
tomreynthere's a ot in #ubuntu which i guess doesn't belong there?02:05
Unit193tomreyn: Thanks for noticing.02:10
tomreynthanks for handling it02:11
naccplease kickban musicguy20:09
ubottupragmaticenigma called the ops in #ubuntu (musicguy returned and controlled by paip)20:09
naccusing racial slurs in #ubuntu and running a claimed bot20:10
Unit193nacc: Thanks, gone.20:10
naccUnit193: ty; they keep rejoining, fyi (that is, they've joined and quit a few times now in rapid succession)20:11
Unit193Yeah I would expect this to be a game of whack-a-mole.20:11
naccyep, I'll drop from the chan now that it's on your radar. Thanks Unit193 !20:11
bashfulrobotHello, I was wondering if someone could assist, or point in the right direction to getting spam/offensive images dealt with in the #ubuntu-budgie channel. Some particularly brutal stuff was posted in there.22:31
Unit1933 people aren't logged in, one is fossfreedom.  Heh.22:34
Unit193He should be poked to use SASL.22:34
Unit193bashfulrobot: I've poked someone to look in here/at it/talk with you, need to make supper.22:35
bashfulrobotUnit193: Appreciated. Big time.22:35
Unit193Until then, I'll continue to kill 'em.22:36
bashfulrobotI also passed the message onto fossfreedom22:36
bashfulrobotyeah - really appreciate the help.22:36
bashfulrobotUnit193: ^^22:36
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