
Bashing-omguiverc_d: reading .00:06
Bashing-omrebooting - back soonest.00:40
Bashing-omguiverc_d: Wild_Man :  edits made to the 540wiki. Any other chnages at this time ?01:12
guiverc_di like it a lot Bashing-om ; sorry but should we limit the problem (s/that is stopping the dist-upgrader/that is stopping the dist-upgrader from working for a small number of users/  ie. insert "for a small number of users"?  I love your text though Billy01:16
Wild_ManLooking Bashing-om01:19
Bashing-omguiverc_d: Wild_Man takes the credit on dist-upgrader ... :) ..  as to " small number of users" I gather it is universal for all that have not changed the GUI updater settings to "any" , I advise we leave as is .01:19
Wild_ManMe too01:19
guiverc_dno probs01:19
Bashing-omWe all happy with the wiji then as is now ? Pending what additions come up this afternoon and tomorrow morning - knowing "In this Issue" And "WIP" is still to be dealt with .01:21
Bashing-omHave I forgot something .. or removed something I should not have ....01:22
Wild_ManBashing-om, everything looks good if you missed anything I am not seeing it01:24
Bashing-omWild_Man: Practice makes perfect :)01:24
Wild_ManBashing-om, yes it does01:27
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Linux 4.18 Arrives With Some Big Changes @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134108 (by Joey Sneddon)13:20
-SwissBot:#ubuntu-news- ::OMG!Ubuntu:: Pitivi Video Editor Gains UI Polish, Video Preview Resizing @ https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?p=134356 (by Joey Sneddon)14:41
Wild_Manpleia2, tsimonq2 with krytarik away at this time only guiverc_d can publish to the fridge, you may want to give access to bashing-om or myself so we can publish there if we need too14:57
Wild_ManBashing-om I am reviewing the wiki page for issue 540 under "In this Issue" the list of what is in this issue is missing15:00
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotuspsychje
Wild_ManWelcome back krytarik18:21
Bashing-omAny other additions or changes befor I close out UWN540 for publishing ?19:46
Wild_ManBashing-om I am reviewing the wiki page for issue 540 under "In this Issue" the list of what is in this issue is missing19:52
Wild_ManEverything else looks okay19:53
Bashing-omWild_Man: A fact .. awaiting that to do untill confirmed there is nothing else to add .. and then remove the "WIP"19:53
Wild_ManBashing-om, okay, good to go then,19:54
Bashing-omWild_Man: I did add " KDE Frameworks 5.49.0 Released " . A bit terse but I think it suffices for what it is . Look ?19:54
Wild_ManIt is okay19:56
Bashing-omwe:) .. Running with it then as is . We want to await Chris' arrival to start the publishing ?19:57
Wild_ManBashing-om, is he approving it every week while krytarik is gone?19:58
Wild_ManHe is not online19:58
Wild_ManNo go ahead19:59
Wild_ManBashing-om, I will be back in about 30 minutes and I will do the social media publishing19:59
Bashing-omWild_Man: Yes and no .. It has been just Chris and I to do the publishing here lately .. and I have no social media accounts to complete the process myself.19:59
Bashing-omWild_Man: As we are set // I complete the wiki .. and we Dew-eettt .20:00
Wild_ManI can not the fridge but I ask for access to be able but I have not heard back I imagine everyone is busy20:01
Wild_Manback in 3020:01
Bashing-omWild_Man:  we wait for Chris .. then - for the Fridge.20:03
Bashing-omUWN540 set to go .20:08
Wild_ManBashing-om, thanks20:32
Bashing-omWild_Man: Looks like krycek has connection issues :( .. All set now to go for publishing . Say the word .20:38
Wild_ManBashing-om, yes it does20:38
Wild_Manyes lets do it20:38
Bashing-omWild_Man: Doing the Emails at this time then .. gimme a tic to fire up and I advise when sent .20:39
Bashing-omWild_Man: ubuntu-news.email sent but I got conversion warnings in my client .. can you verify what I sent ?20:43
Wild_ManBashing-om, yes20:43
Bashing-omWild_Man: Good to continie on ?20:43
Wild_Manlooks good, continue20:44
Bashing-omAnd forum posted :)20:51
Wild_ManBashing-om, social media done, just need the fridge20:59
Bashing-omWild_Man: All rite ! .. We will await Chris to do the fridge .. before proceeding to purge Gdoc . I now do the re-directs, however.21:01
Wild_ManBashing-om, okay that was my thought as well21:02
Wild_ManHi krycek how are you?21:02
krycekTrying to keep my Irssi alive apparently. :P21:02
Bashing-omHey krycek :) .. recouperated ?21:03
Wild_ManI noticed, when we approve an email to the M/L does the person who sent it get a notice that it was approved?21:03
Wild_ManIf I remember correctly they do not21:04
krycekWild_Man: Nope, but you get the approved mail to your inbox if subscribed, of course.21:04
Bashing-omWild_Man: I personally have not seen so .21:04
