
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
psusicould a release manager target bug #1772374 for bionic?13:09
ubot5bug 1772374 in OEM Priority Project "ubiquity need mount point /sys/firmware/efi/efivars" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/177237413:09
psusibdmurray: I'm trying to write a bugpattern and even when I revert to the unmodified bugpatterns.xml file and run ./test-local, it crashes saying: line 275, in download assert m, 'bug description must contain standard apport format data'18:12
psusiohh, does it not like the fact that the bug I'm trying to dupe against wasn't itself filed by apport?18:14
bdmurrayprobably, it'll skip the bug, as a candidate, if it was not reported by apport18:17
psusiohh, wait... I get it... test-local doesn't want the master bug number, it wants a single bug number to check if it matches a pattern18:17
bdmurrayYes, that's true.18:18
psusiok, I got a pattern, search-bugs over the last 5 days finds a dozen dupes, no false positives... woot18:39
psusiso now I just commit and push?18:39
bdmurrayDid you manually mark those duplicates or use -C to have the tool mark them as dupes?18:40
psusibdmurray: not marked anything yet...18:51
psusiis it that if I commit and push the pattern, it will take care of new bugs, but existing ones I just need to let search-bugs -C handle those?18:51
bdmurraypsusi: that's correct, I believe its covered in the README18:53
psusiok... I guess I'll run that and push the commit then...18:53
bdmurrayI'd be happy to have look at the pattern if you'd like18:59
psusiok... the bzr push seemed to hang anyhow...19:00
psusibdmurray: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YJNMpfPc7m/19:01
psusibdmurray: I tried also adding Package: ubiquity but that didn't work for some reason19:02
bdmurraypsusi: Hmm, that's weird. Anyway it looks fine to me.19:04
psusiok... search found and marked another 30 something from the last 45 days that I haven't manually triaged yet... pushing now19:05
psusiwait, what is bugpattern_written.py?19:05
bdmurrayit just changes tags on the master bug19:06
psusito what end?19:06
psusishould I run that?19:07
bdmurrayiirc there was an idea to tag bugs bugpattern-needed, or maybe apport does that, and bugpattern_written.py just flips the tag to bugpattern-written.19:07
psusiI've seen that... does anything actually use those tags?19:08
bdmurrayAs I said apport does19:10
psusiwhat's it do with bugpattern-written?19:13
bdmurrayapport tags bugpattern-needed, bugpattern_written.py is a bzr plugin as mentioned in it19:16
psusiohh, I see... someone tags a bug as bugpattern-needed and when someone actually writes the pattern, that marks it as done... since I just wrote the pattern without being prompted with a -needed tag, I don't need to run it19:33

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