
scienteshow do i compile "snap" command in order to test it?00:01
scientesbefore i submit a patch00:01
scientesshawn@shawn-desktop:~/git/snapd$ go get github.com/snapcore/snapd00:01
scientespackage github.com/snapcore/snapd: no Go files in /home/shawn/go/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd00:01
* scientes just found HACKING.md00:10
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mborzeckizyga: new, intersting developments from flock?05:24
zygasome hands-on session on AWS CLI snap05:24
zygaour presentation is today so I'llbe focusing on that05:25
zygawhat is wrong with master? /home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests/lib/prepare.sh: line 413: 1: command not found05:25
zyga+ /snap/bin/ubuntu-image -w /home/image /home/image/pc.model --channel edge '' --extra-snaps /home/image/snapd_2.34.3_amd64.snap --output /home/image/core18-amd64.img05:25
zyga/home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/tests/lib/prepare.sh: line 288: 29999 Segmentation fault      (core dumped) /snap/bin/ubuntu-image -w "$IMAGE_HOME" "$IMAGE_HOME/pc.model" --channel "$IMAGE_CHANNEL" "$EXTRA_FUNDAMENTAL" --extra-snaps "${extra_snap[0]}" --output "$IMAGE_HOME/$IMAGE"05:25
zygamborzecki: can you please ask mvo to ack the last two revisions of fedora29 again05:28
zygamborzecki: unfortunately the store has no memory so it blocks every upload I do05:29
mborzeckizyga: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/562505:34
mborzeckizyga: anyways, for all we know that check will be passing now, but the segfault will probably still be there05:36
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mborzeckizyga: maciek@corsair:~ ubuntu-image --help06:05
mborzeckizsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  ubuntu-image --help06:05
zygaMust be Friday06:05
mborzeckizyga: all channels have the same version, it's also a classic snap, maybe it's something else that's causing this06:07
zygamborzecki: could be06:23
mborzeckizyga: can you install ubuntu-image snap locally?06:23
zygamborzecki: trying06:25
zygait doesn't crash here06:26
zygabut then python complains about lack of dpkg06:26
zygais mvo around today?06:27
zygamvo: hello06:31
zygamvo: may I ask you to approve fedora29 uploads again06:31
mvozyga: goood morning! when is your presentation?06:31
mvozyga: sure06:31
zygamvo: 11:2006:31
zygamvo: I found some more bugs but worked around them06:31
zygamvo: and this should also make it work on ubuntu now06:32
mvozyga: you can always telegram me when things are urgent06:32
mvo(just btw)06:32
mvozyga: nice!06:32
zygamvo: thank you! I didn't want to bother you last night06:32
zygamvo: https://gitlab.com/zygoon/fedora29 in case you want to cross ref what you approve06:33
mvozyga: thanks looking06:33
zygathere are tags referencing store uploads06:33
* zyga is pretty happy with the makefile there :)06:34
mborzeckizyga happy with the makefile :) heh06:35
zygait looks nice as a makefile :)06:35
mborzeckiyay, only 3 builds for snapcraft left, meaning snapd will start soon right?06:37
zygamvo: thank you, you should be able to refresh fedora29 now06:38
zygaand it, _fingers crossed_ should work06:38
mborzeckizyga: i'm stepping through ubuntu-image with gdb now, take a look at this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/RQWc2Rcr2f/06:38
mborzeckithat's why snap run --shell also exits with a segfault here06:39
zygamborzecki: woah?06:39
zygaI have no idea why this would crash, do you have any clues?06:39
mborzeckizyga: heh, LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/snap/ubuntu-image/100/usr/lib:/snap/ubuntu-image/100/lib:/snap/ubuntu-image/100/usr/lib/lib-arch:/snap/ubuntu-image/100/lib/lib-arch /bin/bash -> segfault06:41
zygamborzecki: which linker is this using?06:42
zygamvo, mborzecki: is hello-fedora working for you guys now?06:44
