
anastasiamacthumper: wallyworld: m pretty sure that this si not intentional but with the change of default behavior of create backup in 2.4, it's possible to not download a copy and not store it remotely00:56
anastasiamaci'd like to put a stop to that... what's the point of running backup if there is no output00:56
wallyworldwell that doesn't look very reasonable00:56
wallyworld+1 to fix00:56
anastasiamacalso, is it really practical for us to allow --verbose here?00:57
wallyworldin 2.3.9 even00:57
wallyworldif the behaviour was first doner there00:57
anastasiamacwho would want the contents of backup from command output as stdout00:57
anastasiamaci'll check 2.300:57
wallyworld--verbose should be for extra status info etc00:57
anastasiamack, yes verbose is just metdata00:58
anastasiamacand confirmed that the change in behavior only went in from 2.4-beta200:59
anastasiamacoh no.... ran backup unit tests and got all this test backup archive files left behind...01:28
* anastasiamac adding proper filesystem cleanup to test suite01:28
veebersSorry for all the spam you're probably getting wallyworld, I'm close to a fix. I'll just push the oneliner the fix for your issue then propose a PR for the re-do of the merge jobs etc.02:33
wallyworldno worries02:33
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: dep seems to work pretty great for me thanks! I had one hiccup where I normally work in a symlinked dir ~/juju, rather than in $GOPATH/src/github.com/juju/juju, and dep complains about that.02:41
babbageclunkDo you know whether there's any way around it?02:42
anastasiamacveebers: u r only sorry that wallyworld is spammed? :(02:43
veebersanastasiamac: hah I hadn't realised others would to, ah because you commented on it right? Sorry to you too02:43
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: also, do you mind if I turn off the -v on dep ensure? It makes building pretty noisy - if I'm just changing a leaf package I'd normally only see a few lines of output.02:44
anastasiamacveebers: i was just picking on u :) in fact, it improves my blood flow as everytime email arrives, my machine pings and I startle/jump02:44
babbageclunk(The symlink thing isn't much of a problem for me, I normally build through a wrapper script anyway so I just change to the directory that works.)02:45
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, sure, i think the -v  could be just for debuging.02:46
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: yeah, I figured that might be it.02:47
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: oh, the other noisy thing is that we now list all of the packages in the go install line rather than just "github.com/juju/juju/...". Is that needed to avoid the vendored dirs?02:51
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: I'm tempted to hide it, if that's ok.02:51
anastasiamacveebers: is it k to propose against develop or will it make ur current task worse?02:53
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, awesome, great to see u tempted to hide the annoying long list of packages,02:53
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, the purpose of listing packages was to exclude vendor02:54
veebersanastasiamac: go nuts, if the check/merge fails for you let me know. I have a quick fix for the immediate problem, I'm working on restructuring the whole job system as as separate but related task02:54
babbageclunkyeah, that makes sense02:54
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, thanks for doing the enhancement.02:55
wallyworldanastasiamac: here's that PR :-D https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/904803:10
anastasiamacwallyworld: yep, Awesome \o/ looking03:10
wallyworldty, i owe you a beer03:10
wallyworldit's not too big actually03:11
* anastasiamac stops reviewing03:12
* babbageclunk is sorely tempted.03:15
babbageclunkhey axw!03:15
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: any idea why the digest is 0: for golang.org/x/crypto in the committed Gopkg.lock? I just updated my first dependency in dep-world, it was fine except it's also updated the digest for the crypto package despite my not having touched it.03:19
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, i didn't know the digest was 0 for crypto.  needs to investigate03:23
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: cool, thanks03:24
vinodhini wallyworld: could u please take a look at the PR : https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/904903:34
vinodhiniwho is that ?03:34
vinodhiniwallyworld: the ca-cert for now i havent taken into the 2.4.2 - to me it looks that it is out of scope of this bug fix.03:36
vinodhiniLe t me know ur inputs03:36
wallyworldsure. i wasn't intending to take thw who ca cert thing, just the small refactoring of certain parts of the code that were common to this change03:36
wallyworldi'll look at the pr03:37
anastasiamacwallyworld: reviewd but m raising ur beer offer to sparkly, at least...03:38
wallyworldok :-)03:38
wallyworldnext week03:39
wallyworldmonday even03:39
