
tomreynwe want only those with package names which start "linux-image-4"00:00
tomreynAND which are "ii" in the first column, too00:00
tomreynthat is no more than 2 packages really00:00
tomreynlook at lines 19 and 2000:00
wendicoso linux-signed-generic?00:01
wendicodescription is generic signed kernel00:01
tomreyndos "linux-signed-generic" start with "linux-image-4" ?00:01
wendicono, ok, but does that start like that i have many lines00:02
wendicoi supose coz i updated online00:02
tomreyni'm looking at http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Rwy7xwd5xz/ all the time00:02
tomreynand there you have only lines 19 and 20 where there is a package named something which starts "linux-image-4"00:03
tomreynAND where it's 'ii' in the first column00:03
wendicook got it00:03
tomreyngreat :)00:03
wendicolinux-image-4.15.0-30-generic          4.15.0-30.32 amd6400:03
wendicothat i need on boot?00:03
tomreynyes, we also want the other one, just to be safe00:04
wendicook, in case i need to rollback last update00:04
wendicoi guess00:04
tomreynso obviously 'ii' means installed, the o'un' ones are not installed00:04
tomreynthis is not precise, in fact these two letters have separate meaninigs as indicated on top of this list00:05
tomreynbut this is not relevant now00:05
tomreynso what we need to do now is to reinstall these two packages00:05
tomreynsudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic linux-image-4.15.0-3000:06
wendicosudo apt-get install00:06
wendicolol going for00:06
tomreynsudo apt install --reinstall linux-image-4.15.0-29-generic linux-image-4.15.0-30-generic00:06
tomreyn^ this actually00:06
tomreynand maybe we'll need the ones without --generic, too,checking00:06
tomreynno this will be enough00:07
wendicodone with errors, no groub founded00:09
wendicoi pastebin output00:09
wendicoi can read no grub found00:10
tomreyni can read "no grub directory found"00:11
tomreynindeed, this didnt go as i expected00:12
wendicoremember that the installer moved grub to the second drive00:12
wendicoas we didnt spected00:12
wendicomaybe that gives u the hint00:12
tomreynbut it makes sense, with /boot we also deleted /boot/grub, and that's the root cause of these errors.00:12
tomreynlet's just: sudo mkdir /boot/grub00:13
tomreynthis just created this directory00:13
tomreynmaybe we should reinstall grub2 as well00:15
tomreynall those packages are: sudo apt install --reinstall grub-pc grub-pc-bin grub2-common grub-gfxpayload-lists grub-common00:15
tomreyni still run into errors ther,e and so will you00:17
wendicocomplains on the procesing the linux-image-4.....00:19
tomreynsorry, got us into a bit of a delicate situation there00:21
wendicohehe dont worry00:22
wendicomy main focus was to learn and you are teaching me so much00:22
wendiconevertheless is ubuntu mistake not yours00:22
wendicomy pc works and everithing is working00:22
wendicoonly ubuntu server suck a bit yet hehe00:23
tomreynwendico: i'm looking into fixing this, just give me a biut of time00:24
wendicomaybe i just install a pirated windows like everybody until ubuntu can make a proper instaler hehe00:24
wendicoof course no worries00:24
wendicoi love that u are helping me00:24
tomreynwell there is always the alternate installer in case you want things to work00:24
wendiconot really, im not so much in a hurry00:24
tomreyni mean for next time00:25
wendicoi have a whole week00:25
wendicoto have my server running00:25
wendicoif not, back to windows, what can i do00:25
wendicoi use ubuntu desktop since version 6 with no problem, my windows server finally died today so i decided to give it a try to ubuntu server00:26
wendicoanyways is just a 8 pc network with no domain00:26
wendicoi thought was the best scenario to start learning00:27
wendicoi really do not like pirated windows but im my country no money for those kinds of licences hehe00:28
wendicoi can even leave the server on if you want to continue help me tomorrow, i dont care about light either00:29
wendicoim scared we cannot shutdown without grub and boot or we may have to start over00:29
wendicoand right now the server is up un running00:30
tomreynwendico: okay, so i think we need to: sudo apt purge grub-legacy-ec200:32
tomreynthen: sudo apt -f install00:33
tomreynand then show the output of this and the previous commands, please00:34
tomreynpaste manually to https://paste.ubuntu.com00:34
wendicofirst command -- > https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/73HBTdTzKG/00:35
wendicofor apt-f install   --->  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:36
tomreynlets fix your locales00:36
tomreynsudo dpkg-reconfigure locales00:37
tomreynmake sure that "en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8" and your native locale are selected00:38
tomreynyour native locale seems to be "es_ES.UTF-8 UTF-8"00:38
tomreynthen choose which one should be default. personally, i prefer the english one00:39
tomreynwendico: ^00:39
wendicoi need es for native coz of keyboard so different00:40
tomreynnow let's add a secondary bios_grub partition (we have one on sdc1 already, now we add one on sda1): sudo parted /dev/sda toggle 1 bios_grub00:41
wendicoif not i cant -   / or | or even &, i dont find them in other locales00:41
tomreynsure makes sense00:41
tomreynalthough display locale is about output, not about keyboard input00:41
tomreynbut you can reconfigure this later with the same command if you wish to00:42
wendicodone sudo parted with sugestion: You may need to update /etc/fstab00:42
tomreynsudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc00:42
tomreynwe make sure grub is installed on both sda1 and sdc1 now, in these 1MB bios_grub partition00:43
tomreynleave the first two prompts as they are00:43
wendicodone and verified i have 2 grubs00:44
tomreynon the thrid proipt where you can select disks to install to, select /dev/sda and /dev/sdc00:44
wendicobut i see one inconsistency00:44
tomreynntfs? irrelevant00:44
wendicothe filesystem on my new grub shows ntfs00:44