mborzeckizyga: the host's, the segfault is actually in the liner #0  0x00007f7c49694b31 in do_lookup_x () from /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.206:44
zygamborzecki: that's the bug06:44
zygait should use ld-so from the core snap06:44
mborzeckizyga: but it's a script, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/XGsxrdjTWP/06:46
zygabut _broken_06:46
zygait must invoke the linker06:47
zygato avoid using the host linker06:47
zygabut anyway06:47
zygawhy did it break, what changed?06:47
mborzeckilet me check some other classic snaps06:47
mborzeckizyga: there was a glibc & python update i believe06:47
zygamborzecki: try python006:49
zygait should work everywhere06:49
zygabut it was made by me06:49
zygaso it's a bit more special06:49
zygaif that crashes then the world is broken06:49
mborzeckizyga: heh upgraded glibc (2.27-3 -> 2.28-1)06:49
zygait if works then we can look for more clues06:49
mvomborzecki: good morning!06:50
mborzeckimvo: heya06:50
mvobtw, I see red tests in the most recent PRs, anything going on with CI? or just some bad PRs ;)06:51
mvozyga: let me check06:51
zygamvo: ubuntu-image segvfaults06:51
zygamvo: maciej is looking at that06:51
mvomborzecki, zyga: thanks06:51
mvothere was a new release06:51
mvoand it went all the way from edge to stable with a single push06:52
mvobecause …06:52
mvomborzecki: where do we pull from? beta/edge? stable?06:53
mborzeckiwell slack works, python0 works, so it's ubuntu-image that's borked06:53
mborzeckimvo: same version in every channel06:53
mvomborzecki: yeah, I think I have the privs to "fix" that06:53
mvomborzecki: I just need to know where we pull from06:53
mborzeckimvo: edge06:53
mvomborzecki: excellent06:53
mvomborzecki: fixed06:54
mborzeckimvo: refreshing06:54
mvomborzecki: and next we need to have a word with the uploader of the snap :)06:54
mborzeckilukasz? :)06:55
* mvo won't name names06:55
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pXgtFBFVHd/ better, at least no segfault, no clue if it's intended to be used outside of ubuntu though ;)06:56
mvomborzecki: heh06:56
mvomborzecki: why on earth would it need dpkg?06:56
mvomborzecki: well, I guess I should look at the code to answer that06:56
mborzeckimvo: well, why it's not bundled in the snap? :)06:57
mvomborzecki: looks like its using it to detect its own arch06:57
mvomborzecki: another great question06:57
mborzeckiwow, snapcraft travis jobs are really ~7h long?06:59
mvomborzecki: to be fair it looks like the snapcraft.ymal has not changed06:59
mvomborzecki: so maybe a snapcraft change broke u-i07:00
mvomborzecki: it was failing inside travis too, right? not just on arch?07:00
mvomborzecki: I think thats correct, snapcraft runs a ton of integration tests that build stuff (at least AIUI)07:00
mborzeckimvo: yes, my guess is some library pulled in through LD_LIBRARY_PATH got updated/changed07:00
mvomborzecki: ok07:01
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/vFfwvBsHH7/07:01
mvomborzecki: nice!07:02
mvomborzecki: I also like your hostname in the pastebin :)07:02
mborzeckimvo: whatever it is it's inside /snap/ubuntu-image/100/lib/lib-arch07:02
mvomborzecki: there is probably a lot inside there07:03
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckimvo: i see mostly glibc, readline07:04
mborzeckipstolowski: hey07:04
mborzeckimvo: well, maybe libc shouldn't be there after all https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/KhT6SbWYj4/ it's not there in rev 98 which works07:06
zygapstolowski: hey07:07
zygapstolowski: can you do a quick test for me please07:07
mborzeckizyga: hello-fedora still works07:08
zygamborzecki: thank you!07:08
mvomborzecki: worth a shoot07:09
mvozyga: I have fedora29 r9 and hello-fedora r5 but still get the error launching it but I don't have the latest snapd maybe07:10
