
robert_ancellTrevinho, is there a page somewhere on how to build Ubuntu packages using the new Git branches?00:21
jameshduflu: hi.  Since you've been doing some work on Pulse Audio recently, I was wondering if you'd mind reviewing some of the changes I was working on: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/pulseaudio/+git/pulseaudio/+merge/35255802:49
duflujamesh, yes I will look. Although I don't claim to know anything about the code :)02:50
jameshduflu: okay.  I didn't either when I started this :)02:51
duflujamesh, BTW I merged 12.2 into 'ubuntu' today02:51
jameshduflu: it's probably easiest to look at the new version of 0700-modules-add-snappy-policy-module.patch on its own, rather than comparing it to the old version02:51
jameshI pretty much completely rewrote it02:52
dufluYeah OK02:52
duflujamesh, not sure if it's going to be a blocking issue but I also removed the prereq branch today (because ubuntu is identical now)03:04
jameshduflu: I don't think it should matter.  It's the same commits in both places, right?03:05
duflujamesh, yes, same hash has you're already based on. No changes03:05
jameshthe pre-req thing is just there to exclude some changes from the diff Launchpad shows03:07
duflujamesh, yes your plan appears sound03:09
jameshit would have been a lot easier if PA just used the glib main loop ...03:10
jameshduflu: by the way, it looks like the ~ubuntu-audio-dev/pulseaudio git repo is incomplete.  I think the idea is to use "gbp push" to ensure all the relevant bits get uploaded (upstream branch, tags, etc).03:31
duflujamesh, for 12.2 we have intentionally violated DEP14, because Debian isn't up to date. Also I don't know what gbp is03:32
dufluAnyway, see the first sentence. Yeah I will fix it up when Debian catches up03:32
duflujamesh, what that means is that there is no upstream (Debian) branch03:39
dufluthat contains 12.203:39
Fretegigood evening04:20
dufluGood afternoon too :)05:16
duflujamesh, needs some polishing but you don't need to wait for or involve me further: https://code.launchpad.net/~jamesh/pulseaudio/+git/pulseaudio/+merge/35255805:17
jameshduflu: thanks.  I'll sort that out.06:16
duflujamesh, BTW should we also link to bug 1781428 ?06:47
ubot5bug 1781428 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) "pulseaudio built with --enable-snappy but 'Enable Snappy support: no'" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178142806:47
jameshduflu: yeah.  I'll add that.06:51
dufluAlready done, except the changelog06:51
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oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:52
jibelHi willcooke, oSoMoN and all07:53
oSoMoNsalut jibel07:53
seb128good morning desktopers08:09
dufluMorning willcooke, oSoMoN, jibel, Laney, seb12808:10
seb128hey willcooke duflu Laney08:10
seb128lut oSoMoN jibel08:10
seb128how is everyone today?08:10
oSoMoNnot too bad, how are you?08:10
seb128I'm good, didn't sleep well though08:10
seb128it was still too hot, and playing 1.5 hour tennis in the heat after work might not have been the best idea, I was still feeling like I hadn't cooled down when I went to bed08:11
oSoMoNbeware of the heatstroke!08:14
jameshItt's been pretty warm here today.  It got all the way up to 1808:15
LocutusOfBorghell oseb128, https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=895037 seems that Debian is really pushing for that direction...08:16
ubot5Debian bug 895037 in src:libappindicator "libappindicator: deprecated in Debian; AppIndicator based applications, please switch to Ayatana (App)Indicator(s)" [Serious,Open]08:16
LocutusOfBorgseb128, ^^ sorry for the wrong tag :)08:16
seb128LocutusOfBorg, that's nothing new there08:16
willcookejibel, your weather forecasting skills are on point.  It did rain yesterday.08:16
willcookeFor about 30 seconds08:17
seb128LocutusOfBorg, that's a free claim from the fork version maintainer though...08:17
jibelwillcooke, lol, it's been raining all the evening here08:17
jameshduflu: one other thing: do you know if there's any reason we're keeping the trust store patches around in Pulse Audio?08:20
duflujamesh, I can't remember -- either because someone piped up and said they were required, or because nobody had a clue about them08:21
willcookeMy money would be on the second option08:22
jbichajamesh: hi, did you see my comments on https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gedit/merge_requests/2 ?08:22
