
RhondaUnit193: oh, cheers.  I had the impression that you had that already. :)05:51
Unit193Nope, I just either opened bugs or poked core devs.  I'm MOTU/PPU for Irssi as of this afternoon.05:51
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
RhondaUnit193: cheers for that :)07:29
RhondaUnit193, else: irssi upstream added the otr plugin to their source. great stuff :)  though, irssi is in main, while libotr is in universe. question now, how to deal with that? I guess either has to move around, or is it possible to create the otr plugin as separate package and put that in universe while irssi stays in main? I doubt that because it's a build depends issue still, right?16:00
Rhonda... not building it on Ubuntu would be the wrong message, and I assume the external plugin source will become stale16:01
LaneyRhonda: Build-Depends can be in universe16:02
RhondaLaney: so keeping irssi in main and putting irssi-otr in a separate package built from the same source but have that sent to universe works?16:15
LaneyRhonda: Should do, as long as main only Depends/Recommends main16:26
LaneyBut we have proposed-migration keeping us honest anyway so it'll just get stuck :)16:26
Rhondagotcha. sweet, will give it a try then, and keep it separated (at least for Ubuntu, have to look how I can make it that it's a recommends in Debian and only suggests in Ubuntu)16:34
Unit193Rhonda: Something along the lines of https://sources.debian.org/src/deluge/1.3.15-2/debian/rules/#L3 could be used.17:42

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