
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:59
lotuspsychjecome stai sir tomreyn03:07
lordievaderGood morning06:14
lotuspsychjemorning lordievader06:17
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje , how are you doing?06:17
lotuspsychjeall fine here lordievader tnx and you?06:17
lotuspsychjeraining here now06:17
ducassegood morning06:20
lordievaderlotuspsychje: Doing good here. It was raining a little bit here, but I think it has stopped already.06:22
lordievaderHey ducasse06:22
ducassemorning lordievader - all well?06:23
lordievaderDoing good here, how are you?06:23
ducasseall good, thanks - glad the heat seems to be over and gone06:24
lordievaderSame here, this is a much better temperature.06:28
ducasseyup, this i can deal with, over 30 i can't.06:33
tomreynhi there. it was suggested in #ubuntu-devel that i should ask / point out here that it'd be great to have a note on changed log file locations on bionic as per bug 178670111:50
ubot5bug 1786701 in Release Notes for Ubuntu "Changed log locations for graphical services" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178670111:50
lotuspsychjetomreyn: this is a wishlist?11:52
tomreynoh crap i'm still sleepy, meant to post this to #ubuntu-desktop :)11:53
lotuspsychjeah :p11:53
tomreyni consider it a bug really.11:53
lotuspsychjewant me to affect tomreyn ? as this concerns everybody?11:54
tomreyni dont want you to affect me, if that's the question :)11:54
lotuspsychjei mean affect the bug :p11:54
blackflowafaik that only happens if something something kms driver, so xorg is running unprivileged. in my case, nvidia proprietary, xorg is still run as root, so the logs go /var11:55
tomreynif you also consider it a bug please do add 'also affects me'11:55
blackflowI don't tho. This has been true (for xorg logs) for quite some time, not specific for bionic11:56
tomreynblackflow: and while nvidia is still widely used, from a technical / Ubuntu POV it uses a legacy approach and is pretty much the only thing which does now.11:56
tomreynblackflow: right, it's lbeen like this in earlier release. but an lts changelog should also consider lts to lts upgraders and opint out news for them.11:57
blackflowlegacy, you mean /var ?11:57
tomreyn(it already does in several places)11:57
blackflowbut I think this was the case even on 16.0411:58
blackflowrun nouveau and logs go to ~/.local11:58
tomreynno, not on 16.0411:58
blackflowrun proprietary, xorg is root, logs to /var11:58
blackflowwell, I could be wrong about xenial then12:00
tomreynhmm, and maybe i am, i do have ~/.local/share/xorg/Xorg.1.log (but not *.0.*) on this 16.04.512:04
tomreynrunning amdgpu12:05
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: found redhat similar bug: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=158283917:54
ubot5bugzilla.redhat.com bug 1582839 in hostapd "netlink: 'hostapd': attribute type 213 has an invalid length" [Unspecified,Closed: errata]17:54
leftyfbthat's just a warning though.17:56
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: wich kernel are you running atm?17:57
leftyfbit's the HWE kernel17:59
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1615774 in linux (Ubuntu) "iwlwifi queue stuck, Microcode SW error detected, "ieee80211 phy0: Hardware restart was requested" [Medium,Expired]17:59
leftyfbI've seen all these bugs18:00
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: #8 has solved it?18:01
leftyfbwell, since that link is not valid, no18:02
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: have you tryed a tail on syslog, disable & enable wifi again, lets have a look what it all spits out?18:03
leftyfbI'll try it in a bit. I'm going to swap out the chipset from an Intel to an Atheros18:03
daftykinsvery disappointing if intel continue to be a terrible choice even now18:12
leftyfboh, those 7260's are garbage18:16
daftykinsbet they work fine with Windows (:18:16
daftykins2:2 stream dual band -ac is plenty18:17
* leftyfb sigh18:22
leftyfbI hate wireless so much my teeth hurt18:22
leftyfbthat's all there is for wireless lines in syslog18:23
daftykinsblows my mind that over 10 years later and wifi is still a challenge to desktop Linux18:25
leftyfbit's got very little to do with linux. Wireless is garbage on Windows as well18:25
daftykinsfirmware load failed, hmm18:26
lotuspsychjewe hear users fixxing alot of realtek & atheros issues on git leftyfb with latest firmwares18:26
daftykinsno it's really not actually :)18:26
lotuspsychjedaftykins: yeah you are right about this, this fighting with this realtek bug on xenial for a customer18:26
daftykinsah yeah18:26
leftyfblotuspsychje: That error I posted above is with the linux-firmware backported from bionic18:26
lotuspsychjedaftykins: the realtek worked on default for xenial, then few updates later borked18:27
lotuspsychjedaftykins: thats something that should not be happening anymore18:28
daftykinsnothing worse than regressions18:28
lotuspsychjetj- also said it, devs should concetrate on a stable base18:28
lotuspsychjenot the latest bling18:29
lotuspsychjeleftyfb: past has showed us realtek & atheros mostly bug on different kernel, or firmware version18:37
leftyfbyeah, I'm going in a different direction. Don't have time to mess with junk chipsets18:37
lotuspsychjeevening pragmaticenigma18:53
pragmaticenigmais it out yet? XD18:53
lotuspsychjenop :p18:53
lotuspsychjewe can play a trivia here pragmaticenigma tomreyn owning the channel again :p18:55
tomreynlotuspsychje: i'm only working with Hamilton currently, there's others who need cookies, too18:56
pragmaticenigmalotuspsychje: I asked about the LTS upgrade ... because this showed up in my updates today: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PMw5DxKD8q/18:56
lotuspsychjelets c pragmaticenigma18:56
tomreynNew release '18.04.1 LTS' available.18:57
tomreynomg omg omg18:57
lotuspsychjedid you get the window pragmaticenigma18:57
tomreyn^ hehe i tricked you18:58
pragmaticenigmano, I'm already on 18.04.1 ... haha18:58
lotuspsychjeyou wont laugh when 2000 users come nagging here lol18:58
tomreynthey wont come to -discuss18:58
lotuspsychjeah thats how you gonna play it18:59
tomreyni'll be on holidays as soon as LTS upgrade is enabled ;)18:59
pragmaticenigmaunless someone tells them of our secret club house (gives lotuspsychje *the look*)18:59
lotuspsychjeeven the bots stay out the hardcore nest pragmaticenigma19:00
pragmaticenigmaOh, ubottu doesn't dance apparently... we should fix that19:00
pragmaticenigmathere's bots in here?19:01
lotuspsychjehmm havent seen them this evening19:01
pauljwhi everyone19:17
=== tomreyn_ is now known as tomreyn
Bashing-omhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue540 is on the streets :)20:53
Bashing-omdaftykins: Oh What a relief it is !20:59
daftykinsthat's good work right there :)21:00
Bashing-omdaftykins: Halp ! .. It is a real chore to get this done . Need people with writing skills to make up article summaries real real bad .21:06
daftykinsah i'd love to lend a hand but my paid work has been quite active of late, once i get home i'm worn out!21:24
Bashing-omdaftykins: We do get that a lot .. just not enough time on a 24 hour day :P21:39
daftykinstoo true21:41
Bashing-omdaftykins: I get real frazed out getting UWN together as I too have a life to deal with that is not on this keyboard .21:45

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