
duflujamesh, if you're not using it any more then please close the pulse merge proposal03:58
jameshduflu: I'll merge the change in.  I was just waiting for kenvandine to sponsor the upload for me (which he said he'd get around to today)03:59
duflujamesh, using the ubuntu branch is fine. Although I tend to use separate proposed branches now, since other people often unknowingly win the race and get other changes into archive first, which then need merging04:02
jameshduflu: yep.  That's why I haven't merged it into the ubuntu branch yet.  I'll do that once I know I've won that race04:08
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:01
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seb128good morning desktopers07:24
seb128lut oSoMoN07:24
oSoMoNsalut seb12807:26
oSoMoNpassé un bon week-end?07:26
dufluMorning oSoMoN and seb12807:29
oSoMoNhey duflu, had a good week-end?07:31
dufluoSoMoN, yes my home tasks virtual Trello board is shrinking :)07:31
dufluYou oSoMoN?07:31
seb128oSoMoN, ouais, nickel, et toi ?07:31
dufluseb128, sorry if it's too early in the day/week but would you prefer a debdiff or tars for the mpv upgrade? (bug 1785993)07:32
ubot5bug 1785993 in mpv (Ubuntu) "Please merge mpv 0.29 from Debian" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178599307:32
dufluA debdiff is going to be large, and confused by the rebase on the debian changelog07:33
seb128orig/dsc/diff.gz is good07:33
dufluseb128, it will be too big to reasonably review, does that matter?07:34
oSoMoNyeah, very good week-end with the family and I even managed to get some rest :)07:35
dufluAh, doesn't matter. It cost me little time to provide all the files for all options07:40
seb128duflu, depending of the changes but it's probably fine to follow debian or upstream without fully reviewing the diffs07:42
seb128duflu, if you provide the .dsc/diff then the sponsor can debdiff if interested07:42
dufluHullo willcooke, Laney08:02
oSoMoNgood morning willcooke, Laney08:03
willcookeGood weekend everyone?08:05
dufluYeah, you willcooke?08:06
willcookeSpent all weekend painting the new plaster in the hall, stairs and landing08:06
dufluFun fun08:07
willcookeStill needs another base coat before I can start on the actual colour08:07
willcooketrying to make the bare plaster match the old painted walls first08:07
willcookenearly there now08:07
willcookebut year, tired08:07
dufluOn the upside, part of the house probably smells new (painty)08:08
willcookeha, well, interesting story there, to me at least.  I love the smell of fresh paint, but all the new stuff (I guess in the last couple of years) doesn't really smell at all anymore08:08
willcookeThanks Europe08:08
seb128hey willcooke, Laney, how are you?08:19
seb128had a nice w.e?08:19
Laneyhey duflu oSoMoN willcooke seb12808:21
Laneyyes, quite nice, played games with friends on saturday and my family came to visit on sunday08:21
Laneywent to a cafe and then to the park :308:21
seb128we went shopping and got some new flowers to put on the balcony on saturday and had dinner with friends/played games, sunday was more relaxing/doing nothing, weather was nice so we walked around a bit in the afternoon and went to the playgroud08:26
Laneyflowers |o|08:28
Laneyhey Nafallo08:28
Laneybeen a while (or I've ignored you for a while)08:28
Nafallobeen a while. 7 weeks vacation :-)08:29
Nafallofirst day back at work now.08:29
dufluWow. Doing vacation properly. Morning Nafallo08:29
NafalloI changed consultancy company during the vacation, so needed to have stuff approved so the old one couldn't find me a new assignment ;-)08:30
Laneygo away somewhere?08:31
Nafallofor a bit I had all of June, but ended up with just the last week :-)08:31
Nafallowell, not really. Sweden had a lot of high temperatures :-)08:31
Nafalloit's like 20° colder today :-P08:32
Nafallovery much "summer is over! go back to work!"08:34
Nafallomeh. I've forgotten to get the music back on my computer...08:37
Nafallohow annoying.08:37
TrevinhoMorning guys09:10
willcookehi Trevinho09:17
dufluHi Trevinho09:18
TrevinhoHi willcooke and duflu09:19
Laneyhey Trevinho09:22
TrevinhoLaney: hi, thanks!09:24
seb128hey Trevinho, had a good week off?09:25
Trevinhoseb128: hey yes... as always very intense. Not really relaxing in terms of movement :-D09:27
Trevinhoand the fact that it finished with the beginning weekend of the Feria de Málaga didn't help :-P09:27
seb128well if you have fun then it's all good :)09:28
andyrockseb128: should we enable goa page in g-i-s in unity too?10:08
seb128andyrock, I guess? they use goa as well now iirc...11:25
seb128bah, it's sad that the main focus of the SRU team nowadays seems to nitpick on version numbers :/11:29
* seb128 reuploads another nautilus SRU after the previous one which has a totally acceptable version number got rejected11:30
oSoMoNjibel, hasn't the upgrade path 16.04 -> 18.04.1 been enabled yet?11:42
willcookeoSoMoN, likely today11:52
