
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> @ozbrk, My driver says x.org but nvidia is also in options with (recommended). Should I click on the nvidia?02:33
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> @Anarcho Taoist, Yes, install the NVidia drivers as they will provide a much better experience.02:34
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> How so? Sorry, I am ignorant in thid. All I hear is nvidia is problematic. ??02:35
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> NVidia is proprietary.   But drivers work very well.02:37
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> @DarinMiller, Is there any concerns that I need to be aware of if I switch? Thanks.02:38
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Occasionally NVidia releases a driver on less popular or older cards that have a few quirks, but still better experience than the open source driver.02:39
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> Which version Kubuntu and which NVidia card do you have?02:40
IrcsomeBot<DarinMiller> If you have a hybrid laptop (Intel and NVidia), things are a little more "adventurous".02:41
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> @DarinMiller, I  am not sure sorry. I am away from the laptop - Dell precision 5520.03:17
IrcsomeBot<Anarcho Taoist> @DarinMiller, Bionic beaver03:17
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JonelethIrenicusafter upgrading my system tray isn't showing up14:37
JonelethIrenicusi try and add the widget again like normal but it doesn't do anything14:38
neoncontrailsRecent convert from regular GNOME3 ubuntu and loving it so far, but one minor pain point so far...18:04
neoncontrailsComing from Guake, I installed Yakuake drop-down terminal. It works but only occupies half the width of the screen?18:04
neoncontrailsI found some themes that scale the UI elements for HiDPI screens... they do that, but they do not augment the window width. 100% width still equals 50% screen width18:05
neoncontrailsI also found some possible solutions that set the value of QT_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTORS manually, but I can't tell that these have made a difference with any of my apps18:06
neoncontrailsAny suggestions? I'm starting to run out of ideas18:06
acheronukneoncontrails: sounds like https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=37706318:12
ubottuKDE bug 377063 in general "yakuake doesn't respect the display scaling when calculating the yakuake window height" [Normal,Unconfirmed]18:12
neoncontrailsacheronuk: thanks! This indeed sounds like my issue18:20
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IrcsomeBotqMhCwfBc36 was added by: qMhCwfBc3621:08
ozbrkhi guys22:11
ozbrkI'm learning phyton as a hobby22:11
ozbrkhow can I check phyton version on kubuntu22:11
ozbrkno answers :( so sad .(22:57
Unit193ozbrk: You're just looking for  python3 --version  ?22:58
u19809Hi all, I try to install kubun tu 18.04  on an HP spectre using a USB 3 stick.  I get 'unable to enumerate usb devices'. I tried enabling legacy boot but that does not make a difference ... Help !22:58
ozbrkguess yes22:58
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> Google Chrome prevents energy saving turn off display in Kubuntu 18.0423:00
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> (Photo, 466x430) https://irc-attachments.kde.org/gop9qdDt/file_9058.jpg23:00
IrcsomeBot<TaurohtaRR> how can I disable it without actually closing Chrome?23:01
ozbrku19809: are you trying on uefi boot23:01
ozbrku19809: and are you trying to install it as a dual boot23:01
u19809By default my PC boots using UEFI but I enabled Legacy (cannot disable UEFI) but does not seem to help. No I do not need dual boot23:03
=== Katnip- is now known as Katnip

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