wendicothat was hehe00:44
tomreynlet me know when you'te done with grub00:45
tomreynand show me its output AFTER the prompts00:45
tomreynlike when its done00:45
wendicono outputs and only 2 prompts00:45
wendicodoesnt ask me where to install00:46
wendicobut it did install where it wasnt installed00:46
tomreynhow do you know?00:46
tomreynwas the second prompt about this?00:46
wendicoi do again to read prompt but was about adding commands00:47
wendicolinux command line that can be empty, second prompt parameters that can00:48
wendicobe empty00:48
wendicothen exits program00:48
tomreynok, then we do this: sudo apt purge grub-pc00:48
tomreynthen: sudo apt install grub-pc00:49
tomreyntell me whether it prompted you during the last command.00:50
tomreynand how many prompts00:50
wendiconow i got a prompt00:50
wendicoask me where to install00:50
wendicoi have my 4 drives independent00:51
tomreynsda and sdc00:51
wendicobut i have 2 raids also where i can install00:51
wendicoon the boot raid and on the server raid00:51
wendicoso where i install, on the disk, or on the group for boot?00:51
wendicoor everywhere? :)00:52
tomreynsee above00:52
tomreynyou dont want grub itself on the raid00:52
wendicook, so in each disk, are you sure i dont want it in the /boot array?00:53
tomreynit needs to go either into the MBR, if we had MBR partition tables on those disks, or onthe the bios_grub partition, which we have, since we have GPT partitionned disks00:53
tomreyni am sure00:53
wendicodone with no errors and succesfull echo00:54
wendicoinstalled in both disk00:54
tomreynselecting sda and sdc there resulted in grub being written to /dev/sda1 and /dev/sdc100:54
tomreynthose are the 1MB bios_grub partitions00:54
tomreynso thats how we want it00:55
wendicobtw the ntfs flag also gone00:55
tomreynso let's see what's in /boot/00:55
tomreynls -la /boot00:55
tomreynls -la /boot/grub/00:55
tomreynand pastebinit00:55
tomreynlooks fine to me, reboot00:57
wendicook,im going for, wish me luck :)00:57
* tomreyn crosses figers00:58
tomreynlike, really, and stuff?00:58
wendicolet me log in hehe00:59
wendicologged on ssh00:59
tomreyndid you reset the boot order in bios btw?00:59
tomreynyou should do that if you havent01:00
wendicono, let me check, im gonna shutdown and put bios normal order01:00
tomreynit would be nice to end up with the small SSDs as sda and sdb01:00
tomreynthose with the bios_grub partitions on them01:01
tomreynyou can run "sudo lsblk" or "sudo parted -ls" to confirm this is the case01:03
wendiconice, took long to shutdown01:03
wendicobut i fixed bios to correct order so 0 and 1 are the small disk and 2 and 3 the big01:04
wendicois booting01:04
tomreynhmm this probably means somehting is not right then01:04
tomreyn(if it took long to shutdown)01:04
wendicoyes, took longer than expected01:04
wendicobut boots faster than expected aswell01:04
tomreynas long AS it boots i'm ok with the fast boo01:05
tomreynwere there lines in red when it was shutting down?01:05
tomreyn(you can always reboot more if you feel like it ;- )01:06
wendicommm strange though01:07
wendicolinux shows always same order01:07
wendicolet me paste bin01:07
wendicoi dont know why sdb shows before01:08
wendicoi belive i must have connected to the wrong sata port01:08
wendicoshould i be able to swap the sata ports on the 2nd and 3rd disk?01:09
wendicoand ubuntu will boot again?01:09
tomreynyes you can do so01:09
wendicoim goonna try to get what u mean, and also to see for any shutdown errors01:10
tomreynubuntu will boot, thanks to uuids01:10
wendicogonna go shutdown on the machine instead of ssh to look for error, bb asap01:10
wendicolol, sudo shutdown gives 8 min time01:12
wendicohow can i force now please01:12
wendicoah no, wrong time01:12
wendiconow shutdown correctrly and fast01:12
wendicochange sata cables and boot again01:12
tomreynmaybe it said it was waiting for somethiing and would wait up to 8 minutes?01:16
tomreynor maybe you ran "shutdown" instead off "shutdown now" or "poweroff"01:17
tomreyngood job!01:17
wendicomay i ask u last question?01:18
tomreynof course01:18
wendicowhy i see on that last pastebin01:18
wendico2 times 2GB partition01:18
wendicoon each disk i dont get it01:18
wendicolet me underline what i mean01:18
tomreynyou can tell me th line numbers01:19
wendico─sda2      8:2    0     2G  0 part01:19
wendico│ └─md126   9:126  0     2G  0 raid1 /boot01:19
tomreyn6,7 + 12,13 ?01:19
wendicothat i dont get01:19
tomreynso sda2 is a partition, which is roughly 2 GB in size01:19
wendicois not that i care waste 2gb is that i dont understand01:19
tomreynon top of this partition, we have created an md device, which is roughly 2 GB in size01:20
wendicook i get it now01:20
tomreynyou're not wasting anything01:20
tomreynits all in use01:20
wendicothank you very much very much01:20
wendicoif anytime i can do something for you...01:20
tomreyni'm happy, thank you01:21
wendicoeven come to couchsurfing to spain you are invited01:21
tomreynhehe thanks01:21
wendicou just teached me a bunch01:21
tomreyni also trained byself01:21
wendicoand server boots and reboots awesome01:21
tomreynand we found some more bugs in this %§"&%" installer01:22
wendicoheheh right01:22
tomreynwhic hi need yet to report01:22
wendicoi guess ubuntu people are recording this to improve, are they?01:22
tomreynrecord what, the chat?01:23
wendicoi though so01:23
tomreyni doubt anyone will spend the time to read all of  this :)01:23
wendicoi though maybe canonical or something would read here to improve software01:23
tomreynthough apparetly someone had followed us for some time01:23
tomreynthey read the bug trackers01:23
wendicoim to naive01:23
tomreynbut some developers are here, too, thats right01:23
tomreynbut its not their business hours now01:24
wendicoo, right so, should i write something for the ubuntu group? should i explain the problems i have in a bug report somwhere?01:24
tomreynduring the day oyu could maybe get some help here with complex server issues. and generic ubuntu support questions you can get help with in #uubntu01:25