Wild_Mankrycek, yes that I know, but my curiosity is because I sent a couple to lists that I am not a member of and have not received a reply21:05
krycekWild_Man: Oh if you are the sender - in this case neither, yep.21:06
pleia2you can check the list archives to see if it showed up21:06
pleia2(assuming they are public, as most Ubuntu ones are)21:07
Wild_ManBashing-om, it seems you do not get mail from the mailing list Bashing-om I am thinking you do not want to receive them that why you did not see the email about the IRC Council I am guessing21:07
Wild_Manpleia2, good to know, thanks!21:07
Wild_ManI did not know they are mostly public21:08
Wild_Manpleia2, the email have been approved already21:16
pleia2good :)21:16
Bashing-omWild_Man: A couple of lists I am not on .. due mostly to my ignorance .. still have yet to submitt for the UWN membership :(21:17
Wild_ManBashing-om, okay21:18
Wild_ManI approved one a little while ago about simon becoming a ubuntu core developer, that is awesome!21:19
Bashing-omWild_Man: Does this listing need cleaned up: https://launchpad.net/~uwn/+members ? .. and there were 2 people in "pending". What is the proces to get " Bashing-om " added ?21:37
Wild_ManBashing-om, no I do not think they clean those up or not often, if someone expires they move from approved the the expired list is all as far as I know, If you apply to the team pleia2 approve you and I think simon also21:40
Wild_ManI do not have that kind of access on this launchpad team like I do on others21:40
Bashing-omWild_Man: K :)21:40
Wild_Manif chris does not show up we will have to figure out another way to publish to the fridge or wait on him21:41
Bashing-omWild_Man: Chris I expect in about 15 minutes or so .21:42
Wild_ManBashing-om, that is good21:43
Bashing-omWild_Man: I do not recall Chris' locale .. but it is now early Tuesday for him :)21:44
Wild_ManBashing-om, I do not know it all, I try to learn where everyone is from but I have not asked him yet with everything that has been going on since we started uwn back up21:45
Wild_ManI am going to practice with irc commands so I will bbiab if you need anything21:46
Bashing-omWild_Man: K; We all caught up less the Fridge . I do not know that Gdoc is needed to get it out .. Gdoc is not in sync anymore with the wiki .21:47
Wild_ManNo, the data is pulled from the wiki21:48
Bashing-omWild_Man: Good to know .. one less thing now to be concerned about .21:50
pleia2should just add krytarik to https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-news-leadership so they can manage the ~uwn membership (everyone else is inactive)21:52
Bashing-ompleia2: :) taking care .. appreciate the effort ( and the skills) .21:54
pleia2with that membership, krytarik can also add new fridge editors21:55
pleia2you're welcome21:55
Wild_Mangood deal22:24
Bashing-omkrycek: Wild_Man : No Chris yet .. krycek do the Fridge post ?22:35
Wild_ManNo access22:41
Bashing-omkrycek: We can continue to be patient and hopeful .. else see if we can kick it up stairs - somewhere - :P22:43
krycekThat is, in light of that I'm still working hard on catching up on the last two weeks and that I even had to troubleshoot and stabilize my IRC connection first, I decided after two issues Chris has done there he could do this one too. :)22:45
Bashing-omkrycek: Patience .. we await and see .. I do not recon there is a real hard dead line to getting the Fridge post out :)22:47
Wild_Manhi guiverc23:34
guivercCongratulations Unit193 :)  MOTU & PPU (pre-package uploader?)  Congrats !23:34
guivercHowdy Wild_Man23:34
Unit193Per-, and thanks.23:34
Wild_ManAwesome news Unit19323:35
guivercthanks - yeah I misread the wiki sorry23:35
Unit193'Tis fine.  Thanks Wild_Man.23:35
Wild_ManI saw the email needing approval so I approved it so we can have a record and get it in the letter23:37
Bashing-omguiverc: When you get set, mind posting to the Fridge for us ?23:38
guivercno probs...23:38
Wild_ManUnit193, did I send the launchpad email to the right place to see if I can joint the IRC Members Team? I am pretty sure I did23:47
guivercloco events opens to top-of-page - i'll ignore unless comment ..23:54
Bashing-omguiverc: No commnet as above my skills to know .23:56
guivercignored it..   published - http://fridge.ubuntu.com/2018/08/13/ubuntu-weekly-newsletter-540/23:57
krycekguiverc: Happens on some special characters - just copy the correct link from the generated wiki page.23:57
krycekPretty sure it won't be the first nor the last broken link in this regard though. :P23:58
Bashing-omguiverc: Think we all done then .. soon as I see the bots pick it up .. will clean Gdoc .. and call 540 a wrap :)23:58
Bashing-omAnd we have confirmation  :)23:59

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