
tomreynrooik would like to be removed from the various channels, once again.20:28
tomreynplease call his parents so he doesn't need to go home alone20:29
rooikTomreyn: problems?20:34
tomreynget a life, kid20:35
rooikWhy all this hate against me?20:35
rooikFlannel you doo doo20:37
Flannelrooik: Due to you joking around while asking for support, we have to assume you don't actually need help.  Unfortunately, there's not much you can do to convince us otherwise.20:37
rooikI need help20:37
rooikI cant even login20:37
Flannelrooik: That's too bad.  You should've considered the consequences of your rickrolling beforehand.20:38
rooikRickrolling?! It's not me20:38
Flannelrooik: Yeah, it is.  Don't try to play dumb.  We're not idiots and this isn't our first day on the internet.20:39
rooikIf you dont want me to ask for help there, at least help me in this channel20:39
FlannelIf you actually have linux issues, I'm sorry.  At least you might learn a lesson about being polite and the value of honesty.20:40
Flanneltomreyn: Is there anything else we can help you with today?  Just trying to cut back on spectators.20:40
rooikHelp me here please20:40
Flannelrooik: This is not a support channel.20:40
tomreynFlannel: you can kick me here any time.20:41
rooikYou should offer support to your customers20:41
Flanneltomreyn: Don't play that game.  Please part if there's nothing else.20:41
tomreyni dont consider it solved, but ymmv, see you around20:41
Flanneltomreyn: He's not in #u, so, solved?20:42
rooikIf i post the x config and you know whats wrong can you help me?20:42
Flannelrooik: No, this is not a support channel.20:42
rooikCome on, just a try20:42
Flannelrooik: You had you chance.  You even had people asking for more information to help you.  Instead, you decided to rickroll them.20:42
rooikIf you cant, amen20:42
rooikI post it, if you mind to help me, ill appreciate it20:43
Flannelrooik: Nope.  Not a support channel.  You're wasting your time.20:43
Flannelrooik: anyway, have a nice day.  You should come back here when you've grown up a bit if you ever want to get back into #ubuntu.20:44
rooikHere it is: goo.gl/t4muBi . it's up to you to help a linux user or make him uninstall ubuntu for lack of support20:44
Flannelrooik: Have a nice day.20:44
rooikPff, from what ive seen normal users are more helpful than admins20:45
rooikBlame on you20:45
Flannelrooik: I think you're mistaken.  Admins would never give you up, nor let you down.20:46
Flannelrooik: But, we're done here.20:46
rooikNo you're running away and deserting me20:47
rooikAnd you're making an ubuntu customer saying goodbye to your product20:48

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