wendicoi dont care to help after being helped so much01:25
tomreynbut this is all volunteer work01:25
wendicooh i see01:25
wendicohow wonderfull voluntiers then01:25
tomreyni will file bugs shortly, you are welcome to review and add to them if you feel like it.01:25
tomreyn(but i dont expect this from you)01:26
wendicook, for example, even the boot usb dont work correctrly01:26
tomreynwhat do you mean there?01:26
wendicostays on a boot loop error thing01:26
wendicoand i have to hit TAB01:26
tomreynthat's not usually so01:26
wendicoin order to boot the ubuntu server to install on my usb01:26
wendicoi used 3 pendrives and 2 downloads01:27
wendicoalways same problem when boot on usb01:27
tomreynmabye you have a bad pendrive, or a bad download, or both01:27
tomreynoh ok01:27
wendicojust hit tab01:27
wendicothen i can write live01:27
wendicothen works01:27
wendicoif not, no boot01:27
tomreynhmm, i'm not sure what this is, haven't seen this01:28
wendicoi found solution online first page, let me point u to the problem i found01:28
wendicohere finally01:30
wendicothis happends all the time i try to boot from the usb we just made our server run01:31
wendicoshows the com32r error on a loop until i hit TAB01:32
tomreyni suspect that's actually a bug in your bios there01:32
wendicoohhh ok, can be, is a very old bios01:33
wendicoi will try the boot in my office computer tomorrow to make sure01:34
tomreynhmm, or maybe it was the utuility you used to write the iso to the usb01:34
wendicobut have sense01:34
tomreynwhich utility were you using?01:34
wendicoi used ubuntu desktop built in utility01:34
wendicothe "start up disk creator"01:35
tomreynon which uubntu release?01:35
tomreynthis utility is also known as "usb-creator-gtk". it was buggy in some past ubuntu releases, i think in 14.04.01:36
wendiconow i understand01:37
tomreynyou can always use "etcher" from http://etcher.io01:37
wendicobut my old laptop have compatibility issues with more modern01:37
tomreynit works pretty well, and on all major operating syste4ms01:37
wendicoeverytime i go over ubuntu 14 on this laptop i have many hardware problems01:38
wendicothats why im stuk here yet hehe01:38
tomreynmaybe that's something to look into tomorrow then ;)01:38
wendicohehe, i prefer to learn on my new server01:38
tomreyntry to get the bios updated if you dont have the latest versions01:38
wendicobut thank you01:39
tomreynwelcome ;)01:39
wendicoi dont think i should try to fix this laptop haha look at it01:39
tomreynis it falling apart all by itself?01:39
wendicoyes haha, i was goona pastebin but no need01:39
wendicohas not even keys allready01:39
wendicois one of those laptops nobody knows how can work haha01:40
tomreynits difficult to know if it doesnt have keys01:40
wendicoi have to plug keyboard hehe01:40
wendicobut many othre problems01:41
wendicodont bother about01:41
wendicoat least i can talk here is mainly fot what i use it01:41
wendicois my tool to be connected while solving the other computers hehe01:41
tomreynyes its good to have something liek this01:42
wendicoif this server make it work correctly im gonna get a pc as gift01:42
wendicofinally an up to date pc01:42
tomreyngood luck there.01:43
wendicoi dont even have virtualization technology on mines01:43
wendicoi will get it01:43
wendicoi dont want to bother u more01:43
wendicoi should be studing now to configure my new server as router, proxy, firewall and nas01:43
tomreynyou should, and i'll be filing those bug reports now, but wioll be back later. bye bye, in case you'll leave in the meantime!01:44
wendicoi can do all that in windows server, so i hope i can do it here01:44
wendicook, thanks for all01:44
tomreynyou're still welcome ;)01:44
Emmanuel_ChanelHello! I can't finish installing Ubuntu 18.04.1 Server by ubuntu-18.04.1-live-server-amd64.iso03:35
Emmanuel_ChanelSomebody's here?03:35
sarnolda few hundred somebodies :)03:36
tewardEmmanuel_Chanel: you need to give more info than "I can't finish installing".  Also this tends to be a less active time of day for the channel so you need some patience before you get a response03:36
tewardsarnold: and you have a summons for your opinion :P03:37
sarnoldhey teward :)03:37
teward(don't ask why i'm even awake right now, I should be in bed >.>)03:38
teward(been a long week and i'm tired but blah)03:38
Emmanuel_ChanelI mispasted. Correctly, ubuntu-18.04.1-server-amd64.iso03:39
tewardsame problem: not enough details.  explain where it hangs on installing, what errors it provides if any, etc.03:39
Emmanuel_ChanelAnd partman doesn't progress at "47%"03:40
Emmanuel_Chanelteward: Right. So I try additional explanation.03:40
tewardsorry i'm impatient when i'm tired :P03:40
Emmanuel_ChanelHow long do I have to wait for the progress?03:40
Emmanuel_ChanelAnd if I deleted the partitions, the installer progresses to Software Selection part. But the loop occurred. And unprogress occurred again.03:41
Emmanuel_ChanelIt repeats 0% - 12%03:42
Emmanuel_Chanelteward: Well, your word helps me a lot. I'm very tired and I can't name the detail without the situation that nobody asks me.03:42
tewardi'm probably going to have to head off within a few minutes so not sure how much help I can be :P03:43
tewardinsomnia might finally go away at any moment :|03:43
sarnoldteward: ugh. insomnia sucks :(03:46
tewardsarnold: indeed it does.  and i didn't sleep well last night either, so insomnia on top of being extremely tired is not the best combo03:46
sarnoldEmmanuel_Chanel: maybe swap to another virtual console and check dmesg, or log messages..03:46
Emmanuel_ChanelIs the iso on jigdo updated from the torrent's?03:55
Emmanuel_ChanelThe partman's stop is for scanning partions of the HDDs.03:56
Emmanuel_ChanelThe loop on the software selection, I don't find the answer.03:56
cpaelzergood morning04:38
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lordievaderGood morning06:01
=== zoli is now known as Guest58977
