyfb: that was the plan but I think I'm just gonna repartition with root and swap just seems to be easier11:39
Bazmangigirock: yes ubuntu 18.0411:40
hoodedice...is there a solution that doesn't require a wrapper on a variant of the program that will probably be better supported?11:40
hoodedice(yes I am seeing the irony in what I am saying)11:40
brainwashhoodedice: contact the runescape devs11:41
Bazmangigirock/leftyfc: the icon install release I double click on it and nothing is happening?11:41
nerdydevbrainwash: they do not suport linux at all, they would just refuse you11:41
hoodediceI'll shout at them on twitter, that will do something11:41
lotuspsychjehoodedice: we advice not to install package versions not meant for your ubuntu version, cause it will scramble your system11:41
hoodedicejust like how it solved world hunger and poverty11:42
hoodedicelotuspsychje, I was getting desperate :shrug:11:42
brainwashnerdydev: is that an unofficial client then?11:42
hoodediceit is not11:42
TehNut11With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/11:42
brainwashif you want some workaround, read through bug 175429411:43
ubottubug 1754294 in curl (Ubuntu) "After last updated libcurl3 on libcurl4, some apps are removed." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175429411:43
hoodedicebut their "official client for linux" has an invalid GPG key on the repository to begin with11:43
nerdydevbrainwash: it is java based so anyplace java runs it will. but they don't provide any suport for linux users11:43
hoodediceno, nerdydev I'm talking about the NXT client11:43
nerdydevthey do have a section on there forums if you are a member11:43
nerdydevoh sorry hoode11:43
hoodedicethere _is_ an unofficial java client maintained by some fans, but IIRC it can only run rs2/oldschool11:44
hoodediceand then again11:44
hoodedice> java11:44
ioriaBazman, what you mean 'nothing is happening' ?11:45
* nerdydev tryes not to get offtopic and starts to rant how rs 2 > rs3 ....11:45
gigirockBazman , press ctrl atl t11:46
Bazmanioria: I double left click on install release , initially the icon reacts but it doesn't appear to do anything after than11:47
Bazmanioria: I double left click on install release , initially the icon reacts but it doesn't appear to do anything after that11:47
Bazmangigirock: done11:47
gigirockBazman, if a terminal appear please run inxxi -D | termbin.com 99911:47
gigirockBazman, send here the resulting link11:48
ioriaBazman, it should start the installer .... unless there are acpi or ram issues11:48
hoodediceI shouted at them on twitter https://twitter.com/hoodedice/status/102534800280488755211:50
hoodedicego like, share, subscribe, and hit that bell icon11:50
lotuspsychjehoodedice: keep it ontopic here please11:50
hoodediceif I shout at ubuntu will that be fine?11:51
lotuspsychjehoodedice: only use this channel if you have a real question11:51
gigirockBazman, have you the link ?11:52
ioriahoodedice, yes, 3 and 4 conflic, why don'y you just use 3  ?11:52
hoodedicelotus said "we advice not to install package versions not meant for your ubuntu version, cause it will scramble your system" and I agree11:53
ioria!info libcurl311:53
ubottulibcurl3 (source: curl3): easy-to-use client-side URL transfer library (OpenSSL flavour). In component universe, is optional. Version 7.58.0-2ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 232 kB, installed size 688 kB11:53
Bazmangigirock: I seem to hace set up with wrong keybaord I can't find the vertical line!!!11:53
Bazmangigirock: How can I change to a UK keyboard?11:54
hoodedicewait a second11:54
hoodedicenever mind I'm an idiot11:54
hoodediceI should've tried to apt install libcurl3 before I looked elsewhere11:54
gigirockBazman, can you cut and paste the command ?11:54
hoodedicebecause it worked11:54
ioriaBazman, setxkbmap gb11:55
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=== marbug is now known as Marbug
Bazmantnx ioria11:56
leftyfbBazman: how big is your hard drive?11:56
Bazmangigirock: it says inxxi not found?11:57
ioriaBazman, you need to installit11:57
Bazmanleftyfb: 1TB split equally between windows and ubuntu11:57
BazmanI'm happy to format the ubuntu section and completely reinstall I just don't want to do anything to the windows part in the process11:58
gigirockBazman, if a terminal appear please run fdisk -l | termbin.com 99911:58
leftyfbBazman: ok, then why are you messing with partitions? You should wipe all the partitions you had for ubuntu after the Windows partitions and just let Ubuntu take care of the rest of it (guided install)11:58
ioriaBazman, and is inxi  not inxxi11:58
leftyfbgigirock: lsblk might be best11:58
leftyfbBazman: unless you know you have a specific need to have a separate /home from /root then there's no need. And if you've got at least 8G of memory, don't worry about swap. Let ubuntu handle all that.11:59
Bazmangigirock: when I try fdisk -l | termbin.com 999 is says cannotopen dev/loop0: permission denied all the way up to loop712:04
leftyfbBazman: use sudo12:04
m4v2With our IRC ad service you can reach a global audience of entrepreneurs and fentanyl addicts with extraordinary engagement rates! https://williampitcock.com/12:04
leftyfbBazman: but again, I think using lsblk instead of fdisk will be more usefull12:05
Bazmangigirock: cannot open sda permission denied and finally termbin.com command not found12:05
TJ-gigirock: Bazman missing out "nc" in that command :)12:05
TJ-Bazman: "sudo fdisk -l | nc termbin.com 9999"12:05
TJ-Bazman: fdisk output is fed to netcat (nc) which sends it to termbin.com on port 9999, which returns a URL you can view the data at12:06
hoodediceleftyfb, depends if 8GB RAM is enough to not have swap12:08
ioria59.6G Linux swap12:08
Bazmanshould I do sudo for inxi as well?12:08
TJ-ioria: not necessarily; that only reflects te partition type code12:09
hoodediceI use firefox debugger and vscode and sometimes these two programs can fill up memory on their own and even crash the system12:09
hoodediceadding a swap partition did wonders for system stability12:09
TJ-hoodedice: same with building Android :)12:10
hoodedicedo you do that often?12:10
Bazmanleftyfb: I have more than 8gb ram so more than happy for ubuntu to handle that I just want the simplest and stablest set up possible12:10
ioriaTJ-, you mean it's NOT a 60 gigabyte swap  partion ?12:10
hoodediceI mean, if I was building android I wouldn't be doing it on a laptop with haswell i7u and 8GB of memory12:10
TJ-ioria: it could be anything. Bazman what does "sudo blkid /dev/sda6" report ?12:11
ioriaand efi it's too small, afaik12:11
BazmanThere is currently a 60GB swap partition the rule of thumb i read was 1.5*your ram12:11
TJ-Bazman: you only need 1.5 (actually 1.1x is usually enough) if you want to hibernate to disk12:11
TJ-Bazman: the swapfile is used to save the RAM image before power-off, and is read from there on boot when the hibernate image is detected12:12
ioriaBazman, and also lsblk might be useful12:12
Bazmansudo blkid /dev/sda6 gives type swap12:14
TJ-Bazman: OK, that confirms it is humungous!12:15
TJ-Bazman: do you want to hibernate that PC?12:15
TJ-Bazman: oh, and how much RAM does it have?12:15
ioriaguess 812:15
BazmanAt the moment only 16bg but I may expand in time12:15
BazmanThat's whay I made the swap drive so big based on the 1.5* Ram rule12:16
hoodedicewhat will you be doing on that system?12:16
BazmanHappy to just have a one big root drie it that's easiest12:16
hoodedice16 * 1.5 = 24...12:16
TJ-Bazman: on 18.04 Ubuntu prefers a swap *file* not a partition, so I'd let it use a file then it can adjust it as needed12:16
Tin_manthats funny (only 16gb of memory). I remember when 128KB was the norm. My computer maxes out at 16gb.12:17
hoodediceTJ-, file?12:17
gsvtestbrainwash: indeed it does, thanks12:17
TJ-Bazman: or if you want a raw block device, use LVM and create a Logical Volume that can be lvextend-ed later12:17
hoodediceis there a setting for it to use a file instead of partition? That would be so much more convenient12:17
ioriaBazman, can you paste  " lsblk  | nc termbin.com 9999 "12:17
alex27guys, I've installed xdm and now I'm able to login. but don't know how to check what's the problem12:17
hoodediceTin_man, I want to introduce you to Windows 10 where you need at least 8GB of RAM in order to have a barely usable system12:18
Bazmanran lbslk12:18
ioriahoodedice, on single boot is in the automatic partitioning scheme; on manual might be different12:19
BazmanI'm on two diffent PCs at the moment going to try and open freenode on the actual PC so that I can cut and paste12:19
TJ-hoodedice: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes/#Other_base_system_changes_since_16.04_LTS12:19
TJ-Bazman: can you just ssh over to the other PC?12:20
Bazman<Bazman> http://www.termbin.com/lk9i12:21
TJ-hoodedice: in terms of creating a swap-file, it's just an 'fallocate ...; mkswap ...; and add entry to /etc/fstab12:21
BazmanTJ: or if you want a raw block device, use LVM and create a Logical Volume that can be lvextend-ed later (not usre what you mean here ?)12:23
razieliyoI am having a different error each time I boot: https://imgur.com/a/oVVlYKV12:23
razieliyoI'm startin to fear that it might be a hardware issue, but windows runs fine12:23
BazmanThe hibernation thing sounds nice but not critical to my needs I just want things to be as simple as possible12:24
TJ-Bazman: one of the install options is to use LVM (Logical Volume Management). If so, a swap device can be created as a Logical Volume (LV) which can later be increased in size using the 'lvextend' command12:24
razieliyothose images are 4 different boots, just in case it rings some bells on anyone12:24
BazmanOK that would seem to give the most flexibility12:24
=== Rootyjr is now known as boogle
TJ-razieliyo: thats a bug in the PC's firmware, in its ACPI DSDT code12:25
DbuggerI have a Synology NAS, and when I try to access the folders, I go to "Other locations", and sometimes they appear there, and sometimes it doesnt12:25
DbuggerDoes anybody know why??12:25
razieliyobut mainly: TJ- oh, thanks for the light12:25
TJ-Bazman: but an LV is still pre-allocated. A file can be altered in size as needed12:25
Bazmanfyi: There is also a second 6BG drive that I planned to keep documents on it's currently disconnected to stop me installing on the wrong drive12:25
BazmanOK happy to go with the file option12:26
=== boogle is now known as Rootyjr
TJ-razieliyo: I'm going to guess it's because the PC firmware expects to be hosting Microsoft Windows and doesn't enable everything when the OS says "I'm Linux!" - there is a a workaround that may help you; read: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html12:27
razieliyoTJ-, I guess I'll need to update the firmware or something12:27
razieliyothanks TJ-12:27
razieliyoTJ-, thing is I sometimes can enter the system12:27
TJ-razieliyo: let us know if that solves it, or not, so we know for other people with the same issue12:27
razieliyoin fact I tried this a bunch of times with many ubuntu based distros12:27
TJ-razieliyo: right, things can be unstable and plain weird12:27
razieliyookay, I'll try to search, I just gave up a while ago and I am stuck now on windows in the laptop :/12:27
TJ-razieliyo: acpi_osi= as detailed in my article seems to solve 85% of this kind of issue12:28
razieliyoTJ-, much thanks, now at least I know my PC is not broken, because it doesn't even have a year12:28
TJ-razieliyo: it assumes you can at least boot the LiveISO installer though12:28
razieliyoI just was hoping this is a issue with newer hardware12:29
razieliyoTJ-, just a question, can this have something to do with secure boot?12:29
ioriaTJ-, Bazman   am i blind ?  i don't see root here    ->> http://www.termbin.com/lk9i12:30
Bazmansorry so you still need inxi?12:30
TJ-razieliyo: ACPI DSDT is code stored in the firmware (UEFI or BIOS) that the host OS has to execute to configure devices and power management. Manufacturers have taken to detecting which OS version is the host to enable functionality, and they usually only enable everything for Windows OS. Linux gets some default minimal set in most cases.12:30
razieliyoah yes, I was reading your article, very informative12:30
ioriaBazman, inxi -Fxxprzc0|  nc termbin.com 999912:31
Bazmanioria: There was a root this morning, but when I maxed out the 20BG partition I  tried to enlarge it but seems I've borked it!12:31
ioriai see12:31
TJ-ioria: /dev/loop0, it's the installer, using squashfs on /rofs12:32
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razieliyoTJ-, I will probably not try it just right now but when I do, I'll come here and let you know12:32
razieliyoI probably can enter the system via recovery mode12:33
TJ-razieliyo: or try booting with a liveISO since that must have worked once to install - unless it was installed whilst on another motherboard12:34
ioriaBazman, back to the original issue, you are now trying to reinstall, but the desktop installer it's not working right ?12:34
Bazman<ioria> Bazman, inxi -Fxxprzc0|  nc termbin.com 9999, I get prompted to install inxi but when I try it says E:Unable to locate package inxi12:34
TJ-!info inxi12:34
ubottuinxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.56-1 (bionic), package size 139 kB, installed size 623 kB12:34
ioriaBazman, sudo apt update12:34
TJ-Bazman: you'd need to go into Software Properties and enable the Universe component12:35
ioriaBazman, and if not working, sudo add-apt-repository universe12:35
razieliyook I'll try to do it right now TJ- since you provide that quick script12:35
ioriaBazman, and sudo apt update again12:36
TJ-right, I need to go. If razieliyo reports back on his ACPI issue let me know - thanks12:37
Bazman<ioria> Bazman, back to the original issue, you are now trying to reinstall, but the desktop installer it's not working right ? that's correct12:40
BazmanI'm happy to format everything in the ubuntu section but don't want to affect the windows section in anyway12:40