mvozyga: same missing file error07:10
zygamvo: you should not need the lasted snapd07:10
zygadrat :/07:10
zygaok, thank you07:10
zyga(perhaps you do, because the fix in dirs.go)07:10
zygathe hack I did only works on simpler implementation in snap-confine07:10
zygathat's okay07:10
zygathank you for trying07:10
zygamvo: I suspect swapping ID=... lines in $SNAP/usr/lib/os-release in fedora29 would fix it07:11
zygamvo: if you want to unpack the squashfs and "snap try" it to check07:11
zygabut don't worry, it's better to fix this through mater07:11
mvozyga: once your snapd PR lands it will work, no?07:13
zygamvo: I think so, yes07:13
mvozyga: if so, lets just make sure it does land07:13
zygamvo: it's passing tests07:13
zyga(except core prepare is broken)07:13
pstolowskimborzecki: hey, do you have any PR you want reviewed?07:17
pstolowskimborzecki: i mean, you have a few, but what's the 1st in the queue?07:17
mborzeckipstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5614 if you could07:17
mborzeckipstolowski: thanks07:18
zygamvo, mborzecki: should we disable core if we cannot fix ubuntu-image for a while?07:22
mvozyga: it is "fixed"07:22
mborzeckizyga: it should be possible now07:22
zygaSon_Goku: I'm happy with the slides, I think07:23
mborzeckizyga: do you have the slide deck available anywhere?07:24
zygait's mostly a "talking" presentation so we have a few slides but most of the content will be verbal07:25
zygasuggestions welcome!07:28
mborzeckizyga: nice07:29
* sil2100 ordere07:35
* sil2100 ordered a raspi307:35
sil2100(cat's tail pressed enter too soon)07:35
mvosil2100: yay07:37
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
luk3yxIs there any way to rename a snap's internal name without deleting and re-adding it?07:42
zygaSon_Goku: snap install copr #07:44
zyga# exercise for the reader07:44
mvomborzecki: https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/ubuntu-image/pull/157 should fix the issue of running ubuntu-image on arch07:44
mborzeckimvo: ta07:45
sil2100mvo: oh! Yeah, none of us really thought about u-i on a non-ubuntu system ;)07:46
mvosil2100: yeah, I haven't either, just mborzecki did07:46
* mvo hugs mborzecki 07:46
Chipacawait. There are non-ubuntu systems?!?07:47
Chipacathis changes everything07:47
* Chipaca tries "snap changes everything" just to make sure07:47
sil2100Chipaca: apparently!07:47
* Chipaca grins like an idiot07:47
mborzeckimvo: yup, i can run ubuntu-image --help now :)07:54
mborzeckibtw.  took a bit of trial & error to track down all dependencies with a clean venv07:55
mvomborzecki: *nod*07:55
mvomborzecki: thanks for confirming07:55
GargoyleHi all.07:59
GargoyleI'm just setting up a new company laptop with Fedora 28, and I could not run "sudo lxd init". I just came back with "command not found". However, running it without the "sudo" worked fine.08:07
ChipacaGargoyle: sudo's path is probably different to your user's path08:08
GargoyleAm I likely to run into issues further down the line - if I've done something wrong early on, I'd prefer to catch it now than in a few days time when I have everything setup on the system.08:08
mvoChipaca: I noticed that inside cmd/snap ; go test will fail for me. it looks like it will print the new (nice) green checkmarks but the tests do not expect those08:11
mvoChipaca: is that just me?08:11
mvoChipaca: when i run "go test | more" its fine again08:11
Chipacamvo: let me see...08:11
Chipacamvo: how do you run it, exactly?08:12
mvoChipaca: I "cd cmd/snap ; go test"08:13
mvoChipaca: inside a mate terminal08:13
Chipacamvo: huh08:14
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipacamvo: and what about 'go test .'?08:14
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mvoChipaca: that is fine08:19
mvoChipaca: interessting08:19