jameshduflu: the changelog says we stopped building the module because trust-store itself is broke and no one wants to fix it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/trust-store/+bug/173946908:23
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1739469 in trust-store (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in bionic" [Critical,Fix released]08:23
duflujamesh, oh I think it was vorlon who did that. And again nobody had any opposing opinion on the matter08:24
jameshjbicha: sorry, hadn't got round to the comments.  Looking now08:25
seb128jamesh, duflu, trust store there was no reason, out of the fact that the snappy patch was relying on changes from the trust store one iirc08:28
jameshjbicha: for the "add or remove encodings" item, I'm not sure what the best option is.  There's no way to handle that with the newer choice API, in part because that sort of interaction isn't possible with an out of choice file chooser08:28
jameshseb128: we need the patches that add the access hooks.  It wouldn't be too difficult to trim the ones adding the trust store module code though08:29
seb128just needs to be done08:29
seb128which hasn't been important enough to have someone working on it so far08:29
jameshSince I'm updating the later patches anyway, I may as well remove them.08:30
jameshthey'll still be available in the version control history if we want to resurrect them08:30
LocutusOfBorgseb128, this pushing is making our life worse, this is what I'm saying08:33
seb128jamesh, sounds good, thx08:34
seb128LocutusOfBorg, I don't think it changes much, it's not like Debian had a lot of appindicator users atm08:34
seb128and most our appindicator-using packages in main already have a delta08:35
LocutusOfBorgso your worries about mixing them are not a concern anymore?08:35
seb128we are not mixing08:36
seb128main is on libappindicator08:36
seb128which is what I care about08:36
seb128if things in universe need to be tested or fixed whoever cares about those can do08:36
andyrockLaney: what do you think about https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/gnome-calculator/merge_requests/6#note_36835 ?10:22
andyrockregarding uploading gnome 3.29.x to experimental10:23
Laneyandyrock: I don't think there's consensus in the GNOME team in Debian for that workflow, but it would be OK if there were and then we should do it like that.10:27
LaneyIt works better for me to consider master to be unstable and experimental a branch of that.10:29
LaneyBut whatever.10:29
andyrockLaney: kk thanks. Just trying to understand and to make myself an opinion :)10:33
LaneyYah, that's a good idea10:41
LaneyIt doesn't really apply in Ubuntu since it's always clear what "master" is for us10:41
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oSoMoNricotz, have you found a fix for bug #1785795 ?13:59
ubot5bug 1785795 in libreoffice-l10n (Ubuntu) "libreoffice-l10n-el does not create the folder autotext/el" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178579513:59
oSoMoNcan I assign the bug to you?13:59
ricotzoSoMoN, hi, the first hack didn't work, but while fixing it upstream seems more appropriate working around in the packaging will be easier14:01
ricotzbasically what is happening is the packageinfo target is not tracking/installing empty dirs14:02
ricotzI ran out of time for libreoffice for today14:03
oSoMoNricotz, no worries, should I still assign it to you for when you have time for it?14:28
oSoMoN(and thanks for investigating it in the first place)14:28
ricotzoSoMoN, yeah, you can do that14:34
cpaelzerLaney: (as expert on Archivy things) willcooke: (for knowing whats currently going on on desktop) tsimonq2 (last uploader) - we just discussed issues on proposed- migration. TL;DR is that smoser started wondering why software-properties won't move and after a long chain of dependencies it seems lubuntu-desktop is still holding old references.14:55
cpaelzeroverall this is related to the transition software-properties-kde -> software-properties-qt14:55
cpaelzerwe found muon and apper and others resolved in -proposed14:55
cpaelzerbut lubuntu-desktop still isn't - since the new software-properties has a conflicts&replaces to the old software-properties-kde there is still some uncertainty left what exactly is blocking what14:56
cpaelzerbut it feels like a loop when we looked at it14:56
