
babbageclunkexternalreality: what thumper said - if you call the API with the right creds (tag and password), you shouldn't get permission denied, no matter whether the agent's been removed from init.02:17
externalrealitybabbageclunk, thumper I am calling the endpoint once (no problem), then I call it again after killing the init system service, after that I get permission denied errors.02:19
thumperI don't understand how you are killing it and calling the endpoint at the same time02:20
thumperwhom are you killing?02:20
babbageclunkexternalreality: you're definitely killing the unit agent and not the machine agent?02:20
externalrealitybabbageclunk: I am killing the unit agent's service directly02:20
externalrealityThen I am trying to update a record based by calling a service with its tag02:21
babbageclunkI'm not clear what you mean by "calling a service with it's tag".02:22
babbageclunkWhat facade/method are you calling? How are you connecting?02:22
babbageclunkexternalreality: (not trying to be pedantic, just want to understand what you're seeing)02:24
externalrealitybabbageclunk, no worries, gathering logs to make things clear02:24
externalrealitybabbageclunk, endpoint calls `canAccess(tag)`02:25
externalrealitybabbageclunk, in the case before I call the service all is fine02:26
externalrealitybabbageclunk, after killing the service - I get:02:26
externalrealitybabbageclunk, `juju.worker.dependency "upgrade-series" manifold worker stopped: Access permission denied for string unit-ubuntu-0`02:26
externalrealityIndicating the I no longer can call `canAccess(tag)` where the tag is `unit-ubuntu-0` the tag of the service for whom I have killed their systemd/upstart service02:27
externalrealityAdmittedly, I find it hard to follow the Auth code. Which is why I just thought I'd ask02:27
externalrealityI'll do more testing tomorrow to ensure that I am seein what I think I'm seeing before digging through Auth code.02:28
babbageclunkI'm fairly sure canAccess isn't looking at services. I can help you track through the auth code if you want?02:28
externalrealitybabbageclunk, I'll take a look in the morning. I am 5:28 minutes past EOD.02:29
babbageclunkexternalreality: Ok, ping me tomorrow if you want help then! (Where are you at the mmoment?)02:29
externalrealitybabbageclunk, ack02:29
externalrealitybabbageclunk, I am EST -102:31
babbageclunkOh right - so pretty late for you then!02:32
rick_h_kelvinliu_: ping, just a heads up taht if those changes work for the snap we need to update https://git.launchpad.net/~juju-qa-bot/+git/juju-edge-snap/tree/snap/snapcraft.yaml#n17 and the other git branches there as well.02:32
rick_h_kelvinliu_: veebers might be able to get you the full links. I don't have my phone on me to 2fa into LP atm02:33
veebersrick_h_: I'm on it :-) Just pulled myself to make sure I could02:34
rick_h_veebers: gotcha cool. you all rock! :)02:35
veeberskelvinliu_: so the sep packaging branch uses source-type, as it's source it pointing to a repo. This may trip us up02:35
kelvinliu_rick_h_, yeah, i will need veebers help me understand how everything is setup. thx02:38
veeberskelvinliu_: remind me the command to cleanup after dep?03:18
kelvinliu_veebers, clean up what?03:18
veeberskelvinliu_: ah sorry, i.e. when I'm switching between 2.4 and develop i need to remove vendor I think (I'm pretty sure this is covered in the discourse post and I should just RTM)03:19
veebersah right, just remove it :-)03:19
kelvinliu_ah make godeps03:20
veeberskelvinliu_: if you remove vendor from your working dir and try a snap build it'll fail03:24
kelvinliu_veebers, develop branch?03:24
veebersI'm not 100% sure why yet, but snapcraft will do a go get, then some sort of check/build before it's finished that and does the prepare (or now override-build)03:25
veeberskelvinliu_: yes03:25
veeberskelvinliu_: it only worked because we had that dir pre-populated and use a source of ./03:25
veeberswallyworld, thumper FYI the win unit test job is running again. It has a build failure, seems to be due the the length of a filename or extension. That rings a bell from previously03:26
thumperis it in the vendor directory?03:26
thumperooohh... 66603:27
veebersthumper: hah yeah ^_^ Aye, it looks like it is03:27
veeberskelvinliu_: I've got a 'going to fail' run with --debug so hopefully will get some more info03:28
kelvinliu_veebers, yes, we need to inject `make dep` after git clone immediately03:29
thumperwallyworld: this switches the default https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/906103:29
thumperwallyworld: I'll add another later to deal with not starting the pingers03:30
veeberskelvinliu_: aye, indeed. Just digging in to try figure that out03:30
kelvinliu_veebers, either write dep plugin or ensure dep before plugin03:30
veebersam I being blind or is there no search for https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/03:31
