
lotuspsychjegood morning to all02:37
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Main in same shape as you left it .02:43
lotuspsychjehey Bashing-om02:46
Bashing-omslow all over - not much going on makes for a slow night .02:51
tomreynso 16.04->18.04 is live since 13 Aug 2018 23:42:29 GMT, hope it goes well. *crosses fingers*05:43
lordievaderGood morning06:08
lotuspsychjehey morning lordievader06:08
lotuspsychjeall good on your side lordievader06:08
EriC^^morning lordievader06:09
lordievaderDoing good here. How are you guys?06:10
lotuspsychjei did some rack filling on our new garden house06:10
lotuspsychjemaking some space in our house06:10
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
ubot5#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India12:37
lotuspsychjewhats the indonesia trigger again12:37
ubot5join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia12:38
daftykinsi just google "2 letter country code" :)12:38
lotuspsychjeah tnx daftykins12:38
daftykinsnp :D12:38
ubot5The main Ubuntu IRC channels are English only.  For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList12:41
pauljwhi everyone12:57
lordievaderHey pauljw13:04
pauljwhi lordievader13:05
lordievaderHow are you doing?13:06
pauljwgood here, how about you?13:07
lordievaderDoing allright, trying to migrate some databases (that don't want to ๐Ÿ˜ž )13:08
JimBuntuugh, don't we all love DB migrations?13:08
lordievaderWell the good thing is that it is the last MySQL db. After that I can ditch MySQL (or actually MariaDB).13:09
JimBuntulordievader, What are you moving to... Mongo/Dynamo/Other?13:10
ubot5If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command ยซ ubuntu-bug <package> ยป - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.13:34
daftykins"we may get to it inside ~5 years"13:40
JimBunturawtaz, Hi. I don't work for canonical, nor can I speak for them. I do agree that claiming to be the "leading OS for..." seems to be a bit over the top, without backing up the reasoning.15:22
JimBuntuI can say, it's a very popular distro, but I don't know what metrics show it as being in the lead at the moment.15:23
rawtazi'll contact ubuntu and see what they say about it :-)15:25
JimBunturawtaz, https://www.zdnet.com/article/whats-the-most-popular-linux-of-them-all/15:25
JimBuntuThis article isn't too old and also explains a bit about how it can be difficult to figure out which Linux is in the lead... well.. once you ignore Android.15:26
rawtazindeed :)15:27
rawtazwhich just makes it even more unlikely that there's an actual basis for what theyre stating on that site15:27
JimBuntuWhile I don't like it, I chalk this up to the same thing so many entities do... #1 bank, #1 hotdog/etc15:28
rawtazyou mean that more or less everyone and their cat's dogs put stuff like this in their marketing?15:28
JimBunturawtaz, Well, a whole lot do. That doesn't make it right... and I suppose they can say that it's based on some really skewed survey from once upon a time.15:29
rawtazthere's lots of lies and dirty marketing going on15:30
leftyfbrawtaz: or there's not and they just haven't published the data to back it up15:41
rawtazyep, could be. in that case it should be easy for them to answer :)15:46
daftykinsi think you should focus on the more important aspects in life15:47
rawtazdaftykins: indeed. equally much ubuntu should provide a reference to their claim15:48
daftykinsno - and please note, ubuntu is the 'product', Canonical is the company15:48
rawtazdaftykins: FWIW im trying to do a release upgrade, and it's just borking things up. cant blame me for not trying to focus on the more important things ;)15:48
rawtazdaftykins: yes, i know15:48
daftykinsthen why are you using the wrong name?15:49
daftykinsoh i can, 'cause you're in here discussing the above :)15:49
rawtazdaftykins: you seem to have a problem with me questioning something which has an extremely high degree of being a statement without a valid basis for it15:50
rawtazdaftykins: sorry for using the wrong name, i should of course write canonical instead15:50
