
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
=== nOOb__ is now known as LargePrime
jucbithi, someone can help me with video online? i cant watch youtube xD14:11
hateballjucbit: what happens? no image at all? what browser?14:16
jucbitfirefox, chromium and chrome14:17
jucbitno sound and skipping images14:17
eagle275connection slow ?14:19
hateballwhat kind of computer? does it have enough performance to play?14:19
jucbityes it have enough14:20
jucbitconnection its ok14:21
jucbiti have lubuntu 18.0414:21
eagle275same here ..14:21
lubot5<Dario De La Puente> Check cores of procesador14:22
eagle275what computer ? RAM / CPU ?14:22
lubot5<Dario De La Puente> @eagle275, Check cores of cpu14:23
eagle275its a VM for me .. can vary cores .. video runs fine .. 720p / fullHD14:24
lubot5<Dario De La Puente> @jucbit, Youtube use html 5 and its use cpu no gpu for post process14:26
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!