ioriaBazman, well, if the installer not starting,you cannot do anything :þ12:41
sgnis this normal that 18.04 with awesome wm (no composite) use around 600mb to 700mb idle, but when I had 12.04 I was around 200mb to 300mb12:41
sgnI see a lot of gnome-shell12:42
ioriaBazman, how did you do the usb pendrive ? with what software ?12:42
BazmanR U serious can't it be done from the command line?12:42
BazmanI used a DVD12:43
ioriaBazman, command line? you mean 'dd' ?  and why a dvd ?12:43
BazmanThe iso image was downloaded from the ubuntu website12:43
razieliyohas anyone access to the log to send me the link TJ gave me? :D12:43
razieliyoit shouldn't be too far12:43
razieliyoit's at isme.tj or something like that12:43
ioriaBazman, dvd are slow12:44
BazmanI only had a DVD to hand I did't think it would make a big difference?12:44
BazmanI realize that now!12:44
jjerazieliyo: http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html12:44
ioriaBazman, ok, how did you do the dvd , then ?12:44
razieliyothanks jje!12:45
razieliyoI managed to enter the desktop even with the recovery mode lol12:45
BazmanI downlaoded the disk iso from the ubuntu website12:45
ioriaok ....12:45
ioriaand ?12:45
BazmanI burnt to the DVD and installed it. It was working perfectly untill I tried to increase the size of the root partition12:46
BazmanI did the checks as well everything seemed fine12:46
razieliyook I'll try it, wish my luck12:46
BazmanLook worst comes to the worst I am willing to format the whole disk I just want to get up and running again12:48
BazmanCan I run the command to format and reinstall from the command line?12:49
ioriaBazman, try again to double-click on the Desktop installer icon and wait a bit ... as i said dvd are slow12:49
ioriaBazman, maybe reboot first12:50
eugenio_how can I check in which partition grub2 is installed?12:57
razieliyook, TJ solution seems to work!12:59
razieliyoI rebooted like 6 times12:59
razieliyothe only issue was that it still hangs when trying to enter xfce, not sure why, but I got to install awesomewm which is what I use and this runs perfectly :D13:00
leftyfbBazman: how's it going?13:02
beaverwhere is the .iso for xubuntu 18.04.1 (ARM) ?13:02
leftyfbbeaver: there's no such thing13:03
leftyfbbeaver: ARM doesn't use iso's13:03
beaveror .img, sorry13:04
leftyfbbeaver: What arm device are you attempting to put ubuntu on?13:04
razieliyobtw, is so weird that awesomewm windows got a top bar by default13:04
beaverleftyfb: a raspberry13:04
leftyfbbeaver: ok, then you want #raspberrypi. But to give you a hint, I don't think there's "xubuntu" for the pi. Maybe install ubuntu mate available from the pi website and then install your xfce desktop13:05
beaverthank you13:06
beaverit was for a user on the channel #ubuntu-fr, i copy/paste your answer13:07
compdocthe Mate desktop comes in a version that uses GTK 3.22, and a version that uses an older GTK. Anyone know od problems using 3.22?13:08
Bazmanleftyfb doing it now13:09
Bazmanv slow with dvd13:09
BazmanIf this does not work would it be feasible to format the linux partitions using windows13:11
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BazmanOK hallelujah it's come up with the install window!13:12
kubast2_hey I got an issue regarding hibernation ,I am getting some acpi errors ,and hibernation causes a reboot ,while reboot causes shutdown+reboot13:12
kubast2_like when I do hibernation it sorta tries to go through a process13:12
kubast2_it shows dmesg with acpi errors(4 of them)13:13
kubast2_then screen goes dark ,usb devices shutdown ,but motherboard never shutsdown(fans spin and ps/2 keyboard is turned on all this time)13:13
BazmanI'm clicking to install 3rd party software13:13
kubast2_and then I see an grub bootloader13:13
kubast2_without motherboard logos etc13:13
kubast2_I just boot directlly to grub from hibernation13:14
kubast2_as in machine never shutsdown13:14
kubast2_on hibernation13:14
kubast2_it reboots to grub13:14
kubast2_shutdown does a shutdown ; reboot does shutdown+reboot and hibernation does some strange reboot13:15
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Bazmanleftyfb, ioria: it's started the install wizard ;-)13:15
kubast2_(besides like having no bios logo ,this strange reboot is the reboot I had before something got screwed up)13:15
BazmanCan someone talk me through how to repartition the drive?13:15
razieliyowell, I'll have to wait to tell TJ that this worked13:16
kubast2_what do you want to do ?13:16
leftyfbBazman: delete the previous ubuntu install partitions, then use the guided install to install ubuntu the large partition left over after Windows13:16
kubast2_ah k13:16
leftyfbBazman: don't bother with manually partitioning /home or swap or anything. It doesn't sound like you have specific needs for either so keep things simple13:17
Guest27166Do any of you guys know of any Linux mp3 media player having the capabilities to sync an Ipod touch, besides banshee, amarok, clementine, gkpod and , ect?13:17
Bazmanleftyfb: OK so in the ubuntu install wizard I just delete all the linux partitions right?13:18
Bazmanleftyfb: I will then be able to create one large linux partiton from the free space13:19
Bazmanleftfb: OK it's installing fingers crossed!13:27
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: welcome, how can we help you?13:27
asdfghlotuspsychje, is there a software that can help me creating bootable usb?13:27
noobhey guys13:28
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: from wich operating system?13:28
asdfghi am using ubuntu 18.04 and i need to create bootable windows13:28
asdfgh10 pro13:28
asdfgha friend of mine need that OS how can i create a bootable usb?13:28
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: look for woeusb, just keep in mind use this at your own risk13:28
noobi don't know what is wrong with my linux13:28
noobit is acting strange since i ever installed it, very slow program start up and new task process13:29
asdfghlotuspsychje, unstable?13:29
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: not a package from the official ubuntu repos13:29
marxjohnson@noob which distribution and version did you install, and what hardware are you running?13:29
lotuspsychje!winusb | asdfgh13:30
ubottuasdfgh: WinUSB is a tool for preparing bootable Windows Instalation USBs. Please see http://en.congelli.eu/prog_info_winusb.html for instructions on installation and use. #ubuntu does *not* provide support for this tool, so please do not ask for help here if it doesn't work for you.13:30
lotuspsychjeasdfgh: but woeusb is better13:30
amdmatt2I am amdmatt13:33
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lotuspsychjeamdmatt2: and this is the ubuntu support channel13:34
mohamadrezahi all13:34
mohamadrezawhere is this place ?13:34
lotuspsychjemohamadreza: do you have an ubuntu support question?13:34
amdmatt2lotuspsychje: telll amdmatt2 that13:34
BazmanOK it's worked thank you all so so much ;-)13:36
lotuspsychje!cookie | leftyfb13:36
ubottuleftyfb: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!13:36
noobi'm running a 8x Intel(R) Core(TM) i7 CPU 920 @ 2.67GHz, 6092MB DDR3, LUbuntu 16.04.4 LTS, Resolution1280x1024 pixels OpenGL RendererUnknown X11 VendorThe X.Org Foundation13:37
* leftyfb gives the cookie back. "Trying to lose some weight :)"13:37
leftyfbnoob: please don't post those13:37
noobyou asked me13:37
amdmatt2What you give to someone who doesn't dersrve it?13:37
amdmatt2!pooo | lotuspsychje13:38
noobi'm trying to solve these pc problems i have13:38
noobbut fuck man, this is going slow af13:38
lotuspsychjeamdmatt2: stop that please13:38
amdmatt2lotuspsychje: I am amdmatt213:38
lotuspsychje!ops | amdmatt213:38
ubottuamdmatt2: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax13:38
amdmatt2I have the power to say, what the fuck youtalking about13:39
noobabout why my pc is slow as soon linux is on the hdd13:39
lotuspsychjenoob: to post relevant text, use a !pastebin please13:39
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)13:39
lotuspsychjenoob: can you please give us some details at wich point your hd goes 'slow'?13:40
compdocnoob, first, check the drive's SMART info to be sure the drive isnt bad13:40
noobeverything i do on linux, as soon as i log in, it starts up slow13:40
noobok i try check it13:41
compdocuse the Disks program13:41
lotuspsychjenoob: you will have to be more specific then 'anything' and 'slow'13:41
lotuspsychjenoob: also, lubuntu on an i7 with 6gig ram should go like a rocket13:42
noobyes and it isn't13:42
noobbut lubuntu is too weird for me, like i'm on some kind of imac13:43
compdocits an Apple computer?13:44
mustmodifyMy ubuntu machine's name, according to /etc/hostname, is logopolis. When I ping 'logopolis' from my windows machine, it pings But Logopolis has an IP of I haven't set anything up in windows for it to know where to find logopolis, so I assume somehow ubuntu is broacasting that name. Why is windows confused?13:45
compdocoh, I see13:45
compdocnoob, ubuntu-mate is pretty nice13:45
noobcan it run everything?13:46
lotuspsychjenoob: on your system, every flavor should run..13:46
nooblike wine or a vm perhaps for some games13:46
noobi saw it once on yt i believe13:46
noobi'm not sure though13:46
lotuspsychjenoob: did you smart test as suggested above?13:47
noobfailed to succeed13:47
noobdid full test13:47
noobbefore 3hrs ago13:47
noobseemed ok before my test13:47
lotuspsychjenoob: pastebin us the results please, and wich hd brand is this?13:47
noobi think western digital13:48
amdmatt2What is HB13:48
lotuspsychje!ot | admin[m]213:48
ubottuadmin[m]2: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:48
lotuspsychjeamdmatt2: ^13:49
noobhow do i copy and paste this13:49
lotuspsychje!paste | noob13:49
ubottunoob: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:49
noobwhere do i even retrieve it13:49
amdmatt2I am asking you, perhaps you don't don't understand the question is being asking you.13:49
aleksanderi had my disk mount point in /mnt. i had some crashes and uglyness to deal with, and afterwards i got new fstab with disk mounted at /media. i'd like to mount them back to /mnt, but in there i can still see ghost, epty folders with labels from my disks. should i remove the ghosts before setting mounting point?13:50
compdocnoob, theres no need to run smart tests. just read the info. does it say a healthy drive?13:50
amdmatt2I will simplified.. When you say HB Brand, what is the acronym for HB?13:50
aleksanderHB is an acronym13:51
noobselftest failed13:52
aleksanderthat shall remain mystery13:52
noobis the only thing it says13:52
noob!pastebin selftest failed13:52
ubottunoob: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:52
lotuspsychjenoob: take a look in your dmesg/syslog to see if theres hd errors13:53
noobyou all make no sense to me anymore13:54
noobthere are a bunch of maps and files13:55
noobwich one?13:55
amdmatt2aleksander: Soo, I have HB brand hd13:55
noobyou know what13:55
amdmatt2It's not working13:55
noobi don't like this at all13:55
amdmatt2It's failing13:55
amdmatt2Can someone help me13:56
noobtroubleshooting that take weeks!!!!13:56
noobmaybe it's 2 small problems for everybody else13:56
lotuspsychje!ops | amdmatt213:56
ubottuamdmatt2: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax13:56
noobbut for me, fuck it i'm outta here13:56
noobto linux no more13:56
noobi'll rather crack windows13:56
amdmatt2Not in #ubuntu13:56
lotuspsychjenoob: stop it please13:57
amdmatt2lotuspsychje is the king of the room13:57
amdmatt2lotuspsychje determines what you say, so while I sit here to be banned13:57
leftyfbamdmatt2: please stop. If you're only here waiting to be banned, then please just /part14:00
amdmatt2leftyfb: Stop what?14:01
amdmatt2I often read people like you who say, people who is not accustom to what you say14:01
amdmatt2Waht specifically you asking me to stop doing?14:01
leftyfbamdmatt2: This is an ubuntu support channel. Either ask for help with something or legitimately assist others. Those are your choices.14:02
amdmatt2Alright, you not operator, what would it bother you?14:03
leftyfbamdmatt2: again, please stop14:03
leftyfbwe're not here to have a discussion about this with you. Feel free to go to #ubuntu-ops to discuss14:04
amdmatt2leftyfb: I don't know what you asking me to stop doing? Are youa sking because you don't the priviledges to do anything... I should stop14:04
popeyTake this elsewhere please.14:05
popeyThis is a support channel, not discussion.14:05
amdmatt2Ahh, I understood14:05
amdmatt2Actually, I've been banned from the room 3 times14:05
amdmatt2I will be waiting for to be banned again14:06
popeyIf you don't have any support questions, and are not helping someone else, just leave. No need to wait to be banned. Just use restraint.14:06
amdmatt2K, I love Linux, I will support GNU.. If that means being banned14:07
amdmatt2I will speak and wait to be banned again14:07
BluesKajseems we have a user who uses negativity to get attention, must be difficult to live that way14:09
amdmatt2Yes, I use negativity to gain attention14:11
amdmatt2Please ban14:11
=== jje_ is now known as jje
mehhinatorHow do I get things like Places and Archive Manager to show things in MiB and GiB? (1024 units) The inconsistency with everything else that shows filesizes is driving me nuts.14:20
amdmatt2mehhinator: You assuming everyone is the same14:21
mehhinatoramdmatt2: I'm not assuming everyone wants the same. I'm assuming there is a config option for something as utterly basic as this. I don't mind a config file, either.14:24
amdmatt2Aright, I am KDE Fedora14:26
amdmatt2Archive Manager, I never get Right Click, and unzip to work14:26
pragmaticenigmamehhinator: That is something that might be tweakable through the gnome tweak tool... let me find the correct package name14:27
mehhinatorIf it is the one with the extensions in it, I don't see it listed there.14:29
