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blackboxswsmoser: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/348704 is up with your comments addressed16:13
blackboxswjust tested on azure to make sure it works16:13
smoserblackboxsw: its perfectly fine to tell me to go away when i suggest thing like additional functions that just get called from other functions.16:22
smoseri just find that easier to mock the method '_is_platform_viable' than mock.patchObject16:22
blackboxswI agree with testability. I actually forgot to address your separate network_config logic into a standalone function.16:23
smoserdo you think that 'is_platform_viable' should be a class method ?16:23
smoseri guess there may well be some datasource that needs to look at system config in order to figure that out.16:23
blackboxswsmoser: at some point yes as the superclass will be able to walk through is_viable check before get/crawl_metadata processing once subclasses all have it.16:23
blackboxswit's an evolution though. I don't mind taking small steps to get there (and simpler test coverage)16:24
blackboxswthe unittests in azure are notably bad as there are so many mocks/setup16:24
blackboxswdecoupling from the datasource makes it easier as you said16:24
blackboxswsimpler test  == more certainty and better test coverage16:24
smoserok. i'm fine with instance method for now.16:25
blackboxswsmoser: instance method for  network_config? or are you talking about _is_platform_viable16:26
smoserblackboxsw: maybe the diff just dint updat e?16:26
smosershows <<<<<16:26
smoseri was talking about _is_platform_viable16:26
blackboxswsmoser: yeah that diff is out of step, I've tried --force etc.16:26
smoserplease do move the convert out to a methoc16:26
blackboxswok network_config -> function16:27
smoser(/me probably used 'method' confusingly above)16:27
blackboxswyeah I got what you meant16:27
blackboxswsmoser: just pushed separate _parse_network_config function for Azure branch16:52
smoserblackboxsw: did you ping about sru release ?17:12
blackboxswsmoser: I did, yesterday I pinged sil2100, this morning I pinged RAOF17:12
blackboxswsmoser: no response to either ping https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/DDYsvBmd8Y/17:12
blackboxswsame comment set both days17:13
blackboxswshall we ping robie?17:13
blackboxswsmoser: I'll add net-convert format option type for azure. good idea (from a test/validation perspective)20:08
[42]is there an easy way to skip the first boot config? i'm trying to migrate a vm without reinstall to use cloud-init for network config20:13
[42]without applying anything else20:13
[42]basically how do i mark it as "first boot already run"?20:17
smoser[42]: what is it that you do not want to run20:42
[42]i definitely want to keep my ssh hostkey20:43
[42]and i don't need user generation20:43
smoserbut you need cloud-init to read networking information and apply it?20:43
blackboxswsmoser: pushed net_convert --kind to support azure-imds  https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34870420:43
smoserwhat cloud platform?20:43
[42]kvm on proxmox20:43
smoser[42]: well, its not really a common / supported option20:45
smoserbut if you look in /var/lib/cloud/instance/sem20:45
smoseryou'll see a bunch of files20:45
[42]doesn't exist before first run20:46
smoserthat represent markers for things in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg 'cloud_init_modules', 'cloud_config_modules', 'cloud_final_modules'20:46
smoserhm.. ignore the first part of that statement.20:47
smoserbut you can probably basically go and comment out anything youthink you might not want to have run/re-run in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg20:47
[42]i guess that's a better option to just comment out everything but network for now20:48
blackboxswadded test instructions to  https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/348704 for the new cli20:50
[42]what's /etc/cloud/templates for?20:50
smoserfiles from there are rendered into other places.20:51
smoserblackboxsw: annoying20:52
smoseri think launchpad went to lunch permenantly on updaitng the diff there.20:52
blackboxswsmoser: I can remove the branch and resubmit and it'd be fine. shall I do that (it's lose our comment review history though)20:53
blackboxsw*it'll lose*20:53
smoserwell you can just reject it20:53
smoserand then link to it from the other20:53
smoserthen its not delted.20:53
smoserbut maybe you forgot to push ?20:53
[42]which module sets the network config?20:53
smoser[42]: it doesnt happen in a module20:53
[42]where does it happen?20:54
smoserso it will happen if cloud-init thinks its a new instance.20:54
smoserfrom cloud-init init (possibly --local )20:54
blackboxswsmoser I forgot I rebased. just hit --force on the MP20:54
blackboxswshould see 1d429c3cb514b35b84efc40533f5935ec2abdf33 committsh20:55
smoserblackboxsw: ?20:56
smoserim confused20:56
[42]why does it explicitly add `post-up ifup eth0:1` to the interfaces config?20:56
[42]at least when i used it in the past it would automatically start anyways20:56
smoserwhat is "it" ?20:57
[42]`cloud-init init`20:58
smoserwell... iirc it was related to getting some static routes to be guaranteed aplied.21:00
smoserintrfaces is kind of messy.21:00
smosercan you show what the input netowork config was ?21:00
smoserblackboxsw: i still see <<<<21:03
smoser(line 455 of visual diff ?)21:03
[42]smoser: https://gist.github.com/Nothing4You/fadcc21d17a35da106842fdd7101ebf121:04
blackboxswsmoser: I just hit resubmit in LP. https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/35263921:04
blackboxswit should clear up the diff21:04
blackboxswI don't see it when I merge into master21:05
blackboxswthe diff is devoid of <<<<<<21:05
blackboxswweird, new merge proposal has it too21:05
smoseryour maybe_remove_ubuntu_network_config_scripts is in _get_data21:07
smoserwere you going to move that to activate ? or is that too late.21:07
smoseri have to run though. i'll lok more tomrrorw.21:08
blackboxswsmoser: last try https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/35266021:10
blackboxswsmoser: activate is too late21:10
blackboxswit happens in init stage instead of init-local when we need to render netplan21:11
blackboxswand if we don't remove /etc/netplan/99-azure-hotplug.yaml  cloud-init's netplan will collide21:11
blackboxswin init-local timeframe21:11
smoser[42]: fwiw, you must hvea a downlevel cloud-init. newre cluod-init will render that with multiple 'iface' entries21:12
blackboxswsmoser: woo hoo last merge proposal listed doesn't contain merge conflict markers21:12
[42]smoser: 0.7.921:12
[42]debian stable21:12
smoser[42]: 0.7.9 is old :-(21:13
smoseri really do have to run.21:13
[42]are there pre-built packages for debian?21:13
[42]thanks smoser21:14

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