
vinodhiniwallyworld: v2 also does the same identity/keystone.go @@L7300:03
vinodhiniits just like v300:03
vinodhiniso we shd fix both00:03
wallyworldyes we should00:04
thumperbabbageclunk: do you have some time this afternoon?01:33
babbageclunkthumper: sure - what's up?01:36
thumperbabbageclunk: I want to discuss some future design stuff and need a sounding board01:37
thumperand it has cross-over concepts with recent work of yours01:37
babbageclunkcool - when do you want to talk?01:38
thumperafter I have made coffee01:38
thumperas long as you are able01:38
thumperhow about at 2?01:39
babbageclunkyeah, sounds good01:40
thumperwallyworld: /home/tim/go/bin/dep ensure -vendor-only taking way more than 10s03:55
wallyworldkelvinliu_ promised me it was fast :-)03:56
wallyworldhe ran a test03:56
wallyworldtook that long for him03:56
kelvinliu_wallyworld, 0.003:57
kelvinliu_thumper, was it the 1st time to run?03:57
thumperyes, first time03:57
wallyworldmy discourse post mentioend that03:57
thumpertaken about 5 minutes so far03:57
wallyworldthe first tinme is slow03:57
kelvinliu_thumper, that should be much longer than 10s, :->03:57
wallyworldthere after stuff is cached03:58
thumpercached where?03:58
wallyworldsome local dir, kelvinliu_?03:58
kelvinliu_wallyworld, thumper ll $GOPATH/pkg/dep/sources03:58
* thumper nods, ok03:58
* thumper must stop eating this chocolate orange03:59
* thumper is running make check03:59
* kelvinliu_ finger crossed04:01
vinodhiniwallyworld: are u around ?09:31
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veebersrick_h_: ah, that's a bit of a bummer missing the build snaps when sorting out the new dep stuff20:44
rick_h_veebers: yea20:44
rick_h_veebers: and no easy fix I can see in my research today20:44
veebersrick_h_: do we have a way forward at the moment/20:44
veebersoh :-|20:44
veebersrick_h_: the dep.csv needs to be in the source tree and not the packaging branch?20:45
rick_h_veebers: I think the best thing is to add a new alternative plugin to https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/blob/master/snapcraft/plugins/godeps.py20:45
rick_h_veebers: or auto build a dep.csv from our deps stuff but I'm not sure what gaps there are in thata20:45
veebersrick_h_: aye, would need to automate the dep.csv somehow, seems a bit tricky20:45
rick_h_veebers: I'll bring it to the release call20:46
rick_h_veebers: but in my research today I think a new plugin is the only long term route, but then again we don't plan on staying on deps forever either so...20:46
veebersrick_h_: aye, it'll be module (i think it's called now) in the future assuming all goes to plan20:47
veebersrick_h_: any idea on amount of work needed for a plugin?20:47
rick_h_veebers: I don't think the python is bad just forking the godeps one and updating commands called where appropriate. The harder thing is if deps supports new config/ideas and what's it take to get it merged/pushed out and supported in LP builders?20:48
veebersah ack20:49
rick_h_veebers: e.g. it's not something that'll have snaps being built by tomorrow :)20:49
veebers:-| understood20:50
* veebers gets back to fixing the machine he, uh, mistakenly wiped yesterday20:51
rick_h_did you get a bit aggressive with the house cleaning veebers?20:51
veebersrick_h_: My inexperience with powershell and windows reared it's ugly head, I missed out the -WhatIf flag and poof a bunch of stuff cleaned up20:52
veebersso we had plenty of space, just in the wrong places20:52
rick_h_veebers: oops20:52
veebersindeed, embarrassed and angry with myself :-P oh well, onwards and upwards20:53
babbageclunkSeriously, they call --dry-run "-WhatIf"?21:34
babbageclunkThat seems wilfully obtuse.21:36
veebersbabbageclunk: hah it's like a different planet altogether, I'm sure it all makes sense when you get into it (or if it's what you know) but I'm not a fan21:56
veebersthere is also no cli text editor :-|21:57
babbageclunkSounds painful enough that you'd just RDP in all the time?21:58
veebersoh, it's almost all RDP (which is gross ^_^), I couldn't get copy and paste to work, so needed to get the authorised key on there22:00

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