boritekHello, when I pxe boot ubuntu-server 18.04.1 and trying to install it in Virtualbox, installation fails06:12
patsTomsmorning, maybe there is any way to make system to wait until systemd service is started and then continue to boot?06:26
Emmanuel_ChanelCan't we boot a GPT system HDD on Ubuntu 18.04?06:39
boritekHello, when I pxe boot ubuntu-server 18.04.1 and trying to install it in Virtualbox, installation fails, check out this screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/1pIIDxx.png06:53
hateballEmmanuel_Chanel: yes07:07
boritekMAAS install also fails07:24
Emmanuel_ChanelCan't we boot a GPT system HDD from BIOS on Ubuntu 18.04?07:45
Emmanuel_ChanelSorry for my lack of the words.07:45
=== miguel_ is now known as Guest87066
ahasenackgood morning10:43
ahasenackEmmanuel_Chanel: yes you can10:43
ahasenackEmmanuel_Chanel: have you checked the md5sum of the iso you downloaded?10:44
Emmanuel_ChanelOh, not really.10:44
Emmanuel_ChanelSomeone says that Ubuntu 18.04 disables us to boot a GPT disks from BIOS. So I asked.10:45
Emmanuel_ChanelThanks for answering me.10:46
ahasenackI'm not sure what "boot gpt disk from bios" means, though10:51
ahasenackI mean, I don't know that it is a special case (gpt disk booting)10:52
ahasenackit boots fine in legacy mode, and uefi mode10:52
tomreynEmmanuel_Chanel: what you say might be related to this bug? #178638413:07
tomreynbug 178638413:07
ubottubug 1786384 in subiquity "Boot failure with BIOS /bios_grub with multiple disks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178638413:07
Emmanuel_ChanelMaybe. I don't really know.13:08
tomreynok, i guess we can't tell without more info.13:09
ahasenackcpaelzer: rbasak do you remember if debian has a problem with having ssl-cert (snakeoil certs) as a depends in a package?15:01
ahasenackit's one of the deltas we have15:01
ahasenackand one of the reasons their squid dep8 tests are failing. They adopted our tests, but didn't adopt that bit in the package15:01
ahasenackwhich I can submit to them, but whenever I hear ssl.*debian, I think openssl, and licensing issues15:01
rbasakI'm not sure if Debian does snakeoil? Or did they implement it later, but differently?15:04
ahasenackthe package is the same, and it installed the certificates where apache expected them15:04
ahasenackwent from this:15:05
ahasenackAug 10 14:58:48 autopkgtest-lxd-xprozj apachectl[2817]: SSLCertificateFile: file '/etc/ssl/certs/ssl-cert-snakeoil.pem' does not exist or is empty15:05
ahasenack   Active: active (running) since Fri 2018-08-10 15:00:53 UTC; 3s ago15:05
rbasakI'm not sure then.15:05
ahasenackall I had to do was apt install ssl-cert15:05
rbasakPerhaps they'll take it now.15:05
* rbasak wonders how snakeoil interacts with certbot15:05
RoyKthen use certbot/letsencrypt instead15:05
rbasakcertbot still needs user interaction15:05
rbasak(and we're working on improving UX on Ubuntu, but certbot in the archive is still a poor experience right now)15:06
rbasak(improving _certbot_ UX on Ubuntu)15:06
rbasakSo it can't deprecate snakeoil completely. Hence snakeoil is still useful.15:06
rbasakIt'd be nice to get snakeoil well integrated with certbot though.15:07
rbasakProviding a self-signed cert to start, but a very smooth UX to get it to letsencrypt-issued one.15:07
ahasenackI could add it just to the dep8 depends for now15:07
ahasenackand poke them if they would take it as a depends of the package15:07
rbasakPerhaps a Recommends?15:07
ahasenackwould still be a delta15:07
ahasenackwe have it as a depends15:07
ahasenackI'm still going to look over that in detail15:07
ahasenackwhat it means for squid to have ssl-cert15:08
ahasenackhaving it as a depends in d/t/control would be a no-op for us, and would make the tests pass for debian15:08
cpaelzerahasenack: dovecot changed to snakeoil in 1:2.2.31-115:13
cpaelzerahasenack: so it does exist and is used in Debian15:13
ahasenackas in, the ssl-cert package?15:13
cpaelzerDepends: ssl-cert15:14
cpaelzerahasenack: yes15:14
cpaelzerahasenack: FYI https://salsa.debian.org/debian/dovecot/commit/05d3d0f15:18
axisysanyone know a place where I can discuss about HP hardware raid controller? I need to convert a raid1 (2 600G disks) into a raid10 (2 600G and 2 2TB) using hpssacli15:31
tomreyni just did another installation on a uefi VM with two sata storages, using the server live installer. the installation log contains the output of "grub-install --usage" four times. should i be worried?17:37
ahasenacktomreyn: can you paste them somewhere?17:38
tomreynexample screenshot http://i.imgur.com/Gz48c29.png17:38
ahasenackthat doesn't look right17:38
tomreyni asusme th einstallation log will be preserved at /var/log/install on the target system?17:38
ahasenacktomreyn: yes17:39
ahasenackah, wait17:39
ahasenackI don't know17:39
tomreynit did boot at least17:39
ahasenackthat's good :)17:39
ahasenackif the logs are still there, would you mind opening a bug and attaching them?17:39
ahasenacktomreyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/subiquity/+filebug17:39
tomreyni forgot to zero the drives beforehand, it's possible that grub was already installed.17:39
tomreynsure, will be happy to17:40
ahasenackthere have been such bugs in the installer where it didn't zero the drives17:40
ahasenackwe have seen that with zfs and raid17:40
ahasenackthanks tomreyn17:40
tomreynit's raid + lvm17:40
ahasenackI assume you are using a VM to test it first?17:41
tomreynyes, it's a VM (as i wrote above)17:42
tomreynhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/7RGXrzJsSW is the log17:43
tomreynahasenack: i'm not sure what the bug report should be about, since this time it actually seems to have done what i configured in the installer.17:45
ahasenackgeez, is it really calling "grub-install --help"?17:46
ahasenackI suggest the bug be about that ^17:46
tomreyni would have assumed grub-install returns the --usage output because un unknown option or incorrect syntax was passed17:47
ahasenackthere seem to be some debugging messages in there17:47