Chipacamvo: here it fails with a dbus error08:19
mvoChipaca: wuut? what does it try to talk to?08:19
Chipaca... value *errors.errorString = &errors.errorString{s:"cannot obtain bus name 'io.snapcraft.Launcher'"} ("cannot obtain bus name 'io.snapcraft.Launcher'")08:19
Chipacamvo: test runner is weird08:20
Chipacamvo: results change depending on whether I set -v or not08:20
mvomight be something inside our test not properly mocked08:20
Chipacamvo: 'go test -v .' -> colour errors08:21
Chipacamvo: 'go test .' -> just the dbus error (also present with -v)08:21
mvoChipaca: go test -v gives me also the \x1b bits inside the test output08:21
Chipacamvo: so, the colours in the output mean that Stdout is a terminal08:23
mvoChipaca: yeah, I wonder why. this is normal bionic08:23
Chipacamvo: this here is "normal" xenial08:24
Chipacamvo: I'll dig into it and see what i learn08:24
mvoChipaca: aha! can you please try with "go1.10" from the snap? I will try with go 1.608:24
Chipacamvo: ah,  about the same with a snapped 1.1008:24
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mvoChipaca: yeah, no difference for me either08:27
Chipacamvo: the problem probably arises because colour support checks whether stdout is a terminal just once08:28
Chipacamvo: so it needs mocking in tests08:29
Chipacamvo: I don't know why it only needs mocking in some cases and not in others08:29
Chipacamvo: doing this now fwiw08:31
mvoChipaca: ta08:34
Chipacamvo: could i get a review of #5617?08:35
mvoChipaca: yes08:36
Chipacamvo: when you run the tests, do you have a "DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS" env var?08:46
mvoChipaca: I do have that set08:47
Chipacamvo: here I need to explicitly unset it for tests to pass when running from the directory (but not otherwise)08:47
Chipacamvo: the funny thing is testutil/dbustest.go saves that env var but doesn't unset it nor set it to anything08:48
Chipacamvo: so i'm not sure what's supposed to be doing it08:48
mvoChipaca: woah08:48
Chipacamvo: ikr08:49
Chipacain any case, pr coming with these fixes08:49
mvoChipaca: \o/08:51
mborzeckipstolowski: hey, got a question about udev, udev monitor will start before dumping current device db right?08:54
pstolowskiyes, this will be visible in the PR i'm working on which integrates monitor and udevadm parser08:55
mborzeckiah ok08:56
pstolowskimborzecki: i'm starting the monitor and queue monitor events until db dump finishes, then i flush accumulated events08:56
mborzeckipstolowski: then dedup is based on devpath/devname?08:57
Chipacamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5627 addresses the 'go test' weirdness08:58
pstolowskimborzecki: not sure yet, probably, i haven't tought much about that aspect yet09:01
ChipacaFailed project prepare: 409:28
mborzeckiChipaca: hmm something isn't right https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JmVDynrPCF/09:34
Chipacamborzecki: mhmm09:36
Chipacamborzecki: ah09:45
Chipacamborzecki: i think i know what's happening09:45
mborzeckiChipaca: takes a while for socket to appear09:45
Chipacamborzecki: exactly :-)09:45
Chipacawe don't wait for it to start09:45
mborzeckiChipaca: added a loop with 20s wait, but still no socket, maybe it's started wrong?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VnwfFwjn4s/09:46
Chipacamborzecki: are you fixing it, or should i?09:46
mborzeckiChipaca: go ahead :P09:47
mborzeckiomg silly me09:49
mborzeckiChipaca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mwvRRjjqzf/ if you want to use it09:51
Chipacamborzecki: want to try https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/mX8x6BZDps/ ?09:58
Chipacamborzecki: interestingly the printed address looks like unix:path=/tmp/check-6227058902689785204/0/user_bus_socket,guid=c22feadfc799529b07be91f75b6d603a09:59
