
tomreyndo you rate limit the 'this bug affects me' functionality?02:01
tomreyni just did this in a couple bugs which i'm affected by and whic i'd like to watch, but now i run into "Error: Timeout error, please try again in a few minutes."02:01
tomreynX-Lazr-Oopsid is OOPS-f74a604ed533d57497c0f68cecd2591a02:03
tomreynit does actually return a 503 on this request, so i'll trust this and assume it's actually a server error, not just a matter of policy.02:05
PengDoes http://ppa.launchpad.net/ ever get blocked in China? :X A user is reporting issues on https://community.letsencrypt.org/t/is-there-another-yum-source-for-certbot/6897602:12
blahdeblahPeng: Q: "Does X ever get blocked in China?" A: yes.02:12
blahdeblahSometimes it's even intentional on their part.02:13
PengI think one of my VPSes is blocked in China.02:13
PengIf it is blocked, are there any good options? There aren't ppa mirrors, right?02:15
blahdeblahGet them to ask someone they trust for a VPN recommendation?02:16
blahdeblahPeng: There's basically nothing that can be done except put it somewhere else for them and hope that they can connect to it there.02:24
blahdeblahBut that's no guarantee - it might be blocked based on content somewhere in the packet stream, not the IP or DNS name.02:24
PengAlso, if the Certbot project copied the debs to http://dl.eff.org/ like their other files, that's even *more* likely to be blocked.02:25
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cjwatsontomreyn: Not a rate limit, and in that case when it says "please try again in a few minutes" it actually means it (it's some mysterious lock that generally goes away in the space of ~10min)08:19
cjwatsontomreyn: In general if you ever run into a rate limit you'll be told that explicitly, not via an OOPS.08:20
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rbasakStruggling to get anything out of a code_review_vote_reference collection. Some help please? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/hmDRGCVYCZ/ - happens on both Xenial and Cosmic.12:54
rbasakhttps://code.launchpad.net/~paelzer/ubuntu/+source/open-vm-tools/+git/open-vm-tools/+merge/352237 does show three votes.12:55
tomreynthanks CJ!13:00
cjwatsonrbasak: try logging in?  maybe there's a bug where they have no anonymous authz set up (can't check right now)13:06
* rbasak tries13:06
cjwatson(if so, file a bug, it'd be fairly easy to fix)13:06
rbasakYes, that worked, thanks. I'll file a bug.13:07
cjwatsonit'll be in the security adapter for CRVRs in lib/lp/sevurity.py, probably13:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1786474 in Launchpad itself "Cannot view code_review_vote_reference collection contents when logged in anonymously" [Undecided,New]13:10
rbasakNo rush. I can just use authenticated logins for now.13:10
rbasak(the only users will be core devs anyway so authenticating will not be a problem for them)13:10
rbasakI'd like to assert that a particular git_target is in fact a distribution_source_package. Is there something I can use to get its real "type"?13:20
rbasakFWIW, dir() doesn't list that13:33
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tsimonq2If I'm calling archive.getPublishedSources is there a quicker way to query if I'm working with a lot of packages?20:39
tsimonq2(er, archive is lp.distributions["ubuntu"].archive)20:39

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