ahasenackyou didn't add any, while troubleshooting something?17:47
ahasenacklook at lines17:47
ahasenackand 232717:47
tomreyni did not spawn a shell / switched tty's from the installer17:48
ahasenackmwhudson: around?17:48
ahasenackmight be too early still17:48
tomreynand the log is a direct pastebinit from the booted system17:49
ahasenackthen file away17:49
tomreynbug 178652518:04
ubottubug 1786525 in subiquity "Dumps "grub-install --help" output to curtin-install.log" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178652518:04
* tomreyn bbl18:04
jak2000basic quesiton: i have a directory /backups and have my home directory: /home/jak   i want create a link permanently on: /home/jak/backups how to?18:35
tomreynahasenack: looks like it's on purpose20:37
keithzgWell I'm stumped by netplan, I basically just copied the example from https://netplan.io/examples#dhcp-and-static-addressing for the right values for a static address for the server on my network and now the interface isn't even coming up.21:16
roaksoaxkeithzg: netplan apply ?21:22
keithzgroaksoax: Yeah I was doing that and then the interface just wouldn't come up. I *just* noticed the problem though: I'd typo'd the random (well, not random, but random to an unknowing human!) numbers in the ethernet adapter name, whoops!21:24
keithzgI still reserve a bit of dislike for netplan though since it apparently hates tabs :P21:24
havenstancehas anyone in here managed to get psensor-server to run as a manually created service without it shutting down instantly on Ubuntu 16.04?21:24
roaksoaxkeithzg: ha :) I quite like netplan :)21:25
keithzgroaksoax: Other than YAML's distasteful prohibition against tabs and that it didn't really make clear that I was trying to apply rules to a nonexistent device, it *does* seem pretty neat so far.21:26
* keithzg was half-tempted originally to just use /etc/network/interfaces anyways, but it's always fun to learn new things, particularly if they're not unnecessarily complicated; and netplan does seem nicely simple in most ways.21:27
havenstancenvm I think I have it figured out guys21:28
sarnoldhavenstance: what was it?21:29
havenstancesarnold, didn't specify the end command21:29
havenstancewrote a script to just pkill it, haven't tested yet as I'm still rewriting the service, will report back in a few if I managed to get it working21:30
sarnoldI hope there's a better way than just pkill..21:30
havenstanceif it were any other program in the world I'd worry about it, but since it's just monitoring temps I installed it simply for the GUI so I could watch system temps on the server from my desktop lol21:31
sarnoldaha :)21:31
havenstanceunfortunately the program doesn't include a start script or an end script21:31
sarnoldyeah I can see that21:31
havenstanceI'll probably write a tutorial after this to help anyone else who comes across the issue, and hopefully the community can help correct my terrible coding lol I'm not at all a vet, I've used ubuntu for years, but mostly just to play around, only recently have I really gotten into building things to make it do what I want21:32
havenstanceand frankly seeing how easy it is, Microsoft can keep windows lol21:32
havenstancesarnold, it's working now21:43
havenstanceis there a place to write a tutorial for this? cuz I feel like someone in the community would benefit from knowing what I just did lol21:45
sarnoldyou could pop up a new page on the wiki, or perhaps ask a question and then immediately answer it on askubuntu21:46
tomreynmwhudson: So apparently "/RAIDs/RAID-1/My awesome RAID-1 (fresh and shiny)" is not a valid md device name according to mdadm (but it is according to curtin / 18.04.1 live server installer).22:05
tomreynis it worth it to file more bugs about similar issues or should i wait until there is a version which does basic input validation?22:05
tomreynwhile it might sound differently, i dont mean to blame you personally, or any developer, i'm just disappointed by the overall result of how bleak what was chosen to be the default installer for 18.04, and still for 18.04.1, looks altogether.22:10
powersjtomreyn, have you found other fields that fail?22:18
tomreynpowersj: i haven't verified, this, yet22:30
wendicohello there, finally im ready to continue learning ubuntu server. My server is installed and running and i am connected with my desktop on ssh, but...22:30
tomreynhere are my accepted inputs http://i.imgur.com/ZgmorAs.png http://i.imgur.com/RYK8dmI.png22:30
wendicoim an old windows server user, i will like to have a small talk on posibilities and realities of nowdays, know what my server can do by default, etc22:31
tomreynpowersj: ^ i assume the VG and LV name would also have failed22:31
wendicoif anyone would like to have a talk with me about this server things on my mind, i read a lot but questions solve to slow reading22:31
wendicoi would like to know what i want to learn before i learn it i mean, because i really want to learn, i dont just want to ask you the commands to make my server a router for example22:32
sarnoldwendico: have you found 'apt-cache search' and 'apt-cache show' yet?22:33
wendicomay i just drop questions here?, maybe is offtopic, someone want to privete me about server services now days on private, im fast typer and learner22:33
wendicoapt-cache show shows no packages found, but giving me that command means i cant explain myself im sorry, english third language22:36
wendicoim limited on the amount of info i can learn coz im old, nevertheless i want to be able to run an ubuntu server with basics services. im expert runing windows domains, could someone have a talk to me22:36
wendicoso i can explain what services i want to run then can lead me to the path of commands i should master22:37
wendicoi have no mind to be an expert22:37
tomreynwendico: do you know https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/ ?22:37
wendicoyes but it is for dumb people22:37
wendicoi read 4 pages to learn sudo22:38
wendicoi would love to someone spend sometime with me so i ask straight questions and learn just what i need22:38
