[02:21] Oh hai. [02:22] @VikingRedwolf booting in vbox the GRUB image looks blurry. is that just me? [02:22] It's debian-cd. [02:23] I hacked up something but @VikingRedwolf really needs to get us a sharper image or an SVG. [02:23] I have an SVG for the logo but not the text + logo [02:24] wxl: Fun fact, boot screen on the live CD is just a directory of images in debian-cd and then it hands off to Plymouth. [02:24] I tried to use the image from Plymouth to no avail. [02:24] okie [02:24] should i make a bug/task for that? [02:25] If @VikingRedwolf wants [02:25] i'll wait to hear from him [02:25] meanwhile i'm a little split about something [02:26] it's great that double clicking on a .desktop asks if you want to open (edit) or execute [02:26] it also sucks [02:26] I totally get it. [02:26] They're implementing metadata upstream. [02:26] Soooo I'm thinking we can just ship metadata. [02:27] it would be nice if we could set it to just execute it [02:27] on a per file basis [02:27] wxl: Also, did you see that in Calamares I wrote a script which automatically selects a mirror based on geographic location? [02:27] haven't got that far yet [02:27] @wxl, Right, that's the metadata. [02:28] ok [02:30] do any of the isos support upgrading frmo the iso any longer? [02:30] I don't think so. [02:30] Quite frankly I'm not concerned about that until 19.04. [02:37] we already have a bug re: btrfs? [02:38] Oh? [02:39] What's wrong? [02:39] failed with gpt/btrfs it seems [02:40] Is btrfs-progs installed? [02:42] yep [02:42] trying it with mbr [02:43] Hmm [03:04] @tsimonq2: https://share.riseup.net/#7Ma3Zf7fbFQXYHxYBiIZWQ the --target=i386-pc is interesting because this is amd64 but it seems the issue is related to the blocklist??? [03:06] this only seems to be the case with btrfs/gpt [03:07] @wxl, Try joining #calamares and pinging [ade] with your findings. [04:51] @tsimonq2: should we have nm-tray in the menu? that seems weird. also maybe this is a virtualbox specific issue but it seems that if i try to "edit connections" off the context menu, nothing happens [04:54] @tsimonq2: yeah, actually it's trying to run xterm -e nmtui-edit and xterm doesn't exist [04:55] also don't we have something better than nmtui? i mean i love it but it's not pretty [04:56] @wxl, Uhm... Why not have nm-tray? [04:57] Yeah, graphical connections editor is on the TODO list. [04:57] I'll need to FFe it. [04:57] nm-tray good. nm-tray in the menu not great. unless you like having lots of nm-tray icons :) [04:57] Oh... Huh [04:57] Yeah no that shouldn't be there. [04:57] Create a task to blacklist it from the menu? [04:58] Either way I need to hit the hay [04:58] Night [04:58] nite [05:00] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [T51: blacklist nm-tray from the menu] wxl (Walter Lapchynski) just created this task: https://phab.lubuntu.me/T51 [06:16] @tsimonq2, You can't use an SVG for boot. And I hate that. Only a bloody xpm thing and a PNG [06:17] Are you using an hdpi screen? [06:17] @VikingRedwolf, ...I need the SVG to make the PNG (or I need you to make one) [06:17] @wxl, Morning! :| [06:17] @tsimonq2, Ah LOL [06:17] @VikingRedwolf, No, and it's not because of that. [06:18] Well, it kinda is. .__. [06:18] @tsimonq2, No. It's mine. [06:18] @VikingRedwolf, Then make the bloody PNG [06:18] 😂 [15:17] @tsimonq2: so [ade] is not in a position to help and suggested filing an issue. meanwhile, how did we fix it before to get ubuntu-bug to use the right browser? it's trying to use qupzilla again [15:46] inexplicably alternatives and lxqt-session both seem to consider falkon the default. xdg-open doesn't. oddly, xdg-open query default x-scheme-handler/http(s) and index/html all return firefox.desktop, but they seem to try to open qupzilla. there's no firefox anywhere. oddly xdg-open on an html file opens falkon, but only after reporting failing to find qupzilla vis a vis sensible-browser [16:04] looks like both lynorian and i saw this before but i had called it resolved [16:06] oh and there's no /usr/share/applications/falkon.desktop odd [16:11] ok well i think i may have found the reason why it's spitting out firefox. /usr/share/applications/defaults.list -> /etc/gnome/defaults.list includes it [16:14] the desktop file is org.kde.falkon.desktop [16:14] still, setting it as default for index/html still reports a fail from sensible-browser not finding qupzilla [16:15] setting it for x-scheme-handler/http still results in a fail trying to find qupzilla (sensible-browser not involved) [16:17] sed -i 's/firefox/org\.kde\.falkon/g' /etc/gnome/defaults.lists doesn't seem to change anything, though [16:29] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lubuntu-default-settings/+bug/1769780 [16:29] Launchpad bug 1769780 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "lubuntu next does not have mime type for html set to falkon it looks for non existant qupzilla" [Undecided, Expired] [16:50] actually the /etc/gnome/defaults.list fixes ubuntu-bug's behavior-- but not xdg [16:51] bug 1786976 [16:51] Bug 1786976 in tripleo "Redfish username/password should be optional" [Low, In Progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786976 [16:51] oops [16:51] bug 1786986 [16:51] Bug 1786986 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug fails trying to open qupzilla browser" [Undecided, New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786986 [16:51] fat finger [16:52] ^^ lynorian could you check that [17:34] Hmm [17:34] I'll look into it, thanks wxl [17:35] it's freaking confounding [17:36] First guess: XDG. [17:36] Second guess: Falkon postinst script still hardcoding Qupzilla somewhere. [17:36] Third guess, upstream Falkon hasn't fully renamed yet. [17:37] As a workaround we can symlink /usr/bin/qupzilla to /usr/bin/falkon or whatever but that's kinda hacky. [17:37] xdg is being weird, but i don't think it's xdg [17:38] technically there's two issues: [17:38] I got upload access to fix the XDG stuff yesterday. 🤣 [17:39] 1. ubuntu-bug fails to open a browser.. this can be fixed by replacing firefox with org.kde.falkon in /etc/gnome/defaults.list [17:39] 2. xdg-open fails to open http(s) URIs [17:40] Use apt-file find to tell me where that file from 1) comes from. [17:40] i'll bother with that next time i'm in front of the puter :) [17:40] oh well i guess i'll download a vm on this machine [17:41] Mkay [17:48] wxl I think I had a similar bug I reported way back but I should test yours [17:48] lynorian: the bug mentions yours and i had actually commented on that bug [18:07] @tsimonq2: desktop-file-utils [18:13] @wxl, Yup. [18:14] @tsimonq2: note agaida's comment about xdg-open and the firefox angle. that's kind of the 3rd bug that has a relatively minor affect: the fact that no matter what, xdg-mime thinks firefox.desktop is the right browser to use [18:18] * tsimonq2 stretches. [18:18] wxl: Sure. [18:19] wxl: By the way; password strength checker in the installer, love it or hate it? [18:19] @tsimonq2: it seems relatively consistent with ubiquity but i haven't really checked its abilities [18:20] wonder if it will let me use unicode :) [18:20] wxl: Because there's this sweet password checker library that Cala can be enabled to use. [18:20] I switched it on in the dailies a few days ago. [18:20] ah cool [18:20] well [18:20] huh [18:20] it does let me use the same password as the username [18:20] that might not be ideal [18:21] If people start b****ing at us, are you totes cool with saying "well, use a stronger password!" ? [18:21] I am, if you are. [18:21] absolutely [18:21] Cool. [18:21] but it also might not be working all that well (see above) [18:21] https://github.com/calamares/calamares/blob/master/src/modules/users/users.conf#L61 [18:22] wxl: That's the info on it. [18:23] you mean https://github.com/libpwquality/libpwquality is [18:23] Yeah. [18:23] wxl: Our config: https://phab.lubuntu.me/source/calamares-settings-ubuntu/browse/master/lubuntu/modules/users.conf$13 [18:24] OOOOH GITHUB CAN VIEW MANPAGES [18:24] https://github.com/libpwquality/libpwquality/blob/master/doc/man/pam_pwquality.8.pod [18:25] i wnoder if usercheck would work [18:25] probably not [18:25] Play with it; i.e. get a live ISO and tweak it on the live system. [18:25] /etc/calamares is where it's all installed. [18:28] i suggest minLength: 8 personally but some people will hate me [18:29] minclass: 4 is also my personal requirement [18:30] you should explicitly include dictcheck: 1 (it should be default, but make sure) [18:31] wxl: Confirm that it works and maybe send a diff. [18:31] Maybe you can do your first Arcanist diff on Phab. ;) [18:40] @tsimonq2: so i just edit /etc/calamres/modules/users.conf and run calamares? [18:40] wxl: Yup, but Cala has to be closed when you edit the file. [18:41] wxl: Ohhhhhh, you see agaida's comment? It's after $BROWSER is set... [18:42] oh jesus that's it???? [18:42] On my Lubuntu Cosmic setup: [18:42] $ echo $BROWSER [18:42] qupzilla [18:43] i don't think this works [18:43] OH: I was right about postinst. [18:43] (the password checker) [18:43] Harumph. :/ [18:43] dictcheck breaks it altogether [18:43] but minclass=4 accepts only 2 classes [18:44] actually it accepts only one [18:44] Ah. [18:44] # if BROWSER variable is not