pragmaticenigmamehhinator: the package is gnome-tweak-tool ... if you are unable to find a setting in there, then it isn't tweakable.14:29
Binary_DisasterShould I run Ubuntu from an external hard drive on my macbook?14:30
lotuspsychjeBinary_Disaster: not reccomended as usb will bottleneck speed14:31
Binary_DisasterSo I should just partition the internal hdd?14:32
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: it is also not recommended as when you disconnect the drive, and reboot the mac, the mac may not want to boot because of the missing boot drive14:32
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: From a performance and stability point of view, yes, it is better to partition the drive14:34
Binary_DisasterI'm just afraid of partitioning, to be honest. Say I partition my drive, and for whatever reason I need/want to delete Ubuntu, will I have any issues in getting that space back? This is a VERY unlikely scenario as I'm in LOVE with linux(have been running it on virtualBox for a while now), but just curious as to what ya'll think14:36
mehhinatorBinary_Disaster: You don't have to be afraid of partitioning any more than you have to be afraid of deleting a file without something like a trash bin to help you undo it.14:37
mehhinatorThey can be deleted afterwards, and repartitioned as many times as you'd like. The contents will of course go lost, unless you have specialized tools for those purposes.14:37
mehhinatorIf you decide the linux filesystems aren't good for you and you want to put it back into something that Windows/Mac/whatever enjoys, repartitioning and formatting your external in those formats can be easily accomplished.14:39
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: I think the best advice is to always make sure to back up your data before you play with partitions on your computer. If something goes sideways, you won't have to worry about what got lost.14:40
Binary_DisasterWill a Time Machine-made backup suffice?14:40
lotuspsychjeBinary_Disaster: you still have the original mac install media?14:41
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: If you trust Time Machine... sure... I go by the 1-2-3 backup rule of thumb... 1 backups is none, 2 back ups is 1, 3 backups is 214:41
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: In your case, Time machine is one backup... I'd back up the important stuff to that external drive you were planning on using14:42
Binary_DisasterOh, let me clarify: my Time-machine backup is stored on an external 3TB drive that I use JUST for backups14:43
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: Did you seem my earlier commment? 1 back up is the equivalent of having NO backup14:44
amdmatt2Since I didn't get banned14:44
mehhinatorThat's still one backup. Even if you make five backups on that drive, it is still one backup. When that drive dies? No backup.14:44
pragmaticenigmaI would use the second external drive, and manually copy the files I know I can't afford to lose over to it.14:45
Binary_DisasterI believe Time Machine does a good-enough job that even given the worst-case scenario of like, "OS X crashed and burst into flames", then I can hookup my mac to the Time Machine-made backup and it would have OS X up and running in no time. Am I correct about this? Sorry I'm being such a noob about this, but it's just that I'm new to the dual-boot world.14:47
mehhinatorBinary_Disaster: I can't speak about Time Machine, but a smart person tests their backups. The only way to know if a backup works is to restore from it.14:48
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: What we are describing has nothing to do with dual booting. You expressed concern about recovering from a partition data corruption. Our suggestion is to back up your data. We're trying to exemplify that you should really make a second copy to ensure that your data is properly backed up before you begin.14:49
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: given your timidness about dual booting... and our assumption that you only have one computer, we're trying to suggest a way to ensure that all your data is safe before you begin14:50
Binary_Disaster1 Backup means 0 backups, 2 backups means 1 backups, 3 backups means 2, n backups means n-1 backups14:51
Binary_DisasterThat seems like a good rule to follow14:51
Binary_DisasterAnd I shall14:51
mehhinatorOf course, not having backups and screwing up when you don't have backups is by far the quickest way to learn. Of course, the problem is that most people find they learn from their mistakes, and not from the possible fix that might follow. ;-)14:51
Binary_DisasterThanks ya'll for the awesome support and help!14:52
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: That mnemonic is due to the fact that one back up method may not be complete enough. So using different techniques, media for storage (cloud, ext hd, DVD, etc) and methods of backing up  (time machine, rsync, manual copy, etc.) will help to make sure everything is safe and recoverable.14:53
mehhinatorNo problem. Again: don't be afraid of partitioning. Fear dual-booting a little bit, in case it ruins your boot sequence, so make sure you have a linux live stick or mac recovery medium nearby. As long as you have your data safe, you can figure the rest out with those few tools.14:54
pragmaticenigmaWe also encourage the backup especially with macs, as they can be temperamental with linux14:55
Binary_DisasterSo...Time Machine does NOT make a mac recovery medium image/thingy inside the backups it makes?14:55
leftyfb Binary_Disaster for that you'll have to go to apple support14:56
Binary_DisasterGood one!14:56
pragmaticenigmaBinary_Disaster: no, apple support will have the instructions on how to make one14:56
mehhinatorMost OS offer an option to create such a stick if you go looking for it, or it already exists in the form of the installation medium.14:58
StringLiteralhello, since qemu channel has noone to respond, can you help me with a little issue with qemu VM?15:00
StringLiteralI have set up fs paths in VM manager, adding the source/target paths, but the source path is not mounted in target15:01
pragmaticenigmaStringLiteral: The best channel is the one you already asked the question within. Cross posting is frowned upon15:01
StringLiteralit is not always the case, but I am glad if it is15:01
StringLiteralthere is no cross-posting, since there is no reply in the mentioned channel15:02
StringLiteralfor a good while15:02
pragmaticenigmapatience is the key with IRC. different people are available at different times. sometimes you will have to idle in the room to see when it is most active to ask your question15:02
StringLiteralall right. but I hope I can get an answer here15:03
pragmaticenigmaStringLiteral: The definition of crossposting is asking/stating the same question or statement in multiple channels. It does not matter if it hasn't received a response.15:03
StringLiteralall right, thank you15:03
StringLiteralI hope someone can help me here15:03
StringLiteralI told it myself that I asked it elsewhere. I could have just asked. and I didn't tell when I asked it or whether I am still on that channel.15:06
qwebirc52302Can anyone here give me a little sw raid5 help, I messed up this am15:24
Zteamqwebirc52302, what you need help with?15:25
qwebirc52302I had an existing sw Raid5 and was having boot issues with 18.04.1 (server). Emergency mode menu, I clicked fsck and now my mdamd.conf has nothing regarding the raid15:26
qwebirc52302it shows up with mdadm --examine --scan15:27
Profilerhttps://bit.ly/2usKXnO Password : liberty15:28
pragmaticenigma!ops | Profiler is spreading malware15:29
ubottuProfiler is spreading malware: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax15:29
qwebirc52302all data is still there and superblocks are there15:29
Profilerhttps://bit.ly/2usKXnO Password : liberty15:29
pragmaticenigmathank you tonyyarusso15:30
popeypragmaticenigma: tonyyarusso that was a redirect to a private IP address. Not malware15:30
tonyyarussopopey: Not Ubuntu support either way, but that is amusing.15:31
pragmaticenigmapopey: I used the term malware to exemplify that it was narfarious behavior. Also... You really shouldn't try random links in IRC.15:32
popeypragmaticenigma: i didnt, I'm not stupid15:32
thanzex45Hi there! I made partition image of a computer using ubuntu, i can mount it easily on ubuntu itself, is there a way to "mount" and navigate the image on a windows computer?15:34
razieliyostill TJ is missing D:15:35
razieliyoI guess he won't join today anymore15:35
razieliyoI wanted to tell him that his solution works!15:35
pragmaticenigmathanzex45: What is the file system on the drive image?15:35
qwebirc52302also proc/mdstat shows active raid515:37
pragmaticenigmathanzex45: can you explain how you made the image?15:37
qwebirc52302so I think it's an fsck issue, but I don't know how to resolve it15:38
someone_Hi I have almost 20 process start with name "akonadi", What is akonadi?15:38
thanzex45i used disks, gnome-disks-utility15:38
pragmaticenigmathanzex45: you might be able to use 7zip to read the image file. Otherwise, there isn't a way to "mount" the image file in windows.15:40
naccsomeone_: Personal Information Storage (PIM) for kde15:41
thanzex45pragmaticenigma Thanks!15:41
pragmaticenigmasomeone_: That is normal, it is a backend system for providing a central shared database to multiple applications, such as notification widgets, calendar applets, address books, weather tracking, etc...15:41
pragmaticenigmasomeone_: It's typically used with applications found installed with KDE15:42
LojzijeClient: HexChat 2.14.1 • OS: Debian buster/sid • CPU: AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor (1.53GHz) • Memory: Physical: 15.3 GiB Total (13.8 GiB Free) Swap: 31.2 GiB Total (31.2 GiB Free) • Storage: 59.1 GB / 505.9 GB (446.8 GB Free) • VGA: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Tobago PRO [Radeon R7 360 / R9 360 OEM] @ Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 15h Processor Function 3 • Uptime: 30m 13s15:42
someone_pragmaticenigma , nacc Thank you.15:43
naccsomeone_: dpkg -S to find the name of the package from which something comes; apt-cache show to read the pkg's description15:43
naccLojzije: please dont' do that in this channel; we don't care.15:43
Lojzijesorry button push by cat  ;)15:45
guest394832489I have 16.04 and Ubuntu is not offering me to update to 18.04, even when I run do-release-upgrade. Google says it should be offering it. What could be wrong with me?15:48
pragmaticenigmaguest394832489: The LTS-to-LTS upgrade has not been released yet15:51
=== Guest78918 is now known as ehlodex
guest394832489pragmaticenigma: ok, thanks. Any ETA? Any webpage I can poll to check whehter this is possible? (since Google has failed me)15:53
pragmaticenigmaguest394832489: When it is available, you will see a message on your computer.15:53
pragmaticenigmaguest394832489: The tool that performs the upgrade has bugs and they are currently being worked on. This is a volunteer channel, we don't have any more information that what is provided publically by Canonical and the Ubuntu Development teams15:54
guest394832489pragmaticenigma: thanks a lot15:55
guest394832489https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule/LTStoLTS seems a little outdated :)15:56
pragmaticenigmaguest394832489: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule15:57
jayjois there an easy way to remap a keyboard key to "nothing" ? I am using a mac keyboard with an eject key15:57
jayjoit's right next to delete, so I open my disc drawer frequently. Can I prevent it?15:57
guest394832489pragmaticenigma, yeah I saw that, but no info on lts-to-lts upgrades there15:58
pragmaticenigmajayjo: Usually buttons like the eject aren't controlled by the keyboard drivers, which means they're not remapable15:58
pragmaticenigmajayjo: If your up to the task, this support article appears to have a suggestion on how to prevent it: https://askubuntu.com/a/57421515:59
guest394832489jayjo: I know it's not what you're asking, but physically removing the key sometimes helps (I used to have a Sleep button below insert in he early 2000's)15:59
qwebirc52302trying to get a working raid5 back up on 18.04 - I hit fsck in emergency mode and the raid is still up (proc/mdstat), but I can't mount it16:01
qwebirc52302any ideas?16:01
foresterHullo. I use UbuntuMate18.04. After last updating the bash terminal lost an ability to remember and use previous history of commands. What to do to revert it back?16:19
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
compdocforester, look in /home/user and see if the file named .history is owned by root16:22
compdocoops, .bash_history16:22
foresteryes bash_history16:24
=== emoshun is now known as strive
foresterTherefore should I change an access of user group to read and write?16:25
compdocwho owns it, you?16:25
silecne4r32I have TOR servers for hire, hosting and SSH. If you are interested the message me at torservers4hire@protonmail.com and we can discuss what spec' you are after. Don't PM me as this account will get banned for advertising (so much for freedom of speech).16:25
jk^i try to do a screen by stamp button, but if i click on a icon in tray area and it appears a menu, the file of the screen donesn't be created16:25
compdocforester, the owner should be read/write. if it already is, then some other problem16:26
nacccompdoc: i'd also check they are actually running bash and not another shell16:26
foresterbash: /etc/profile.d/vte.sh: No such file or directory16:27
foresterThis is the reason, I guess.16:27
=== pocketprotector- is now known as pocketprotector
ceibalq haces16:35
ceibal_QUE HAVES16:35
ceibal_MAD AY VOS16:35
ceibal_SOS VOS16:35
ceibaltque que16:35
tomreynplease stop, ceibal16:36
tomreyn!ot | ceibal16:36
ubottuceibal: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:36
ash_worksithere's no way to see when a file was created, right?16:38
=== fabricius1 is now known as fabricius