TJ-wendico: Onlt 4 pages!!?? Wow, I/m still learning it after 15 years!22:38
tomreynhmm, i think i would find it useful if i was new.22:38
wendicoat least im sincerily accepting i have not the capacity to learn it all22:39
wendiconevertheless i installed my server on software raid and running on ssh and is my first try, of course guided here22:39
tomreynthere's no need to 'lern it all', no one can. but you can focus on one task / problem at a time.22:39
wendico(ty tomreyn)22:39
wendicoso im sure, instead of just teach me full task of each problem at a time22:40
tomreynand there actually is a lot of documentation out there which can help22:40
wendicoi could explain all services in one time i want to be able lto manage22:40
wendicoand then u answer me in one line wich commands i have to master22:40
wendicocould that be posible?22:40
tomreyni can suggest softwares for functionality you want to configure22:41
tomreynif that's what you're asking22:41
wendicothank you you just got me, so let me repeat the correct straight question22:41
tomreyni'm not going to be able to spend another night with you today, i'm afraid22:41
wendicoof course thats why22:41
sarnoldubuntu ships 62000 packages22:41
sarnoldthere's no way to summarize all that qauickly22:42
sarnoldthat's why I asked if you've seen apt-cache search22:42
sarnoldit lets you find which thousand packages might be relevant to your interest22:42
wendicoso i have an ubuntu server running out of the box and i just want to use it as gateway, router, firewall, proxy and nass22:42
sarnoldand then apt-cache show to show you information on each in turn, so you can decide which packages to try22:42
TJ-wendico: would it help you to see a program that is designed to manage most of the server packages and exposes the settings in logical groupings?22:42
wendicowhat commands should i start learning to master configure networks, routes, firewall rules, proxy cache and files access22:43
TJ-wendico: For your gateway/router/firewall I'd recommend shorewall, which presents a HTML based GUI to organise things, which helps understand how everything fits together as well as the individual 'power' settings22:43
wendicoor that is good for me to, what "software" gui could help me achive those jobs22:43
wendicotj, yes a program to manage server packages also help please22:44
TJ-wendico: for a much wider view I'd recommend the related projects webmin, usermin, and virtualmin. They aren't packaged in Ubuntu but you can get debian packages from the upstream source.22:45
wendicogoing into learning shorewalll22:45
wendicoi allready started learning iwconfig and ifconfig22:45
sarnoldskip ifconfig, learn iproute2 instead22:45
wendicothank you, noted, ifconfig deleted22:45
sarnoldunfortunately lartc.org is down :(22:45
sarnoldhere's a mirror .. probably old :( https://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/Adv-Routing-HOWTO/22:45
sarnoldlearn netfilter, iptables22:46
wendicowow you are all so helpfull, im glad i could express myself, u are really helping me22:46
wendicoi dont want like yesterday tomreyn guiding me 2 hours22:46
wendiconow u got me and my limits22:46
wendicothanks all for the support22:46
sarnoldwendico: I strongly recommend avoiding webmin, usermin, and virtualmin, etc. most of the time those front-end things are terrible code quality and security problems22:47
sarnoldwendico: take a look at squid for your proxy/cache needs22:47
sarnoldwendico: and NAS .. that's a big topic. samba is the SMB-compatible server, but you could also just use nfs and skip that giant headache22:48
tomreyni second that shorewall is a good choice for gateway/router/firewall. since you run 18.04.1 server, you can use netplan to configure your network interfaces.22:48
wendicotomreyn: noted on my notepad, studing to achieve it22:49
wendicosarnold: squid noted, avoiding bla bla bla noted22:50
wendicosarnold, thats what i though, all my clients gonna be windows, so i will just nas ntfs22:51
wendiconoted down22:51
sarnoldwendico: ah. then squid. :)22:51
tomreynuuh did you just recommend webmin and usermin, TJ? i wouldnt dare to, think they break more than they help. and they prevent you from learning.22:52
TJ-wendico: if you want a prox/cache for many Debian/Ubuntu PCs on the same network fetching packages only once via the Internet, then sharing  them locally, look at squid-deb-proxy and squid-deb-proxy-client22:52
TJ-tomreyn: not so, that's been false for over 10 years22:52
wendicomaybe coz he though i want fast and unestable, i noted sarnold recomendation thought22:52
TJ-tomreyn: I've used them extensively and they've not broken anything, including release upgrades22:52
wendicoi want limited but stable even though slower22:53
TJ-tomreyn: there was some hiccups around 2004-5 since then they've been very stable22:53
tomreynTJ-: hmm, ok, i have not used them for a long time, and only short when i did. it just feels wrong to use a webinterface to handle file system ACLs etc. but maybe i should revisit it some day.22:54
wendicook, i like pros opinions and since i got a new used spare hardware i will test the webmin and all that in a second test enviroment22:54
wendicojust in case im not able to learn to do it without those tools22:54
wendicowrittinng it down22:54
havenstanceTJ-, I like webmin to a point, I just think the first thing a hacker is gonna look for is an open port 10000 because then your only protected by the complexity of your password at that point22:55
TJ-tomreyn: that is not something it focuses on at all,22:55
havenstanceso as long as you use the webgui in your local network and don't open that port to the outside world I'd recommend webmin22:55
tomreyn2003/4/5 is probably when i last used those.22:55
havenstancebut if I were doing an all in one network server I might recommend Zentyal over webmin.22:56
wendicobtw, with proper configuration and a wifi network card, this ubuntu server can my my wifi gateway for the cellphone clients, cant it?22:56
