
=== gurmble is now known as grumble
veebershas anyone seen this test error in ci? http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-merge-juju/864/testReport/junit/github/com_juju_juju_api/TestAll/21:43
veebersI swear I've seen it occasionally, just ran it 5 times locally with no failures21:44
babbageclunkveebers: yeah, I've seen that before but no idea what's causing it.21:45
veebersbabbageclunk: I wonder if something odd is happening in the lxd container21:46
veebersI'll retry that merge at anyrate for now21:46
babbageclunkveebers: the "not a valid zip file" error is coming from the server, right (although this is testing the client, I think)?21:48
veebersbabbageclunk: looks like thats the case. creates a local charm zip and uploads that21:50
thumpermorning team21:51
veebershey th21:51
veebershey thumper o/21:51
veebers2nd times the charm21:52
babbageclunkhey thumper21:54
babbageclunkveebers: it'd be interesting to know what the server thinks the content of the file is in that case. (I'm guessing zero bytes, but maybe not?)21:57
veebersbabbageclunk: aye, I might put up a pr that is purely a change so that file doesn't get deleted (and extra logging etc.)21:58
veebersand run the suite at different times, i.e. during a ci run etc.21:58
babbageclunkveebers: yeah, that would be awesome21:59
veebersI really need to put together that lxd machine and put it in the garage, deploying the k8s cluster puts my laptop under load :-)22:58

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