
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.06:04
knightwisehey everyone06:27
knightwiseHas any of you ever played with Angular ?07:44
knightwisesrr , Bootstrap07:44
marxjohnsonYes, and yes07:49
knightwisemarxjohnson: silly question but is this somehing I can compare to Wordpress (with a full backend ?) or more like a static html/css webpage  ?07:50
marxjohnsonBootstrap?  It's a frontend UI framework, not really comparable to something like Wordpress which is a full web application. You can, for example, get Wordpress themes that are based on Bootstrap.07:51
knightwiseok, So lets say I want to make a simple one-pager website (Company logo, contact details) would Bootstrap be a good choice to have something that looks half decent ?07:52
marxjohnsonAssuming you're happy to hand-code the HTML07:58
knightwisehmm.. i think i might be able to look at that.07:59
marxjohnsonBootstrap essentially gives you some nicer-than-the-browser's default styles, then a bunch of CSS classes to apply to your elements which will style them responsive layouts, and UI components08:00
marxjohnsonThe documentation has examples of what it provides: https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/components/buttons/ https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/layout/overview/08:01
knightwiseso for a quick noob-fix I could download a template , throw the html into a wysiwyg editor, swap out text and images and .. upload the shbang ?08:01
marxjohnsonI guess so, as long as your wysiwyg editor doesnt screw with the markup too much08:03
knightwiseyep ,08:03
knightwiseBut unlike Wordpress I won't need SQL and PHP to run it, right ?08:04
knightwisethat simplifies things. Gonna give it a looksee if i can get it running on the pi and mess with the html08:09
knightwisethanx marxjohnson08:10
knightwisebasically I need something to put together simple onepager websites for clients that don"t have a "real" website yet08:10
diploLots of free sites out there for Bootstrap templates08:12
knightwiseyeah that's what i'm looking at.08:13
knightwise harg10:25
knightwiseThats it10:25
knightwisei'm building a pi speaker for the office10:25
knightwiseGot a google home to try out10:25
knightwisebut just like the sonos I find it .. lacking10:25
ali1234think of bootstrap as a library you can use to make a wordpress theme11:00
ali1234or a theme for any other website11:01
daftykinsi use a pi running picoreplayer plugged into my AV receiver over HDMI to stream music in my lounge, from logitech media server which is already present to run the squeezebox in my bedroom - works quite nicely11:16
diploSounds interesting daftykins - just bought my piups for my car setup11:23
ujjainHow realistic is it that my friend using Ubuntu can do a pull up holding on to a 30kg dumbell between his legs?12:25
mgdmif he can do that while actively using Ubuntu I will be impressed12:26
zxmoy-picould be a vinatge luggable computer that's the dumbell...12:32
brobostigonget-iplayer --get 7279 :)12:41
mgdmwhat's that?12:44
diploDownload and see ? :D12:46
daftykinsheh nope12:46
daftykinsbrobostigon could be tricking us with something nasty like Corrie!12:46
brobostigontwelve monkeys, :)12:47
daftykinshmm have no idea what that is12:47
brobostigonits a terry gilliam film.12:48
daftykinshave we got any Manx folk left? curious what their current bank notes look like12:49
daftykinshrmm someone getting in touch to say they'll need to handle medical records, can't say i've had to deal with that before - i remembered the regs 'HIPAA' but that seems to be US only, anyone know what it is in the UK?12:58
diploI believe it's just the DPA ( data protection act ) that covers it here12:59
diploSo now, that would also be extended to GDPR13:00
daftykinsmmm, people seem to be getting easily duped into the idea that they have to encrypt all their storage and email attachments to meet GDPR, which is false13:01
daftykinshttp://researchbriefings.files.parliament.uk/documents/SN07103/SN07103.pdf - this seems useful too13:01
daftykinsthanks diplo13:01
diploYeah lots of that stuff going around, consultants are causing part of the issue and the laws themselves are so wishy washy that it's going to take case law probably to get it defined better13:02
diploBut  Ithink it has done its initial job, make people more aware of what data they store13:02
knightwisethe law is a disaster13:05
knightwisewe have been doing some consulting with small businesses around it.. its sooo unclear13:06
knightwiseespecially when you have people processing data for you13:06
diploYup, we do that for our customers, so we are DPA or whatever the title is13:06
daftykinsmuch preferred my work before i had to start trawling through long documents to see what was right and wrong xD13:08
awilkinsThe 12 Monkeys TV series was pretty enjoyable13:09
awilkinsAlthough like many time-travel dramas it suffers from plot inflation13:09
diploHaven't finished that yet, got sidetracked, good reminder thanks awilkins :)13:09
awilkinsThe intrinsic problem with time travel drama is like any of us have any chance vs the first megalomaniac with a time machine13:10
awilkinsTBH If Thanos had any brains, he would just have gone back in time and established natural limits in the ecosystems he sought to police13:11
awilkinsAnd no-one would ever have known or cared that he'd done it13:12
awilkinsExcept maybe to think "Huh, the ecosystem seems curiously well designed to stop us all killing ourselves with a Malthusian crisis... maybe there's a benevolent god looking out for us?"13:12
diploBut that wouldn't have made for a action packed film :)13:14
diploWant to buy a domain name for testing, short url... suggestions as I've gone blank :)13:35
zxmoy-piderp.com ?13:35
diploI'm guessing registered :D13:36
zxmoy-piblab flub barf blub13:36
diploWell it's free :)13:55
diplotuat, kaliam or ombos ? what do you reckon13:56
diddledanI've got 🎳🎩.ws14:00
diploI can't make out them that well in irssi and my rubbish eyesight :)14:02
zxmoy-pi::copied to mousepad:: ... bowling and a tophat...14:06
daftykinsi'd not seen that 'unattended-upgrade in progress' shutdown splash message before, hrmm - definitely not the way i'd like to see updates applied (ubuntu 18.04 on the old iMac i was gifted)15:28
diddledanhow old?16:44
daftykinsLate 2007 dinosaur, it's got until Mojave comes out then El Capitan might go EOL, then it'll be truly dumped by Apple given it can't have a newer release16:52
diddledangolly, that is old16:59
daftykinsyep, i threw in a cheap SSD i had to hand and it almost runs ubuntu though ;)16:59
daftykinsin fact since ifixit sent me free replacement bits for my kit, as a Torx size 8 had died during working on that thing, i just put the last of the screws back in \o/17:41
zxmoy-pishould have held it in with chewing gum... it would please steve jobs... :-P19:06

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