hggdhrawtaz: one of the issues (already sort of mentioned here) is that there is no way to collect reliable data for who uses what distro; the processes used so far are all biased in some way15:53
hggdh(as far as I can see)15:53
rawtazhggdh: i agree :)15:53
rawtazhggdh: but if you cannot collect data that can tell you with a reasonable level of certainty that you are the leader, then naturally you should claim to be, right?15:53
rawtazand if you do have data that reasonably suggests you are, then fine. thats what im going to ask them about15:54
rawtazill just mail then and see what they say. perhaps the have a great answer15:54
rawtazi asked in #ubuntu and the discussion was moved here, that's all15:54
hggdhrawtaz: yes, and good that it moved, this question is not on-topic for #u15:55
rawtazi will keep you guys posted about this important matter ;)16:07
lotuspsychjewich matter16:08
hggdhlotuspsychje: what are the basis for the assertion "Ubuntu is the most used Linux distro"16:08
rawtazlotuspsychje: haha, never mind ;) im trying to establish what metrics .. yeah that ^16:08
lotuspsychjerawtaz: canonical started recording sysinfo now, in the near future more specific info will rise on that matter16:09
lotuspsychjehey nacc16:10
rawtazright. thats great. but it'll still be hard to correlate that with them being the leader. it'll be more like "the leader in number of measured usage" :D16:10
lotuspsychjerawtaz: you can never count exact every box in the world right16:10
lotuspsychjerawtaz: we can only count the data we have16:11
rawtazyeah, youre right16:11
lotuspsychjerawtaz: if 10 guys install gentoo boxes offline, nobody knows of, is +10 popular for gentoo16:11
nacclotuspsychje: hiya16:12
tomreynleftyfb: if dnsdns really is in charge for managing the PTRs for this network, then it would turn out internet censorship in iran is not actually intentional.16:12
leftyfbtomreyn: they're not :)16:12
tomreyni hope so.16:13
leftyfbtomreyn: I used to be authoritative for the 13 ip's I get from my provider, but then they decided one day to not support it anymore. I was kinda silly walking through a "tech" on the phone how to create the PTR record and even sillier asking him to type out this long nonsense record I used as a vhost for IRC for many years :)16:14
tomreynhehe, on the phone omg16:15
leftyfbyeah, it was dumb16:15
leftyfbI've still got a couple of them setup too16:15
tomreyn"so, sir, you said this new product name of yours i should type here in DNS is spelled  H - four - X - X - zero - R - three - D - dot - C - O - M, right?"16:18
leftyfbbasically :)16:19
leftyfbtomreyn: I used to also set these records up for the largest shared hosting company on the planet ... i've done it a few times :)16:26
tomreynoh you told me about that company, makes sense that you were managing PTRs as well.16:28
leftyfbof course, we did manage it all through a DB. But I did understand the inner workings from doing it on my own.16:28
tomreyndid bind already support a DB backend back then? i think that's relatively new, isnt it?17:02
naccand the s. hits the f. with l1tf :)18:05
leftyfbtomreyn: we used powerDNS18:13
tomreynoh, i was thinking this is somewhat young, too18:15
tomreynok, powerdns 2.9.1 released late 2003, i guess this can be old enough18:18
lotuspsychjehey pragmaticenigma19:16
lotuspsychje!isitoutyet | pragmaticenigma19:20
ubot5pragmaticenigma: Yes, it's out! Party in #ubuntu-release-party :)19:20
pragmaticenigmathat was for april :-(19:20
ubot5Upgrades from 16.04 LTS will not be enabled until a few days after the 18.04.1 release expected in late July.19:20
pragmaticenigmathat's the one that should be changed19:21
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: what would you suggest the factoid says?19:23
Bashing-ompragmaticenigma: Would be nice to have the bot respond with current info : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2018-August/004556.html  .19:23
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: tomreyn told us this morning lts path was live19:24
naccpragmaticenigma: you can suggest it yourself19:24
naccpragmaticenigma: !ltsupgrade is ...19:24