mborzeckiChipaca: works all right here10:00
mborzeckiChipaca: don't know if you got that, your patch works fine10:10
Chipacamborzecki: i hadn't, thank you10:10
Chipacai'll push it now10:10
Chipacamborzecki: did you get the bit about how the printed address has more stuff than just user_bus_socket?10:11
mborzeckiyeah, saw that here too, apparently it's not critical as i was doing setenv without that and it worked too10:12
Chipacamborzecki: I could've also done --print-pid and waited for that10:21
Chipacaeh, it works this way10:21
ogramvo, did the pi3 gadget ever get updated in stable to include all the gpio interfaces (it is in edge since 1.5y, but i dont know if/when you pushed pi3 into stable)10:47
ogra(i'D have expected it to be updated along with the push of pi2-kernel to stable)10:48
mvoogra: it has not bee updated10:49
mvoogra: the kernel is done by the kernel team they can't push the gadgets10:49
mvoogra: gadgets are foundations territory nowdays10:50
ograit has various firmware fixes for thermal and power management and the stable one seems to miss all gadget based interfaces10:50
mvoogra: yeah, I think it should go out, we just need a) QA b) somoeone driving this :/10:50
mvoogra: fwiw, the LP page is owned by foundations and steve has the required privs to push the snaps10:51
ograi honestly have not run stable gadgets since the above stuff landed ... so for a) i can clearly give you a thumbs up :)10:51
ograand *all* interfaces missing is clearly a downer10:52
Chipacamy network is having a fun day10:52
Chipacabut on the other hand so is travis10:53
mvoChipaca: and so is LP - arm builds are very slow (the builders look a bit overworked)10:53
Chipacaeight hour workday for workers! rabble rabble rabble10:56
Chipacadrat, i meant builders10:56
zygahello :)11:37
zygahow are things?11:37
zygais travis working now, it was pretty slow when I tried to use it yesterday11:40
Chipacazyga: wrt travis, everything is terrible, slow, horrible, raining on the ice cream11:47
Chipacazyga: Son_Goku: how's your flocking?11:48
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
zygaChipaca: we're done with our presentation, it went very good11:58
zygawe had lots of questions and interaction with the audience11:58
Chipacazyga: people weren't asleep and hung over?11:58
zygaand we have a working fedora29 base now :)11:58
zygano, today is the first day when it's not 999999C outside11:58
zygaI still want to catch some infrastructure people to discuss the hand off11:59
zygaand the fedora project leader to get an ack of the use of the fedora log11:59
zygaChipaca: and people are surprisingly extremely sober12:01
zygadrink responsibly, said the spiritual ghost of jono12:01
* mvo weeps about the fact that he still has no arm PPA build for snapd 2.35~pre112:07
mborzeckineed another coffee12:08
mborzeckimvo: i've updated https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5584 with your patch, thanks!12:09
mvomborzecki: \o/ happy that you liked it12:09
mborzeckimvo: yeah, i feel like i should rewrite that snap name validation too12:10
mborzeckimvo: also played around trying to get the bits of validation code shared between update-ns and libsnap-confine-private, so far no other idea than a separate file and a symlink to update-ns, the simplicity of go build is not making it too easy12:11
mvomborzecki: I think rewrite of the snap name validation is not a good idea12:16
mvomborzecki: but yeah, sharing is probably hard, but I have not put much thought into it yet, its just mildly annoying12:16
cachiomvo, hey12:19
mvocachio: hey he12:22
mvocachio: how are you?12:22
cachiomvo, fine12:22
mvocachio: yeah, doing well. need more tea though12:23
cachiohehe, I have 2 issues to fix on core 1812:23
mvocachio: tell me more please12:23
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Z7m38nK6VY/12:23