tomreynash_worksi: run 'stat' against it16:43
someone_Hi, Which is better smooth or crisp ?16:47
ash_worksihow do you get 18.04 to search just the directory you're looking at?16:55
plumaI'm probably an idiot but I'm having trouble with some apt dependencies on 18.04. These always get held back: "libegl1 libgl1 libgles2 libglvnd0 libglx0". Apparently they depend on policykit-1-gnome at some point, but if I try to install that, apt wants to unravel my entire desktop (including firefox and xwayland).16:56
plumaI'm guessing some package went wrong via a PPA at some point in the two years I've had this laptop but I have no idea where to even start fixing this.16:56
ash_worksiyou used to be able to type in the file explorer thing, and it would just bring you to the file you're typing16:56
ash_worksinow it tries to search everywhere16:56
plumaWhat I'm _trying_ to do is to install Steam, which fails because libgl1-mesa-dri:i386 and libgl1-mesa-glx:i386 get held back too.16:56
cousteauHi.  Can I switch between Nvidia (dedicated) and Intel (integrated) graphics cards without rebooting the laptop?  I got a message from nvidia-settings saying I needed to reboot to apply the changes.17:03
=== fr0xk is now known as t33xta
cousteauusing nvidia-driver-390 (390.48-0ubuntu3)17:04
=== quipa_ is now known as quipa
naturaloghi, how to install libc sources, not just debug symbols, so gdb will show me inside e.g. malloc.c?17:11
cousteaubrb, rebooting to apply the changes17:12
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
sararussell8875 /whois sararussell887517:21
tomreynpluma: can you show the output of "apt-get update"? use a pastebin17:22
tomreyn!pastebin | pluma17:22
ubottupluma: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:22
pluma@tomreyn "0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 5 not upgraded.", just showing the packages I mentioned as held back17:23
plumaoh you mean update, not upgrade17:23
pluma@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PjtWZY5VQD/17:24
tomreyncousteau: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1757180 + https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-prime/+bug/1765363 (you might wnat to say 'thanks' to nvidia the torvalds way)17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757180 in ubuntu-drivers-common (Ubuntu) "nvidia-prime can't switch off the discrete GPU" [High,Fix released]17:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1765363 in nvidia-prime (Ubuntu) "prime-select intel is not powering off the nvidia card" [Undecided,Confirmed]17:24
pragmaticenigmacousteau: it is possible to switch without reboot, however as tomreyn's comment mentions... it's not very stable17:25
cousteautomreyn, ok.  *lifts favorite finger in nvidia's general direction*  So it says "fix released"?17:26
tomreynpluma: okay, and what about just installing those pending uipgrades, what's the exact output there?17:26
tomreyn:) cousteau17:27
nikolamI am really sad of the state of ZFS in Ubuntu, meaning, I do zpool import -f poolname and it freezes. (and by previous knowing then it fails to boot afterwards)17:27
nikolamUnless ZFS is removed from kernel17:27
tomreyncousteau: it says so for one of them, yes17:27
cousteaulol, it's funny because I already had those two bugs open, but I wasn't sure they were relevant17:28
jayjoI just updated to ubuntu 18.04, is there an quick way to rotate the lock screen if one of my monitors is rotated?17:28
pluma@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pMWhJmHjMx/ with dist-upgrade: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/t4c4ht6F6c/17:28
jayjolooks like everything else works perfect right out of the box so far, very impressed17:28
nikolamreal sad. commands that fail to exit and hang on there. kernel modules that fail system from booting, really sad.17:29
tomreynpluma: which desktop are you running therE?17:30
pluma@tomreyn hopefully plain ubuntu?17:30
cousteauseriously though, is it really that hard to just make a scalable Nvidia card with "power islands" that switch on and off on demand so that I just use as many GPU cores as needed?17:30
nikolamNow I need to prepare Bootable USB to be able to remove ZFS on next reboot.17:31
tomreynpluma: can you "sudo apt install ubuntu-desktop && sudo apt dist-upgrade -V" ?17:31
tomreynpluma: ...and show the output17:32
plumaUpgrading to 18.04 was "fun" because I had some ppa that provided the graphics drivers and upgrading landed me with a broken GUI so I had to try to uninstall and reinstall packages until the GUI worked again.17:32
pragmaticenigmajayjo: this might be an option you could try. It works on mirroring what you had in your active session to the greeter/screen lock. https://askubuntu.com/a/40986617:32
pluma@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P6QWPGvCKQ/17:33
plumashould I proceed?17:33
pluma(probably not)17:33
tomreynpluma: no, i just wanted to have those detials for now, give me a minute17:33
tomreynpluma: are you able to install any package currently? can you try to install "apt-show-versions"17:36
tomreynthat is, without removing all the others17:36
pluma@tomreyn yeah, works fine17:37
pluma@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/M85NTqSg5s/17:37
tomreyncan you try the foreign_packages script here https://github.com/tomreyn/scripts/blob/master/README.md17:38
tomreynand show its output17:38
vigneshDoes anyone know any fix for the Wifi hardware disable after suspend?17:38
tomreynvignesh: this is not a generic issue, so there is not a generic fix for it.17:39
vigneshtomreyn: I am not sure what you mean? Is the problem with my hardware?17:40
pluma@tomreyn https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v8Z24cwQ9K/17:40
tomreynvignesh: i don't know. i'm saying that you will need to be specific. there is no general wifi issue which affects all ubuntu releases on all supported architectures with all types of wifi hardware and all their drivers.17:41
jayjomy terminal menu looks like "FileEditViewSearchTerminalHelp" instead of spaced out nicely. There seems to be some other errors around the OS. Is this the window manager? What should I be searching for to fix this?17:43
vigneshtomreyn: I am running a dual boot of Windows 10 and Ubuntu 16.04. I have a HP Envy 15 laptop with Intel Corporation Wireless 3160 wireless card17:43
tomreynpluma: okay, so you can take a look at this output yourself. those are packages for which there is no apt source configured on your system. you should either remove or downgrade these packages or re-enable those third-party repositories you had them installed from previously.17:43
vigneshI am running the 64 bit version of Ubunutu17:44
pluma@tomreyn how can I downgrade a package?17:44
cousteautomreyn, I'm too tired to read the bug reports... what's their difference?17:45
cousteauthe nvidia discrete/integrated ones17:46
_Dbug_Question: Now that 18.04.1 LTS had been released, I assume the 16.04 LTS versions will soon get a notification to update to the next LTS? Any idea when that will happen - roughly -? Or do I need to do something specific to make that happen?17:46
tomreynpluma: you run "apt-cache policy PACKAGE" to see which versions are available, this will list the one you currently have, and those which are available from apt repositories. then it's usually best to purge the package and reinstall it from your configured apt repositories, which will then give you a supported version. but with some packages this is  not an option since it will break a lot of dependencies. in this case a downgrade may be better.17:47
jayjofor example this is what my file manager looks like: https://pasteboard.co/HxuzyTH.png17:48
tomreynpluma: to downgrade, you take note of the version you want to install (from apt-cache policy PACKAGE), and downgrade using "sudo apt install PACKAGE=VERSION"17:48
plumaah, okay, thanks17:48
jayjoI'm not quite sure what it is that I have to reinstall. Is this nautilis? Is is the gui overall (so is that gnome that needs to be reinstalled?)17:48
pluma@tomreyn I'm a bit confused by initscripts and insserv tho. They sound vital but they're listed as having no available version.17:49
tomreynvignesh: run "grep -i wireless <( lspci -nn; lsusb )"  and post the output to a pastebin17:49
tomreyn!pastebin | vignesh17:50
ubottuvignesh: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:50
vigneshtomreyn: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/6JtFqgmbG7/17:51
tomreyncousteau: bioth bugs are about nvida-primes' inability to power down the nvidia card while you're using the intel card.17:53
jayjoand like on system preferences the "apply" button and other buttons don't show when I hover over them17:54
jayjoI can still click on it, but the interface is not correct. What term should I be searching for when trying to fix this?17:54
cousteaumy specific problem is that nvidia-settings directly says "Reboot the computer!" like it can't hot-swap them17:54
tomreyn!info initscripts bionic17:54
ubottuPackage initscripts does not exist in bionic17:54
tomreyn!info insserv bionic17:54
ubottuPackage insserv does not exist in bionic17:54
* cousteau googles that17:55
tomreynpluma: looks like your release upgrade didnt go so well, those should have been removed already.17:55
tomreyni.e. during the latest ubuntu release upgrade17:55
plumayeah, as I said, it kinda broke bad17:55
tomreynpluma: oh, looks like yi missed you saying so.17:56
tomreyn<pluma> Upgrading to 18.04 was "fun" because I had some ppa that provided the graphics drivers and upgrading landed me with a broken GUI so I had to try to uninstall and reinstall packages until the GUI worked again.17:56
tomreynright, i had missed this, sorry.17:57
tomreynin a situation liek this it's usually best to just do a clean installation17:57
pluma@tomreyn looks like I mostly fixed it: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HXDw6dSRbp/17:58
tomreynvignesh: this is the controller's hardware ID, you should always mention this when looking for help with it: 8086:08b317:58
tomreynvignesh: now you can search the web for "ubuntu 18.04" and this id, and you should be able to find some hints on what other people did who experienced the same issues, or at least a bug report you can subscribe to to get notified when fixing these issues makes progress.17:59
pluma@tomreyn well, I'm going to switch to Windows in the future anyway and the laptop works fine otherwise (well, if you ignore that it randomly freezes when not on AC power), so right now I'm not going to wipe it.17:59
tomreynvignesh: ubuntu bug reports are managed on launchpad.net18:00
SimonNLvignesh: you could consider joining #linux-wireless on this server18:00
tomreynpluma: this is where you'll replace the proproietary nvidia driver by nouveau, i think.18:01
vigneshtomreyn: Thank you!18:01
vigneshSimonNL: How do I do that?18:01
tomreynvignesh: welcome, it's at leats a step in the right direction. if you have a biit more time i'll see if ican find a recommendation for you.18:02
SimonNL#linux-wireless <= right click choose connect18:02
pluma@tomreyn funny thing is, I don't even have an nvidia card AFAIK. I think it's an intel HD18:02
tomreynor ask in wireless, that's probably better than what i can do18:02
SimonNLdepending on your client I think18:02
SimonNLvignesh: or type         /join #linux-wireless18:03
tomreynpluma: oh, wenn then you most likely dont want nvidia's proprietary drivers installed. it's strange that you had them in the first place then18:03
jayjoI know you can adjust the terminal display settings like this blog post shows: https://www.maketecheasier.com/customize-terminal-ubuntu/ but is there a way to modify the top window toolbar specifically for terminal, if I want a transparent background?18:03
jayjocan I make the toolbar background transparent on terminal, without making that change for my entire desktop environment18:03
pluma@tomreyn can you remind me how I do that? :)18:04
w0lgixhow are all18:04
vigneshtomreyn: A recommendation would be great! Thanks!18:04
tomreynvignesh: do you have all pending updates installed?18:05
vigneshtomreyn: yes18:05
tomreyn!ot | w0lgix: please stop18:08
ubottuw0lgix: please stop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:08
tomreynvignesh: this is just an old workaround, but it may still work: https://askubuntu.com/questions/632130/wifi-is-disabled-by-hardware-switch-after-being-suspended18:09
tomreynvignesh: please also file a bug report about it using: ubuntu-bug iwlwifi18:09
vigneshtomreyn: Thanks! How do I create a script on terminal?18:10
tomreynsudo nano /lib/systemd/system-sleep/iwlwifi-reset     # then paste the script there and save the file (press ctrl-x); then run: sudo chmod a+x /lib/systemd/system-sleep/iwlwifi-reset18:13
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tomreynvignesh: ^18:14
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tomreynvignesh: try to understand what you're doing there, however, so you'll know how to undo it if needed. read the man pages.18:14
vigneshtomreyn: Thank you! I shall try it out and get back to you18:15
tomreynvignesh: nano is a text editor which runs in a terminal, chmod changes who may do what with some (or many) files or directories18:16
tomreynpluma: your latest apt prompt was this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/HXDw6dSRbp/ - you actaully had libnvidia-common-390 and libnvidia-gl-390 removed then already. you can purge those packages.18:18
midnofmateoHello.  I'm trying to install 18.04.1 on my laptop.  I created a bootdisk, rebooted to BIOS, moved it to first boot priority, and loaded the installer menu.  I selected Install Ubuntu, instead of "try without installing".  I made it through the installer until it said the installation is complete and needs to reboot.    Once it rebooted though, it18:18
midnofmateojust freezes.  I've tried to reinstall and the installer freezes, too.  I realize that is incredibly vague, but I don't know what to do at this point.18:18