veeberskelvinliu_: much like the override-build, there might be an override-pull03:34
veebersFYI https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/scriptlets looks like it's possible (read the 1st paragraph so far)03:35
* veebers tries something out03:36
veeberskelvinliu_, wallyworld: I'm failing to see a way around this. I tried override-pull, but the pull does a go get and tries to do some build (as it chokes on the deps), if I override to not do the pull then we don't have the source there to do anything with.03:51
wallyworldveebers: i'm not up on the current core issue03:52
veebersI also tried changing back to the godeps plugin and doing an override-pull: snapcraftctl pull || true; make dep. But the pull still fails03:52
kelvinliu_veebers, im looking to write dep plugin03:53
veeberswallyworld: essentially we fail at the pull stage, as the goplugin and godeps plugin does a go get ... + something else that fails so we have no chance to inject the make based dep handling03:53
veeberskelvinliu_: ack, I think that's the only way forward03:53
veeberskelvinliu_: I imagine it'll be a big ol' cribbing of the godep one03:53
veebershah you could potentially subclass the godep one and change pull().03:54
wallyworldhmm, sad that it's this hard03:54
veebersI see babbageclunk has a flying spaghetti monster WIP he's working on^_^03:56
wallyworldthumper: lgtm03:58
veebersthumper: if you have a moment could you sanity eyeball https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/juju-qa-jenkins/pull/71 please? It's adding a caas image build step after a edge snap build trigger04:04
veebersthen I'll merge that and deploy a handful of jobs that have changed recently04:04
kelvinliu_veebers, im looking to see if we can put the dep.py to ./snap/plugins/04:11
veeberskelvinliu_: intersting04:12
veeberskelvinliu_: I take it you saw: https://docs.snapcraft.io/build-snaps/plugins04:12
veebers(it outlines what you're trying to do I think)04:13
kelvinliu_veebers, yes,04:14
veeberssweet ^_^04:14
vinodhiniwallyworld: I am waiting for ur approval have pushed commits in both.05:57
wallyworldok, will look05:57
wallyworldbest to ping me when you need a re-review05:58
wallyworldvinodhini: looks like there's still confusion about errors. let me know if you need a HO to clarify06:18
vinodhiniwallyworld: are u around08:14
wallyworldi am08:14
vinodhiniI reverted whatever u have mentioned in the review08:15
vinodhinipushed the commit08:15
vinodhiniI have made the previous chnages wheever the cause wasnt captured i changed all to fmt.Errorf that was my fault.08:16
vinodhinii reverted back all.08:17
wallyworldok, looking08:17
wallyworldvinodhini: almost there, main thing is a missing test still08:28
=== alephnull_ is now known as alephnull
wallyworldthe reason for wanting the test is that we have shown that auth will fail if there's a mistake in the code in that area08:30
wallyworldwe need to also guard against future code breakages08:30
vinodhiniI was going thru ur comments08:34
=== salmankhan1 is now known as salmankhan
parlosHowdy; i messed up. I've killed the host running the juju controller. :( Its not a big problem, its a testing environment. But; what would be the suitable path to start a new controller on the same cloud.09:21
parloswould destroy-controller (or kill-controller), and the just bootstrap the new one be suitable, or would it potentially have some side effects on the running models?09:23
parlosMy guess, it would not, as the device running the controller is dead, hence the destroy command would have no way to talk to the models..Which also were hosted on that device..09:24
magicaltrouthttps://github.com/juju/layer-index/pull/39 anyone around to give me a merge?09:38
vinodhiniwallyworld: are u around09:39
vinodhiniI have left comments for the test u have requested.09:40
vinodhiniIts already there without TenantName and TenantID09:40
vinodhiniwallyworld I have added the same comment in PR. Please let me know your input.09:42
wallyworldparlos: you can juju unregister the existing controller (to clear it from the local juju cache). if the controller machine also hosted the model worker machines via containers or whatever, then they are all gone anyway and you can start again09:46
wallyworldvinodhini: there's still no test09:49
wallyworldfor the v3auth scope09:50
parloswallyworld; thanks. The controller was just controller, the models/applications are fully functioning. But, I will redeploy them as to have them under control. I'll also start doing controller backups..09:52
wallyworldparlos: if you want to redeploy, you should also manually kill the machines running the workloads09:53
wallyworldjuju unregister is the command you want to clear the controller away from juju's cache09:53
parloswallyworld; eventually; but one of the workloads is an openstack deployment, and its in use....( for another couple of weeks).09:54
wallyworldah ok09:54
wallyworldif you had a juju backup you could have recreated the controller09:55