mvocachio: aha, nice find. we need to kill this one I think12:24
mvocachio: like remove the service entirely12:24
cachiomvo, yes, makes sense12:25
mvocachio: I need to finish a PR first but once that is done I can look into it or maybe sil2100 has some spare cycles for ensuring update-motd.service is removed from core1812:25
cachiomvo, sure12:25
sil2100I can!12:39
mborzeckiwow a thunderstorm12:40
mvomborzecki: we had this yesterday - it was wild12:41
mborzeckihmm snap-update-ns segfaulting now :P12:43
mborzeckii suppose by internet will be choppy a bit today12:45
ogramborzecki, while yoyu duck and cover, just think about the fact that the air is breathable afterwards ;)12:48
ogra(it definitely helped a lot here)12:48
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
jdstrandmvo: ok, responded to 5621 (twice! :)13:23
mvojdstrand: thank you!13:26
* mvo reads13:26
jdstrandmvo: let me know if what I said doesn't make sense13:28
mborzeckimvo: pre-patch version works13:30
mvomborzecki: ok, let me look at the diff again, I wonder what I broke13:31
mborzeckimvo: well the code looks correct, maybe i broke sth when doing little tweaks13:32
mvomborzecki: how can I reproduce? just build and copy in place and run a snap?13:32
mborzeckimvo: sec, let me see if the same happens with non instance keyed snaps13:33
mborzeckimvo: snaps without instance key work13:34
mvomborzecki: is "go test cmd/snap-update-ns " enough to trigger the crash?13:36
mborzeckimvo: nope, the tests are passing13:37
mborzeckimvo: heh, and even the hello-world_foo is used in the test suite :)13:37
mvomborzecki: so its crashing only when used for real(tm) ?13:37
mborzeckimvo: yes13:38
jdstrandmborzecki: fyi, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/5584#pullrequestreview-14524326213:46
mborzeckijdstrand: thanks!13:47
jdstrandmborzecki: is this the pr that you and mvo are discussing now?13:47
mvomborzecki: I played around a bit but did not managed to reproduce13:47
mborzeckijdstrand: yes13:47
jdstrandhmm, I verified the new 'i' handling. let me look again13:48
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ZGS8QwfWXt/13:48
jdstrandmborzecki: there is an off by one, no?13:49
jdstrandfor (i = 0; instance_key[i] != '\0'; i++) {13:49
jdstrandelse if (i > 10) {13:49
jdstrand0123456789\0: i will be 11 here13:50
jdstrandno, that's right13:50
mborzeckijdstrand: the s is +1 because of this13:51
mvomborzecki: if you are still inside gdb, does "print instance_key[i]" yield anything?13:54
mvomborzecki: the gdb output looks all legit or am I missing something?13:54
Chipacalooking for reviews on #5617 plz (not a trivial, unless you look at each commit individually)13:55
mborzeckimvo: replaced islower/isdigit with own code and it works (?!?)13:55
mvomborzecki: heh13:55
mvomborzecki: optimization this smells like (in best yoda voice)13:55
mvomborzecki: can you build with -O0 ? is this arch/ubuntu?13:55
mborzeckimvo: i'm building with -O013:56
mborzeckimvo: heh :P13:57
jdstrandmborzecki: I didn't mean on the buffer, I meant on the length check, but it is fine13:57
jdstrandone thing about strsep() is that it is going to modify the string13:58
mborzeckijdstrand: yeah, there's a copy made in validate_instance_name13:58
jdstrandright, I recall verifying that was ok13:59
jdstrandmborzecki: what is the failure?13:59
mvomborzecki: is that on arch or ubuntu? what go version and gcc --version is in use?14:00
jdstrandactally, shouldn't char s[52] = {0,}; be char s[53] = {0,};?14:00
jdstrand40 char snap_name + 10 char instance_key + 1 NULL + 1 extra to detect overflows14:00
jdstranddoesn't that not account for the valid '_'?14:01
mborzeckijdstrand: #0  0x000000000055406e in instance_key_validate (instance_key=0x7ffe6a68b55c "foo") at bootstrap.c:28614:01