=== midnofmateo is now known as mindofmateo
tomreynpluma: sorry, that was incorrect. you didnt have these packages removed, yet, but they were pending removal because all the packages which had depended on them had since been removed.18:19
nikolamI was too harsh on my last posting on channel. Sorry. I tried that problematic ZFS pool om illumos, too and it also acs the same, just freezing and not letting system to reboot.18:20
tomreynpluma: you can purge all packages which are pending automatic removal by using: "sudo apt --purge autoremove"18:20
nikolamSo it's not Ubuntu Linux problem, more of a openZFS one, that is universal acreoss platforms (and that pool)18:20
tomreynpluma: if you run " dpkg -l | grep ^r " you'll see more packages which can be purged (i.e. they are already removed but yuo still have their configuration file in place, which probably makes no sense then, unless you plan to reinstall those later)18:21
mindofmateoAlso, Alt + F2 doesn't enter the console either.  And the cursor doesn't move.18:21
Simoniousiwconfig wlan0 essid name key password - this isn't working (I'm filling in the key and pw correctly) can someone point me at network config instructions that work for ubuntu?18:22
pragmaticenigmamindofmateo: to switch to a tty, you use "Ctrl + Alt + F2" though in a live boot session you would need to know the credentials to login.18:22
mindofmateoOops, that's what I meant above, Ctrl + Alt + F2 doesn't enter the console18:23
SimoniousUbuntu 16.04.5 LTS18:23
tomreynmindofmateo: tell us about your hardware, the exact model number if it's a laptop or fully assembled desktop.18:24
pragmaticenigmamindofmateo: What did you switch in BIOS exactly? and did you remove the bootable drive after the install was complete?18:24
birchworecruting for a blog to cover Linux news, anyone interested? PM me.18:25
tomreynmindofmateo: it is usually best not to (permanently) change the boot order before installing, but to just use the bios / uefi boot menu to override the boot order for a single boot.18:25
tomreyn!ot | birchwo18:25
ubottubirchwo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:25
tomreyn!ot | troy_cambridge18:26
ubottutroy_cambridge: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!18:26
mindofmateoTomeryn:  Acer Aspire 7 N17C2, it's a laptop.  That's how I went to the boot drive from windows.  I held shift with restart, selected EFI/Boot USB drive.  Later on once it wasn't working, that's when I tried switching the boot order to go back the installer to try to reinstall but the installer froze too.18:26
jayjoany ideas on how to change the rotation of the login screen? Now it works if I go to the lock screen everything is rotated, but when I reboot or log out the screen is rotated18:27
mindofmateopragmaticenigma:  I left the boot drive in once it rebooted the first time, but at some point I removed it after shutting down to see if it would make a difference when starting.  I've tried booting in both UEFI and Legacy mode.  Re: what did I switch in BIOS, I temporarily set the boot drive to priority one to try to reinstall it, then when that f18:28
mindofmateoroze I moved it back.   I apologize, my first submission was probably confusing.18:28
ppfi'm on bionic, dual booting with win 7. whenever i boot from win7 to linux, i don't have any network, until i disable wol through ethtool18:29
ppfis there way to fix or automate this?18:31
mindofmateoI'm worried I screwed up the SSD.  I had little reason to keep Windows 10, so I opted not to keep it.  Is it possible something on the SSD was needed and now I've gone and removed it?18:31
pragmaticenigmamindofmateo: We have no way of knowing what might have been important to you on your harddrive18:33
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mindofmateoNo, I meant something important for the system, I did not have any personal data/information on the Windows system.18:34
Simoniousjayjo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57b0gJbuvP4 I was able to set a screen up to be rotated a few years ago on a raspi using what I learned here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57b0gJbuvP4 it *may* give you some direction.18:35
pragmaticenigmamindofmateo: If you were done with windows... then I can't think of anything. If you weren't ready to go full time, and your computer is a Dell, Acer, HP, etc... the only thing I could think of is the system restore partition. but you can re-install windows without that18:37
mindofmateoRight.  Worse case, I figured, if I could not so something without Windows, I would use a VM.18:38
tomreynmindofmateo: i can't really find much about this model. can you point me to a website discussing its technical specifications?18:39
tomreynmindofmateo: please also double check the product ID is both correct and complete: Acer Aspire 7 N17C218:40
neoncontrailsUbuntu keeps crashing when I run software update. Is there another way to upgrade from 17.04=>18.10?18:41
nacc!eolupgrade | neoncontrails are you following this?18:41
ubottuneoncontrails are you following this?: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades18:41
tomreyn!ubuntu+1 | neoncontrails18:41
ubottuneoncontrails: Cosmic Cuttlefish is the codename for Ubuntu 18.10 - Support only in #ubuntu+118:41
mindofmateotomreyn,  the sticker on the bottom says "Model No.: (some chinese?) N17C2"     as far as tech specs, i7 7700HQ, 32gb ddr4, 500gb ssd (I don't know anything else about the ssd, though).  I'll look up where I bought it from.18:42
naccneoncontrails: you need to go 17.04 -> 17.10 -> 18.04 via eol upgrades; then set up development upgrades to upgrade to 18.10 (which is pre-alpha, and since you haven't upgraded your system in the year or so since you were supposed to, i don't recommend you using).18:42
neoncontrailsnacc: Whoops, I made a typo: 17.10=>18.0418:43
naccneoncontrails: ah ok :)18:43
naccneoncontrails: still an eol upgrade18:43
tomreynmindofmateo: where you bought it is not important. maybe you can show the outputs of "lspci -nn" and "lsusb" while you'r eon the ubuntu live cd / usb.18:43
jayjois there a way to decrease the icon size below 50%? Now that is still much too large18:43
neoncontrailsI don't think 18.04 supports my graphics card, but 17.10 doesn't support postgres so... :\18:43
tomreyn!paste | mindofmateo18:43
ubottumindofmateo: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:43
mindofmateo...  what did I do, ubottu?18:44
mindofmateo(I know it's a bot)18:44
tomreynmindofmateo: that's just a hint on how to make longer output available here18:44
tomreynalso this:18:44
tomreyn!pastebinit | mindofmateo18:44
ubottumindofmateo: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit18:44
mindofmateoI don't remember, is it OK to paste URLs?18:44
mindofmateooh, I usually used `[echo | cat] "something" | nc termbin.com 999`18:45
mindofmateoto paste from terminal18:45
tomreynmindofmateo: that works, too, if you'll add an extra 918:45
mindofmateoYes, 9999 my bad18:45
tomreynand sure, urls are fine as long as it's about ubuntu support.18:46
mindofmateoThat is the laptop18:46
mindofmateoI have to step AFK for a minute18:48
tomreynmindofmateo: okay, this says "Acer America A715"18:48
SweetAndLowQuestion: I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 18.04 on my lenova D30 with nvidia graphics. Whenever my systems locks the screen gnome-shell starts using 100% cpu and the system is unresponsive and I can't unlock it anymore. I can't even get to the console alt+f2. This is driving me crazy and i either want to fix it or help file a bug. Anyone have suggestions or want to help me get the info to file a bug?18:50
KOLANICHhi everyone. How to set an env variable globally in a deb18:51
leftyfb!bug |sweetandlow18:52
ubottusweetandlow: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:52
KOLANICHglobally and permanently18:52
jayjoit looks like nautilus hard codes a 48px icon size into the package... so does that mean I have to tweak this somehow or pick a different package? What is an alternative to nautilus?18:52
jayjoNone of the tweak tools allow this value to be changed, only things like the text size18:53
SweetAndLowleftyfb: yeah but will that actually get any action?18:53
leftyfbSweetAndLow: as much as any other bug that gets filed18:53
leftyfbSweetAndLow: you can also search launchpad to see if there's any other related bugs already filed18:54
SweetAndLowthere are but it's all nonsense18:54
SweetAndLowpeople who don't care or don't know wha tthey are doing18:54
leftyfbok, then file a bug18:55
leftyfbSweetAndLow: also, what driver are you using for your nvidia chipset?18:55
SweetAndLowleftyfb: 390.4818:56
leftyfbah, hold on18:56
leftyfbSweetAndLow: you could try 396.45 from this ppa https://launchpad.net/~graphics-drivers/+archive/ubuntu/ppa18:58
SweetAndLowone sec, i'll try18:58
mindofmateotomreyn:  you're correct.  That's strange, it does say the model number I mentioned above on the sticker, but then at the other corner it says "Acer A715-71G"19:04
mindofmateoThat matches the newegg page I pasted19:04
tomreynmindofmateo: i suspect it'S this one https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/model/NX.GP8AA.006 and, if so, this is where you get the latest bios updates for it (latest is 1.13): https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/7296?b=119:06
tomreynmindofmateo: "sudo dmidecode --type system --type bios --type baseboard" may help confirm this19:08
mindofmateoThanks.  That *looks* right, but the one I purchased had a few parts upgrades.  I'll look into updating the BIOS after this, but...19:09
mindofmateoOne of my friends just sent me a message asking me if I had the right ISO... I can't believe I'm this stupid, but no.19:09
mindofmateoOriginally, I had the correct ISO, but flashed the USB drive improperly.  I did it again later, but when I downloaded the disk image, I wasn't paying attention and it's amd64...19:10
xniteI just installed server 18.04 and it won't boot. It gets to the screen with a blinking underscore then just hangs there. It's been doing this for like an hour now.19:11
ioriamindofmateo, and not working ?19:11
ioriaxnite, server or mini.iso ?19:12
mindofmateoioria: will an -amd64 ISO work with Intel?  My understanding of architecture, being in that class in college, informs me that it would be incompatible, unless I'm missing something.19:13
Bashing-om!nomodeset | xnite nvidia graphics ? try -19:13
ubottuxnite nvidia graphics ? try -: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:13
ioriamindofmateo, sure, it'll work19:13
ioriamindofmateo, amd64 it's just a name19:14
ioriamindofmateo, for historical reason19:14
ioriamindofmateo, if you have a brand new acer model, usually the issue is the uefi; Acer UEFI is unique  and always an issue19:14
mindofmateoI can get some outputs but it's going to take forever to transcribe this19:22
ioriamindofmateo, from what ?19:22
mindofmateoI was able to get ctrl alt f2 to work, but there is a whole page of lined output19:23
ioriamindofmateo, about nouveau stuff ?19:23
mindofmateoI don't know what nouveau stuff is19:24
jayjojust an FYI - there is no monitors.xml config in the gdm3 for ubuntu18.04 - if you put your monitor xonfig there it will also adjust the rotation on login19:24
jayjoI have a feeling that may be a common issue just by looking at askubuntu19:24
xniteServer iso, no nvidia graphics (onboard). Also got it working after a couple of reboots.19:25
ioriamindofmateo, ok ,a step back; what's your issue  ?19:25
tomreynjayjo: if you think you found a bug in gdm3, please run: ubuntu-bug gmd319:25
tomreynjayjo: if you think you found a bug in gdm3, please run: ubuntu-bug gdm319:25
tomreyn^ typo fixed19:25
mindofmateoioria: I installed 18.04.1 on my laptop mentioned above, once I rebooted it after successful install, it freezes19:26
mindofmateofreezes before I can do anything19:26
ioriamindofmateo, your video card ?19:26
mindofmateogtx 105019:26
ioriamindofmateo, have you tried nomodeset in grub ?19:27
ktech2hey guys... I screwed up apt somehow, I ran the following command: apt install gcc build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r) - it's now 'core dumping' due a bad system call... apt refuses to do anything else and goes right back to it if I try to dpkg --configure -a19:27
ktech2here's what I'm getting: https://gist.github.com/ktechmidas/dfd6473d20e89ba05d510af5c2fe0f6a19:27
tomreyn!nomodeset | mindofmateo19:27
ubottumindofmateo: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:27
ktech2(over and over, ad infinitum)19:27
ktech2ubuntu 18.04.1... just installed it yesterday19:28
mindofmateoioria: I don't know if it installed GRUB, unless I boot to the installer USB drive, it just boots straight to Ubuntu19:28
ioriamindofmateo, when you see the grub screen, select ubuntu, press 'e' and follow the link tomreyn posted you19:29
mindofmateo"Try Ubuntu" or "Install Ubuntu"?19:30
tomreynktech2: "apt install gcc build-essential linux-headers-$(uname -r)" would not be the immediate cause of such grave issues. installing these packages should not do any harm.19:30
mindofmateoI got it19:30
ioriamindofmateo, i thought you already installed ubuntu ...19:30
tomreynktech2: was this system stable before you installed ubuntu 18.04.1?19:31
ioriamindofmateo, or not ?19:31
ktech2tomreyn: I figured it out... I had to add mandb into /etc/lsp.exclude19:31
ktech2I have Astrill VPN also installed since I'm in China19:31
mindofmateoYes, it doesn't go to GRUB.  I do not have Windows.  From a powered off state, if I press the on button, it boots straight to Ubuntu.19:32
ktech2apparantly it screws it up somehow19:32
ktech2once I added it apt managed to resolve itself19:32
mindofmateoI did press `e`, but from the installer boot USB drive, not the system.  So there is no strict "Ubuntu" option, only "Try Ubuntu" and "install Ubuntu"19:32
ioriamindofmateo, press shift or esc19:32
mindofmateoI pressed shift and nothing happened19:33
ioriamindofmateo, you don't have to use the  usb; use your installation19:33
