
autowiz안녕하세요~~ ^^01:33
autowiz오랜만에 갑자기 생각났네요  리하이~ ㅎㅎㅎ01:52
bridgebot3<draco> 하이01:55
autowiz올해 더위에 서버나 사람피해는 없으신가요? ㅎㅎ02:11
bridgebot3<pzesseto> 안녕하세요 ,, 전 휴가라 며칠 쉬었네요02:30
bridgebot3<pzesseto> @autowiz 글쎄요 미디어 기사에서 IDC나 서버 피해 사례는 못 본 것 같네요,  다들 에어컨 빵빵하게 가동할 것 같군요..02:33
autowiz일본에서는 식당앞에 진열해놓는 그 플라스틱으로 만든 음식 모형이 녹아 내린곳도 있다더라구요  어지간히도 덥긴 한거 같습니다.02:34
bridgebot3<pzesseto> 핫,,,,  지구촌이 전부 헉헉 대는군요 ~~02:35
bridgebot3<pzesseto> 늦더위도 한 더위 하는데,,,02:35
bridgebot3<pzesseto> 더워도 전 여름이 좋군요 ㅎㅎ02:35
autowiz저도 늘 겨울보다 여름이 좋았는데 , 올해는 좀 심하게 덥네요 ㅜㅜ04:00
bridgebot3<draco> 전 추위를 안타고 더위 타는 사람이라... 제가 적절하게 느끼는건 15도 정도? 20도만 되도 덥거든요. 그래서 요즘 죽겠어요;;;04:55
bridgebot3<draco> 전 11월 중순까지 반팔 입을 정도...04:55
bridgebot3<pzesseto> @draco 허~~~  20도에 덥다면 ... 여름엔 정말 밖에 못 나가는 수준이네요,,,05:12
soyeomul오늘은 우분투에서 접속했어요~05:14
soyeomul새벽에 수송아지 한마리 우시장에 내보냈어요...05:14
soyeomul이 송아지.. 태어나서 어미가 수유를 거부해서 제가 정성을 드렸어요05:14
soyeomul5일간 정한수 떠놓고 목욕재계하고 소조상님께 빌었어요 어미가 깐돌이 젖좀 먹이게 해달라고요05:15
soyeomul아 그렇게 하니깐 며칠 후 어미가 깐돌이 젖을 먹이기 시작하더라구요05:15
soyeomul그렇게 6개월을 키워 올려서 오늘 새벽에 다른주인게 떠나보냈네요05:16
soyeomul쪼매 마음이 허전하고 모 그렇네여05:16
soyeomul장 시세가 높아서 평균가보다 26만원 더 받았어요05:17
bridgebot3<draco> 안녕하세요.05:18
soyeomul영찬님 꾸벅~05:18
bridgebot3<draco> 저는 소에는 이름 못 붙일듯. 이름 붙이면 팔거나 하지 못 할거 같아서요. ㅎㅎ05:18
bridgebot3<draco> 어렸을 때 시골에 소들 키우는거 어른들이 쑨 쇠죽 몇번 날라서 줘봤는데 눈이 너무 예뻐서 ㅎㅎ05:19
soyeomul소가 진짜 눈이 똘망똘망하더라구요;;;05:20
soyeomul에... 그라고 뉴스를 봤는데요 신문요05:21
bridgebot3<draco> 소나 사슴 같은 동물들은 눈이 예쁘더라구요.05:21
soyeomul진짜 소05:21
bridgebot3<draco> 뉴스에서 뭐가 있나요05:22
soyeomul눈이 똘망똘망하고 커서... 그냥 미쳐버려요 쳐다보고 있으면요 ㅠㅠ05:22
soyeomul예... 그게05:22
soyeomul지금 클라우드 시장에서 구글이 3위이지만.. AI를 클라우드에 접목시키면... 아마존과 마이크로소프트를 추월할거라는 그런 소식을 봤어요05:23
soyeomul그래서 생각했어요 아 줄을 서려면 구글에 줄서야하나보다..05:23
soyeomul그냥 혼자 생각이었네여05:23
bridgebot3<draco> 구글이 AI가 강하긴 하죠. 하지만 1년이면 확확 바뀌는 IT세상에서 예측은 뭐 무당질이나 마찮가지라 ㅋㅋ05:24
bridgebot3<draco> 마찬가지 맨날 틀리네요 ㅋ05:25
bridgebot3<draco> 얼마전에 구글 듀플렉스가 가게 예약하는 영상 보고...정말 어이없긴 했어요 ㅋ05:26
soyeomul아주 자연스러웠던 기억이 나요;;;05:26
bridgebot3<draco> 텔레마케터들 다 실직하겠구나도 싶구요 ㅋㅋㅋ05:27
soyeomul전 그냥 소나 열심히 키우렵니다 ㅠ05:27
soyeomul일이 있어 먼저 나갑니다05:28
soyeomul모두 존 하루여~~~05:28
bridgebot3<draco> 더운데 고생하세요.05:28
bridgebot3<draco> 힘드시겠다..05:29
poxifide23Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?06:32
poxifide23This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.06:32
slackjeffChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?06:50
MobileMattChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?06:52
andries13Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?10:26
andries13This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.10:26
Michail1Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?10:28
mon18Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?11:49
Louis1Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?11:50
OmniousChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?12:25
EdSaperia4Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?12:54
bigpet6Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?13:00
bigpet6This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.13:00
bigpet6Consider Andrew Lee's involvement, Andrew Lee is Christel's boss at London Trust Media and he also controls the majority of freenode voting rights. Andrew Lee also heads the handshake ICO scam. Coincidence?13:00
OmniousChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?13:10
matlockChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?13:16
Guest11218Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?14:44
Guest75005Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?14:46
developersChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?15:16
developersThis blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.15:16
developersConsider Andrew Lee's involvement, Andrew Lee is Christel's boss at London Trust Media and he also controls the majority of freenode voting rights. Andrew Lee also heads the handshake ICO scam. Coincidence?15:16
developersOh, and about those donations she speaks of: https://twitter.com/ISCdotORG/status/102546169213251993615:16
developersDon't support freenode and their ICO scam, switch to a network that hasn't been co-opted by corporate interests. OFTC or efnet might be a good choice. Perhaps even https://matrix.org/15:16
pendo324Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?15:47
pendo324This blog is essentially an ad for the Handshake ICO scam with a one-line "denial" of involvement mixed in there. It's obviously very unethical of Christel to not mention her own involvement in the scam which the blog post promotes.15:47
manish8Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?17:38
ramsey29Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?17:58
mancha28Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?18:02
MinkarChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?18:08
dfgg5Christel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?18:10
bast-anonChristel just posted this "denial" on the freenode blog https://freenode.net/news/spam-shake Why does this blog post mention "10.2 million" THREE times?18:10
thumbs17kaniini has invited you to join #litepub18:44
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