cpaelzerand we wanted to ask if one is looking at lubuntu-desktop (lubuntu-meta actually) in that regard14:57
Laneycpaelzer: I doubt it - we would normally expect the uploader to be taking care of that14:58
cpaelzersmoser: since you arrived late Laney just said "I doubt it - we would normally expect the uploader to be taking care of that" as answer to if anybody is looking into that14:59
LaneyLet's see what tsimonq_2 says, seems to be his work.14:59
cpaelzerhe was last at least, I haven't checked the other related uploads changelogs15:00
cpaelzersmoser: did you?15:00
LaneyThat's the upload which renamed the package15:00
cpaelzeroh I see, good I added him here for being the last to push lubuntu-desktop actually15:01
cpaelzerso he might be aware of both ends of this15:01
LaneyIf you want to JFDI it's probably just a matter of fixing lubuntu's seeds to refer to the right package and then uploading lubuntu-meta15:03
cpaelzerIt is probably fair to give tsimonq2 a word before JFDI :-)15:06
cpaelzersmoser: or were you like super-urgent blocked on this?15:07
cpaelzersmoser: since you asked before, would be https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/lubuntu/+ref/cosmic I think15:08
smosercpaelzer: its not super urgent, no. but its annoying that i have things start testing new codepath with anger.15:08
oSoMoNkenvandine, I want to SRU fonts-liberation and fonts-liberation2 to bionic (bug #1769654), I have built and tested the packages in a PPA, if I give you the source packages can you sponsor them?15:13
ubot5bug 1769654 in fonts-liberation2 (Ubuntu Bionic) "Ubuntu 18.04 embedded fonts Liberation have corrupted metrics" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176965415:13
oSoMoNkenvandine, source packages are there: https://people.canonical.com/~osomon/fonts-liberation-sru/15:18
jibeldoes anyone have an example of a desktop application packaged as a classic snap?15:21
Laneygnome-software is isn't it?15:22
jibelLaney, do you know where is the snapcraft.yaml?15:26
Laneyjibel: nein, probably kenvandine does though15:26
kenvandinei do15:27
kenvandinehang on15:27
jibela snap source command would be nice15:27
kenvandinethat would be nice15:27
oSoMoNis that the right branch15:28
jibeloSoMoN, Laney kenvandine thank you15:28
Laneythere is a 3.29 thing in edge15:28
jibeloSoMoN, that will do15:28
Laneyit might be https://gitlab.gnome.org/Community/Ubuntu/gnome-software/blob/snap-master/snap/snapcraft.yaml15:29
kenvandineeither are fine examples15:29
kenvandineoSoMoN, i can sponsor those in a bit15:30
Laneyhow do those get merged with the upstream sources?15:30
kenvandineLaney, manually15:30
Laneythat snap-master branch isn't as up to date as the snap in edge15:30
Laneyso where does that come from?15:30
kenvandineignore the snap :)15:30
kenvandineit's been renamed snap-store15:30
kenvandineand that snap isn't classic15:30
Laneythought that was a different thing15:31
smoserLaney: so fixing the seed. that is https://code.launchpad.net/~lubuntu-dev/ubuntu-seeds/+git/lubuntu . then the meta package update of lubuntu-meta....15:31
Laneysmoser: correct15:31
smoserbut do the seeds update from -proposed ?15:31
smoserwhichwoudl be required or the meta-package update wouldnt see them.15:31
LaneyI think maybe not, but ./update in the meta will tell you what it does15:31
Laneyif not there is a way to make it look there that I could try to remember how to do15:32
oSoMoNkenvandine, thanks!15:33
smoserLaney: well, i guess what i'll do for now is a MP for the seed change. as that seems required.15:36
smoserthanks for your help.15:37
Laneyno worries15:37
smoserLaney: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/ubuntu-seeds/+git/lubuntu/+merge/352765 .15:44
smoserif you want to review that you could... or we can just let the MP serve as a notification/request to lubuntu-dev15:44
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kenvandineoSoMoN, sponsored16:28
oSoMoNkenvandine, thanks!16:28
willcookenight all17:54
oSoMoNtkamppeter, hey, would you be able to confirm bug #1779432 by any chance?18:34
ubot5bug 1779432 in libreoffice (Ubuntu) "Libre Writer doesn't do duplex printing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177943218:34
oSoMoNtime to call it a day, have a good evening everyone19:07
tsimonq2cpaelzer, Laney: ack, will fix.20:46

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