mindofmateo?  if I use my installation, how can I possibly press `e` when "Ubuntu" is selected in the GRUB menu, if it never loads GRUB?19:34
ioriamindofmateo, you make it come up  pressing shift or esc19:35
xniteI have SSH listening on 22, and according to netstat it's bound to the port. I have nginx running as well. I can access the nginx default page, but I'm getting connection refused on ssh. To make sure it wasn't my IDS getting in t he way I disabled snort temporarily and removed all blocked hosts. I can connect from localhost to ssh, but not over the local network basically. I have checked iptables and there is nothing there aside19:35
xnitefrom the default allow rules. Is there any other firewall or something that might be getting in my way?19:35
mindofmateoioria: OK, I understand what you mean now.  I can follow the link now.19:35
ioriamindofmateo, on a single boot grub is hidden by default19:35
ktech2xnite: mybe ufw? try 'ufw status'19:35
ubottuUpgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.19:36
ioriamindofmateo, single boot = no windows19:36
xnitektech2: active... so how do I disable that? It's a local dev machine, don't really need it.19:36
tomreynktech2: please repost a bug against man-db (ubuntu-bug man-db) if so, this shoul dnot happen.19:36
xnitenvm I'll just uninstall it19:37
ktech2tomreyn: the author is already in that thread19:37
ktech2he's aware19:37
ktech2xnite: you can add SSH to it... something like ufw allow ssh19:38
xnitektech2: I tried `ufw allow 22/tcp` with no luck19:38
mindofmateoioria: do I need to add the line `acpi=...` to this file  `setparams Ubuntu` (I'm guessing it's a file)19:38
xniteand just tried `ufw allow ssh` also without any luck.19:38
ioriamindofmateo, no, you add nomodeset19:39
jayjoI tried some other options but I can't disbale my eject key - it appears to be software because it displays the ubutnu eject button. is there a way to just map the keypress to do nothing?19:39
ktech2xnite: and 'netstat -nltp' definitely shows SSH running on port 22?19:39
xnitektech2: yup19:39
xniteand it connects on localhost, let's not forget that.19:39
mindofmateoerror: can't find command `nomodeset'19:40
ktech2hm... you can disable the FW temp by doing ufw disable19:40
xnitenow I'm very confused. I completely disabled ufw. `ufw disable`, it removed it from startup / stopped it, but still no luck getting in... I'm going to uninstall ufw and reboot19:40
ktech2but I don't think that'll help19:40
ktech2don't do that19:40
ktech2it's not ufw19:40
ioriamindofmateo, it's not a cmd,it's a kernel parameter19:40
ktech2disabling it is enough19:40
xniteyea t hat's what I'm thinking19:40
ktech2there's something else19:40
xniteI wanted to nuke it just in case though. :/19:40
ktech2between you and the other host19:40
ktech2it's just a wrapper for iptables19:41
xnitepossibly, idk what it is though but I'll try from a diff computer19:41
ktech2nuking it won't help19:41
mindofmateoioria:  I don't understand.  The link I followed only shows options (nomodeset, acpi=, ...)  It doesn't say what to do with them.19:41
ktech2and nuking iptables definitely won't help (that'll probably bork the whole system)19:41
mindofmateoI added it to the grub file that appeared when I pressed `e` from the grub menu.19:41
xnitektech2: it's my local Ubuntu computer doing it. My other Windows one can connect to it fine using bash for windows.19:42
tomreynmindofmateo: thats's good, and what did you do then?19:42
ioriamindofmateo, do you see this ? http://kbimg.dell.com/library/KB/DELL_ORGANIZATIONAL_GROUPS/DELL_GLOBAL/REC/nomodeset_Linux_HC_ASM_02.jpg19:42
mindofmateoioria: yes that's what I saw.19:42
xniteon the + side it's come that far now, because earlier it couldn't either.19:43
ioriamindofmateo, add after quiet splash ,nomodest and press f1019:43
ktech2xnite: so you got... 3 computers?19:43
ktech21 host - 1 can connect, one cannot19:43
ktech2am I right?19:44
ktech2so it's the one that can't connect that's the issue19:44
ktech2what does it run?19:44
xnite1 = home server, 2 = Ubuntu desktop 3=Windows desktop. 2 cannot connect to 1, 3 can connect to 1 & 2.19:45
mindofmateotomreyn:  I think I put `nomodeset`in the wrong spot19:45
ktech2xnite: and the home server is also running ubuntu?19:45
xniteyup, that's the one that we just did ufw on19:45
ktech2Yeah just making sure19:45
ioriamindofmateo, in the 'linux' line19:45
tomreynmindofmateo: okay, i guess ioria's image will help find the right spot ;)19:46
ktech2xnite: you're sure they're all in the same network and stuff? Sadly there could be a million things wrong here19:46
jayjowhen i go to lock screen my monitors immediately shut off, is there a way to prevent that?19:46
ca-on-adamHi, what do you call a web-based platform where you can log in to edit the page?  I have used mediaWiki before but I am searching for something a lot simpler.19:46
xnitektech2: yea, I can connect to nginx on it.19:47
xnitejust not ssh, and yea there could be a million things blocking it u rright.19:47
ca-on-adamI keep running into desktop software for creating web content that needs to be uploaded, so I must have the wrong name.19:48
ktech2xnite: are they plugged in or on wifi?19:48
xniteboth are on ethernet and plugged into the same switch.19:48
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ktech2just swap the ubuntu desktop & windows desktop19:49
ktech2just to rule out networking issues19:49
mindofmateoOK, FINALLY I'm on the desktop and it didn't freeze when I logged in.  Thank you all.19:49
xnitehmm, haven't thought of that (windows is on a diff switch btw)19:49
ioriamindofmateo, wait man... you can't use always nomodeset19:49
mindofmateoUgh, ok as I typed that a dialog appeared that says "System program problem detected | Do you want to report the problem now"19:49
tomreyn!ot | ca-on-adam a content management system / CMS, but19:49
ubottuca-on-adam a content management system / CMS, but: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:49
mindofmateoioria:  I know that, but I'm just glad that the system is in a state that I can move the cursor, type, etc.19:50
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ioriamindofmateo, probably your card needs the bloody nvida drivers19:50
ktech2bloody nvidia? Are those the bleeding edge ones? :D19:50
ioriaktech2, that's good19:51
on3pkShot in the dark type question, I'm doing a ssh tunnel for a server.  After a period of time (not sure exactly), it seems to break down.  On the remote device it shows that it is still listening, but data isn't being passed from the remote system to the local system.  How do I debug this?19:51
mindofmateoioria:  I figured it had something to do with that, but I selected to install those drivers, even the proprietary ones, in the installation guide.19:51
ioriamindofmateo, good luck19:51
jayjoSuper + Shift + L is suspending my session instead of just going to lock screen19:52
mindofmateoWell if luck is my only tool at this point, I'm doomed.19:52
ca-on-adamthanks tomreyn, it was a really simple question I know...19:52
tomreynon3pk: usually, for persistent tunnels, you'd rather setup a VPN.19:52
tomreynca-on-adam: a really simple off-topic question. ;-)19:53
ca-on-adamtomreyn: is there a channel for ubuntu-server?19:53
tomreynca-on-adam: #ubuntu-server19:54
mindofmateoAm I wrong for wanting to just start over with a reinstall?19:54
ca-on-adamAh, yes it would be more on-topic at #ubuntu-server, right?19:54
tomreynca-on-adam: discussing CMS? not unless they're packaged for ubuntu.19:55
ca-on-adamtomreyn: that would be nice!19:55
ca-on-adamAlthough as far as discussing them, not my intention.19:55
ca-on-adamJust needed the name19:56
pc_magasUsually on php-bazed CMS softwares I would prefer not to use package delivered ones.19:56
ioriamindofmateo, the suggested way, is press the Super (Win) key; type 'Drivers', go to Additional Drivers and install nvidia19:56
jayjoany thoughts on how to prevent my machine from suspending on lock?19:58
pc_magasI wonder if nouveua drivers support OpenCL19:58
jayjoRight now Super + L locks the screen, and it immediately goes into suspend/sleep. If I wake it somehow it stays on the lock screen and doesn't sleep19:58
mqsfwhat do you guys use for screen recording ?20:04
lotuspsychje!info kazam | mqsf20:04
ubottumqsf: kazam (source: kazam): screencast and screenshot application created with design in mind. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.5-2 (bionic), package size 732 kB, installed size 1693 kB20:04
mqsflotuspsychje: I was looking info about this app, I just wanted to double check20:05
lotuspsychjemqsf: there's also recordmydesktop20:05
bigpichey guys i’m firing up an 18.04 server for the first time20:06
bigpicI’ve given it a 48gb disk20:06
bigpictold it to use the entire disk20:06
bigpicbut it’s only creating a 4gb boot disk20:07
bigpicscreen shot: https://i.imgur.com/gqfCYiu.png20:07
xnitektech2: oddly the internet on the server and my desktop both worked... they couldn't connect to eachother though because they were assigned the same IP address... I didn't catch that until now.20:07
lotuspsychjebigpic: checkout the #ubuntu-server channel mate20:12
Pcost8300Hello and good afternoon, i would like to know if changing the root password from server would affect any services that are running by the moment20:23
padarcPcost8300, you have a 99% chance it does not.20:26
Pcost8300padarc: what about that 1% :O20:27
jayjodoes anyone know where ubuntu 1804 is applying the css for my background image? it looks fine on the desktop, but I'm setting it manually for the login screen and it doesn't look the same20:29
jayjoI would like to just apply the same rules20:29
jayjonow I'm editing /etc/alternatives/gdm3.css for the login screen, that's where I'd like to mimic the css from the desktop20:29
padarclets just say it's very unlikely changing the root password would affect running services in any way. Just saying 99% because i never say/write 100% ever ;)20:29
jayjowhere would the css from the desktop be?20:29
mehhinatorPcost8300: If you have services that rely on a root password, there is something really wrong. Any service that needs root permissions should be running as root to begin with, and thus not need a password. Hell, any service needing a password is wrong; this is a problem that public and private keyfiles exist to solve in those situations where it is really necessary to login as a particular user.20:30
padarcmehhinator, just out of curiousity, you have an example for such a service? If a "normal" service would be affected by a root password change, it would do everything wrong in the first place and the dev should be killed :o20:33
Pcost8300padarc: hahahaha there is no need to kill the dev, i just wanted to be sure nothing would happen; there are only common services like postgresql and glassfish server.20:34
Pcost8300running on this server.20:35
padarcPcost8300, then changing the password of root should not affect anything20:36
padarcPcost8300, i would even pay you 100$ if you prove me wrong :P20:36
Pcost8300padarc deal hahahaha20:36
raidensnakehey is there anyone who can get hold of the team to make a bionic release of this?20:44
raidensnakeI can't use the audio on bionic using my intel cherry trail based devices20:45
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: file a new bug perhaps, if something doesnt work as you wish?20:45
raidensnakeit's not a bug I need. it's a compatible build.20:46
raidensnakethe su7pport has been added but the build bot hasn't been scripted to make a bionic debian file20:46
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: talk to #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-release then maybe20:47
raidensnakesorry support*20:47
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raidensnakeI'm not getting anywhere with either of them...20:53
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: play the idle game a bit mate, we have supporters from all over the world, different timezones20:54
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: thats why i still would suggest a bug, you can make it a wish also right20:55
raidensnakethe launchpad site doesn't give me an option to submit anything.20:56
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lotuspsychjeraidensnake: you can add [wishlist] in your title perhaps20:57
lotuspsychjelinkor: can we help you?20:58
raidensnakeit's not that. the launchpad site only lets me view the bugs section. not do anything else.20:58
dalHello all.  I am having some issues connecting to an iscsi target and could use some help.  Authentication is set to none, however I get the error 24 unable to login when I run the iscsiadm -l command20:58
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: from a terminal: ubuntu-bug yourpackage20:59
lotuspsychjedal: better ask in #ubuntu-server mate20:59
dalThanks Lotuspschje!!!20:59
raidensnakeI'm not able to do that since there is no package version to file a bug with21:01
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: you could file against linux-image perhaps and make it wishlist, add your story and for future help, you can show a bug url to whoever..21:03
lotuspsychjeraidensnake: its a missing feature on bionic you need right, so its a wish21:03
raidensnakenot exactly21:04
raidensnakethe support for it is in the code21:04
raidensnakebut there's no actual compiled build for it21:04
tomreynraidensnake: so which version do you need?21:05
raidensnakeI need a version for bionic21:05
tomreynraidensnake: which version of alsa contains the feature  yu are looking for?21:06
raidensnakeit's a seperate dkms package21:06
raidensnaketo fix the intel cherrytrail audio issues21:06
raidensnakethe only versions available are either xenial or artful21:07
tomreynif its not upstream then it won't get packaged in ubuntu anytime soon21:07
raidensnakethe code is there21:07
raidensnakeit was added in a commit21:07
