
Babloyistill no upgrade pushed for 16.04 to 18.04? :(06:52
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka
=== nomenon_ is now known as noumenon
cavacStupid question: Any idea when do-release-upgrade from 16.04 LTS to 18.04 LTS is going live?10:22
Babloyi^ me also :D10:24
Babloyino timeline on it, cavac :D10:24
cavacOk. Just need a rough idea, because i have to start planning when to upgrade my desktops and my private servers (servers also run Xubuntu because it makes testing easier when all servers and clients run exactly the same OS/dristribution).10:26
Babloyiit is available right now10:32
Babloyijust the upgrade from 16.04 to 18.04 is not10:32
cavacYeah, but i want the direct 16.04 to 18.04 upgrade. I *never* run non-LTS versions (even temporary) on my systems.10:39
cavacBut i'm patient, i'll wait till the direct path becomes available.10:40
bazhanghas the point upgrade not come out yet?10:43
knomeit has10:43
bazhangthen that should be clear10:43
cavacYeah, but do-release-upgrade still says "no new release found"10:45
Babloyiyeah, that bit hasn't been done yet :D10:49
knomefwiw, there is no specific xubuntu involvement in that, so once ubuntu desktop is able to upgrade, xubuntu (and other flavors) are as well10:50
Babloyibut ubuntu 18.04.1 has been out a couple days longer than xubuntu even :D10:52
cavacThanks everyone for the info!11:04
cavacI'm heading into the weekend. There's a cold girl and a hot beer waiting.11:05
Babloyiand likely no xubuntu upgrade, cavac11:06
Spassmy xorg just crashed after failed return from suspend, it happened before couple days ago, probably nvidia related :/11:17
flocculantBabloyi cavac - re 18.04.1 - there is an upgrader bug which has stopped it being let out - when http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts shows bionic - then you will see it, bug 1766890 also13:11
ubottubug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176689013:11
flocculantbazhang: ^^13:11
Babloyiwhen is that?13:12
flocculantwhen is what?13:12
Babloyiwhen will that show bionic? :D13:12
flocculantwhen the bug is fix released I would say ;)13:13
Babloyiwell, get to it, flocc :D13:13
Babloyiugh...why is it so hard to find a good epub reader? Every one has some stupid problem13:40
BabloyiCalibre is a bit too big of a thing for just reading ebooks, Coolreader displays most of my books badly, Fbreader is nice, except I don't want to scroll line by line, I want to scroll page by page, and I see no instructions how to.13:41
appaIt does seem like a simple thing, but I think few people want to read books from a computer14:00
=== cmcmanis is now known as ChuckM
craigbass76Anyone on 18.04 using dropbox? It's synching for me, but I think it's grabbing everything, and I can't get the GUI open to selectively sync17:35
craigbass76I installed Nautilus17:35
dreamonhello. I cannot record sound (micro inside noteboot) if I choose duplex in pavucontrol. using audio input I can record. but cannot play any audio. so have to use output to play. how can I get duplex zu work?17:38
GridCubethe last tab of pavucontrol usually has several profiles for sound settings, like hdmi+7.1 or stuff like that, have you tested if a different profile setting is more useful to you?17:39
GridCubealso have you checked on the hardware settings on your keyboard if you haven't muted the mike?17:40
bgsofia97Hello. I have a little problem with Netbeans on Xubuntu. For some reason the key combinations for code formatting (actually all key combinations) don't work. Everything is fine on Linux Mint and Ubuntu. Does anyone have an idea how to fix it?18:06
craigbass76I didn't miss a dropbox answer, did I.19:12
craigbass76Weird that an XFCE flavored Fedora wouldn't have trouble, but Xubuntu is, making the dropbox GUI app work.19:13
=== pavlushka_ is now known as pavlushka

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