mborzecki286             if (islower((int)instance_key[i]) || isdigit((int)instance_key[i])) {14:01
mborzeckisegfaulting in this line, instance_key is "foo"14:01
mvojdstrand: oh, I think you are correct!14:01
mvomborzecki: hm, hm, that cast14:01
mborzeckimvo: added it just now to test things, but it's segfaulting without that too14:02
mvomborzecki: hm, no, that should be fine14:02
mborzeckimvo: jdstrand: instance_key address is well within the bounds of validate_instance_name:s14:02
mvomborzecki: does it make a difference if you only have "islower" or "isdigit" ?14:03
mvomborzecki: of replacing it with if(instance_key[i] != '\0')14:04
Son_Gokumvo, how are we looking on getting snapd 2.35 out the door?14:04
mvoSon_Goku: its in beta now14:05
mvoSon_Goku: beta does not yet include the fedora base fix but the next one will be14:05
mvoSon_Goku: next beta will be early next week14:05
Son_Gokumvo, cool14:06
Son_Gokuzyga wants me to update Fedora and my beta CentOS packages to 2.35, which is why I was asking14:06
mvoSon_Goku: +114:06
Son_Gokuthe talk went really well (aside from the questions about the store), and there was definitely interest in Fedora-based snaps14:07
Son_Gokuwell, even the questions about the store weren't that bad, but the talk went over so well that we went ~15 minutes over time14:08
Son_Gokumainly for Q&A14:09
mborzeckimvo: omg, i'm stupid after all, it's working all right14:10
mborzeckimvo: i obviously did not built it as a static binary14:10
mvomborzecki: puhhh, ok14:10
jdstrandmborzecki: there is an off-by-one with the strncpy() that will result in an unterminated string. you need sizeof(s) + 114:10
* mvo finds it amusing that "close()" is defined in unistd.h but open in sys/types.h14:11
mborzeckimvo: heh funny that it failed, thought that gcc has builtin primitives for isblahblah by now14:12
jdstrandmborzecki: it is interesting that because you use a for loop instead of strlen() for the length, it didn't end up being a problen,14:12
mvomborzecki: I think there is some magic going on with these, iirc they get replaced at init time with optimized versions or something14:12
mborzeckijdstrand: thanks for double checking14:13
mborzeckimvo: and here i thought that the world is coming down :)14:13
mvomborzecki: same here, I was really confused14:14
mvomborzecki: thanks for getting to the bottom of it14:14
jdstrandmborzecki: the '+ 1 extra to detect overflows' actually accounts for the '_'. Perhaps it would be better to rephrase that comment to be: '// 40 char snap_name + '_' + 10 char instance_key + 1 NULL14:15
mborzeckijdstrand: ack14:17
mborzeckijdstrand: shouldn't that be `char s[53] = {0}; strncpy(s, instance_name, sizeof(s) -1);` actually?14:24
jdstrandmborzecki: yes14:28
jdstrandmborzecki: I added a comment to correct myself and adjusted the 'comment' comment14:33
jdstrandsince you do want 53 to detect that overflow character, rather then just stripping it off14:34
jdstrandhopefully I'm awake now :)14:34
mborzeckimvo: jdstrand: pushed an update, thanks for your reviews14:39
mborzeckii'm off to do some shopping now, kids are waiting already :/14:40
jdstrandmvo: 5621 reviewed15:07
juliankmvo: apt install petname on cosmic with 2.35 gives me error: json: cannot unmarshal object into Go struct field .packages of type string15:12
juliankbroken types?15:13
mvojuliank: uh, interessting. let me try this15:17
juliankJSON-RPC calls: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gny3GH5kJQ/15:19
juliankMaybe I should have used pipes, ugh, this is annoying to test...15:22
juliankPackages        []string `json:"packages"`15:24
juliankis Params struct{} is clearly wrong15:24
juliankas Packages is not a list of strings, but a list of objects describing packages15:24
juliankmvo: ^15:24