anastasiamacit's a short week in bne and am saving myself for partying03:39
wallyworldi'm too old to parety03:43
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: oops, my computer died.03:44
anastasiamacwot? my 99 yo granny still parties... u r not that old, wallyworld :) altho they do say that u r as old as u feel03:45
wallyworldsometimes i feel 21 again, mostly not03:45
anastasiamac:) early 20s tend to be crazy - taste of freedom and all that....03:46
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, i just found that digest updated from "0:" to "1:xxxx" as well. don't know why it was 1 tho.03:46
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: <shrug> I don't think it matters too much. I'll just leave it.03:48
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, yeah, let's see if it happens again in the future03:49
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: can you review this please? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/905003:51
wallyworldvinodhini: looks pretty good but needs tests. also don't forget to remove the template from the PR description03:56
babbageclunkveebers: I'm getting a weird build failure - can't install go snap. Is this a known thing or something new? http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/2898/console03:58
veebersbabbageclunk: let me have aa quick look03:58
veebersbabbageclunk: no, that's some weird failure that I've seen happen twice now. a re-run should go through properly03:59
veebersbabbageclunk: hah, infact my test job (which shouldn't have triggered) is running that pr branch fine; http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/veebers-github-check-merge-juju/27/console04:00
veebersunfortunately it won't count04:00
babbageclunkveebers: ok, kicking it off again, ta04:00
veebersbabbageclunk: I'm really not sure what the error is due to, will have another look at some point, but it seems udev is unhappy within the container04:01
vinodhiniwallyworld: thats why its WIP - i am working on unit test part04:01
wallyworldvinodhini: oh, doh! sorry, i didn't see that04:02
wallyworldmaybe time for glasses04:02
babbageclunktoo much partying04:02
kelvinliu_babbageclunk, LGTM, thanks!04:03
anastasiamacwell, m reading wallyworld's "glasses" as "friday drinks" too04:04
wallyworldi wish04:04
babbageclunkkelvinliu_: cheers04:05
babbageclunkveebers: This one looks bad too... http://ci.jujucharms.com/job/github-check-merge-juju/2899/console04:11
* veebers looks04:11
babbageclunkdoh, not on the vpn after rebooting04:12
veebersbabbageclunk: hmm, yeah that might be a cloud-init issue, I've seen that recently before too. I've spoke briefly to someone about it, let me poke around a bit04:12
babbageclunkveebers: hah, your test job against my PR did count!04:20
veebersbabbageclunk: erally? oops, luckily it's just the check and not an erroneous merge04:20
* veebers deletes that job04:21
babbageclunktrue that04:21
babbageclunkaww, what happened to the veebers-rulez container?04:21
veebersbabbageclunk: I've just aborted that job that was stuck04:21
veebersbabbageclunk: hah you on that machine? :-)04:21
babbageclunkyeah, once I remembered to start the vpn04:22
veebersbabbageclunk: We had a sick machine that was gumming up the cleanup jobs, so thinigs wheren't being cleaned up. I think too many old lxd machines on there does something to the cloud-init on those jobs04:22
babbageclunkah right. hey, did you just kill my merge job?04:23
veebersbabbageclunk: so in short, I killed that machine, re-ran the cleanup to get grumpig cleaned up, killed that stuck job, You need to re-build that pr04:23
veebershopefully it'll get through this time04:23
veebersbabbageclunk: um, sorry yes04:24
babbageclunkha, no worries04:24
veebersbabbageclunk: it wasn't going to go anywhere. I'm hoping to get more insight on it, but I think the cleanup will sort it for the immediate future04:24
babbageclunkoops, think I've managed to schedule multiple merges - cleaning them up now.04:27
anastasiamacan easy review anyone? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/9051 adds uuid back for compat04:48
vinodhiniwallyworld: have a min ? i want to discuss abt this goose lib04:51
vinodhinii wud like to HO please.04:52
wallyworldsure, i'm there04:53
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: any chance u could have a look since apparently u r my patner in the original crime...?^^^04:55
babbageclunkanastasiamac: well, ok, as long as it's easy!04:56
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: when is it ever?04:56
anastasiamacbut PR is small04:56
babbageclunkanastasiamac: why have both? Is that going to be more confusing than just having uuid?04:57
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: to ensure backward compatibility... and a way forward... we've been discussing it instandup the last couple of days :)04:58
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: also, see thumper comments in the linked bug ;)04:58
babbageclunkok, reading more04:58
