
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
uebera||apw: About my question regarding Livepatch Service support for Ubuntu 18.04.x -- were you able to get feedback? Because I see that the datasheet remains unchanged even after 18.04.1 has been released. People might start to thing that this service has been/is going to be discontinued in the foreseeable future.08:32
uebera||[2018-07-20 08:58:32 CEST] <uebera||> Is this the right place to ask whether/when the Canonical Livepatch Service will cover the Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (GA) kernels? https://www.ubuntu.com/server/livepatch (and the datasheet you can download) does not contain any details. (Which is a bit of a pity.)08:32
uebera||[2018-07-20 19:05:23 CEST] <apw>      uebera||: my understanding is it does but i will get that confirmed and the data sheet clarified if necessary08:32
uebera||[2018-07-20 21:06:24 CEST] <uebera||> apw: Thanks! Could you also please clarify whether it is feasible for 16.04.x users to install a 18.04 GA kernel and enjoy both the benefits of a newer kernel and Livepatch? (This would allow us -- and IMHO a larger user group -- to have the same setup on both older/newer desktops/servers.)08:32
apwuebera||, hmmm, i will re-poke08:35
uebera||apw: Thanks a lot!08:36
=== keithzg_ is now known as keithzg

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