pragmaticenigmaI have no idea what it should say... I'd go with 18.04 LTS Upgrade tool has been released19:25
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: If the LTS path is open , we got to pull the UWN article .19:25
pragmaticenigmawith a link on how to trigger it19:25
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: i would let it stay, its from last night 23h19:31
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: next weeks news also comes?19:31
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: In my mind that the LTS article will have to be pulled befire next Monday's publishing .19:32
lotuspsychjepragmaticenigma: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseNotes19:49
lotuspsychjePress Alt+F2 and type  update-manager -c   into the command box.19:49
lotuspsychjeUpdate Manager should open up and tell you that Ubuntu 18.04 LTS is now available.19:49
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: Yup! dfumagalli: " As of now, the upgrade path is officially available. No need to add "-d" or other tricks any more. I am upgrading to 18.04.01 right now." .19:50
ubot5Glad you made it! :-)19:50
lotuspsychjeBashing-om: discuss the article with the news team right, not my decide :p19:50
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: UWN: All commnents, suggestions, critique  & other stuff ... always welcomed !19:53
lotuspsychjeok mate19:53
lotuspsychjei would wait a week for lts path19:53
lotuspsychjemore users, more help, newer news :p19:54
lotuspsychjethey just started low today19:54
lotuspsychjebit like my systemd bug..19:55
Bashing-omlotuspsychje: We work alla the week long gathering what we can .. come Friday we do the write ups .. Sunday eve make up the wiki .. and Monday eve - hope all is squared away - and we publish what we have .19:56
lotuspsychjenite nite guys20:05
lotuspsychjecu another timezone20:05
nacci'm assuming we should send l1tf discussion to #ubuntu-hardened, right?20:05
pragmaticenigmahere we go again... why do they think it's appropriate for a lyrics bot20:10
nacci've notified ops manually as well20:10
pragmaticenigmais it that hard to make one's own room to play with that stuff?20:11
hggdhnacc: welcome to the whackamole game :-)20:12
nacchggdh: lol20:12
nacchggdh: has this one been going on long?20:13
pragmaticenigmanot very hard to make your own room20:13
hggdha few weeks, mostly off, one week mostly on20:13
pragmaticenigmahggdh: are there honey pot rooms that might help?20:13
hggdhpragmaticenigma: not really. This is the rickrolling person20:14
pragmaticenigmaoh no... now tomreyn has turned into one :-(... sad sad day20:14
hggdhwe do have a few channels wide open, but mostly so we can have a feeling on how things are going20:15
pragmaticenigmathis beeing at the freenode level?20:15
leftyfbnacc: alee is a troll/spammer20:59
leftyfbnacc: it's the "despacito" troll from earlier20:59
naccleftyfb: thanks21:00
naccoh good lord, just kick them hggdh :)21:04
hggdhuntil I am convinced he is the musicguy aka steel aka stove etc, no, cannot21:05
elwould you prefer this nonsense or the lyricsbot. if we kick him he'll bring back the lyricsbot21:05
nacchggdh: i was mostly joking, sorry was in poor taste21:06
elalthough i'm fairly sure what's about to happen is the lyricsbot21:06
hggdhso am I. But... innocent until lyrics, and so on21:08
daftykinswas it a good song at least?21:08
elthe "bot"'s options are despacito, rickroll and something dre. so no.21:09
hggdhdaftykins: not my genres for sure21:09
eli'm also fairly sure the "bot" is just him pasting into a second client that has ratelimiting to prevent getting banned for flooding21:11
leftyfbcurious how far he's going to take this21:14
leftyfbshocker: "<alee> Guys, i dont have any problems, it was a prank"21:16
elshocking he just got k-lined for harassment21:17
hggdhjust when I was going to act...21:19
elhggdh: yep. i was ignoring it until he decided to throw in wasting project time21:20
elhggdh: you can get him next time, i gotta go dentist now21:23

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