raidensnakethis is the commit that was added21:08
raidensnaketo support bionic21:08
raidensnakebut the issue is there's no actualo build for it21:08
tomreynwell, then have some patience, or build it yourself21:09
raidensnakethe problem is my hardware needs bionic for several reasons.21:10
raidensnake1. because of the kernel version being the only version to support the memory card reader. and 2. because of the QT5 version requirements needed for compiling a certain app i use that got updated. since it needs 5.9 or better.21:12
MurrayMunsterI updated my ubuntu to 18.0421:16
MurrayMunsterand the GNOME desktop top icons keep disappearing21:17
MurrayMunster(the tray icons, i mean)21:17
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lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: from wich ubuntu version?21:17
MurrayMunsterI have to keep doing a ctrl + f2 + r to restart gnome21:18
MurrayMunsterand then they appear21:18
MurrayMunsterUbuntu 18.04.1 LTS21:18
MurrayMunsterthat's my version21:19
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: ah you just updated your system21:19
MurrayMunsternot really, i've had it for a while now21:19
MurrayMunsterbut it is really -- REALLY -- annoying21:19
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: can you make a screenshot for us21:19
MurrayMunsterlet me try21:20
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: you can share with an imgur.com for example21:20
MurrayMunstercan't i share it here?21:21
tomreynMurrayMunster: you can post the url here.21:21
tomreyn!screenshot | MurrayMunster21:22
ubottuMurrayMunster: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imgur.com/ and link the created page here.21:22
qwebirc41437anyone smart on fsck & raid mistakes? I made one today and need help figuring it out21:23
MurrayMunsterawesome website! (I didn't know it existed)21:23
tomreynqwebirc41437: let's try, describe your issue21:23
tomreynMurrayMunster: so what's wrong there?21:24
MurrayMunsterin that screenshot, nothing; those are the icons that disappear21:24
tomreynMurrayMunster: all of them?21:24
qwebirc41437have a working raid5 on 16.04 server- installed 18.04 server and was having boot issues. In some recovery mode menu I hit the fsck option and now the server no longer sees the raid21:25
MurrayMunsterexcept for the wifi, volume, and battery indicators21:25
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: do you use another theme?21:25
MurrayMunsteronly the one that comes out of the box21:26
tomreynMurrayMunster: can you show the output of "sudo /bin/true && pastebinit <( apt update; apt-cache policy; )21:26
tomreynpretty sure one of the 3rd party repositories you have instealled are causing this.21:27
tomreynor rather one of the third party packages installed from there21:27
lotuspsychjeqwebirc41437: see also #ubuntu-server for server issues mate21:27
tomreynqwebirc41437: so you didn't do a release upgrade but decided to go for a new installation instead?21:28
tomreynqwebirc41437: which installer did you use?21:29
qwebirc41437mdadm.conf was blank (didn't show array), but mdadm --examine --scan showed it21:29
MurrayMunsterOne thing, I do have a different icon theme21:29
MurrayMunster(sorry about that)21:29
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: yeah seemed like it21:29
qwebirc41437also when I tried to assemble, I received no superblock errors21:30
MurrayMunstermy bad21:30
qwebirc41437and I was able to remount it, but webmin (headless) showed it as a raid0 (instead of raid5)21:31
tomreynqwebirc41437: you say you installed "18.04 server". but 18.04.1 was released a few days ago. and there are two different server installers, one of them is called 'server-liveinstaller' and has an orange + white theme.21:31
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lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: so as we cant really support externally added ppa's we suggest you clean all ppa's first and check if your issue still persist21:32
MurrayMunsterwill do21:32
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: good luck21:32
tomreyn!ppa-purge | MurrayMunster21:32
ubottuMurrayMunster: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html21:32
qwebirc41437my mistake live installer 18.04.121:33
MurrayMunsterone thing though, why is that related to the PPAs?21:33
tomreynMurrayMunster: I don't knwo this, but make sure it is actually compatible to your ubuntu 18.04: https://download.arangodb.com/arangodb33/xUbuntu_17.0421:33
MurrayMunsterwhy is it fixed one I reload gnome shell?21:33
tomreynMurrayMunster: PPA's are not always of the same quality as ubuntu, or may be made for a different release altogether.21:34
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: well if you would run a 18.04 liveusb, you wont have this issue im sure21:34
MurrayMunsterwell, at least the running apps (the one's that disappear) were installed through the sotware center21:34
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: so along the ride, something must have scrambled your system21:35
tomreynqwebirc41437: i see. so you have some disks, i assume 3 at least, and partitions on them, and then software raid-5 on top of those?21:35
MurrayMunsterthaks a lot21:35
MurrayMunsterreally good help!21:35
lotuspsychjeMurrayMunster: try to revert to as much vanilla as you can ok21:35
MurrayMunstergood advice21:35
tomreynqwebirc41437: any other layers, such as lvm or crypto? which file systems? you could show lsblk and parted -ls21:35
qwebirc41437yes, raid is still intact, no lvm or crypto ext421:36
tomreynqwebirc41437: how do yuo know the raid is still intact?21:36
qwebirc41437mdadm --assemble --scan shows it21:36
tomreynqwebirc41437: okay, so let's see your outputs of the above commands and then we can try assembling it.21:38
tomreynqwebirc41437: if you still have the "no superblock" errors, show those (and the command you ran there), too21:38
tomreyn!paste | qwebirc4143721:39
ubottuqwebirc41437: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:39
qwebirc41437ARRAY /dev/md/0  metadata=1.2 UUID=e153458d:5b423807:de17d929:aff9083b name=fileserver:021:39
tomreyn!pastebinit | qwebirc4143721:40
ubottuqwebirc41437: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit21:40
qwebirc41437oh - on windows machine right now21:42
gustafarayzejoin /brasil21:42
ImYago_Im New in this21:44
mindofmateoHello everyone.  Re: my problems with installing earlier, I was able to do a reinstall of 18.04.1, and now things seem to be working fine (and wifi works, praise the lawd).  I have a few questions though, that I can't seem to fully understand from reading stackoverflow/reddit/googling.  I saw a blue screen when booting that said something like "Pre21:47
mindofmateoss any key to enter MOK Managment" (I didn't get a camera ready in time to snap a pic, but it was close to that)  What does that mean?21:47
tomreynmindofmateo: that's a firmware feature, specific to your mainboard / hardware / system21:48
mindofmateoSo Q1 What is MOK Management?  Also, this time around, I unchecked "Use LVM"  (before I had it checked because I thought I needed it was related to repartitioning/formatting/wiping/whatever the SSD and starting fresh with Ubuntu instead of Windows.  Now the system seems to be faster.  Is LVM more for servers or complex systems?21:48
qwebirc41437something changed - now I have nothing on mdadm --assemble --scan and21:48
qwebirc41437md127 : active (auto-read-only) raid5 sdd1[2] sdc1[0] sde1[4] sdb1[3]       4395016704 blocks super 1.2 level 5, 512k chunk, algorithm 2 [4/4] [UUUU]21:49
qwebirc41437that on /proc/mdstat21:49
mindofmateoThanks tomreyn.  Does it have to do with Secure Boot?  I had that selected (Use secure boot) when I did the reinstall.21:49
naccmindofmateo: MOK is related to secure boot, yes21:49
mindofmateoOK, thanks. I wasn't sure if I read it fast enough to remember what it said correctly.  Is it something I need to configure?21:50
qwebirc41437mdadm --examine --scan gives ARRAY /dev/md/0  metadata=1.2 UUID=e153458d:5b423807:de17d929:aff9083b name=fileserver:021:50
mindofmateonow or in the future21:50
tomreynqwebirc41437: well if this looks like the correct member devices, sdb1, sdc1, sdd1, sde1, then it seem to be a happy array.21:51
tomreynqwebirc41437: posting single lines here is fine, just not 3 or more21:52
qwebirc41437never used pastebinit before, learn something new21:52
qwebirc41437raid is happy, but I'm unable to mount it21:53
qwebirc41437(at least seems happy)21:53
tomreynqwebirc41437: what'S on there, just a single ext4 file system you said, no lvm?21:53
qwebirc41437pretty sure it was just ext421:54
tomreynqwebirc41437: "unable to" is not a very useful report, "attempting to mount it using the command ... returns ..." is21:54
qwebirc41437mount point does not exist - though last boot it mounted, I just couldn't access21:55
tomreynqwebirc41437: let's see your input and output, i'm not watching over your shoulder, can't help otherwise21:56
qwebirc41437mount: /mnt/md0: mount point does not exist.21:56
tomreynthat's the output21:57
tomreynwhats the command you ran?21:57
qwebirc41437mount /dev/md0 /mnt/md021:57
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qwebirc41437also this mdadm --misc --detail /dev/md0 | less mdadm: cannot open /dev/md0: No such file or directory21:58
tomreynso the command tells you that the mountpoint /mnt/md0 does not exist. mount points should be empty directories.21:58
tomreynqwebirc41437: your md is md12721:59
qwebirc41437mount /dev/md0 /mnt/md0 mount: /mnt/md0: special device /dev/md0 does not exist.21:59
tomreynbased on earlier output21:59
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qwebirc41437ahh, I see, it's been so long since I built it, don't even know what to do now22:00
tomreynqwebirc41437: so the device node will be /dev/md12722:00
tomreynnot /dev/md022:00
tomreynso use this in your mount command22:01
tomreynalternatively, you could disassemble it and re-assemble it as /dev/md022:01
qwebirc41437is there any benefit to that?22:02
qwebirc41437mounted now. also in webmin showing up as raid127 vs raid5 device - should I be concerned with that?22:03
tomreynonly that any configurations and automations you have in place which may depend on this specific device name would not need to be modified.22:03
tomreynyou should be concerned about your dependence on an unsupported web application for server management22:04
tomreyn other than that, i would not know, i dont use it22:04
qwebirc41437I would be more concerned (if I had more time)22:05
mindofmateoIf I install the Nvidia drivers, will that remove the need to add `nomodeset` in GRUB when I start my computer?22:05
tomreynqwebirc41437: so, does everything else work as it should?22:06
qwebirc41437thank you very much tomreyn - huge help. rebooting now to see if it holds22:06
tomreynwelcome, good luck.22:07
qwebirc41437hanging on boot at a startjob is running for md127-device (over 60 sec now)22:07
qwebirc41437dependency failed for /mnt/md0 and local file systems22:08
tomreynchances are it's now md0 again22:08
qwebirc41437booted into emergency mode22:08
dserodiohttp://bit.ly/minimal-ubuntu says the latest Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Docker image should be 29MB, but I'm getting a 83.5MB image. Does anyone know why?22:08
tomreynqwebirc41437: so mdadm --scan again, but sdont assemble, yet22:10
qwebirc41437local-fs.target has failed.  same for mnt-md0.mount22:11
qwebirc41437why would local fs fail?22:11
tomreynqwebirc41437: because the /mnt/md0 file system is missing, i assume22:11
qwebirc41437md0 is 4 hdd in raid5 - local fs is separate ssd22:13
qwebirc41437not sure why the raid would cause the local to fail22:13
tomreynqwebirc41437: 'local fs' means local 'file system(s)', as opposed to remote / network file systems. there will be several.22:13
mindofmateoIf I have Secure Boot enabled, when am I supposed to enter the SB password on boot?  I didn't see a prompt anywhere, other than the MOK Managment blue screen.22:15
tomreyndserodio: i think there is only commercial support available for ubuntu cloud images, or from your cloud provider. maybe you can also get help in also in #ubuntu-server22:17
tomreynmindofmateo: i think you'd only ever enter this password in the uefi configuration interface, where it is then used to set or remove it.22:21
Jesuwopehey how do i make my ident stable and not have the tilte character.  i know about an ident daemon but i tried some and it still didn't work.  any help?22:22
tomreynmindofmateo: this is not the equivalend of a boot / bios password.22:22
tomreyn* equivalent22:22
lequestionhow do I get authorization to send messages to ##linux? :D22:23
tomreynJesuwope: i think it's rather uncommon to run an identd nowadays, but you can probably get help with this in #freenode22:23
Jesuwopek thanks22:23
tomreynlequestion: irc help may be available in #freenode22:25
mindofmateotomreyn:  I mean in response to this message - https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-0Zn79mG5k9k/V5WQze01FtI/AAAAAAAAX5E/H_r_W-sH588dTSN840dKI-sxsfCXOcQJwCKgB/s1600/DisableSecureBoot.png22:25
mindofmateoI mean, that wasn't EXACTLY the message I got, but close.  It wasn't asking me to disable UEFI/SB, but to set the password.22:26
gambl0redoes xubuntu have ubuntu software centre?22:28
tomreynmindofmateo: confusingly, as the screen you point to discusses, setting a password is the first step in disabling secureboot22:29
tomreynmindofmateo: the second step would probably have been the mok management screen.22:29
tomreynplease read up on secureboot here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UEFI/SecureBoot22:30
tomreynmost people just disable it, there are good reasons to do so. others enable it, there are some reasons to do so, too.22:31
mindofmateoI'll read that page.  I thought the installer said specifically you MUST use Secure Boot with third party drivers in order for them to work.22:31