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: thank you :)04:59
babbageclunkanastasiamac: approved!05:00
anastasiamacbabbageclunk: \o/05:00
babbageclunkanastasiamac: hey, how was I your partner in the original crime?!05:01
anastasiamacu were reviewer when i've renamed 'uuid' to be 'controller-' or 'model-'05:01
anastasiamaclol... how else?05:02
babbageclunkwhoa, totally blanked that from my mind.05:02
veebersbabbageclunk: I'm not sure that argument would hold up in court . . .05:04
anastasiamackelvinliu_: m doing something wrong.. teething problem mayb? m was off develop locally, switched to 2.4 but running 'make install' or 'go install ./...' does not work05:05
kelvinliu_anastasiamac, u will need to run `make godeps` after switched to 2.3 or 2.405:06
anastasiamackelvinliu_: i have05:06
anastasiamacbeofre trying to install05:06
anastasiamaci'll try again05:06
kelvinliu_anastasiamac, because we need to rm -rf ./vendor then ensure dependencies via `godeps` for 2.3/2.405:08
anastasiamackelvinliu_: sorted... yes... i was not runing make target but godeps directly... old habits die hard... i'll b better by monday i promise05:09
* anastasiamac winces05:10
kelvinliu_anastasiamac, cool! hope the change doesn't impact ur workflow too much.  : )05:14
anastasiamackelvinliu_: so far, pretty seamless !!! so kind of awesome05:15
anastasiamacand another awesome and laconic PR for review, plz - https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/9052 - help for create-backup and removing test artifacts05:22
anastasiamacwallyworld: any chance u could PTAL ^^ 2.4 one after all..05:24
wallyworldanastasiamac: done with a request to reject incompatible cli args05:29
anastasiamacwallyworld: so, the problem is that they are not incompatible. it's totally okay to say --keep-copy --no-download...05:31
wallyworldsure, so check the value05:31
wallyworldif keep==false and no-download then complain05:32
anastasiamacwallyworld: eve if the user says '--keep-cope=false --no-download', we will ignore --keep-copy05:32
wallyworldthat's when we should error05:32
wallyworldmake sense?05:32
anastasiamac-keep-copy is false by default05:33
anastasiamaci.e. when we read a flag we supply 'false' as default...05:33
anastasiamachow do u know if that false is user-supplied vs the default value?05:33
wallyworlddoesn't matter how the true/false value gets there. if c.Keep == false and c.NoDownload == false then it's an error05:34
wallyworldie we don't want to allow the user to accidentially ask for a no nop05:35
anastasiamacwaht u describe is undetectable05:35
anastasiamacwallyworld: really made me sweat for i :D but found it... i'll update the pr.. want to review it before i land?05:58
wallyworldnah, all good05:59
wallyworldas long as there's a test05:59
anastasiamacyes, of course :) this is how i know it works too :D05:59
veebersstickupkid: I realise now that I said I was going to counter prpose your ci test changes but never did, I might try hit that real quick for you now08:20
veebersstickupkid: FYI current-parameters08:37
veebersstickupkid: actually FYI https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/juju-qa-jenkins/pull/7308:37
stickupkidah, that solves it better than mine08:37
stickupkidCR your PR :D08:38
manadartAnyone got insight into what can cause repeated dependency engine errors like this?12:09
manadartERROR juju.worker.dependency engine.go:587 "api-address-updater" manifold worker returned unexpected error: connection is shut down12:10
jamespageodd question but if I need to use pip to install a workload from a reactive charm, how do you break out of the virtualenv being used for the charm hook itself?13:38
jamespagecory_fu: ^^ ?13:38
iceyjamespage `deactivate; pip install $MY_PACKAGE` ?13:41
iceyprobably break all kinds of other stuff though13:42
cory_fujamespage: What icey suggested might work in a subshell.  I think you could also filter the environ dict passed to subprocess (maybe just pass an empty dict)13:48
jamespagecory_fu: is it VIRTUAL_ENV that causes pip to install to the venv rather than globally?13:50
cory_fujamespage: There are a few env vars that get modified.  PATH, possibly PYTHON_PATH, maybe some others, I'm not sure13:50
jamespagecory_fu: I think if they fully path /usr/bin/pip it will dtrt - the issue is that the pip in the venv is being used13:58
jamespageor maybe not...13:58
* jamespage puzzled13:58
hml stickupkid: pr reviewed, lgtm with a few questions14:17
manadartstickupkid: Quick HO?14:17
stickupkidrick_h_: you got 5 minutes for a quick HO?15:52
rick_h_stickupkid: for you, sure thing15:52
magicaltroutrick_h_: to your knowledge if jujucharms.com having any issues today?20:15
magicaltroutoop well thats funky20:15
pmatulisworks here21:17
magicaltroutyeah its been a bit weird today21:29
magicaltroutone of my guys earlier was complaining about auth issues21:29
magicaltroutthen i was searching for stuff i know exists that didn't show up21:29
magicaltroutthen 5 minutes later, did21:29
pmatulisIT maintenance maybe, db upgrade?21:37

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