
veeberswallyworld: fyi https://github.com/juju/charmstore-client/pull/17502:58
wallyworldveebers: not sure about the extra dep introduced03:00
veeberswallyworld: as per pr comment, it's a transient dep from charmstore03:01
wallyworldnormally if not needed to build we can ignore, eg if it's just a charmstore tets dep03:02
veebersack, it was needed the build failed withou it03:04
* anastasiamac lloking excitedly \o/04:17
* anastasiamac stopped looking :(04:18
anastasiamacthumper: well, i liked the code but without the tests and sample output m scared to +1 :) commented on PR04:22
jamthumper: testing that I'm connected04:37
thumperjam: you are04:38
babbageclunkthumper: not that I'm looking because I should be looking at wallyworld's humongodiff, but it seems weird/upside-down to be implementing a juju/juju interface (worker/dependency.Reporter) in juju/worker? What about exposing some way to iterate over the workers instead?05:01
thumperIt doesn't import it, it just mentions it05:02
babbageclunksure, but still05:02
thumperand I'm planning to move all that code into the worker package05:02
thumpercatacomb, dependency and some common workers05:02
babbageclunkok, if dependency.Report lives there then I'm happy.05:03
thumperit will...05:03
thumperI'm looking at removing the tomb.v1 dep in worker package05:03
kelvinliuthumper, thanks for reviewing the PR, good point for the win os issue, just updated the PR, would you mind take a look again?05:03
thumperit is used in the tests05:03
thumperkelvinliu: ok05:03
thumperis there a doc somewhere about what needs to change for tomb.v1 -> tomb.v2?05:03
thumperveebers: do you remember the tomb changes?05:13
=== lathiat_ is now known as lathiat
veebersthumper: there is no doc I don't think. I recall the changes05:46
thumperI've worked it out I think05:47
thumperbut thanks :)05:47
veebersthumper: sorry was on a BS errand :-\05:47
thumperall good05:47
thumperanastasiamac, babbageclunk test added06:09
* thumper is done for today06:12
iceyI've noticed a problem with containers on 4.2.1 represented on: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/bHmBydJ4Hx/ ; basically, "Container 'juju-5099ed-1-lxd-1' already exists"06:14
iceyah, looks like it's fix-committed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju/2.4/+bug/177989706:18
iceyunfortunately, in the edge snap, I can't launch a container with: `0/lxd/0  down                pending  bionic           missing Cancel not valid`06:47
magicaltroutif anyone has any good ideas07:46
magicaltrouter irc fail07:46
stickupkiddoes anybody know how this has made it's way through go vet (and the CI)?08:38
stickupkidcaas/kubernetes/provider/k8s.go:1495: NotValidf format %d has arg v of wrong type k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource.Quantity08:38
veebersstickupkid: if it's the same error babbageclunk saw, I think the cleared out his pkg/ dir and it wasn't triggered again (although I think it is an actually error?)08:40
stickupkidveebers: k, i'll try that08:40
stickupkidveebers: the %d is totally wrong though, it should be %v08:41
stickupkidveebers: that worked, for some reason `make clean` didn't fix it08:42
veebersstickupkid: odd. I wonder why having stuff in pkg/ triggers it but not a clean run (even though it's a legit error)08:52
stickupkidveebers: yeah, i don't really know09:21
stickupkidthought I'd ease back in and fix it, the error message doesn't make sense anyway https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/902209:45
stickupkidmanadart: got a second?09:50
manadartstickupkid: Yep.09:51
rick_h_stickupkid: after you settle your email and such let me know so we can sync up please11:27
stickupkidrick_h: now?11:28
rick_h_stickupkid: sure11:31
rick_h_stickupkid: meet you in the standup HO11:31
manadartstickupkid: Gave you a bit of a bum steer earlier. I was thinking host rather than series.13:33
manadartYou just need to change this: https://github.com/juju/juju/blob/832d4e53b51fa10a902a2376b03f776bd2b813af/juju/version/version.go#L1113:35
manadart^ ... thinking *arch* rather than series.13:35
stickupkidmanadart: if I change that, i wonder what would break :S13:44
rick_h_stickupkid: bwuahahaha, everything! :P13:49
stickupkidrick_h_: exactly, I think I'll get anastasiamac to review that, feels dangerous13:50
rick_h_stickupkid: :)13:50
stickupkidi'll do some testing locally, see what's the damage13:51
rick_h_stickupkid: make sure to give it a few tries from a couple of different series/etc. Also check local lxd vs a cloud for instance13:51
rick_h_stickupkid: +113:51
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manadartexternalreality: Got a sec for a HO?14:59
rick_h_hml: ok, second try at working that up. At least raises the idea of an optional-hint as close to the start of the line as I can get it18:21
hmlrick_h_: sorry, i’m not following, lost context18:23
rick_h_hml: the wording for the CA cert question in add-cloud18:23
hmlrick_h_: ah, ty!18:23
rick_h_hml: and looks like jsonschema supports file: paths via uri, but relative paths can be tricky18:24
rick_h_hml: but tracking google cloud credential use is probably best bet there anyway18:24
hmlrick_h_: unforunately add-credential works very differently than add-cloud18:31
hmlrick_h_: much easier to validate when you read in the entire thing, rather than query the user for each piece18:32
rick_h_hml: ? I don't follow18:33
hmlrick_h_: add-cred doesn’t use pollster, which is causing the “fun” with add-cloud18:34
rick_h_hml: ah crap18:34
hmlrick_h_:there might be a piece i can use, checking it out18:37
knobbydoes anyone know of an example bundle that uses storage? I'm trying to make a ceph bundle that uses storage to allocate ebs from aws. I have a deploy line that works, but I want to put this into a bundle.yaml19:50
veebersMorning all o/20:15
hmlmorning veebers20:16
anastasiamacveebers: hml: o/20:16
hmlanastasiamac: o/20:17
veebersHows things hml, anastasiamac o/20:18
anastasiamacstickupkid: saw ur PR (9023) will take a look today... i would have wanted to also change some test that ensure that we r bootstapping on latest lts (which is now bionic and was xenial before)20:18
hmlveebers: not bad, you20:18
veeberscan't complain too much :-) A bit cold this morning, but that's what the fire is for20:19
anastasiamachml: saw u had some mad weather... r u k?20:19
anastasiamacveebers: u have live fire? (m so jealous!)20:19
hmlanastasiamac: yeah.  just went by, didn’t cause damage at my house luckily20:19
anastasiamachml: oh good :D did u cats sensed it was coming?20:20
hmlanastasiamac: i don’t think so, my girls don’t to be bothered by storms.  though some friends have a dog who is very frightened by them.  the dog even managed to get behind the washing machine one time, no idea how she managed that20:21
anastasiamachml: :)20:22
veebersanastasiamac: well, it's contained in a fireplace but yes :-)20:26
anastasiamacveebers: niiice20:26
veebershml: oh wow, glad you're all ok and the house is fine!20:37
hmlveebers: all good.20:38
thumperbabbageclunk, anastasiamac: updated... https://github.com/juju/worker/pull/5/files21:19
babbageclunkthumper: sorry, just reviewing something else, I'll look at this nect21:37
anastasiamacthumper: looking too23:03
anastasiamacthumper: and un-looking since babbageclunk won that race23:09
anastasiamacbabbageclunk doesn't like winning races?..23:10
* anastasiamac likes when babbageclunk wins review races :)23:10

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