havenstancebut it's purely based on user preference at that point, cuz some people prefer CLI, some people prefer webmin, some people prefer zentyal22:56
wendicoi didnt know but i allready istalled a 300mb wifi card, i asummed for sure22:57
TJ-My point with webmin and friends is to learn the relationships of all the settings of many packages in a consistent way. It presents them in logical groups but still writes the underlying config files according to the way the projects require, so you can do things in the GUI that are quite complex, then look at what settings get changed/created in the underlying config files22:57
wendicoexactly tj, thats why i noted it and i will do it in parallel in the test server22:58
wendicoso i can use gui to make changes, look at them, and then not use gui on production server22:58
havenstanceTJ-, like I said I can get behind webmin, and any forks thereof, as well as zentyal in that regard, Zentyal is what taught me a majority of what I know of CLI just by doing what you said, run the options and read the logs22:58
wendicois a good tip22:58
TJ-Same goes for Shorewall22:59
TJ-Many people only want to configure a package once; don't have the time or inclination to want to become experts in each project, just feel they've got it about right without unintended consequences22:59
havenstanceTJ-, I agree with that, I used to work for a guy who used webmin on an old ubuntu server, I spent more time troubleshooting his mistakes than I ever did doing anything else23:00
tomreynmaybe the first thing to focus on should actually be backups23:00
wendicobackups... ummm...23:01
havenstancetomreyn, that is the best advice for anyone new, I can't tell you how many times I've broken my system screwing up one line in a config file23:01
wendicoi actually do have backups always of everithing multiple times23:01
wendicobut actually i spent lot of time a week doing so23:01
tomreynit's boring and sometimes a bit annoying but it's something you'll just postpone later since there'll always be something better to do.23:01
havenstanceabsolutely, like I said can't tell you how many installs I've fragged by not doing it lol23:01
wendicoauto back ups will be so cool for me23:01
TJ-One example where I still find it easier to use the HTML UI is Virtualmin's management of postgrey, the postfix grelist add-on for preventing spam. When I need to add exceptions I can never recall the correct format or files to edit - it makes it trivial and prevents me making mistakes23:02
wendicoTJ u are right im on that school, im very old computers invented when i could buy one, and i have always been so lazy23:02
TJ-Version control over /etc/ is a very useful thing too23:02
wendicoi loved linux23:02
wendicobut just click is so easy....23:02
wendicoi becamed lazy23:03
wendicobut the people that program those uis are not the experts and their ui option sends wrong command23:03
havenstanceanyone in here use 18.04 server yet?23:03
wendicothat didnt hapend old times23:03
wendicoif there where a ui, the ui always worked23:04
TJ-I started with Linux servers in the late 1990s when it was hell to figure stuff out so maybe I'm biased due to that because these HTML UIs taught me so much and gave me confidence and insights I wouldn't have gained by editing the raw config files, or reading the (often) poor documentation23:04
TJ-havenstance: Yes, all my stuff went to 18.04 during the beta23:04
havenstanceTJ-, I can't disagree with you on that, like I said, I learned a ton from using HTML stuff as well23:04
havenstanceTJ-, does it have the same annoying feature Debian Stretch has where if you input a root password it doesn't install sudo?23:05
TJ-I never set a root password :)23:05
wendicoi did just the opposite way, since emule was legal in my country, i always could find the code written for what i needed23:05
wendicoeven for hacking23:05
wendicocain, abel....23:05
wendicono command send23:06
wendicojust 3 clicks23:06
havenstanceTJ-, I won't after that fiasco ever again lol, but does it ask for said root password on install like stretch did?23:06
wendiconow im garbage in nowdays computers hahaha23:06
havenstanceTJ-, nvm I'll just do a VM and check it out :)23:06
TJ-havenstance: I've never seen Ubuntu do that ever! I didn't realise Debian did!23:07
TJ-havenstance: then again many of my deployments are from 'cloud' (hate that word!) images, or debootstrap23:07
havenstanceTJ-, updated Jessie to Stretch for a buddy of mine, and we fought that thing for like 3 and a half hours to try and get sudo working23:07
havenstanceJessie had sudo by default tho23:07
havenstanceeventually I talked him into scrapping Debian and going with Ubuntu and he's surprisingly even doing better than I do in CLI most times lol23:08
havenstancefor me tho it's only recently been about the last year or so that I've even experimented with scripting things and actually getting under the hood of Ubuntu, and I must say it's been enjoyable23:10
TJ-I'll tell you something I take extreme issue with for several core server packages. Freaking out and refusing to work if their /etc/ directories are set g+w! I mean, what gives? I want to allocate admin groups who can edit without needing root rights in any way. There's no security hole. sudo breaks, ssh will refuse to start, and several others I forget now23:10
TJ-The entire point of groups/ACLs is to allow non-root managemeent23:10
TJ-I've recently hacked on vagrant-libvirt/vagrant-mutate to do som deploymnet/orchestration testing locally using QEMU/KVM and that's been 'fun', got those issues fixed and now Ansible is thwawting me  :)23:12
havenstancelol I have to say I've found that if you have the patience to work thru it line by line, most times Linux tells you why it's b0rked23:12
TJ-yeah, I was demoing to some Windows users at a charity I volunteer for, all the logging Linux does as it boots for example, and in /var/log/ - these were just 'users' who pilot Word and Excel, and they fell in love with Linux immediately - especially the speed and power of the shell for piping output to filter results. I was amazed how they responded; was expecting them to have eyes glazing over.23:14