willcookeoSoMoN, they fixed the last bugs on Thursday, and didnt want to turn it on on a Friday11:52
tomreynhi there. it was suggested in #ubuntu-devel that i should ask / point out here that it'd be great to have a note on changed log file locations on bionic as per bug 178670111:53
ubot5bug 1786701 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Changed log locations for graphical services" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178670111:53
seb128tomreyn, unsure that's not too technical for those, the notes should be something readable/understandable by "normal" users11:56
jibeloSoMoN, not yet11:59
jibeloSoMoN, there is still a major bug to fix/verify11:59
jibeloSoMoN, for reference bug 176689012:00
ubot5bug 1766890 in gnome-menus (Ubuntu) "package gnome-menus 3.13.3-6ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: triggers looping, abandoned" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176689012:00
tomreynseb128: maybe i'm not a normal user, but it took me, and several others (in #ubuntu) who occasionally look at log files, quite some time that to find out that and where logs moved to.12:01
tomreyn(and it's something i would have appreciated to have read on the changelog.)12:01
tomreyn*release notes12:01
seb128tomreyn, logs are a debugging tool, and we have a log viewer application installed by default which should remove the need to know the exact location12:03
seb128tomreyn, but yeah, I understand that "hacking/debugging tips" can be useful, unsure if the release note are the right place for that though12:05
tomreynhave you tried to use 'Logs'? :)12:07
seb128that's not an useful comment12:08
tomreyni can understand the rationale, though.12:08
seb128I guess you have issues with it, what about reporting them?12:08
seb128I pushed back on it at first, but the UI got better12:08
seb128it's still not making as much content available on screen and not as easy to read that gnome-log-viewer though12:09
seb128but that's something we need to fix if we believe it still has problems12:09
seb128anyway, yes helping sysadmins&co to know where to poke is good12:09
seb128the release notes are not that though :)12:10
tomreynokay, thanks for your POV12:10
seb128or we could have a subsection/link to another document with more technical details12:10
seb128willcooke, ^ wdyt?12:10
* tomreyn would appreciate such12:10
Laneywho is going to write that thing and what qualifies to go in there?12:13
seb128who is writing the current notes?12:14
Laneynobody until someone thinks argh we need to write notes and it's done in a rush12:15
Laneyor sometimes people look at the release notes project and write them12:15
Laneybut those bugs usually end up in a messy state12:15
seb128k, well I guess if we had a section "technical details" on the page it would be under the same rules12:16
seb128it would probably end up being one bullet point "xorg logs move to <ne< location>"12:17
seb128but yeah, that's probably not something we are going to commit to12:17
andyrockseb128: is there already a lp regarding goa an gis?12:18
willcookeseb128, seems like a pretty easy addition to me.  I dont think there's really a problem adding it.  I can do that now12:27
willcookeoh, to be clear, I dont think we need another doc/wiki page - because no one will update it and it will just become incorrect very quickly12:28
willcookea bullet on the release notes so that people searching /might/ find it, seems fine to me12:29
willcookeThis sort of thing could go in to the "What's in 18.04" blog post kinda things12:29
seb128andyrock, bug #176219212:37
ubot5bug 1762192 in gnome-initial-setup (Ubuntu) "Ubuntu Welcome could offer to set up Online Accounts" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/176219212:37
andyrockseb128: I've a branch almost ready with the following:12:42
andyrock- update to 3.29.112:42
andyrock- sync the distro patches12:42
andyrock- enable the goa page12:43
andyrockdoing this without updating to 3.29.1 required more work12:43
andyrockbecause our upstream is already half synced with 3.29.112:43
seb128k, best to update then12:44
seb128we want to go on the new version anyway12:44
andyrockkk I'm setting up a vm to test it and then I'll propose12:44
kenvandinejamesh, pulseaudio sponsored to cosmic13:17
seb128kenvandine, jamesh, there is a packaging vcs but I don't see changes there, don't forget to push or duflu is going to get annoyed :)13:34
kenvandinejamesh was waiting for me to upload it before pushing13:35
kenvandinei don't think i can push it13:35
seb128kenvandine, you should be able, ubuntu-core-dev is member of ubuntu-audio-dev13:36
kenvandineoh... then i will just do it :)13:37
seb128kenvandine, jamesh, did those patch got code review/where?13:37
kenvandineon LP13:37
kenvandineit was left with a needs fixing13:38
kenvandinebut that was fixed and i saw them talking about merging it on irc last night13:38
kenvandineoh... hmm, that MR doesn't show the changelog update from james13:39
kenvandinei'll make sure what gets pushed matches what i uploaded13:39
