
mupBug #1762344 changed: JS tests random failure with "test caused a page reload" error <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1762344>12:32
mupBug #1786736 changed: curtin fails to open/erase disk with existing MDADM RAID configuration when deploying Windows images only <sts> <curtin:Confirmed> <MAAS:Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1786736>16:45
bdxroaksoax: per https://bugs.launchpad.net/maas/+bug/1786567, what/where are the storage logs you are referencing?18:32
bdxoohh, I think I found the duplicate possibly https://bugs.launchpad.net/curtin/+bug/177028018:35
bdxmy bad, sorry for the noise18:35
bdxroaksoax: could you advise what the best way for me to pick up the changes introduced to fix 177028018:36
bdxI'm in the middle of trying to get this deploy out the door and am blocked by this18:37
bdxpossibly I should try getting the node into recovery mode, ssh in and try wiping the disks by hand18:38
bdxI think I may be hitting a different bug now putting the node into rescue mode18:41
mupBug #1787006 opened: node fails to enter rescue mode <MAAS:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787006>18:48
dskullIf I have 2x physical machines and want to install MAAS+Openstack - I'm assuming I would choose 1 physical machine as the MAAS host/controller (including openstack install) and the 2nd machine would be added as an empty bare metal chassis via pxe?18:50
bdxdskull: with only 2 machines, you may want to checkout `conjure-up openstack-novalxd`19:03
dskullwoudln't that only be a single server install?19:04
dskulloh i see, its either lxd or kvm19:08
bdxdskull: yeah, that is essentially what you are doing if you have 2 nodes and make 1 of them your maas controller + juju controller and the other one you deploy openstack on19:08
bdxits just alot of extra/unneeded things if you only have 2 nodes, but it can totally be done19:08
bdxconjure-up openstack-novalxd -  will probably be an easier way to start if you are just digging into things trying to get a POC19:09
bdxrun it on one of those machines19:10
dskullso i'd essentially have a MAAS controller running with an extra 60gb of ram that isn't utalized? I'd kinda want MAAS+openstack to run off the same physical server and expand to the 2nd when necessary - i supposed i'd have to virtualize first if i wanted that? or can they coexist on metal?19:10
bdxahh I see19:11
bdxok, so to make best use of your resources19:11
bdxcreate lets say 6 kvm virtual machines on each server so you have a total of 12 vms between the two, make sure you provision them on a bridge to your local network so they are all on the same net between the two machines19:12
bdxmake 1 of them your maas box, 1 of them your juju controller19:13
bdxthat will leave you 10 vm boxes to check into maas and use as the machines you deploy your openstack bits to19:13
dskulli kinda suspected i'd need to run off of vms, not a big deal i suppose. Just wasn't a fan of virtualization on top of virtualization (since thats what im doing a bit now)19:18
bdxright but, for what you are trying to do with what you have ....19:21
bdxyou could do it using lxd the same as vms19:22
bdxthis might take a bit of lxd foo though, so be prepared19:22
dskullyea im reading up on lxd now (is it similar to how docker works in abstracting proesses?)19:22
dskulli've only used esxi/xenserver/kvm thus far19:23
bdxerrr ... many would frown on that statement .... aside from googling, there are some good youtube vids on intro to lxd containers19:23
bdxlxd = system container, docker = process container19:24
dskulli guess i meant more in the "conceptual" idea of being like docker19:24
bdxthey are both types of containers, yes19:24
bdxdocker, more about the workflow19:24
dskullcool, well im gonna read up on lxd a bit then get provisioning19:25
bdxcool! good luck!19:25
mupBug #1787032 opened: [2.5] dhcpd.conf domain-name-servers has incorrect ip <MAAS:Triaged> <MAAS 2.4:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1787032>21:33

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