TJ-As a result I am developing a plan to completely replace Windows throughout with Ubuntu23:15
TJ-The way their eyes popped when I Alt+Fx-ed between the consoles to demonstrate the multi-user nature was a sight to behold :)23:16
RoyKTJ-: try to do that with windows logs ;)23:27
wendico`sudo apt-cache show`says E: no packages found. I understood sarnold that command should show thousand of available packges, what did i miss?23:27
sarnoldwendico: a package :) try apt-cache show bash23:27
keithzgYeah, personally I gravitated towards Linux ages ago because I always manage to find myself with computers going terribly wrong, and at least with Linux I could reasonably find out what and why and fix it, whereas Windows is often just a confusing mess with a black box in the middle . . .23:28
keithzgHrmm drat, I was hoping to switch from MySQL to MariaDB at work here, but the version in the 18.04 repos is still too old to upgrade from the MySQL version we were using on 16.04, and MariaDB's own repos for 10.3 give unmet dependency errors :(23:29
wendicoapt-cache show bash shows basic info and that i have minimal install, maybe is that i have really no package yet hehe23:29
wendicoiptables work as sugested to learn but netfilter also says command not found23:31
TJ-RoyK: I was dealing with the company that manages the Windows AD server last 2 days; 1stly they couldn't add a PC to the network because the local Admin password doesn't work (so I booted it from my Ubuntu USB flash and ran chntpwd on it!) and they can't figure out why DHCP leases for new devices on the Wifi don't get issued for 3 hours. So far its not occurred to them to read the Event Logs :)23:31
sarnoldwendico: netfilter is a whole framework for firewalling, packet manipulation, etc.. there's a lot more to it than one command ;)23:31
sarnoldkeithzg: hrm, I'm surprised about the unmet deps on their repos.. are you sure you picked *ubuntu* and not *debian* repos?23:32
RoyKTJ-: rotfl23:32
keithzgsarnold: Uhhh it's Friday and I was literally typing into the wrong terminal whoooops23:32
sarnoldkeithzg: oh! :)23:32
wendicosarnold: ty, noted down, and last question, UFW command has never been mentioned here but is installed by default, is that a replacement for netfilter or iptables?23:33
sarnoldwendico: no; ufw is a simple front-end for iptables that's supposed to be easy for easy situations23:33
tomreynwendico: to make 'apt-cache show' work you need to 'apt update' first. also there's an installer bug which we did not fix last night https://launchpad.net/bugs/178312923:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1783129 in subiquity "Only "main" component enabled after install" [High,Confirmed]23:34
wendicothank you, so if i could really master iptables, that would be enought for firewall and routing then not need netfilter or shorewall?23:35
tomreynthis is correct, but it can have a somewhat steep learning curve, depending on where you come from.23:36
sarnoldiptables is built on netfilter; knowing how netfilter works would be helpful23:36
sarnoldif ufw works for you, then you can skip shorewall, but I doubt ufw will work for you23:36
wendicoi just used the commands to enable ufw and enable just ssh trafic and seems worked on default installed server23:37
sarnoldyes, that should work great :) but NAT or routing may be more than it is prepared to handle23:37
wendiconevertheless i need more control, is not ennough, so i go into iptables23:37
tomreynufw works fine for simple port blocking, but not for routing with multiple interfaces and different policies.23:38
wendicoi will install downgraded virtual machine to check on netfilter and delete23:38
wendicoand i will install a simple one disk server to test all the other tools23:38
wendiconow really last question, is samba installed by default and the squid-deb-proxy is worth if i only have one ubuntu client?23:41
sarnoldsamba shouldn't be installed by default23:42
sarnoldand squid-deb-proxy is probably not worth it for just one machine; unless you're building packages on that machine..23:42
wendicoand for normal proxy-cache services, i think im missing that answer, if i decide to master iptables and not use shorewall or similar, what packages should i master for internet proxy cache services?23:43
sarnoldjust plain 'squid' for proxy cache23:45
wendicothank you23:45
sarnoldsquid-deb-proxy is pre-configured to accept the huge objects and long lifetimes that debian packages usually have23:45
wendico^that is no suggest to disable it since i wont have ubuntu clientes?23:47
wendicono=to  ^23:47
sarnoldsquid-deb-proxy wouldn't provide you with much benefit if you've only got the one machine, and it'll add another 30 seconds to every single reboot23:47
wendicothats what i though, im the only brave enought to use ubuntu, all other 6 clients are windows23:48
sarnoldI *love* it on my laptop, since I build packages there, it really helps -- even though I've got a local archive mirror in the basement, it's still only connected over a gigabit network, and having most of the packages locally already makes those go *way* faster23:48
wendicoand i have a good line and a total of 7 clients plus cellphones, is actually ridiculous for experts like u haha23:48
LastTalonHey, I'm attempting to install ubuntu server on a machine and I'm having some trouble.23:50
LastTalonIt ends up posting "Could not delete variable: No such file or directory" to stderr int he end.23:51
LastTalonAny idea why this might be happening on ubuntu server 18.04.1?23:52
sarnolddo you have any other context on screen?23:52
sarnoldin isolation I'm not sure what that would be23:53
LastTalonUnfortunately I rebooted before I came here to maybe check if it was a hard drive issue.23:53
LastTalonI can give more details after I try again.23:54
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