seb128also it would be good to have proper tag headers, and maybe that work can be forwarded upstream?13:39
seb128kenvandine, jamesh, I'm a bit concerned that we lightly take on adding bigger ubuntu delta which is going to make updating more difficult in the futur13:43
kenvandineseb128, this isn't going upstream and we don't plan to support this forever13:43
seb128until when?13:43
kenvandineuntil we can sort out how to appropriately do it upstream13:44
seb128that's the sort of info that should be written in the changelog and/or patches so people maintaining the package know the deal :)13:44
kenvandinewe needed a quick fix to limit the exposure13:44
kenvandineyeah... i guess it should have had a comment to that effect13:44
seb128yeah, it's fine, still would be good to better document for those who need to update that package next13:44
seb128unless you/james plan to handle pulseaudio updates from now on?13:45
kenvandineit'll take a while for a proper implementation that can go upstream13:45
kenvandinei can do another upload today with more comments13:45
kenvandinein the patch header13:45
seb128just commit to the vcs13:45
kenvandinefedora had a patch that sort of handled this case, that we could have used but they reverted it13:46
seb128yeah, I saw, because it was hard to rebase on the new version13:46
kenvandinebasically flatpak needs something like this as well13:46
seb128I hope we don't end up having to do the same :p13:46
kenvandineso long term we need to help solve the problem13:46
seb128I doubt they will13:46
kenvandinebut we decided back in montreal that we had to do this for now to limit the exposure13:47
seb128I think they plan is to use pipewire13:47
kenvandineif so then we will too13:47
seb128well, it's not there  yet13:47
kenvandineexactly :)13:47
seb128but that's one of the reason they are pushing for pipewire13:47
ograis didrocks on vac this week ?13:48
seb128it's their solution for sandoxing13:48
seb128ogra, yes, and next13:48
seb128ogra, why?13:48
ograseb128, i'm working on digital signage atm and heard he had some demo snaps ...13:48
ograjust wanted to chat with him about them .... but its fine to do that once he's back13:48
seb128ogra, k, I don't think others can help you with that, sorry, you need to wait for him to be back13:49
ograyeah, no worries13:49
kenvandineseb128, at least we finally dropped the old trust store patches :)13:53
seb128kenvandine, it's a bit confusing to see a mp that was needsfixing being merged btw, would be nice if someone could comment on why it was merged anyway?13:54
seb128it seems the upload does address the comment, it's just that the change was not pushed to the branch?13:55
kenvandineseb128, already done13:55
kenvandinei had just commented on the MR :)13:55
seb128ah, good, thx!13:56
kenvandineseb128, i pushed the patch tags to vcs so it doesn't get lost14:15
seb128kenvandine, good14:44
Trevinhoseb128: as for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/1782681 comment means you can just reupload it?15:03
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1782681 in nautilus (Ubuntu Bionic) "Upgrade to 3.26.4 and SRU it" [Undecided,New]15:03
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ahayzenkenvandine, FWIW to confirm for basically all Audio/Video (and IIRC desktop-screen-sharing ?) flatpak/xdg-desktop-portal is looking towards pipewire to solve the sandboxing issues :-)16:08
kenvandineahayzen, yeah, that's what we're thinking16:10
kenvandinebut not ready yet16:10
kenvandinewe'll participate in that16:10
ahayzenkenvandine, great!  yeah it's not yet ready, but looks promising, will hopefully solve the issues for snap as well :-)16:12
andyrockseb128: still here? should we add "Ubuntu Single Sign-on" in the online accounts page?16:34
andyrockseb128: upstream shows Google, Nextcloud, Microsoft and Facebook16:35
andyrockwe can easily distropatch to show whatever we want16:35
jbichaandyrock: btw https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-initial-setup/merge_requests/1316:38
andyrockjbicha: nice thx! I can distro patch this too16:40
willcookeg'night all see you tomorrow17:03
seb128andyrock, that would make sense, wdy?17:09
seb128Trevinho, yeah, I'm going to reupload it17:09
Trevinhoseb128: thanks (sil2100 ^)17:10
seb128Trevinho, and yeah it's annoying that the SRU team likes to be so picky on version numbers which don't really matter to the SRU/content of the upload...17:11
andyrockseb128: I think it makes sense to show it17:13
andyrockhow can I keep dep3 info with gbp?17:13
andyrocklooks like export is removing them17:13
jbichaandyrock: what are you trying to do exactly? you can use dep3 stuff in the git commit message like is done at https://salsa.debian.org/gnome-team/mozjs52/blob/debian/master/debian/patches/tests-snans-be.patch17:16
andyrockjbicha: I want to keep the "Forwared" and "Bug" metadata17:18
andyrockah kk17:18
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