mvojuliank: aha, nice catch. I'm in a meeting right now but will get back after the meeting, feel free to push a fix if you already have an idea what is going on15:28
cachiomvo, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2ZFG59dc7s/15:34
cachioI found that after a timeout installing a snap15:34
cachiomvo, this is the test https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BB6D2rmjq7/15:35
mvocachio: hm, mount failed? protcol error again?15:38
juliankmvo: basically you need http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/fNpjhSYg9F/ as the type change for jsonRPC, not sure if other changes are needed15:39
juliankThe hook works fine if the packages does not exist in apt15:43
juliank(as packages is empty then)15:43
mvojuliank: nice catch, thank you15:43
juliankprobably want to extract the version struct to not repeat it 3 times15:44
juliankor just keep out the entire packages array if you don't use it yet15:45
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygahow are you doing mvo?15:48
mvojuliank: thank you!15:50
mvojuliank: I added a regression test and will work on this later tonight or monday15:51
Chipacamvo: monday monday monday15:52
Chipacamvo: your weekend starts in 8 minutes15:52
mvozyga: good, thanks15:53
mvoChipaca: heh, good point15:53
zygamvo: yeah, do listen to Chipaca15:53
zygamvo: how far away are you from Dresden?15:53
Chipacawell, not _always_, but this time would be good15:53
mvozyga: the opposite side of the country - why? do you want to come over? or do you want me to come over :) ?15:54
zygathe event still runs yesterday (odd, right?) and I was thinking you could use a more casual context or you will work all the time15:55
zygamvo: but across the country is not close enough to od thatr15:55
zyga*do thta15:55
* zyga is not doing a great job at typing15:55
zygamvo: I saw the fedora fix was merged, thank you for that (that's a team-wide effort!)15:58
mvozyga: yw, enjoy the rest of the event16:05
* mvo takes a break16:06
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
cachiomvo, it seems to be16:25
ChipacaI think it's EOW time here16:51
* Chipaca looks around16:51
Chipacayeah, everybody else here is no longer working, might as well stop myself16:51
sergiusensChipaca: speak for yourself!17:09
Chipacasergiusens: I do!17:09
sergiusensplease do, so that travis builders get freed up and we can start being productive again :-P17:09
Chipacasergiusens: https://www.google.com/maps/@51.2565417,0.3714914,17z <- there's nobody around me working on snapd for *kilometers*17:10
Chipacathe closest are over the horizon17:10
Chipacasergiusens: travis ate pregnant snail soup this week17:11
sergiusensChipaca: is core16 being worked on as a proper base?17:16
Chipacasergiusens: define "being worked on"17:30
Chipacasergiusens: yes17:30
Chipacasergiusens: the focus of work is on core18 right now17:31
Chipacasergiusens: core16 _will_ become, itself, the focus once everything in core18 is done17:31
Chipacasergiusens: whereby core16 + snapd snaps will replace the core snap of old17:31
Chipacasergiusens: waarom?17:32
sergiusensChipaca: transparent migration? Hope it goes better than ubuntu-core -> core :-)17:39
Chipacasergiusens: ubuntu-core -> core was *fine*17:43
sergiusensChipaca: yeah, after all the errors were fixed ;-) I had to reinstall all my snaps!17:46
Chipacasergiusens: LA LA LA LA IT WENT FANT LA LA LA17:46
Chipacafant wtf17:46
* Chipaca looks at his nearly-empty beer17:46
* Chipaca identifies the problem17:46
Chipacabrb, topping up17:46
mvojdstrand: I updated 5621 again, thanks for the excellent feedback18:28
jdstrandmvo: cool, np18:30
=== lestaty is now known as Guest80831
kyrofaIf I `snap revert`, and later want to return to the revision from which I reverted, how might I do that?22:00
=== georgeowell is now known as kawaiipunk

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