
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.05:50
knightwisehey brobostigon , daftykins06:24
brobostigonhi knightwise06:24
knightwisedaftykins: managed to catch the cat ?06:30
zxmoy-pito get cat from under bed, tie towel to brush head. poke cat with brush, when cat attacks towel pull brush out, one captured moggy09:12
=== Chipm0nk is now known as pleasebanjqagain
=== pleasebanjqagain is now known as ChunkzZ
Knightwisei wonder , if i run an app forwarded via X14:12
Knightwise(like for example Hexchat right now)14:13
Knightwiseis there a way I can quit the session, return and "pick up" the app?14:13
Knightwise /join #oggcastplanet14:16

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