[14:52] http://printerprojects.com/charts/ [14:52] [ Printable Charts and Diagrams ] - http://printerprojects.com [18:23] zaki: o/ [18:23] * pavlushka is pretending [18:24] \o/ [18:25] preferences>general theres only showing few deafult fonts [18:25] zaki: settings>>preference>>appearance>>general>>Font [18:25] oh this is about changing font in hexchat :P [18:25] zaki: yes do that on hexchat [18:25] > [18:26] preferences>general theres only showing few deafult fonts [18:26] not those which I want [18:44] zaki: apt install fonts-beng fonts-beng-extra [18:45] hey font-beng-extra latest version already included with 18.4 [18:46] zaki: and copy your extra fonts to /usr/local/share/fonts/ and run "sudo fc-cache" [18:46] and I've manually installed siyam rupali,solaiman lipi etc font [18:46] and reloded font cache [18:47] pc reboote done [18:47] no luck [18:47] hexchat font section only showing 9 default fonts [18:48] wait I installed hexchat from snap store , is that an issue? @pavlushka [18:50] zaki: can't tell for sure but hexchat is also available on apt repo [18:51] okay [18:55] @pavlushka, [18:55] so, any luck? [18:55] yes that's an interesting issue :D [18:55] zaki: how? [18:55] now okay [18:56] reinstalled using apt [18:56] now all system wide font are available at hexchat>preferences> general>fonts :D [18:56] zaki: interesting really [18:59] how is u-la-la ? [18:59] .ping [18:59] pavlushka: Try: "/ctcp u-la-la ping" or simply "u-la-la!" [19:00] "u-la-la!" [19:00] u-la-la! [19:00] pavlushka! [19:01] u-la-la, [19:01] u-la-la! [19:01] zaki! [19:01] he he [19:01] upgrades ? [19:01] zaki: may be, I cloned the source from github jenni project [19:02] zaki: the bot hosted on a RPI3 [19:03] zaki: I stopped tinkering the bot after 2 HDD crash with all my data [19:03] zaki: this tutorial is good, http://vietunicode.sourceforge.net/howto/fontlinux.html [19:04] [ Install and configure Unicode TrueType fonts in Linux ] - http://vietunicode.sourceforge.net [19:04] for fonts [19:07] 2 HDD crash when? [19:15] @pavlushka, I'm using XeonBD mirror , real fast [19:16] BDIX connected [19:20] zaki: good, my connection does not effected by those [19:29] :| [19:59] zaki: going to sleep? [19:59] nah, you? [20:00] preparing VMware [20:00] zaki: you use vmware? [20:01] zaki: is that free, not to my knowledge! [20:01] hmm. virtual box too [20:01] have key :P [20:02] zaki: aha, for what you are preparing vmware? [20:02] vmware work well with gns3 [20:03] zaki: dont know much about that. [20:03] * pavlushka though used gns3 on Ubuntu with cisco router images for testing [20:04] gns3 vm with virtual box? [20:06] zaki: gns3 as application like "sudo apt install gns3" [20:06] oh [20:11] can't forget windows :3 [20:20] zaki: good for you :p [20:29] no I was talking about gns3 vm :P [20:29] I don't need that here :D [21:08] good night zaki [21:08] good night :)