tomreynmindofmateo: it's the opposite. proprietary kernel modules will not work with secureboot, unless they got signed by someone else than canonical / the ubuntu developers. but they usualy dont.22:32
tomreynan example for such modules would be nvidias' proprietary graphics drivers22:33
tomreynthey cant be loaded when secureboot is enabled22:34
mindofmateoI'm so confused.  When I was installing the nvidia drivers, a similar styled TUI interface with similar language asked me to set a secureboot password, eg Enter PW, Renter PW to confirm.22:34
clayHi, was wondering if someone could give me insight. can't seem to figure out how to google this.... I have a server running on an internal network. i need to be able to access it outside the network, but i can't punch a hole in the firewall. so I'm looking for something that keeps some type of connection open (like teamviewer/logmein), but for ubuntu server, with no GUI. any keywords/suggestions would be greatly appreciated!! :D22:34
mindofmateo(I just realized TUI interface is redundant... oops)22:35
tomreynmindofmateo: the purpose was probably the same (though i dont know this TUI): to set an initial secureboot passphrase, to then be able to disable secureboot restrictions in the firmware provided user interface before next boot.22:36
tomreynclay: instead of punching a hoole into the firewall, could you do port forwarding there?22:39
tomreynwell you'd still need to do both, but maybe the router (?) interface allows one but not the other22:39
tomreynclay: put differently: are you not entitled to make configuration changes to the router / firewall?22:40
clay@tomreyn: I basically don't want to bother the net admin team with this short term project. Right now, I'm checking out hamachi to see if i could use that22:40
clayno, not entitled at all22:40
tomreynclay: if this is a commercial environment, they may very well frown at you if they find out you worked around this restriction22:41
claytotally agreed.22:41
tomreynclay: what you are looking for is a reverse shell22:41
clayah ok. i'll start reading about that. appreciate the tip!22:42
tomreynclay: but you might loose your job over this, so ... take care. better talk to them first.22:42
mesange29_hi all: Is synaptic still capable to use CDROM as repos? i have a systematic mount error22:45
mal17This channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/22:46
platzanyone know a good way to determine the "release date" of a package?22:48
mesange29_ (mate 18.04 i386) E: Failed to mount the cdrom.22:48
mesange29_plaz: inside the BEDIAN/control22:49
mesange29_sorry DEBIAN!22:50
johtsoThis channel has been hacked by Australia's #1 hacker Simon 'eVestigator' Smith https://evestigatorsucks.com/22:50
mesange29_open the deb package with an archiver22:50
mesange29_platz: sorry i am wrong22:57
platzmesange29_: for example, apt-cache pandoc shows much info, but not a date22:58
naccplatz: release date relative to what?23:00
naccplatz: the publishing history is probalby most what you want, which is available for every source package on launchpad23:00
naccplatz: ask a more specific question, though, i think; you might be misapprehending what a release is :)23:01
platzi guess the date that it would've become available on the next update & upgrade23:01
naccplatz: well, that also depends on your mirror23:01
naccplatz: the only 'fixed' date is publication to the main archive, I'd say; then it's propagation times23:02
platzhrmm, i guess launchpad is probably what i want23:02
naccplatz: your more specific question was still pretty vague, fwiw23:02
naccplatz: why are you asking? that might be the most concrete example to give23:03
tomreynmesange29_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptCdrom23:04
platzsay I have a package installed e.g. pandoc.  I want to know if it hasn't been updated in a long time, or if i have a more "recent" package23:04
platzthe version number doesn't tell me this information23:04
naccplatz: read the changelog?23:04
naccplatz: sorry, now it makes less sense, not more!23:04
naccplatz: what you have on your system is ... what you have; how can you have something more recent than what you have?23:04
tomreynmesange29_: i dont know why it doesn't work with synaptic for you (i also did not know it could do this at all), but this CLI approach should work.23:05
platzso there is no concept of a publication date23:05
naccplatz: there is, but i don't understand what that would have to do with your exmaple23:06
naccplatz: are you wanting to see what apt *would* do if you did an update/upgrade?23:06
qwebirc41437tomreyn: so any other ideas for my md0 raid issues?23:07
platzno, just when the package was last published, and as an extra bonus the publication history23:07
naccplatz: keep in mind, most packages get no updates once a release occurs23:07
naccplatz: only bugfixes and security fixes23:07
platzto judge if the behavior could be much different that it was before23:07
naccplatz: ok, that's all on launchpad23:07
tomreyn<tomreyn> qwebirc41437: so mdadm --scan again, but sdont assemble, yet23:07
platzi'll look there thanks23:07
naccplatz: i don't think you undertand how ubuntu packages work :)23:07
naccplatz: generally, behavior doesn't change within a release23:07
naccplatz: and for the actual changes, you want the changelog23:08
platzi'll look at the changelog then23:08
tomreynqwebirc41437: then assempble it manually as --name=123:08
naccplatz: if you want to know what changed, you wnat the changelog; if you want to when the developer made the change, you want the chagnelog; if you want to know when the package at a given version was available in the archive, you want the publication history23:08
platzmakes sense23:09
naccplatz: none of those things seem to be what you want, which is why i think the question is malformed/misinformed23:09
qwebirc41437mdadm: --scan does not set the mode, and so cannot be the first option.23:09
platzjust would've been nice to see the publication history in the apt tool somehow23:09
platzeven if it doesn't tell me the changelog23:09
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tomreynqwebirc41437: mdadm --examine --scan. then assemble with --name=1 , then verify the device node it got, and make sure /etc/mdadm.conf and /etc/fstab match it. then run update-initramfs -k all -c23:11
tomreynqwebirc41437: then it should come up fine on next reboot23:11
qwebirc41437tomreyn: is the 1 in name=1 arbitrary?23:12
tomreynqwebirc41437: the idea there is to make the device node /dev/md1 or /dev/md/123:13
naccplatz: publication is unrelated to apt23:14
naccplatz: totally different sides of the archive23:14
qwebirc41437tomreyn: should I also use the --update=name?23:15
tomreynqwebirc41437: actually i mean --name=0, sorry23:17
tomreynqwebirc41437: but wait a second23:17
qwebirc41437tomreyn: no worries, mdadm.conf didn't match23:17
tomreynqwebirc41437: do this instead: mdadm --assemble /dev/md023:17
qwebirc41437tomreyn: nor did fstab23:17
tomreynqwebirc41437: did you assmble it yet?23:17
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tomreynqwebirc41437: let's do it like before, show the comands you run and the output returned23:18
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qwebirc41437tomreyn: /dev/md0 not identified in config, gotta use 127 I guess. any idea why it reverted back to 127?23:18
qwebirc41437tomreyn: disregard it's md/0 in --examine --scan23:19
tomreynqwebirc41437: i think mdadm defaults to 127 if there is no ARRAY defined in its config file and if --assemble --scan is used23:19
tomreynqwebirc41437: i assume you would prefer /dev/md0 over /dev/md/0 ?23:20
qwebirc41437tomreyn: yes.  right now it's md/0 in --examine --scan23:21
tomreynqwebirc41437: okay, what's the output of: cat /proc/mdstat23:21
qwebirc41437mdadm: /dev/md0 not identified in config file.23:21
tomreynqwebirc41437: that's not the output of "cat /proc/mdstat", no23:21
tomreynqwebirc41437: mdadm --stop /dev/md12723:23
tomreynqwebirc41437: any output?23:23
qwebirc41437stopped -as expected23:24
tomreynqwebirc41437: is "cat /proc/mdstat" now empty?23:24
qwebirc41437you know it23:25
qwebirc41437tomreyn: yes23:25
tomreynqwebirc41437: mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1 /dev/sde123:25
tomreynqwebirc41437: whats the output of this command?23:26
qwebirc41437tomreyn: started with 4 drives23:26
tomreynqwebirc41437: please run: pastebinit /proc/mdstat23:26
tomreynand tell me the url23:27
qwebirc41437tomreyn: back to md023:27
tomreyngrep ^ARRAY /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf | pastebinit23:27
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qwebirc41437tomreyn: empty document23:28
qwebirc41437tomreyn: mdadm.conf is emptuy23:29
tomreynqwebirc41437: mdadm --detail --scan | pastebinit23:29
qwebirc41437tomreyn: still empty23:31
tomreynqwebirc41437: what is empty?23:32
qwebirc41437tomreyn: disregard that23:32
qwebirc41437tomreyn: md023:33
mesange29_tomreyin: Thanks The cli worked. synaptic add cdrom menu doesn't works but using the menu param->depot other software then add a volume works fine. Need modify the deb line in 'sources.list' to add [trusted=yes] to pass the apt-get update23:33
qwebirc41437tomreyn: mdadm.conf not updated23:33
tomreynqwebirc41437: cp /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/mdadm.conf-example /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf; mdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf23:33
tomreynmesange29_: please file a bug report against synaptic so this can be fixed ioen a terminal and run: ubuntu-bug synaptic23:34
qwebirc41437tomreyn: permission denied? weird23:35
qwebirc41437tomreyn: does raid need to be stopped?23:35
tomreynqwebirc41437: no. are you useding sudo to run these cokmmands, or are you working as root?23:36
tomreynqwebirc41437: run this now: sudo cp /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/mdadm.conf-example /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf; mdadm --detail --scan | tee -a /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf >/dev/null23:37
tomreynqwebirc41437: run this now: sudo cp /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/mdadm.conf-example /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf; mdadm --detail --scan | sudo tee -a /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf >/dev/null23:37
tomreyn^ typo23:37
tomreynqwebirc41437: if you ran the incorrect variant, just run the entire line again23:37
qwebirc41437tomreyn: missing sudo before mdadm, but done23:38
tomreynqwebirc41437: right :)23:38
qwebirc41437tomreyn mdadm.conf is updated23:38
tomreynqwebirc41437: can i see it?23:38
tomreynqwebirc41437: check fstab, too, or post it as well23:39
qwebirc41437tomreyn: ugly but updated23:39
qwebirc41437tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Kn25DkfK5R/23:39
qwebirc41437updated also23:40
tomreynqwebirc41437: hmm it doesn't seem like copying the mdadm.conf example worked out23:40
qwebirc41437tomreyn: last line?23:40
tomreynqwebirc41437: this is "copying the mdadm.conf example": sudo cp /usr/share/doc/mdadm/examples/mdadm.conf-example /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf23:41
mindofmateo13I think my system is working at this point (and if I haven't expressed any gratitude yet, thank you guys for your patience and support), except when I reboot, if I don't add `nomodeset` in GRUB, it just freezes when I log on.  If I add it, everything spins right up just fine.  I installed the graphics drivers, I don't know why it freezes.23:43
qwebirc41437tomreyn: lot of junk in there, but it seemed to update the last line with the ARRAY23:43
tomreynqwebirc41437: what did you do now?23:44
qwebirc41437tomreyn: carriage return23:44
tomreynqwebirc41437: so you placed the 'ARRAY' line there manually? good.23:45
tomreynqwebirc41437: now for fstab, it does not contain anything about mounting md0, or does it?23:46
qwebirc41437tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ScBmr66SQH/23:46
qwebirc41437tomreyn: no md0, but the uuid is there23:47
tomreynwhich one is it then?23:47
qwebirc41437tomreyn: disregard that isn't the md0 uuid23:47
tomreynqwebirc41437: please run "blkid"23:48
tomreynqwebirc41437: please run: blkid | pastebinit23:48
tomreynmaybe also lsblk for your own convenience23:48
granttrecI am in a chroot with ubuntu-standard installed, but I cannot find the packages mksh, any idead what could be preventing that?23:48
qwebirc41437tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Fkb4JcbtFv/23:50
qwebirc41437tomreyn: so fstab isn't updated23:50
tomreynqwebirc41437: echo 'UUID=1e6cd8fe-0c6e-4a60-b044-daedf4d89d2f /mnt/md0 ext4 defaults 0 0' | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab >/dev/null23:50
tomreynqwebirc41437: you should probaböy also change the trailing 0 in the first line to 123:51
tomreynunless you do fsck on the root file system by other means23:52
qwebirc41437tomreyn: ? which trailing 0?23:52
granttrecsimple fix for me as I did not have other repostories enabled23:53
tomreynqwebirc41437: in line 1 of /etc/fstab, the last character should say "1" , not "0"23:53
tomreynqwebirc41437: please post fstab again when you're done23:54
tomreynqwebirc41437: you're not using /dev/sdf1 on this system, right?23:55
qwebirc41437tomreyn: done, any idea why would the root fs have been switched to 0?23:56
qwebirc41437tomreyn: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RsHnGZWcNN/23:56
tomreynqwebirc41437: you mean that last character in line 1?23:56
qwebirc41437tomreyn: yes. and no idea what sdf1 would be23:57
qwebirc41437tomreyn: nevermind sdf1 is usb with 18.04.1 liveserver23:57
granttrecdoes anyone know how the default sources list for ubuntu is made? what provides it?23:58
tomreynqwebirc41437: okay. so this is a fresh ubuntu 18.04.1 server installation?23:58
tomreynqwebirc41437: sorry if you told me before...23:58
tomreyngranttrec: i think the installer just writes it there based on the choices you make23:59

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