parlosI'm reading on the backup, does this only apply to a specific model?09:56
wallyworldmagicaltrout: done09:57
wallyworldparlos: if backs up the entire controller database; all models09:57
parlosOk, and if the controller has gone to /dev/null, then you need the downloaded backup file. Correct? This will basically bootstrap a new controller when the information in the backupfile..10:01
wallyworldvinodhini: the test that's there isn't testing what I'm asking for. the code that was changed in the PR was to change how auth.Auth.Scope is set according to what cred values we have. I can't see a test for that10:43
wallyworldthe tests you are referring to appear to be testing other aspects10:43
wallyworldwe specifically need to ensure that what is passed to the identity endpoint is what we need10:44
wallyworldit's very much a whitebox test. we need it because if the code is wrong, auth will fail10:45
npochetI just had an issue with SCP (https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/issues/259) and raised a PR fixing it: https://github.com/juju/python-libjuju/pull/26011:48
npochetThanks beforehand for the review!11:49
jamespagetinwood, cory_fu: what's the reactive way of handling the 'stop' hook12:38
tinwoodjamespage, good question. Probably @hook for the moment, unless @hook has been removed now13:10
* tinwood goes off to check13:10
cory_futinwood: It hasn't been removed.13:11
cory_fujamespage: Yeah, I think @hook, I guess13:11
tinwoodthanks cory_fu13:11
jamespageok good13:11
jamespageI was not wrong then - someone asked me13:11
cory_fujamespage: Ideally I'd like to add a framework-driven flag for it, just for consistency, but stop is always going to be a bit of a special case13:27
stickupkidrick_h_: with this mutliple credentials, so this issue is that when using lxc to auto detect credentials, localhost breaks, as there are always multiple credentials - i wonder if we just never return locally discovered credentials?15:35
rick_h_stickupkid: processing ...15:35
stickupkidi.e. we can discover the remote, but you have to add the credential manually?15:36
stickupkidso it will show in "add-clouds", but you can't bootstrap to it15:36
rick_h_stickupkid: k works for now to move forward15:36
stickupkidalthough you're likely to get a cryptic message about localhost not the right credentials for nuc515:37
rick_h_and puts the right priority on what's easier vs more akward15:37
rick_h_stickupkid: ?15:37
stickupkidi think it's both akward15:38
stickupkidmaybe we should back out autodectection of local lxc configurations15:38
rick_h_stickupkid: when would you get that message?15:38
rick_h_stickupkid: but if I bootstrap a remote I added as a cloud with a credential why would I get that error?15:39
stickupkidso say you have some lxc remotes in your lxc client, you forget to add a credential for that lxc remote, and then do bootstrap15:40
stickupkidit will try and use localhost, because LXD is special provider and always returns localhost creds :|15:40
stickupkidas we've conflated local vs remote for LXD we can't differentiate when you want which15:41
rick_h_stickupkid: I thought we were looking into stopping that. What came of auto creating the localhost cloud credential automatically?15:42
stickupkidhmmm... i'm thinking when we could do that15:43
stickupkidduring bootstrap?15:43
rick_h_stickupkid: HO?15:44
stickupkidif so, we would need something like "providers.RegisterCloudCredentials()" <- tbh that would solve a lot of issues :|15:44
stickupkidsure please15:44
magicaltroutif anyones bored15:57
rick_h_magicaltrout: ping'd the charmstore folks to see what's up. none of them in here :(16:00
magicaltroutthanks rick_h_16:01
zeestratYeah, charmstore is having a bad day here as well.16:18
stickupkidrick_h_: this is looking and feeling good - i'm going to play with it more...16:47
stickupkidrick_h_: at least I'm on the right track \o/16:48
rick_h_stickupkid: good to hear17:32
veebersMorning all o/20:24
babbageclunkexternalreality_: You're working on something to do with update-series, is that right?22:07
externalreality_babbageclunk, the owner of the connection to the api was the machine agent, it was trying to auth as its units.22:07
babbageclunkAh, right.22:07
externalreality_babbageclunk, instead we now auth as the machine and collects its units apiserver side22:08
externalreality_babbageclunk, do you think that sounds more correct... I kind of think it does22:08
babbageclunkOk, that sounds like exactly what I'd have suggested, awesome.22:08
externalreality_babbageclunk, ack, thank you for the ear sir22:09
veeberskelvinliu_, thumper, rick_h_: Note: with the snap changes being made for the dep change we'll have to add some extra smarts to the release job so we can release either a 2.4.* or a 2.5.* in the future)22:09
babbageclunkexternalreality_: no worries, it sounds like you sorted it out independently anyway!22:10

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