
guiverc_wfyi: i just completed my look thru UWN gdoc - my 'comments' are there..02:53
Bashing-omguiverc_w: Ho Kay ,, I have a looksee .. :P03:07
=== SwissBot_ is now known as SwissBot
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::Planet:: Sam Hewitt: Moving Beyond Themes @ https://samuelhewitt.com/blog/2018-08-05-moving-beyond-themes16:18
Bashing-omUWN: in the "Meeting Reports" section - how do we check for any reports to include in the newsletter ?18:00
Bashing-omUWN: In the "Meeting Reports" section how do we check for any reports to include in the newsletter ?18:32
Bashing-omBeginning the process of building the wiki for issue539 .18:35
Bashing-omNear done with the wiki - someone proof read -please and advise on how to populate " Meeting Reports"  .. before completing "In This Issue" .20:37
Bashing-omguiverc_w: Back. Have you looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue539 ? Anything now to change ? And what do we do to populate the "Meeting Reports" section ?23:45
guiverc_wlooking now23:47

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