set, check some well known browsers instead [18:44] if [ x"$BROWSER" = x"" ]; then [18:44] BROWSER=www-browser:links2:elinks:links:lynx:w3m [18:44] if has_display; then [18:44] BROWSER=x-www-browser:firefox:iceweasel:seamonkey:mozilla:epiphany:konqueror:chromium:chromium-browser:google-chrome:$BROWSER [18:44] fi [18:44] We need to set x-www-browser in Falkon's postinst. [18:44] fi [18:44] Yeah no. [18:44] wxl: Keep playing with it. ;) [18:45] yeah nope [18:45] even JUST including minclass=4 doesn't do anything [18:45] it's brokeded [18:45] hmm [18:45] the only part that seems to work is the min and max length [18:46] maybe libpwquality isn't available at build time? [18:46] because that's the part that's not working [18:46] For Cala? [18:46] I mean, I can try it after this. [18:46] the min/maxlength are actually built into Cala [18:48] Yeah. [19:01] wxl: You're right about needing a Cala build dep. [19:04] @tsimonq2: wellllll the comments say as such XD [19:24] @tsimonq2: i still don't understand how $BROWSER is set to qupzilla. unless it's already set (what would it be set by? it's not in falkon's postinst), looking at /usr/bin/xdg-open, $BROWSER should be x-www-browser:etc. which would just work [19:27] indeed BROWSER=x-www-browser Just Works™ [21:23] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSd6652367c57e: Add a changelog entry for the Danish translation.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSd6652367c57e [21:23] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSd2394fa5a6ba: Make the password detection runtime dep into a build dep.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSd2394fa5a6ba [21:23] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGS82b66ac9a3ec: Bump Standards-version to 4.2.0, no changes needed.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGS82b66ac9a3ec [21:23] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGS8eeeac57c6db: Upload to Cosmic.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGS8eeeac57c6db [22:06] @tsimonq2: strange is that on efi the live cd boots to the login screen. any idea what we need to do to fix that? [22:06] wxl: uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [22:06] waaaaaaaat [22:07] @tsimonq2: tested with efi mode in vbox to be fair but i doubt it'd be different on real hardware [22:07] wxl: Interesting, because it works fine on UEFI with QEMU. [22:07] wxl: I also have real hardware. [22:08] maybe a regression? [22:09] Nope, just tested with QEMU. I can test with Real Hardware in a few. [22:09] bt-dubs https://github.com/calamares/calamares/issues/1014 [22:09] Issue 1014 in calamares/calamares "btrfs on GPT with BIOS fails" [Open] [22:09] Buggy VirtualBox is buggy. XD [22:09] * wxl shrugs [22:13] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSd9dc0546f68b: Remove the build dep completely.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSd9dc0546f68b [22:13] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rCALASETTINGSe628ebc084cd: Upload to Cosmic.] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rCALASETTINGSe628ebc084cd [22:22] wxl: OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH [22:23] wxl: I figured out the xdg-open stuff. [22:23] wxl: LXQt Session Settings -> Default Applications. [22:23] wxl: Fixing. [22:24] what? no [22:24] yuuuuuup. [22:24] i checked that, i swear [22:24] Nope. [22:24] That fixed it. [22:24] oh [22:24] look at that [22:25] lubuntu-default-settings (ubuntu/cosmic)$ grep -R "qupzilla" [22:25] src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt/session.conf:BROWSER=qupzilla [22:25] src/etc/xdg/xdg-Lubuntu/lxqt/panel.conf:apps\2\desktop=/usr/share/applications/org.qupzilla.QupZilla.desktop [22:27] so weird that it sets it via the variable [22:29] personally i'd consider that a bug against lxqt-session [22:30] wxl: Blame agaida. XD [22:30] i usually do [22:37] -lugito:#lubuntu-devel- [rDEFAULTSETTINGSdc68d9f740e6: We use Falkon now, not Qupzilla (LP: #1786986).] tsimonq2 (Simon Quigley) committed: https://phab.lubuntu.me/rDEFAULTSETTINGSdc68d9f740e6 [22:37] what i don't understand is how that didn't affect anything else XD [22:37] wxl: BTW, do you see the fancy bug commenter? bug 1786986 [22:37] Bug 1786986 in lubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "ubuntu-bug fails trying to open qupzilla browser" [Medium, Fix Committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786986 [22:37] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [22:37] and this is why i say it's a problem the way they do things: too many systems working in too many different ways [22:38] very nice [22:38] btw